Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Season 5 - Breaking Down The Variable 51

Buena Vista Home Entertainment has sent over a new video from LOST: The Complete Fifth Season.

Breaking Down the 100th Episode: LOST's 100th episode, "The Variable", was a major event for the fans, cast and crew. This clip features multiple interviews discussing this milestone, plus behind-the-scenes footage of a production meeting and location set-ups.

Courtesy of Buena Vista Home Entertainment. ©ABC Studios.


MJCarp said...

good morning.

MJCarp said...

and now realizing the time of day . . . I depart. zort70 I've sent you e-mail. All to the east of me, have a nice day.

Zort70 said...

Good night Lotto

Ellen said...

Good morning! (wow, can't believe I'm awake at this hour!)

Zort70 said...

Hi Ellen.

To answer Orchid7 from the last post, I would encourage people to share what they have on the unsolved clues thread, but I don't think things will get going until we have a nudge in the right direction from Tyson.

Martyn said...

Morning all!

Lottery Ticket, great article, loved staring at the hatch again. Really must move it out of the reflection zone so I can actually see the damn thing. Also happy to stare at the swan station as I've finally been able to put a finger on it, hopefully whole hand in 2 weeks depepnding on the crappy royal mail.

I've abstained from watching any extras on my blu-ray until I finish it, which makes no sense as I'll be rolling right in to season 6 when I finish it. Still haven't watched the end of MOTU yet. Guess I'll watch them all tonight.

Unknown said...

hey zort, how come that thread is not as open as these? it takes a day or more for a comment to post.

Lisa-Maladylis said...

I'm here bright and early. I wish they would start with that last clue but then again, it would be over in a blink if they did so I guess it's good to keep up Losties guessing.

Zort70 said...

Rachelskid, I'm not sure I've not seena thread lag like that before.

I'll ask the Blogger people what they think.

ObFuSc8 said...

Looks like i was NEW POSTed, so will paste this in here...

Rachelskid -- thanks -- That's exactly what I have been saying about the Python Cookbook since I asked Clay to get closer pics of it and looked it up at Frame 14.

We still would need to know which page to look on if this is part of a clue. There's the Donald F. Presario from the business card...

Kelly said...

Morning! I am having trouble accessing my wave invite and was wondering if someone had a spare one so I can get on the "wave". Rev was kind enough to send one but I know I had to have screwed it up somehow!

I swear that my patience for a new clue declines every week. I am a little worried about how this will bode for the holidays...hopefully my family does not find me under the tree with all of my unopened gifts before they wake up! :)

Happy hump day!

thorsten said...

After the excellent spanish promo, here is a new one from ABC. No spoilers.


futureself said...

Kelly - what's you're email? I've got a few spare invites :)

futureself said...

Donald F. Presario = or despair of island

Amy Lynn said...

Morning, all.

@thorsten... yeah, that's the one that's been running for a few weeks in the States. Not nearly as cool as the Spanish one ;)

Scott said...

hey I'd love to join in on the wave stuff if there's any spare invites.

futureself said...

The Spanish one was slick ;)

futureself said...

scottbphilp - I've just sent you a wave :)

thorsten said...

Now that Empire is part of Lost canon…

Something, Something, Something Dark Side

Sam G said...

:) e-mail

Spy Hill Skates said...

Would love a Wave invite. Anyone?

spyhillskates (at) gmail (dot) com


kiwilostie said...
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kiwilostie said...
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Martyn said...

Man, was hoping for a good clue to get me through the rest of work. No such luck. Should get one by this evening hopefully like last week. I hope it's a Sunday reveal so I'm not at work and have plenty of time to flex my refresh fingers.

MWolverine said...

I would also appreciate a Wave invite if anyone has one. Thanks! mwolverine76 (at) gmail (dot) com

Amy Lynn said...

Totally random thought... I had to get up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, and realized that Walt's Kidnapping glows in the dark. It scared the crap out of me.

Unknown said...

For anyone that's interested, I got the Polar Bear as well as the Ben Linus poster. I absolutely love both of them, but I was hoping to give them to two friends, and the two favorites from my friends view are The Hatch and The Smokemonster. If anyone who loved the Polar Bear or Ben Linus has either of those two mentioned above and didn't get either of these two, I would love to trade! Just comment me if you're interested and hopefully we can contact each other and work something out... thanks!

feel_the_insanity said...

I love it, who are these mysterious "friends"? I know when I buy a poster, I buy it for myself. I love how people think they can come in here and pawn their posters on us for ridiculous prices (and trades, who the heck would trade Smokey for that Polar Bear crap?)

Oh, and good morning all! Haha.

Lisa-Maladylis said...

well, I sure would trade the smokey for the polar bear but alas, I don't have smokey since I didn't like it so didn't bother to buy it. I would have loved to buy the Polar Bear but our cable went out due to high winds and it came back on about a hour and a half after they were all sold out. Art is in the eye of the beholder. Everyone has there own things that they love or don't love. Doesn't make it crap.

Amy Lynn said...

Hey, question for anyone who is familiar with BDLive... as long as I have a player that is Blu-Ray 2.0 with BDLive, am I good to go for Tuesday? Do I need anything special to make it work? My boyfriend thinks we might need some sort of flash drive?

Zort70 said...

Amy, it depends on your player, if you are using something like a PS3 then it uses the built in storage, some standalone BluRay players require a memory card to store information on.

Amy Lynn said...

@Zort, I'm using a Samsung we bought at Best Buy two weekends ago.

feel_the_insanity said...

@Lisa, you're right. I guess I was just upset because that guy has come in here before trying to do that. I'm pretty sure Zort has said that stuff is a no-go. But, you're right. Though, I'm still not a fan of the Polar Bear.

Capcom said...

G'day Argies.

I agree with Lisa, it's our last week together for all this fun, so let's keep it nice and allow people to like what they like, and trade what they trade, without getting attacked. Regardless of whether a poster seems genuine or not, let's not step into the muck over it again during our last week of the poster hunt together. Sigh.

Good work everyone on cyphers, letters, etc.! I hope that we can come up with something before TPTB have to spell it out for us. :o)

Lisa-Maladylis said...

lol Id be happy to take your off your hands feel_the_insanity if you have one lolol I have this thing about people staring at me- I don't do dolls (hated them even as a little girl) and I don't do posters with people in them. Which is why I only have the Dharma Van poster and the Barracks. I do love the polar bear and I don't mind seeing animal eyes, for some reason they don't bother me at all. :-)

ShoxTP said...

I can't wait for my Season 5 Dharma Kit! Just need to find an awesome blue-ray player, i think it will be my Christmas gift to the fam.

Oh i have 8 Wave invites, not sure if the posters above got one yet, so just let me know. Thank you Lisa!

Zort70 said...

Amy what's the model number, I can find out for you.

Zort70 said...
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Amy Lynn said...

@Zort, I'll have to look tonight. It's whatever they had on sale for $149.99 that comes with Pandora and Netflix.

Zort70 said...

If it is this one - BD-P2550 then you don't have to as it already has built in memory.

Just Thinking said...

Rachels-your find of the Python language is the first thing that really makes me think there really may be a coded clue. A message using that Affine cipher can start with letters changed then to numbers- but maybe it also could start with those numbers at the end of the URL's. It would just skip the first step of translating letters into numbers.

maven said...

Morning...have to run out for a while, but I do have Wave invites. If people still need them when I get back....I'll work on it...still new to Wave and not quite sure how to do invites correctly!

Amy Lynn said...

I think I'm about to give up on Wave. It's completely anti-logical to the way I think, and far too slow and at the same time busy and unorganized for me!

Brendan said...

Amy- I agree.

Does anyone have a copy of the Python Cookbook?

Zort70 said...

We ave had some info on a Paul Scheer interview, so NEW POST.

Brendan said...

Update: The entire Python Cookbook is availalbe on Google Books. Is that old news?

comixguru said...

Morning All!

@Thorsten - loved the Family Guy vid. hilarious! :)

Has anyone received their Ben Linus print yet?

Unknown said...

Feel The Insanity, I have come in here trying to trade my posters again because I didn't find anyone who had the ones my friends were looking for the last time... My friends names are Brouk and Nate... since you asked. And for me at least, when I buy things around Christmas time, they usually aren't for me. I bought these last two posters because I didn't know about the website until somewhat recently and I wanted all I could get my hands on, but my friends like the older ones better. Is there something wrong with that? If the posters I buy are NOT for sale, whats wrong with asking if anyone wants to trade? You really didn't have to be so rude about your comment...

ObFuSc8 said...

Brendan, most of the Python Cookbook is at Google books, I think there are a few parts not available. I looked it up when I posted the ISBN# after the Frame 14 reveal, but think we'd need something else to know where to look. As far as cipher go, whether we were looking at shift cipher, affine cipher, or any other cipher we would need the encryption key. You can sometimes just break it by looking at the most frequently appearing letter/# which should be an E, or combos of letters...

At this point we don't yet know whether whatever they would be looking for is cipher text encrypted from something, or plaintext decrypted from some cipher text.

ObFuSc8 said...

Neither "island of despair" or "despair of Island" are anagrams for Donald F Presario -- there should only be one "s" and one "i".

ObFuSc8 said...

Nate Duval's deal of the day is Silver City.