Tuesday, December 1, 2009

While We Wait 123

The sequence above shows the frames as they were updated on the main DamonCarltonandaPolarBear.com page.

If you need something to read, have a look at the great article that Lottery Ticket created for the sl-Lost blog.

Also one person that went to the 44th Ward Dinner Party wants to try and trade some napkins for other Lost stuff. Email "Caleb_stead (at) yahoo (dot) com" for more details.


Lisa-Maladylis said...

first ? Neat video Zort, I love it ! It also shows me how much I missed some of the posters and how easy it would have been to buy them lol Oh well. For me, it's all about loving the one's I have and I didn't love the one's I missed except the last one and I will get that some how, some time.

Zort70 said...

Thanks Lisa, it was tricky to get a screenshot at each stage and some of the frames went straight to the Sold Out version without going through the picture on it's own version.

thorsten said...

hah, great job Zort.
Like a positive comment on my vid ;))

Martyn said...

Great Vid, quite funny really.

Martyn said...

In hindsight, we should of realised that these posters were going to sell out a lot faster when the 4-toed statue sold out just before rosseaus transmission.

StrobeJams said...

Great stuff! Now I wanna see screenshots of each and every frame with an active BUY NOW button :-)

Zort70 said...

Those screenshots are very rare things indeed.

Amy Lynn said...

Excellent video.

Ellen said...

great job!...:)

Brendan said...

Great vid. This is hands down the most entertaining ARG I've ever heard of. The Lost Experience was so much more complex and convulted, but no where near as entertaining.

ChrisL said...

I wish my iPhone would connect to YouTube!

Sam G said...

:) e-mail

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Awesome vid.
I hope one day these pictures will be inserted into pages of the LOST novel.

Amy Lynn said...

A LOST novel is an interesting idea. I suspect that it's not going to happen unless it's Damon and Carlton writing it, but I'd read it.

Dan said...

I'll bite: what do ppl mean when they post something like ":) e-mail" ? I've seen it a lot on here and was just curious.

Attorney Greg said...

Hope we get that first purchase letter soon!

Amy Lynn said...

Dan, it just means they are subscribing to the thread, and don't want to leave a comment.

MWolverine said...

So what's the thought, are we going to get some sort of clue this week or is it going to be next week with the season 5 release? I don't think I could deal with the anticipation of the latter.

andalone said...

I came across this photo & article this morning and it brought a smile. Maybe Coldilocks would do as a name for the LOST polar bear as well?

Amy Lynn said...

I think we'll see a clue sometime before Thursday, with a reveal Monday or Tuesday.

Just Thinking said...

Wow- no clues but I just spent half an hour catching up on Lotto's great story, Zort's awesome vid and RamHatter's generous contest. What on earth will I do when LU starts with homework?

brightgreenpupil said...

Hopefully we see some sort of clue later tonight!

Unknown said...

For anyone that's interested, I got the Polar Bear as well as the Ben Linus poster. I absolutely love both of them, but I was hoping to give them to two friends, and the two favorites from my friends view are The Hatch and The Smokemonster. If anyone who loved the Polar Bear or Ben Linus has either of those two mentioned above and didn't get either of these two, I would love to trade! Just comment me if you're interested and hopefully we can contact each other and work something out... thanks!

maven said...

Awesome video, Zort. Kinda fun to watch the later posters go from the gallery pic of the guys to poster to sold out one after another!

Off to read LT's article....

Attorney Greg said...

those darn particular "friends"

MilkcanRocks said...

Nice video that brought back some memories - it wild that I just had about 3 or so months condensed into 21 seconds. I remember (vividly) as to debating whether to buy the Numbers/Hurleys Curse, and waking up in the middle of the night to 'pull the trigger', so to speak. Didn't know what I had gotten myself into then.

Good recap as well LotteryTicket, and your article brought up an idea for me. Has anyone thought of interviewing the artists? I don't think they can talk about the current ARG (it sounds like they are in a non-disclosure contract), but I for one would love to read an article about the artists (even if it isn't LOST-based).

If anyone would be interested, I'd be more than happy to volunteer my time to contact and interview the various artists.

Congested said...

Wow, awesome idea for a video.

Congested said...

Now it just needs "Everyday" playing over it.

Congested said...
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maven said...

Great recap, LT! Sums up everything nicely. Can't believe we're coming to the end of this phase in our lives and we need recaps! :(

maven said...
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Lisa-Maladylis said...

Jason, email me will ya ? maladylis at comcast dot net. I'm still looking for the polar bear print. I'd like to round out my collection of three posters. Thanks !

maven said...

New article by Doc Jensen. He talks about the significance of the Feb. 2 premiere date, talks about the S5 Dharma Orientation Kit (which I "won" from TLC and can't wait to devour), and some reader questions.

mtutick said...


I sent you a Wave invite that you requested at the end of a previous post.

comixguru said...

Neato video!

Good morning, All! :)

Amy Lynn said...

maven, interesting article. He does make some mistakes, however, like when he says Jacob didn't touch Sayid or Hurley until after 815. Unless Doc Jensen is psychic, or has seen S6 already, he doesn't actually know that.

Walkindude125 said...

Good observation, Amy, although I think he might just be going by an assumption that if Jacob DID touch them more than once, and the first time WAS before 815, then there'd be a better chance of Sayid or Hurley recognizing Jacob on that second encounter (post-815). Because of that, my money is on the idea that everyone gets "one touch" (as goofy as that may sound in those words), and that Sayid and Hurley's came after they left the Island.

Amy Lynn said...

@Walkindude, could be. Depends on the level of interaction. If I were Jack, I wouldn't remember a nondescript blonde guy handing me a candy bar. But say, if I were Jin, I'd surely remember the blonde American who knew Korean.

HenryGaleWasHere said...

@mtutick- thanks, got the invite, now just playing around with it and figuring it out, thanks again!

Rorschach said...

It still amazes me that the first print didn't sell out for almost 2 months. < 200 prints and millions of LOST fans (though most not following this ARG) little did we know that the last half would be a crap shoot every time you tried. I followed it alone up until frame 8 (when a google search for "Parque Patricios, BA" lead me here), and would never have gotten either the Swan or the Polar bear with out you guys and gals.

Amy Lynn said...

@Rorschach, you were randomly searching for the park? Neat!

Rorschach said...

Not random, it was one of the clues for frame 8 (Hatch) and after the smoke monster sold out fairly fast I realized that I might need some help for the future prints. I was searching for anyone who may know what "Parque Patricios, BA" was and Lostargs was one of the top search results (might have been top result).

kiwilostie said...

Zort, great vid. Sums up the last 15 weeks of my life perfectly!

MJCarp said...

afternoon all, thanks for the kind words re: article. frames 6-10 about to publish.

Zort70, love that vid. For those like me who are 'new' to LostARGs, can you tell me what happens to our comments and stories once the ARG ends. Can they be preserved?

I'm on board with artist interviews. So I'll start WAVE to give us a place to brainstorm. Let me know if you want to be added.

MilkcanRocks said...

LotteryTicket, I would love to be added to WAVE, especially if has anything to do with the artists interviews and their work (both previous and upcoming). Let me know what you need from me, OK?

Justin said...

Hey guys, Since it's slow right now I just wanted to remind everyone that I'm doing a fan ARG after DCAAPB ends. It'll probably start around a week after the last reveal (as long as everything doesn't fall apart between now and then). There will be prizes given away. I have swag from a some of the events plus at LEAST one DCAAPB poster to give away.

I'll post the details here when the time comes.

In the meantime, we're still looking for more artists to contribute. Contact me at chulo333 at gmail dot com if you're interested. Thanks!

@Trial_attorney - can you email me? I had a couple questions.

Justin said...

LT - I'd like to be added to the WAVE too

Spy Hill Skates said...

Can someone send me a wave invite?



MJCarp said...

Water-Cooler Moments 6-10 at sl-LOST

Here's the second of three parts to water-cooler moments. Thank you ReverendMilo for permission to use your beautiful photos and to MEL for permission to quote.

Amy Lynn said...

LT, great job on the articles.

kiwilostie said...

LT, yes great to read. Next one will be posted when?

MJCarp said...

I have no Wave invites at this time, but others have been posting, when you get on Wave, let me know lotto dot ticket dot 108 @gmail.com

You can also e-mail me anytime with information.

amy lynn, tks.

Anonymous said...

I also was at 44th Ward. Great food and a great time. I havent been able to get a single poster! Granted there were a few at the begining that I could have gotten and regretably chose not to. Hopefully I will have luck with the last one. But anywho, I have some extra Marvin Candal Napkins from the last reveal as well. If anyone is interested and would like one let me know:


Trading for something you recieved at another reveal or other LOST items would be ideal, but who knows I might just send you one for free.

Unknown said...

Wish I had bought the Dharma Van while it was still for sale. I didn´t decide to buy it until it was sold out, yeah, silly me :(

Anybody selling it?

HenryGaleWasHere said...

@Justin- if you're looking for some art for your ARG, how about the "Not Penny's Boat" by Thorsten (and Rev)? It was kind of a WCM for LostARGs if anyone was around here then for the reveal :)

MilkcanRocks said...
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MilkcanRocks said...

OK. Signed up for a GMail account just for WAVE - if anyone could be so kind as to send an invite my way, I would appreciate it.


Thanks in advance!

Eugene said...

@milkcanrocks - sent you one.

Unknown said...

how long does it normally take to receive a poster? I ordered the Ben Linus poster and would love to know when I should be expecting it. (I live in NJ if that makes a difference)

Unknown said...

does anybody think that the final poster may be the original that paul sheer gave to darlton at comic-con? just wondering.

MilkcanRocks said...

Eugene ROCKS!

And Jeffrey, I don't know how long it takes around the country, but it would take about 3 business days for me to receive my posters once the status changed to 'shipped', and I live in Northern California.

MilkcanRocks said...

...and Matthew, the Damon/Carlton/Polar Bear print was limited to only 30 printed. So that is out for the final print.

Unknown said...

hmm, I dont think you can check your status anymore though... how long after you made your order did it change to "shipped" status?

Unknown said...

thanks milk. i didnt know that.

Sam G said...

@ MilkcanRocks

Check you credit card statement and see if it's been charged yet? I would say about a week from the day your credit card is charged. They go out Priority Mail.

adam_keller said...

@Jeffrey... I live in Anchorage and it takes between 14 and 17 days after I BOUGHT the poster for it to arrive to me.

Unknown said...


lostsailors said...

Oooh, I like that article LotteryTicket! I can't wait to get to the last frames as I actually have one of those- haha.

smithfieldman said...

Nice article lotteryticket

Ellen B said...

LT, great articles! So, everyone, I'm finally settled in at home in MD after the trip to NC, and now I need a Wave invite. Please send to:

ellen dot blackmun at gmail dot com


Jimmy Goose! said...

Please add me to any wave groups
Ive been keeping up with the site since the beginning but never signed up for an account to post.
Id like to stay connected.

JimmygooseisLOST at googlewave dot com

Kelly said...

LT - awesome job. What a great read! Cannot wait to get on the wave and see what it's all about!

Come on first clue...come on!

MJCarp said...

thanks everyone for kind words re: articles. better get the last one done tonight! If you received Ben or Polar Bear I could use some close ups, to lotto dot ticket dot 108 @gmail.com

there are invitations available for Wave just keep posting that you need one. LOST related Waves await.

Zort70 said...

Thanks for the article LT it is great, but if anyone has closeups / scans of the posters can they send them to the LostARGs admin account as well.

Right I'm off to bed now so look out for a new clue.

MJCarp said...

Zort70, night. I'm not sure if I am prepared for 16th! lol

Unknown said...

Night Zort. LT, I don't want it to end, but I need my clue fix...ugh!

Just Thinking said...

The moon looks like Tom Friendly's eye in the sky tonight. Maybe that is a good clue sign.

Jesse! Rikkitik said...

Hey Ellen! Invite sent

Justin said...

I'd like an invite

chulo333 at gmail dot com

melbrs said...

Justin - sent you a wave invite

Justin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sandman90 said...

I've been vacillating about how to approach this last print. It appears we are waiting. I feel that the clues are possibly embedded in the letters (I didn't at first - LOL). However, it appears we are missing the first order letter for Print #5. Has anyone heard anything about the letter for Print #15. I think that without these, we might be stuck. It's like putting together a jigsaw puzzle to which kids have lost some of the pieces.

kiwilostie said...

I think if the missing letters and typos are what we need, then I would expect all of them to be put up on the HUB as a 'tip-of-the-hat' to us, and to give us #5 etc. Like its been said before, they had no way of garanteeing that any of us would get to see the letters at all, so if they have been planting clues in them from the start, they would have to give them all to us to look at.

Justin said...

Thanks melbrs! so what now? Do you guys have an ongoing "wave" started?

Sandman90 said...

Agreed- I've also made that point before. But perhaps it's supplemental, these letters, and while not essential, may give us a leg-up. I don't know - I guess I don't feel prepared at this point. Off my game for the last few prints.

MK said...


RevMilo has a Lostie Meet & Greet Wave set up. I think he can add you to that wave upon request. Do you have twitter?

MJCarp said...

jumping in here re: clues
there will have to be a 'go' clue to start the 16th. I think we have all we need, just the cypher key. And, I agree that all clues will be 'public' even if initially private. Zort is aware of Print 5 letter and it's location.

I have started artist interview Wave. I have invited those interested. However, my Wave shows no active users. The is a known bug. I pinged justin, milkcanrocks, melbrs25. Let me know if did not get.

Justin said...

@MK I'm jsena333 on twitter. Sent Rev a ping. I'm really confused by this wave thing lol

ObFuSc8 said...

LT -- I emailed you and will post at your wave.

MK said...


So am I lol, i'm pretty computer savvy but i've no idea what to do with wave thing. Pretty embarrassing actually.

I have wave invites if anyone needs one, if I can figure out how to send an invite that is :)

MK said...


I have that wave invite you're talking about, the cypher key for frame 16. What is your wave? I'll tweet you.

Jesse! Rikkitik said...

You're not alone Justin! I really dunno what's going on with it either...trying to figure it out now and just *wooooosh* over my head.

Justin said...

haha, that's a problem for Google...I'm a computer nerd, build my own computers, minored in Computer Programming, Work as a Graphic Designer, etc. I'm VERY computer savvy, yet I don't understand Wave. lol

Granted, I haven't watched any of the instructional videos on there yet, but still...

Rorschach said...

Not completely sure what this wave thing is, but if that is how the 16th frame is being discussed, can I have an invite?


kiwilostie said...

LT, can you ping me please for the interview wave. Thx.

MilkcanRocks said...

LotteryTicket, just got home/settled down from work, and I'm going to install the WAVE right now....try again in about a half-hour to add me to the interview wave.

Jesse! Rikkitik said...

Sent ya a wave invite Rorschach!

Unknown said...

hey all, its rachelskid and i also post here as Inna but i finally figured out how to have one screen name across the board.

anyway, whats the talk about the cypher for the 16th frame? I am still working on anagrams for the missing letters/spaces/typos. LT pointed out earlier this week that i had neglected to add in the letter "t" and the letters from "can." i think there maybe more letters out there. but i can no longer see the DCaaPB site with clear and focused eyes. is anyone up for the task of sweeping the site for any missed clues/typos?

also, if you are discussing the 16th frame clues or lost on wave, can someone send me an invite to rachelskidlost at gmail dot com? thanks!

maven said...

@rachelskid: Invite sent!

Rorschach said...

Well I have the wave installed and no idea how to use it... Maybe I need to look around at it for a bit tomorrow.

MJCarp said...

need your wave name

Rorschach said...

It should be Rorschachsjournal81285
Someone beat me to Rorschach.

Unknown said...

thanks Maven! am i expecting an email to my gmail account. i just googled wave and see a video fo an hour and 20 minutes??!! wha??? no wonder no one is watching the instruction. eeeesh.

maven said...

I think you'll get an email. I'm still learning this thing....not sure how you get into the Lost Wave.

ObFuSc8 said...

Just finished the Frame 14 Swag (Castaway Getaways) giveaway drawing...and the winner was Unlocke (hippycampus).

Unknown said...

If anyone has a spare wave invite, I'd be happy to have one.
princessteacup at gmail dot com

I had a dream about Frame 16. Something about a big party w/Damon and Carlton (no polar bear); had to use a Dharma ID to get in. Bouncers at the door let my friends in, but then Agent Dunham from Fringe threatened to arrest me for using a fake ID. o_O;

Think this game is getting to me.

Unknown said...

@Ann just sent a wave invite to you. watch out for it. I have 7 left if anyone else needs one.

ObFuSc8 said...

Rachelskid -- you beat me to it -- thanks!

Anne, yeah I think I've been having all kinds of LOST/DCaaPB dreams I don't even know about!

dylansdad said...

If I don't understand Twitter, I assume that this whole Wave thing is even further over my head. Or is it farther?

I hope that they do give us something on the official site soon, just to get the ball rolling. It would be fun if they tie the grand finale reveal into the season five video release and maybe the Lost University thingy.

Unknown said...

@Rachelskid - got it, thanks! :D Puts me in mind of my first time with the idea of a "message board" . . .

I always have dreams about shows when they're off the air for a while, I say the ads must have hacked my brain. THAT'D be a viral campaign.

If anyone has any DCaaPB dreams involving URLs - write them down when you wake up! XD

Orchid7 said...

Will people still be discussing the 16th reveal clues here, or on the clues page? Or is the idea to do this on wave. If so could I please get an invite @ templedweller7@gmail.com, ta :)

Mind you it sounds abit trickey so hope we can continue on here as well.

Zort70 said...

Good morning all, a new sneak peek so NEW POST

Unknown said...

@orchid7 sent you a wave invite. look for it. once you get it, i should be able to add you to the lostie wave meet and greet.

Unknown said...

oh, also, as for the misspelled words, etc. i think the first two on Zort's list on the clues page have disappeared off the DCaaPB site. but, i could just be crazy. can someone verify?

i speak of "st aying" and "long a s you're"

maybe i just do not know where they are...

Orchid7 said...

Thanks Rachelskid I'll look out for the invite.

Yes both those mistakes are still there, both are on the top of the hub page.

Unknown said...

ok, well, then the all the letters i have form the website itself, including the extra E in THEEE Mike B, are: E, S, T, A, S, I, N, T, H, O, F, T, C, A, N

and an anagram i find is: "case shift on tan," or "shift case on tan."

i am note sure what this means. i tried the shift cipher on the eric tan print, the famous crash here: http://www.simonsingh.net/The_Black_Chamber/caesar.html

i tried it using, eric tan, icangetyoupeanutbutter, boarding pass and jack shepard, but i got nothing. of course i have no idea what shift case on tan could mean - if anything at all. lol!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

ok, last thing and then i am off to bed and a very full two days of work. ick.

when i did a google search for case shift or case shift ciphers i found this wiki page and if you scroll down there is an example using python, and python i believe is what the book that the the ISBN number from the hawaii reveal led us to...


kiwilostie said...

Nice find rachelskid re the python link. Keep a note of that!

Orchid7 said...

Rachelskid got my invite, cheers.

That's a very interesting find, well done. It's late where I am as well but have tomorrow off so I will look over all this stuff and see what, if anything I can find.

ObFuSc8 said...

Rachelskid -- thanks -- That's exactly what I have been saying about the Python Cookbook since I asked Clay to get closer pics of it and looked it up at Frame 14.

We still would need to know which page to look on if this is part of a clue. There's the Donald F. Presario from the business card...

Anonymous said...

Possible anagrams for Donald F Presario I found interesting:

"A Drop of Islander"

and weirder yet...

"A Ford Prison Deal".

Totally unhelpful because what would it point to??