Friday, January 29, 2010

Competition 10 Winner 72

Yes we realise that the winners competition 9 has not been announced yet, Save The Children and PayPal are swamped with people trying to do good things and they are a little behind in processing requests. If we can ask you to hold on just a little longer we would appreciate your patience.

However we do have a winner for prize 10, the Tawaret statue model from Gallery 1988, congratulations go to Eugene

Now to the solution to the riddle which 117 of you out of the 128 that entered got correct. As we might expect with the exceptional bunch of people that LOST fans are quite a few of you gave your own hints to the clues in the comments to help your fellow fan.

This first hint was to try and steer you in the direction of a web address.

(Thanks to Thorsten for producing the clue image, without asking why it was needed)
The second clue was almost an attempt at misdirection, of course this is the Pilot of flight 815 and it was an attempt to get you to think of the Pilot episode of LOST.

However this picture is not from the first episode and so it gave a few people that emailed second thoughts about it's meaning.
This clue was just another pointer towards the web address for answer 2, assuming you had realised what the two clues below were all about.
The fourth image was of the Cyndi Lauper album "Bring Ya To The Brink"

This was to give you the name Cindy.
Which leaves the key to it all, the anagram. When unscrambled the phrase is "Her First Words"

If you put that together with the other hints it takes you to Cindy Chandler who's first words in the pilot episode were "So how's the drink"

All of the above when put together should have lead you to the web address

The web address was the answer to question 2.
The second part of the puzzle displayed at the web address should have led you, with a bit of searching around LOSTARGs, to the start of the poster reveals and the post entitled "Art is a lie that makes us realize truth (Pablo Picasso)"

This is the answer to the first question.


ChrisL said...

Way to go Eugene!!! Congratulations.

andalone said...

Congratulations to Eugene! Well done!

andalone said...

I kinda figured my chances were slim, so I caved and bought one of the replicas on ebay....pricey, but worth it to me.

ChrisL said...

Lotto, Martyn, MEL etc lunching at Dukes


futureself said...

Congrats Eugene!

Glad to see Losties uniting again ;)

andalone said...

@ChrisL - Has AliceL's pkg been delivered yet?

futureself said...

OMG...LT's pic of the french toast...heart attack on a plate :-O Seriously insane!!

futureself said...

I would so totally eat it though ;)

kiwilostie said...

Congrats Eugene. Best prize of the lot imo.

Amy Lynn said...

WTG Eugene. I didn't play, but briefly glanced at the clues, and was thrown off by the fact that Cyndi Lauper is not spelled Cindy!

ChrisL said...

andalone, we would definitely have emailed you if so! Still awaiting...

ReverendMilo said...

I think Eugene must be a typo for ReverendMilo, but I will respect the decision.

Grrrrrr, Congrats.

Amy Lynn said...

Amusing. The KING of Spoilers, Doc Jensen, says you shouldn't watch the YouTube clip.

Zort70 said...

There is something up with this post which I can't get right, bear with me a few mins.

andalone said...

lol Rev!

ChrisL - I wasn't smart enough to email tracking info to myself...

ChrisL said...

andalone, the tracking doesn't seem to be working for me. I'll email you.

Just Thinking said...

Congrats Eugene- a fun contest. I thought it was fitting that it included a URL reveal and went back to the first poster. Enjoyed the group effort to help each other solve it too.

I love that picture at the restaurant- those are happy folks!

Tess315 said...

Wow I go out for a couple of hours and it gets crazy.
Anne I hope you're ok. Always get checked out after an accident even a fender bender. After the shock wears off you usually have stiffness or pain.

Congrats Eugene!!

Now to go catch up on the many tweets/pics I've missed.

Just Thinking said...

There you go Zort- fixed.

Zort70 said...

Yes, I think I've got it now, some odd formatting by Blogger

kiwilostie said...

Zort - YEs, I think Bloggers formatting skills left for HI too!

Zort70 said...

Right, off to bed, got a meeting with a landscape gardner tomorrow morning and he has threatened to arrive very early.

andalone said...

Anne - I just caught up with all the posts, so sorry about accident. I hope you are not too rattled and bruised. Take care of yourself.

adam_keller said...

Congrats Eugene, that was a fun puzzle!

RobPerrin said...

Congratulations Eugene! And kudos to the other 116 entrants who arrived at the right answer!

Just Thinking said...

Does anyone have a link to Lotto's Twitter list? When I tried it before I got the the page, but couldn't follow a list.

Tess315 said...


Tess315 said...

I guess that will just take you to the sign in page.
If you got to Lotto's twitter page it'sin her lists on the right side.

Just Thinking said...

Thanks SG.

Tess315 said...

You're welcome.

Anonymous said...

Gongrats Eugene.

I did end up solving this one, but it was so hard because I found links between...

the cyndi Lauper track listings and Lost characters....

The link between Seth Norris, and Cyndi's producers...

The link between Seth Norris and sonic screwdrivers (vodka and orange)...

and the fact that the anagram gave "redcoats"...

Sam G said...,Jimmy-Kimmel-Live,1.html

Damon and Carlton are going to be on Jimmy Kimmel Feb 2. Looks like you can still get tickets if you're here.

Amy Lynn said...

Somebody just tweeted Darlton is working by the pool :) Sounds fun.

futureself said...

ioioos - Thank you! I'm pretty thrilled to discover vodka and orange is called a sonic screwdriver ;)

ObFuSc8 said...

After a slightly delayed flight, I'm in Honolulu on my way to the hotel. Yay! It was barely 10 degree when I left Chicago this morning and is 80+ here! The first thing the ground crew said was, "it can get windy but you won't need all that" :)

Wow -- I would not have been able to contain myself if I was on Nerderiffic/Team Jack's flight!

Anne -- I hope you're OK.

Unknown said...

Back from ER, hadn't had anything to eat so just had a PB&J (Dharma Approved™!) Checked out okay for anything serious (x-ray for cracked ribs negative), but was given painkillers in case I have trouble sleeping. Diagnosis: "deep contusion" in my side, probably a bit of whiplash and tweaked wrist/elbow/knee from bracing for impact. (But I didn't spill my Dew!)

Still definitely having "pain in all the diodes down my right side" :P

Thanks for the well wishes! Would rather I was poolside in HI, but settling for blanket+LOST rewatch :)

Kelly said...

Congrats Eugene ! Enjoy.

Anne - feel better!!!!!!

Just Thinking said...

Ahh, but ioi, I told you a drink is just a drink and not a screwdriver:)

You were very inventive and thorough!

Anne- glad you are home. I am rewatching too-just finished "The Life & Death...- oh I'm behind! It was fun this time to think of Locke as MIB. When he ate the mango Ilana gave him, it was as though he had not tasted food in a very long time- wonder what that means?!

kiwilostie said...

JT - I just commented on the mango scene the other day, elsewhere! There is such a definite pause before he bites in - I thought exactly the same as you!

Just Thinking said...

Yes Kiwi- like maybe he was a disembodied entity until he inhabited Locke. Mmm- just thought of the "Do you want some fish- I just ate" exchange between Jacob & MIB. So it seems like he could eat back then- though we didn't actually see him do so!

I just bought Olly's Sonic Youth poster from Posters and Toys. Noticed the other day it has a corner full of books with titles like "Jacob's Room, Carrie, Underworld, Our Mutual Friend- definitely a Lost shelf there. Omg posters has a close up of them.

Sam G said...

Joopinionated is tweeting from the cocktail party they are having for the press.

kiwilostie said...

JT - yes, but that beach scene was late 1800's, so who knows (yet) what happened to MIB after that, or how long since he ate food etc!. Cant wait for some answers...

Just Thinking said...

You could get hungry in 100+ years!

Looks like a great time in HI-lots of the cast at the press party.

And pig roast at Lotto's -what else would it be but "boar"?

kiwilostie said...

Man, jopinionated has got some great contacts by the look of the pics on Twitter!

The Kharma Initiative said...

MEL, if you're reading, you picked a perfect Hawaii shirt.

Maybe Jacob was being snarky when he offered fish to MIB on the beach, knowing that MIB couldn't eat then - just like he can't as Smokey or Christian or ??? But as Locke, he finally can - part of the 'loophole'. Jacob does seem kind of arrogant and passive-aggressive in that scene on the beach.

My original trains of thought for competition 10 were so far off the mark. The pilot was played by Greg Grunberg, who is on Heroes, playing a policeman, who can read thoughts and control minds...but where does that get me? :)

Cyndi Lauper has a song on that CD called Rocking Chair, as in Christian in Jacob's Cabin...but where does that get me.

Finally when the fourth anagram site I used gave me WORD HERS FIRST, it all 'clicked'.

Zort, you're a wiley one.

Cosmically Yours

chaseter said...

:( The statue once again fell from my grasp. Oh well.

Congrats Eugene!


Avondale Blog said...

Congratulations Eugenie! I have enjoyed all the puzzles - from the DCaaPB and here. To me a large part of the enjoyment was the community efforts. I like working in a group better than working alone.

I have recently joined Twitter and am becoming less of a techno dinosaur. I'm following Damon, Carlton and Jeff Jensen - at least through LOST's season 6.

I'm so excited that LOST returns on Tuesday!!

Drama said...

OK, so after tuesday, I won't be on here until the weekends. I can't cope with mass spoilers, and it's unfair for folks to have to NOT talk about it for the British contingent. So yeah... self imposed exile!

ChrisL said...

That's a shame Ben.

Good morning.

John LaHair said...

Morning All -

Eugene - Congrats & well done! That is one sweet prize! I thoroughly enjoyed this last puzzle & was stumped until I got the correct anagram. Nice job Zort tying the beginning of the show to the beginning of the poster hunt. It all comes full circle.

Anne - Glad things worked out for you. Always best to err on the side of caution in situations like these.

Ben - we'll miss you.... but the time will hopefully fly rather quickly. Was naughty and spoiled myself by catching the 1st 5 minutes of the premiere on YouTube. Some of the bottles are up on eBay already.

Working on something that I should be able to share in a few weeks with you all. Art related... I'll drop a few hints here and there just to keep the suspense going (although we'll all be focused on the show). ;)

Long post as I'm heading to the NH mountains for a weekend of fun in the snow and to see if I can track down a polar bear or two. Hopefully I'll get some kind of reception to be able to check in.

Have a good one all!!!

Weinbeeezy said...

just ordered my tickets for Jimmy Kimmel :] thanks for the heads up!

ChrisL said...

Have fun JPL! Anne, hope you're feeling OK today.

For anyone interested that wasn't following Twitter last night... our friends had a great time by the look of it at Jopinionated's LOST gathering. Jeff Fahey showed up which is pretty cool.

Nerderific's Pics

Lotto's pics

Comixguru's Pics

Jopinionated's Pics

MJCarp said...

Good morning, good afternoon, and good night!

Congrats Eugene and everyone that solved Zort70's very crafty Prize 10 Trivia Competition.

Anne, will contact you direct. I just found out and am now reading about your accident. I am glad that you are safe but very sorry to hear of your injuries.

Today was remarkable in so many ways. It was just an incredible experience from sunrise to sunset. I'm writing this at 11:35 HST having given in to exhaustion and want of sleep. We have met so many LOST fans on the beach, in restaurants, while waiting for street light to change, in elevators, writers, podcasters, bloggers, photographers, New Zealanders, Norwegians, a gal from Turkey, the lovely guys and gals from France, and Steve, a Lostargs Trivia winner and Super7 reveal attendee.

Tomorrow promises to be today x 10! So please bear with us and our crazy Twitter posts and pics. I'll LIVE stream one hour before show time or whenever things start to happen. We are learning the meaning of 'island time' and events have a way of happening at their own pace.

Thinking about you all every minute and wish the impossible - for all to be here. Aloha. LT

futureself said...

Jeff Fahey is a dude!

Very cool :)

Lisa-Maladylis said...

morning all, I got to sleep in yeah me ! Haven't been feeling well at all this week almost like I can't stay awake and kinda that truck run over feeling. Yuck ! anyway, congrats Eugene !! I'm envious !

Lisa-Maladylis said...

JLP have fun in the NH mountains this weekend though I can't think of why anyone in their right mind would want to go there when it's in the minus digits this weekend lol I for one will be staying inside. we woke up this morning to it being .3 with a minus wind chill.

Sam G said...

Chris L thanks for the links to the pics. You can feel the excitement mounting. :) It's going to be a good day for eveyone in HI.

Drama said...

I have spent the last two hours researching holidays in Hawaii. I've got the price down to something near appropriate, too. I MIGHT BE GOING! in April.

ChrisL said...

Sam G, there appear to be many more Losties arriving in HI by the minute. It's going to be a spectacular day for everyone there.

Ben, nice one. Hope that pans out.

IWish said...

more Losties = more island energy. Are ya' feelin' it? I know I am. ;)

ReverendMilo said...

I hope Eugene doesn't forget the unstated rule that "you half to post to the comment thread where everyone is congratulating you within 24 hours or Zort has to redraw the contest".

good morning all!

IWish said...

I'm beginning to think you just make these rules up as you go along, Rev. :) ;)

Yeah, I look forward to hearing from the winners. Can only imagine how they feel when they see their name up there.

ReverendMilo said...

I did leave out of the unstated rules that Reverendmilo wins redraws by default.

It is a shame that these rules are just coming to light. If these rules were mainstream knowledge, my 36 year streak of losing contests might have ended a ways back, but sadly even the contest runners forget these rules.

One day the rules will be observed though, I just know it.

thorsten said...

Yes! Congrats to Eugene for this amazing price. And thanks to Zort for coming up with the riddle leading to it.

ReverendMilo said...

I guess I am overstating my streak mildly, I did share one win (I was credited with the win, but it was really my toddler that won) for the "Brian Baumgartner (Kevin from The Office)- What are you doing right now photo contest"

but even in that first ever "win" of a contest, the prize ended up going to the person doing the activity and not the person that took the pic!

andalone said...

I can't help but feel that we have all been winners here. This has been an amazing journey and it has been so much more fun sharing the moments with everyone at LostArgs.

Zort70 said...

Afternoon all, I've just created a NEW POST with some interesting information.

ReverendMilo said...

While I am rambling I never got to publically congratulate Thorsten for his third place win of a gizmodo photo contest!

congratulations Thorsten!!!

Eugene said...

Are you kidding??? I have been away and I just got a chance to see how much I missed and saw that. I haven't won anything in my entire life. Really? I am nearly speechless.

Sam G said...

Yay! Eugene.

beesknees7 said...

congrats, eugene!!!

Sam G said...

@ Patmac

I don't know if the change in the dialogue at the marina was discussed here. There was huge discussion @ the fuselage about it - the usual "it's and error", that I've been fighting since season two. There were too many "errors" that just wouldn't have slipped by. I'm not saying the production is perfect but TPTB have been pretty open when they make a mistake.