Thanks to all the Lost fans who've been patient and checking in for updates on the poster. I've been trying to get it out asap, but hardcore deadlines at work and the fact that they're sending me to Hong Kong for several days next week will delay it just a wee bit longer. I'd like to be in the states for the sale just to make sure nothing goes wrong and you get the goods on time. I've definitely read all of the recommendations and I'll announce a set date but make it a random time. That seems to be the popular choice. Just make sure your Paypal mailing addresses are up to date. I'll post the site when I return the 1st week of February along with further instructions. Again, thank you to everyone who's checked in and supported the project. And I apologize for not getting the poster out sooner. Your loyalty to the show and enthusiasm for the posters have made me really wish it was an open run that everyone could get their hands on. Here's to hoping another Lost poster series happens.
(Thanks to all that told us in the comments and via email about this)
cant wait!
thumbs up!
The last line of Eric's update makes me think there have been discussions of a 2nd series...maybe? Maybe?
Hey, we can dream, can't we?
Will you be my Crashbuddy, Amy?
@thorsten, yes, of course. And then if we only get one, we'll rip it in half.
Just wnted to know if donations for the contest are good through tonight still?
I'll have the upper half.
There, said it first!
Good, I wouldn't want the half with cartoon Kate anyhow. HAAAAAAAAa.
drsluggo - Yes the closing date is midnight on the 22nd, no matter where you are in the world.
I would also love a Crash buddy if anyone can do it. If interested, email me at ajlim2005@hotmail.com
Thanks Zort --
Will be getting my donation done when I get home from work. PayPal is blocked here... they know how we roll I guess :)
:) Morning all
morning, Sam!
I will be going after the Crash, and would also love help.
A brief throwback to the Tom Waits discussion - I'm 30, but got into him when I was 17. And I love all eras of Waits, as he's always been an interesting storyteller, and more than anything, I love a good story. I am a MASSIVE geek for him (can you tell?) and have way too much Waits crap.
Hope the random time is beneficial for all fans not just a US time that equates to like 3am on a weeknight!
Would be very grateful if anyone who already has it could act as a buddy for me... Doubtful I know but hopeful!
Thanks for all the Waits referrals guys- I will listen up for sure when I can away from work.
A random time that is beneficial to all fans is practically impossible. Damn those timezones!
I'm rubbish at stuff like that. EVERYONE will try for this, only a few will flip, and for megabucks. And I ain't paying megabucks.
Argh!!! The WK off of eBay is AWAITING CUSTOMS CHARGING. Ugh, not happy.
postercauses print - not here yet
Tan Warriors print - not here yet
Epic four pack from posterandtoys.net - not here yet
Walt's Kidnapping - NOT HERE YET.
At least you know where one of yours is...
Glad he decided to go with a random time. It frustrates me to no end when a site's server crashes because everyone's waiting at :59 with F5.
Anyway, enough soap box, more offers!
WALT'S KIDNAPPING, up now, reasonable price. COME BID! Auction ends Sunday night, 9 PM EST.
DM, please stop advertising the same poster.
@ DM--
Yes, we get it.. you've got posters on eBay. We already knew it...
So, wait. amy lynn (as per an earlier comment) either wants me to advert on JUST THIS SITE or NOT AT ALL. Get a grip!
I advert a few times over the course of 100s (HUNDREDS) of comments, and you get your tighty whities in a wrinkle? Really?
If you don't want to read my comments, skip over them. I am not saying anything malicious, and there might be LOSTies out there who don't sift through the 100s of comments every day, all day.
Again, get over it. Your precious computer screen real estate will not be seriously or permanently damaged by my feeble attempts to sell a print to a targeted audience.
Not satisfied with import charges and clearance charges... they crushed the tube and creased The Statue :-(
I have just deleted about three versions of slightly grumpy posts about something. LALALALA I'M HAPPY.
@anne, here's what it says on the facebook LOST Weekend - The Finale page:
LOST Weekend 2010: The Finale
Type: Party - Club Party
Network: Global
Start Time: Friday, May 14, 2010 at 7:00pm
End Time: Sunday, May 16, 2010 at 12:00pm
Location: Hollywood Renaissance Hotel
LOST Weekend - The Finale
May 14-16, Hollywood Renaissance Hotel, Hollywood CA
Lost Weekend is a gathering of fans of the TV show LOST, mostly from the website The Fuselage, but other sites as well. It consists of a Friday night fan party, a Saturday night charity event that members of the show are invited to, and a Sunday brunch (optional). There are also numerous unoffical events, some planned and some impulsive. For more information, go to the website.
Registration opens Jan. 26th. The cost of the Friday and Saturday parties is $130. The Sunday brunch is an additional $30.
The Friday party, 7:00-10:30pm, is a chance to socialize with other Lost fans. There will be snacks, Lost related games, a Chinese auction (apologies if the term is offensive, but I don't know what else to call it) benefitting the Children's Defense Fund, music and a cash bar.
The Saturday party, 6:00-11:30pm, centers on the Charity Auction, approximately half of which will be a Silent Auction and half Chinese auction. There will be food (of the party variety), a DJ playing mostly Lost-related music, a cash bar, and guests from the show Lost. We don't know who and can't promise that particular people will be there. The photos will show you who came in the past - but with Hollywood schedules, can't predict the future. I can say that those attending previous parties have expressed interest in returning - depending on their schedule.
The Sunday brunch is a chance to unwind from Saturday's party, make plans, or say goodbyes. A number of Lost-related decorations from the party will be given away as prizes.
A block of rooms has been reserved at the Hollywood Renaissance - details are on the website. There are other places to stay if you prefer or if the room block fills up, but it is a very handy place to stay.
There will be numerous unofficial activites throughout the weekend as well. Visit the Threaded Board at The Fuselage to see what some folks are planning.
Looks like Sterling Beaumon (young Ben), Young Annie, Gregg Nations, Javi, Noreen O'Toole, Bernard, and Shannon have shown up in previous years, judging from the photos.
Did you see Tom Waits in Francis Ford Coppola's Bram Stoker's Dracula?
Cosmically Yours
@ChrisL - you can make a claim to the value of the goods then. Either on the insurance (that's what it's for) or from the Post Office (for being knobs). Email Jason Munn a pic of it -he might have a spare knocking around.
@KharmaInitiative - as Renford - a small but ace cameo. He was sadly not very good in Dr. Parnassus. I blame Gilliam for making him mumble.
Cheers Ben. Just getting over the shock.
@chrisL: NOOOOooooooo! Do what Ben says!
Hi Ellen!
They did what??? Crushed and ceased it? Why? Is it because it's the wrong foot?
Seriously though, for the price they charge for clearance fee, i expect them to have a personal member of staff looking after my item, making sure it is safe. Surely there must be a petition out there against this stupid fee?
@DM, chill. out. I'm not the only person who has politely asked you to stop advertising.
About LOST Weekend - sorry maybe I should have posted the whole thing here.
That's just who showed up last year, Andrea Gabriel was there, the actor who plays Yemi. I think they've bee having the LOST Weekend since 2005 but it was called Destination LA. Other actors and producers have shown up over the years, from what I've been told.
Good news! I didn't lend my gf REd Dwarf V, so going to start packaging it up now.
Any postal laws I should avoid so you don't end up in the same situation as us Brits are at the moment?
Anybody know when the finale is airing (US)? Posting of Lost Weekend reminded me and I could be in big trouble. My husband is talking about going away for a week around his birthday in May!
OK, caught up with comments.
Thanks for sympathy/advice. For me, it's not a disaster as I have The Statue already but this one was intended for another Lostie so it's harsh and it pains me to see it. Also, it's my first crushed tube. I guess those experienced print buyers have seen it several times.
@ Ellen - Hi!
@Thosrten/Amy. One of you can do a deal with Milo and take the half of his crash without the Iron burn. Voila! Full crash.
@ DM, of course you are free and welcome to mention your ebay sales, We all may well be interested. But if you could do it without the "Roll Up Roll Up, Get your LOST poster here, Special Price for you, Very good deal.." kind of hawking style it might not be quite so grating. Even better, just let us know you have a print to pass on at cost... now THAT would be cool.
@ Martyn. I'm with you on the DLd's. I'm not waiting a minute longer than I have to. Can't do it.
Wait, if you are ripping The Crash in parts can I call dibs on Jack?
@TKI: thanks for reposting the info! <3 Hmmmm I might be able to make this! It's not Hawaii, but still sounds like fun!
@ChrisL: bah that sucks. FedEx just recently delivered me a poster I won (Avatar) with a huge dent in the tube that iced the poster too. Not even a fraction of your pain! Sure it will get sorted somehow.
Have only seen parts of Bram Stoker Dracula - been meaning to see the whole thing. Waits is inconsistent in Parnassus but I don't blame it on him - the film had issues which I was very sad to see not fully resolved, since there was awesomeness waiting to break through there. I remain very biased towards Gilliam, he's got a truly unique vision which is rare these days and is a great guy to boot (from personal experience).
I'll have the cartoon Kate. I don't mind.
LOST Weekend sounds like fun, but LA in May sounds NOT fun.
Anne, I listened to an excellent interview with Gilliam yesterday on a podcast, you should check it out: Creative Screenwriting magazine podcast, it's on iTunes.
Not to pour salt in the wounds but have to got a photo of the poster to show how damaged it is?
Martyn, I will photo it when I decide how to play it. I'm going to take it to Framer Bob in the morning and ensure there is no rescue possible. He will know. Will update tomorrow.
I spoke to Customs today re prints being shipped back out to US (prompted by your post Martyn, thanks). If you send proof of re-export to the depot marked on the tube you can claim back VAT AND clearance charges. Apparently they have 2 full time customs officers at the Parcelforce depots just waiting for poster tubes to roll on through.
Wow, really? So I could post my posters back to the hotel i'm saying in Hawaii and claim back the money?
Or not.
Thanks for the info ChrisL, that makes being a poster buddy a hell of a lot easier!
sweet baby Jesus asleep in a manger,
when oh when will they re-release the poster by Danger?
Almost everything looks better in italics…
Welcome back Flotto!
"almost everything" is right TW.
Was just looking at Twitter, is Lottery Ticket coming to Hawaii?
Chris, it not a crease, the statue leg is supposed to have that line across it....;)
Shall I converse with myself?
Martyn, would that be ok with you?
@Lottery Ticket, that'd be more than fine with me. I'm excited at meeting all these lostARG legends! Can't wait to meet you!
Ref The Crash...
I'd like to buddy up with someone who already has it and would want to swap for Locke's secret if they manange to bag another copy.
ioioos.. OK, I feel a little better :-)
LT - didn't realise you were going!
Martyn, hug for LT please from me.
Do it LT. I did it regularly back when. Only I didn't have an actual 'nother self. It was just me and the voices.
As I'm sure everyone else has said but I would like to say it as well because my Mama says I say this a lot "No fair" to all those attending Hawaii event. Actually very cool. But really 'no fair.' But if any of you spot Foxy grab him and I'll reimburse you for at cost plus obviously shipping.
I would so be in to that. I have the Crash already but for if I could get a LS, I mean if that's fair, yeah I would totally.
This place is so addicting. I have stayed away because work has been so busy and today is really bad, but I make one post and I can't stop. Apologies.
Must be the Toe Juice, MSC!
I knew I shouldn't have opened the bottle and poured.
I'm trying for the Crash for the sake of trying, so it's one less in the flippers hands and to prove to myself that I can sell the crash for cost. So if I get one, would much prefer Locke's Secret to the Crash.
But anyway, that's sometime away now and it's going to be a very tough lottery so we shall see!
Cool. I hate the idea of parting with Lockes Secret, but if I had to choose, then I prefer The Crash. So if you bag a second copy we can help each other out with what seems like the fairest swap out of the whole set.
Lets hope loads of us here bag "The crash" it will pump loads of cool trades so people will end up with their prefered art before the season premiere!
MeSoCrazy. Good to see you back. We miss you, you know we do.
The more of us that get it the better.
I just put a polite message over with Tan to ask he to think of the Europeans when he chooses what time to put it up.
Ah, that's what happens when you take too long to type a message. Well, still going to try for The Crash for people, no matter what. My poster collection is complete and i'm happy with the canvas replica I made (hopefully to be signed by Terry O'Quinn) so actually getting Locke's Secret, i'd probably love the canvas more.
MSO, the voice seems to have gone and thus no conversation with self seems possible. Please advise. Very rude if you ask me or myself, in this case.
Martyn. A very good friend of ours is keen to get The Crash. We must try hard ;-)
Oh yes, of course!
Putting a cheeseburger in the corner of my room now, ready to eat the day before the crash goes up.
Sick day me thinks!
Actually, i'll just fake it. That's too extreme and gross.
I call dibs on Martyn for my poster buddy for Crash! :-)
I'm still only missing two, to complete my collection. I missed out on LOST last week... but I do have the Litho print of that from the Gallery event. I'd still love to get it, but suppose I can live with just the litho. So that leaves only the Crash to complete my set... even if it means having to put an asterisk on calling my collection "complete".
I'm going to be haranguing every friend and relative I have who has a PayPal account, to help me out that day! hahaha
ok, finally here. Had to come home after the meeting and read 70 posts to catch up ! Don't you all know if I'm going out, your not allowed to chat ? Thanks Martyn, I'll be forever in your debt for the Red Dwarf ! I think I hit my low time of year and can't get out of the funk. The Red will help for sure !! And the Lost Premiere of course :-)
Oh... almost forgot! @Martyn - Where did you get that FANTASTIC "Joker" print? I would love to get one if they are still available somewhere!
Thank god the rain has finally tapered off. I'm hoping that my Ben poster will be arriving any time now, and have had nightmares of it sitting in a puddle when I get home... (shudder)
oi! I called dibs on ANYONE here being a poster buddy for me. Ah, the hell with it. I realise there are loads of us that love the crash. If I had a gun to my head, I'd say Jacob's Cabin has the edge, but barely. Here's hoping I either fluke it, or someone wants to trade for a different Danger...
I'm a huge fan of Red Dwarf too! I watched it whenever it was on PBS (which every American knows, actually stands for Primarily British Shows...), back when I was in high school. They had a whole bunch of British comedies on back then. Some of my favorites:
Fawlty Towers
Monty Python
Red Dwarf
The Kenny Everett Video Show
Benny Hill
And don't be asking when I was in high school. It just tends to depress me these days... ;-)
Guys, guys, i'm not a piece of meat! lol
I do think I agreed to be Patmc's poster buddy a while ago I think, so my loyalty lies there or ChrisL's great cause.
But still, we're talking the crash here, it'll probably say sold out by the time it goes on sale!
It is an awesome print, isn't it? It's called I Kill The Bus Driver, which is a perfect title! I can't remember how I came about finding it originally but so glad I did. It went on sale in May, so way before I was in to all of this, and it went for $25.
Needless to say, I didn't pay that much for it. I got it off of a guy on EB, and well and truly worth it. Currently flattening it in an empty frame for a while and then going to get some black card to put behind it. Any recommendations for a non-permanent, non-destructive adhesive?
Red Dwarf all packaged up nice and safe to be sent off tomorrow. I'm glad I can make your day with it, but hey, you sent me fake snow! How could I not help out?
"Kill the Bus Driver" kind of reminds me of "It".
I am currently crushing on that Joker poster.
LT how very rude of you to just stop once you start. Do you not get along with yourself? I mean I don't get along with myself, for instance today I had a huge fight with me about how little I, or me, the specifics are always difficult as I'm slow and lost in my head, but one of us is not working anyway what was your question?
ChrisL I just went and hugged my vintage mac. Which I have in my office and it looks just like your pic. Well truthfully I didn't, but if I wanted to, I could. But I'd have to get up on a file cabinet. Which I've already established I'm lazy. But I will look at it when I go back there to print something.
So Lost is premiering soon guys. Just as a heads up.
MSC, Thorsten can tell you about my vintage Mac collection. I don't hug. I do admire.
ahh yeah I forgot about the snow. That was before you had gotten any and you said you were wanting some so what else could I do but send you some ! Thanks Martyn, your a gem.
It's my pleasure Lisa!
Good night all, I've loved seeing all the art prints people are buying or have bought.
Competition 10 will be set up over the weekend at some point, hopefully it will keep some of you guessing for a couple of days.
It's good night from me too. Oh boy Zort, do you have another one of 'those' in store for us? Can't wait!
Kenny Everitt ruled! Period.
My old mans favs were Benny Hill n Norman Gunstan.
And i'm going to bed too. Goodnight folks!
good night all, I'm off to bed too. It's been a long day and I need my beauty sleep roflmao
Anybody here buy Locke's Secret from Moss' allotment? I am anxiously awaiting mine and am curious if anyone's actually received theirs yet.
Good night to my friends 8 or 9 time zones ahead of me... :-)
OK... I've got another T-Shirt for all of us to buy...
(roll over the Design Preview under the picture for a better look)
Awesome! I've already got mine ordered. Now I'll have something new to wear for the S6 premiere! Thankfully, there is not the TeeFury "gotta-get-it-today-or-it's-gone-forever" thing happening.
Enjoy! :-)
Hope for Haiti on TV everywhere-here's wishing for another upsurge of aid. Have really been impressed on how we have seen people there have not totally gone into a "state of nature" as our LU courses taught- but instead seem to be trying to help each other.
Sadly I have NONE of the Lost posters. :-/ Crash is my absolute favorite and I am crossing my fingers, holding my breath, and praying that I get to buy one. But I have a bad feeling he's gonna release when I'm still out of town.
Either way, if ANYONE on here gets a spare copy and wants to take pity on a person who 1) doesn't have a poster from the series yet and 2) wants Crash most of all, then please pick me.
In return, I can offer you the following; my "constant" undying love and devotion, a miniature plastic toy plane, a travel sewing kit, a letter vowing revenge, two photographs of a lovely woman from the Middle East, an awesome chocolate candy bar, a comic book in Spanish, a CD from a one hit wonder band, a lottery ticket, a copy of Our Mutual Friend and possibly... a kidney and/or my firstborn.
@ChrisL I will pull that up, thanks!
@Team Jack: lol.
Guess I will be trying for the Crash; I'd have fancied it, but am guessing artist release will be more than I can afford. So if I do succeed it will likely be going to community member. I'm not buddying up yet, I've had no luck so far so I'd rather not make promises :X
Maybe I've just been saving my luck for DD since that's the one I most want myself. YEAH that's it.
Team Jack: edit, I am laughing at your wording, not your pain XD;
@Patmc - Thanks for heads up on Tshirt!
lol thanks Anne... hey if it helps, I'll try for DD for you as well since I'm only interested in Crash. Also, please let me know if you come out for the LA Lost thing. THANK YOU for posting it. I will definitely go since it's local and I'd love to see you again and chat if you do indeed attend. :D Also, sign me up for your adorable bears. Am keeping my fingers crossed that you get that really going. They are so awesome and hopefully you can get some $ for all your hard work!!
P.S. To anyone interested in my deal, I will in fact, put together that package of items for you. Seriously. You laugh now, but should you get that poster for me, just you wait till your own little package shows up, direct from the Lamp Post Station! And yes, if you are a non-US buyer, I will mark the "gift" box for customs. ;)
Oops... I meant thank you Kharma for posting. Though I will say I am having trouble finding them on Facebook for some reason? I found the Lost Premiere stuff but can't seem to pull up the event you posted about. Hmmm. Do you know if they just have Facebook or if there's an actual website? Wanna make sure I get in on this when it's released since it's local.
@Team Jack: Is this what you're talking about? Lost Weekend Fan Party
Just rewatched Because You Left- and there is a scene where Locke picks up a Mary Statue in tall grass after the smuggler plane goes down. That looks very much like Jay's Polar Bear grass.
Maven, thank you!! Finally a site with details! Weird but true... a Google search did not give me that site but a million others. I know Kharma said he got info from their Facebook page, but again, I could not find it. I DID find their past i.e. 2009 events on Facebook but not the 2010 one. Perhaps I am just internet challenged tonight. ;p It's been a very long week and the next couple of weeks with midterms, assignments, two trips out of town, etc. are going to be even longer so perhaps I am just missing the obvious. ;p
Trying to talk my husband into going to that Lost Weekend Party Saturday night!
Ok, I admit, I am a very emotional girl (unfortunately) but I am getting really choked up during this Haiti telethon. It's really depressing me. Anyone else?
Team Jack -- I am heartbroken by the events in Haiti, really. I think most are. But what they showed on TV is, I am sure just the tip of the iceberg in the scope of devestation there has been.
So whatever we can do, whatever we can give, including our time to help our fellow humans out.
That's why I'm so proud of how much we raised here at LOST ARGs.
Hi everyone.
So I am wanting to make a last minute donation, but I got a message saying "This recipient is currently unable to receive money." Does that mean it is too late? :(
If its too late to make a donation by LostArgs, make a donation directly to the following organizations (Clinton Bush Haiti fund, unicef, American Red Cross, yelehaiti, wfp, or Oxfam). If I'm not wrong, all these organizations are helping Haiti.
If it's not midnight where you are, and you're having a problem donating, I'd suggest donating to one of the funds Jason mentions and forwarding the receipt to Zort and/or Dennis. Don't know if they'd accept it, but I bet they'd consider it :)
Thanks for the suggestions :)
It's been a busy week and I have actually been hosting a lot of events benefiting the cause, so I am just now getting a chance to help through here. It's 11:38 here (CST) so I was hoping for that last minute donation, but I will find another way to help.
Roxanna You should still be able to get the one free entry without a paypal confirmation #
I, too, am finally getting around to donating to the final contest after a really busy work week, and I'm so sad to see that Dennis' account is accepting payments anymore! I'm going to go ahead try to submit my answers and see if I can set up some other way to pay first. If it doesn't work, no biggie. I've made other donations for Haiti this week, but just want to also support here since LostARGs has been so fantastic over these past months. If it doesn't work, then I understand.
Hope everyone had a great week. I feel like I've missed so much!
Back to watching Hope for Haiti (really well done... I keep welling up).
Is Hope for Haiti still on? On the free/non-cable channels (in Australia), it only lasted for about 2 hours.
Roxanna, I'm getting the same error message.
I wasn't looking for an entry. Just wanted to contribute to the amount.
Roxanna -- time, money, love -- whatever you can give, whenever and wherever is greatly appreciated. Thanks you.
I didn't bother to donate here again, I donated to the telethon event that George Clooney is running on TNT right now. It's about the $ for Haiti, NOT getting in a donation "in time" so you might get a poster from LostArgs.com. I mean, really, people. Seeing those videos of the kids and what is going on there just made me want to cancel my flight to HI and switch to Haiti instead. Good Lord I hope there are enough volunteers taking care of the kids who either lost their parents or can't find them. It's making me ill just thinking about it. Gah. Life really sucks sometimes. Prayers that things get better in Haiti soon.
Team Jack -- I think that's exactly what Roxanna and Whmscl were saying.
Right now there is not enough of anything in Haiti. They went into this with a barely existant infrastructure. I can tell you trying to get supplies to areas that need them most is proving to be difficult as well but it's being worked on.
@Team Jack: I am definitely going to try and make it . . . have to see if I can hold on to my airline miles until then! lol.
Regarding bears, I will make *one* post here when I think I'm ready to take some commissions on them with a link to info. Hopefully that will not be problematic for the mods.
I donated as much as I felt I could, and if I managed to scrounge up more will donate more through one avenue or another. I can't watch the footage though; I don't need details to know there's need.
Jason - the telethon is only two hours here, too, but it ran twice in LA. Just ended right now. Some really beautiful performances. And all of the videos made me cry. The children are so beautiful and I'm praying for everyone.
FYI - I just sent a payment to Zort's email and submitted my entry, so hopefully that works. The prize isn't important - but it's nice to support here while also supporting elsewhere.
I hope you all have a good night. Take care. :)
And thanks for the back-up Ob. :)
@team jack,
I agree. I am a special events coordinator for a volunteer organization at my university, so I have been planning several different events here to raise awareness & funds.
Yes, I have put together hundreds of packages of supplies and we are having a difficult time sending it to the appropriate place. It will probably take some time before it gets sorted out.
Thank you to everyone who donated here or elsewhere :)
Hey Roxanna,
I'm an event planner, too! Looks like we have similar schedules. :)Good work on your Haiti efforts - best of luck.
Well, still no Ben print in the mail yet... but I did get something I have been waiting for... and just had to share these pictures with you all.
My wife and I both have Palm Pre phones that we love. The only downside to them, is that they don't have the 3rd party accessory support that the iPhone has. I really wanted to be able to put my Hurley "NoOysterHere.com" GelaSkin on my Pre, but it was only designed to fit the iPhone. (sigh)
I finally found a company that will allow you to upload your own artwork, and they will custom make protective skins for a number of different phones... including the Pre! So of course I wanted to do something very special and unique for two huge LOST fans... Check out the results below:
His phone
Her phone
(ignore the white blotches... those are reflections of the LED lights I was using to take the pictures)
If anyone else is interested, you can make your own LOST themed phone protectors here:
Thanks whmscl!
Event planning is just one of my many duties that I don't get paid to do. It's pretty much what I do at night after I get home from my interning. I enjoy it :)
That's what REALLY makes me angry. How come people have sent supplies and/or trying to get to Haiti to volunteer and they are stuck in "red tape"? It makes my heart break that there are people starving, thirsty, no shelter, etc. and yet the relief is there for them at the freaking airport and for some ridiculous STUPID bs "reason" they can't receive the aid?! Gah!! Damn it!! We need to send a freakin special task force. Someone get Sam Jackson, Mr. T, and Russell Crowe to kick some MF @$$!!
The Haitian infrastructure was barely there before this quake. It's not exactly "red tape". At this point what I have seen is actual absence of infrastructure -- impassable roads, lack of transportation, no reliable means of communication. You have to have a workable port to dock a ship and only so many planes can land at the airstrips that are in acceptable condition. And in areas, where people have become immensely frustrated and desperate there has been violence that has scared some away.
I think everyone there really is trying there best. It can be frustrating but what's important is that we do what's needed wherever we can.
Right, Ob. What I'd heard on NPR a day or so after the quake was that there was only one usable runway at the airport in the capital due to damage. All of the huge cranes used for unloading at the primary port (the best way to bring bulk supplies to an island, DHARMA drops notwithstanding) were toppled and smashed in the earthquake. The good news is that some hard work and tech and a lot of ingenuity has opened up the port in the last day or so.
The main road between the Dominican Republic (the other country that shares the island with Haiti) was a dirt road even prior to the quake. So even bringing in people, supplies and equipment via the DR was *very* slow.
Cosmically, Yours
You say you want a revolution
Ob agreed, but what I'm referring to is the fact that there is OODLES of supplies sitting there at the airport and until recently people "on the ground" so to speak, trying to help, etc. weren't "allowed" to go to the airport and actually pick up those supplies and distribute them. THAT is what really bothers me. Ugh.
Here is the info for the LOST Weekend on lost-radio
It's also on The Fuselage
This is a Charity Event for the Children's Defense Fund.
Good morning all, some fantastic news about the appeal has been posted on the main page.
Pat, those phones look awesome! What a great idea. I suppose if I can't get my hands on a print of Crash, maybe I'll do a new skin for my phone. :)
On another note, very proud of the amount of money raised here! :D
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