Olly Moss sold Locke's Secret today via a Twitter post. The first commenter on this was Limbofunk at 11:50 PM, followed by Olly himself seconds later.
The address was ollymoss.com/4815162342.html.
Olly dropped by in the comments, explained how Chris lost his blood, and told us this: I would love to get it out of the way now (I've still got so much to pack before tomorrow!) but I want to release it at a time that UK and US peeps have an equal chance to nab it. Some enterprising dude already discovered the secret URL and got one already, but I've removed the page from the server so there'll be no more monkey business. Then he added three hours should be fine as long as you're able to get to a computer quickly... Also - there's another cool element of this sale that I think people will dig but I'm keeping it a surprise! Asked by Jason about watching Lost, Olly said: I am such a massive lost fan, this project was a massive surprise and honour. Especially since it's my first ever print release! So, good luck to Olly with this exciting release and his move to California tomorrow!
That was that. Congratulations to the lucky 40.
Don't forget Smokey tomorrow, 2pm CST.
In Other news, Anne posted her pictures from the Gallery 1988 event as a flickr set here: Gallery 1988 photos!!!
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New Posted.
Callum, just repeatedly e-mail them, they'll then have no choice to reply and give you a tracking number. Go to parcelforce and put it in their tracking system. It will say not found but now there is an option for international deliveries. Tick that box and retype the tracking number and click search. You will be given a new tracking number, the one they slapped on the at heathrow when it came in and will tell you where it lost got logged. Then call up parcelforce and kick up a fuss. Mine now is updated to out for delivery, which means i'll have it by the EOD today!
Eugene, how did you ever know I wanted Walt's Kidnapping? lol
ChrisL, glad to see you have sorted your phone tweets out.
John Paul, you've inspired me now to get locke's secret so I can trade it for walt's kidnapping and RT. That way Zort will get his RT!
God I hate "first" posts. Is there anything less relevant?
If anyone gets a Locke Sectret today and already has one, i would love to get it off you and i'll throw in a Locke t-shirt (from Galley 1988) for your kindness...
Ben - i hate them to but i've been stuck to this computer now for over 2 hours just in case Olly is awake so had nothing better to do!
Martyn! You'd be willing to do the trade if I can't get one? That's fantastic. Now all we have to do is wait.
YEah, but i'm off to work in about20 minutes so unless it goes on sale, like, now, I have not a chance of getting it at all.
Going to recruit one of my sisters who aren't at school because of "snow".
And just got a text and my heart stopped because I thought it was the twitter alert. Damn friends. He did it again!
Just had my Olly Twitter alert wired to a heart monitor, which is wired to a bomb. If I get too excited......boom.
Well... any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks anyway.
OK - i made it to work through the snow and without this going on sale! have my lunch with me, so fingers crossed i will be at my desk when this goes on sale and my boss doesn't decide to pop in
It is so quiet in here. Freaking me out.
It would be the best thing ever if it would go on sell now.
It's just not gonna happen. It would be at the same time too lucky xD
well, against popular consensus, I'm not all that fussed about this one. As I'm housebound and a computer geek, I'll try and pick one up if it goes on sale when I'm in front of it, and pass it on to someone here. No promises though, and I'd need paying straight off, because if Walt's Kidnapping or Jacob's Cabin come up, imma need all the money I can get...
@ ben.
Like I stated earlier, I love this print and my Walt is up for grabs. So if you can snag this maybe we can work something out.
@Martyn, It's my sixth sense. :-)
I am checking in now and then and have my cellphone practically tethered to me to watch for a tweet.
@MCR - great interview.
@Thorsten, Thanks for the posts.
@john-Paul - I'll see what I can do...
Ok, loosely instructed my sister as to what to do. It's so going to fail so hopefully work is dead enough to sneak outback to try and get this on my iPhone. Boss is off today so hopefully I'll succeed. I think he's off anyway.
And congrats to callum, looks like they found both our posters in their little rummage of stuff they couldn't be arsed to deliver.
Olly is up and tweeting.
At least, Olly's awake. :D
I'm sad because my prepaid credit card has only about 40 euros charged, and today all offices are closed, so i'll lose everything that will come off today.
@ ben
My friend has his Walt's kidnapping on ebay right now for $150. Cheaper than it will probably be on the rerelease.
I'm not getting his tweet for some reason.
it was a direct reply to someone. so you have to go to his actual twitter page to see it.
hmmm... shipping to the UK might be a bit much. I'll wait and see what Drew does - I'd rather give the money to the artist, and take part in the scramble... sounds stupid I know.
Please just post the link Olly... I am dying for some sleep.
Probably a 1pm-2pm GMT release...at least that's when I'd do it - after lunch and the afternoon left to sort out the orders :)
ok here but not interested in this one really. Going to watch the fun anyway. A lot going on today with all these posts here.
I posted in the other thread before but I'm posting here as well for any new people checking in. I didn't get any of the posters in the first round and am desperately trying to get my hands on just my two favorites (Locke and Crash). Anyone who snags an extra copy please let me know. I can paypal the $ immediately. Like I mentioned in the previous post I don't have any prints to trade, but I do have an extra Locke shirt if you're interested. Thanks to those of you who are willing to help out. :) *fingers crossed*
I wonder who Chris is and why he bled?
Wasn't the harassed Glasgow Forbidden Planet employee who had to field all our calls called Chris? Hmmm......
Can you imagine the paper cuts one can get handling the poster paper?
I have a Rousseau's Transmission I will trade for this if someone can get one that they would be willing to trade. I can also pay someone for one if they get one. I'll probably be at work and away from a computer for most of today unfortunately
Indeed seaque...like in Swimming with Sharks....ouch!
now then, Team Jack - you are on team Ben! luckily, we want different things (sort of) as I too want the crash, but am not fussed about this. And am more fussed about Jacobs Cabin and Walt's Kidnapping...
@Team Jack
Chris' blood is a reference to:
Hmmm... well if you feel like trying for this one and get it (and I don't), then maybe I'll try for Jacob's Cabin or Walt so we could trade. lol The Crash is going to be a nightmare. I predict whatever Tan uses to sell it will in fact crash from the surge of crazed Lost fans. ;p
Olly! You do know you're driving us insane don't you??!! Thanks for dropping by and good luck on the other side of the pond.
Yes, boss and area manager have left so I'm free to hide out back to try and buy this on my phone. Will fail but still. Cmon olly, get it out the way already!
Thanks to Olly for clearing that up ;))
Is that really Olly? If so, that's awesome. And just so you know... it's 5:20AM here and yes, I have been up all night waiting for the print to drop... just like a good obsessed Lost fan should. ;)
I would love to get it out of the way now (I've still got so much to pack before tomorrow!) but I want to release it at a time that UK and US peeps have an equal chance to nab it.
Some enterprising dude already discovered the secret URL and got one already, but I've removed the page from the server so there'll be no more monkey business.
Olly, is Paypal the only way to buy this item??
@olly Awesome reference, that's my favorite game ever. Also, please post soon, I have to go to work :-)
I've looked through all of the web pages and I can't find it. Now I know why.
I need toothpicks to prop my eyelids open.
Olly - the wait at work is killing me, i am trying to read while keeping an eye on twitter!
@ Olly...
Any idea how much longer we have? I'm in the states and i haven't slept waiting for the sale! :)
do I have time for some sleep?
Olly, thanks for giving us all a chance. Appreciate it!
Go get a couple of hours of sleep...
if he's looking for a fair time for US and UK then I would say it would have to be at or after 8 on the west coast which would be at least 2.5 hours from now
Somebody cheated and got one early?! :-O It would be funny if the guy buys one, thinks he outsmarted everyone and goes about his business only to get a cancelled email hours after the real sale goes through. lol
So I'm guessing a 6pm sale then, that's ideal for most people. Not me cus I'm working until 7. Make the sale at 8pm GMT please, gives me plenty of time to get home!
@ Olly...
Would three hours of sleep be too much or would I be safe?
I know you can't give the exact time, but I just want to get as much sleep as I can - its been a long night waiting for this print! ;)
Cheated? I think that's awesome. Figuring out the clues...that's what I love most.
Also, nice 'Spoilt" t-shirt. Got one last night! Consideriong to get 'Anatomy of a Burger'. Love the art style
three hours should be fine as long as you're able to get to a computer quickly...
Wait... I'm confused now. I thought a paypal link was going to be sent via twitter? But now it sounds like it's gonna be a website link. I didn't get any of the prints before but it sounds like they were run that same way? I assume you click on the link and a paypal button is right there?
@ Team Jack…
Olly will post a link to a website on Twitter.
There will be the paypal link…
@Team Jack - Correct
Also - there's another cool element of this sale that I think people will dig but I'm keeping it a surprise!
Hmm looks like I'll have to risk getting some sleep and getting up in the middle of the night for this. It just turned midnight for me down here in Aus. Also thanks for stopping by Olly, it's always nice to hear from the artists.
most of these prints are sold through their individual online stores with their own software. Often times PAYMENT is completed through paypal, but not always. Sometimes they just take your cc. But either way, likely they will need name, shipping address, etc. then you actually "check-out" and pay with paypal. Does that make sense?
Olly, very cool of you to give us a little heads up. Much appreciated.
Figuring out clues is cool, I totally agree. But we didn't get any clues, we are getting a tweet with a direct link. Not really the same thing imho. By the way, I hate using the word tweet in reference to twitter. It always seems weird to me. Anyone else feel that way?
I feel really guilty admitting this but I'm blowing off class today to try for one of these. Not that it will make much difference though. I have to admit I was really hoping for a very early US release in hopes that I *might* have a very slim chance of getting through. With a later release I'm not holding my breath. Oh well, maybe someone else with a really fast internet connection will be my hero. lol
A secret element? Awesome. I feel a bit more awake now.
Question about the info needed if it's paypal... If I have an account, won't I just be able to sign in (since all that info is already on my account)? Or will I need to sign in and still type in my cc#, name, address, etc. Haven't used my paypal account in ages, but I thought I remembered just signing in and everything was already filled in. Can't remember for sure though...
yeah, if you already have account, that's exactly how paypal works. just click, click, pound desk while waiting for new page, click, click, try to stop your hands from shaking, click, done!
Just depends on how olly does it. If it's just paypal then we're golden.
It's just a BUY NOW paypal button with a dropdown menu for your postage method.
My stupid work browser won't load Olly's site! Hope the link is straight to Paypal (?). Thanks for the updates, Olly!
@Olly Awesomeness. And thank you!!
I know I have a few hours to sleep but honestly, with all this anticipation for the print and then the added excitement of a secret bonus to the sale!! Who the heck can sleep with that going on?! It's like being a kid on Christmas Eve again. lol
*Yawn* Nearly 1 am in Australia...
OK, I am now officially IN for this. I don't care that I could go pick it up (once the snow subsides) it was one of the best of the series... and I'm intreagued at surprises. And seeing as I had NONE AT ALL, this would be an ace first one...
This is a random that doesnt have much to do this poster but when did you start watching Lost (assuming you are a fan)?
good afternoon Mr. Moss. Thank you for posting answers to our questions, the 'hint' and possible surprise! Safe travels and welcome to the States.
thorsten, serious Lostarg love with three new post! I'd say a brilliant start to the day.
sorry to read some have been up all night and other in a snow storm! hang in there.
Prize 3 is getting a bit LOST further down the post list. So while we wait for Locke's Secret to drop, hop on down and enter to win a Hurley GelaSkin.
I should also point out I'm wearing my (now faded) "Spoiled" Movies Tee from Threadless that Olly designed...
Olly, you are a dude and a gentleman! Thanks for the spoilers ;)
Thanks for the updates.
I love the 'Spoiled' poster...the idea would also work quite nicely as a 'Spoiled Lost' poster too!
See you all later. Going to grab some breakfast before the drop. Let me know if you want anything from taco bell.
@ Jason
I started watching it when it started in the states - my friend used to download the US transmissions and stick them on DVD for me. Then I got all my friends hooked before it started airing over here.
I am such a massive lost fan, this project was a massive surprise and honour. Especially since it's my first ever print release!
@Olly... and danger of a discount if I come and collect it myself? (I am joking. I think)
I love the fact that somebody already snagged one. Too funny.
Welcome, Olly! Thanks for the wonderful work. I have a Locke's secret t-shirt and I love it :)
Hahaha. I know more than enough people have told you this already but you have done a great job on this print. The 'Soul Bass' tone really fits well with this print. Well done!
hi tomrex, how are you? I'm having a cup of coffee and watching/reading the fun. Can something become nostalgic in only 5 month?
ahh exciting!
Lottery Ticket you make me wish I'd gotten in on the prints from the beginning! Even if I couldn't afford to buy all more than one or two, I would have loved figuring out the reveals at least. And considering a couple were right here locally, believe me, I am kicking myself! I had such a blast at the gallery event and dinner after. Wish I'd known all you guys before so that I could have shared in the fun. Oh well. ;-P
Team Jack..once the season starts head over to thelostcomunity.blogspot.com. A lot of the people here will be over there to discuss the season as it happens.
I hope we'll be able to stay here, also. I don't know how many more LOST communities I can follow.
Hey ARG peeps!
I sleep and look what happens -- Olly Moss pops in! Hi Olly! *waves*
More snow on the way here. No Tyler Stout for LOST yet. But Wade Schin's Locke is looking cuter by the minute...
LT - howdy! It's fun to watch all of this. I sat on my hands as the barracks went from around 25 until it was sold out. I certainly remember the days of setting aside large parts of my day trying to get the next print. I'm trying to keep my head up.
I'm going to be following the fun here today!
Team Jack (Amy), but you are HERE now and that's what matters. Season 6 with this bunch will be SWEET. If there are any LA events re:LOST we hope that you will be our gal on the ground! I know of one coming in May that I would love to attend (details in March).
LT - you tease. Auction?
@OBFusc8... those Wade Schin figures are SO cool. I wish they'd done a run of them. I'd have happily paid over the odds for them...
Eugene, no no no. FUN FUN FUN LOST FANS UNITE! I'll post, no worries.
Attention Dexter fans...
Who wants to come with me? :)
LT - thanks!
So LT, I should arrange my LA business trip for May?
Lottery Ticket you have me curious now... I hadn't heard of something coming up! And I will definitely be your Lamp Post connection! ;) Just give me the heads up and unless it's during a final, I will definitely be there! Although... depending on what it is, I could even work around that. I took a final early during summer term so I could head off to Comic Con! lol Oh and I've been thinking of possibly trying to attend the premiere in Feb. I wanted to go before filming is thru, but the more I hear about the premiere, the more I want to include that in my trip. We'll see though... All depends on $.
And for Eric Tan or He-Man fans, G1988 has some sneak previews up for their next show -- check out the Battlecat screenprint Eric did for the show.
Under the Influence opens tomorrow at G1988. They're transforming the gallery into Castle Greyskull. Anyone feel like going and getting some pics or video?
By the power of Greyskull...
So excited... xD
So quiet here... No one's talking.
Best of luck to everyone! Keeping my fingers crossed...
we all nervously await the impending disappoitment
Hahaha.. True, so true. Olly did mention that the guy would be safe for a 3 hour nap.. I think.
@ Ob - the new He-Man stuff at 1988 looks awesome. Thanks for the link Totally wish I could get over there. I hope everything posted for that show goes up at some point - my inner geek child would love it!
Another day filled with F5s... Good luck everyone!
@ObFuSc8 I am crazy about Eric Tan's "Sleeping Beauty" that he did for the book "The Art of the Disney Princess." I bought the book, but am so hoping he will release the poster as well. MUST.HAVE.
Sleeping Beauty
I've looked at a lot of Eric Tan's work. I love all the stuff he does for Pixar, especially for Up and The Incredibles. Great work.
andalone, double on that Tan SB - it is a real gem. My Tan Warriors arrived yesterday, it's awesome.
Ohhh.. That really looked good was tempted to buy but I didnt get it since I was kinda clueless on 'The Warriors'.
2,712 following, Twitter overcapacity notices. suggest multiple windows, tabs
We're still about an hour from the release, if Olly's messages are to be believed. :)
andalone -- That is striking.
This is from a couple years ago -- The X-men
on the topic of Eric Tan, he did an awesome X-men poster that I have. Pic here
Andalone I totally agree on the Sleeping Beauty print, I love that one! I also really like the Indy series he did. My friend said he also did a/some Star Wars print(s) but I didn't see them on the site. I love that he does art for some of my favorite fandoms. Now if he would only do some Harry Potter ones! ;p
hahaha it's crazy that someone posted a link to the x-men print as I posted a pic of mine. I got that from Gallery1988 a while back when they did a show that was all comic book art. I believe it was some sort of tribute to stan lee
@ Team Jack
Oh my god. If you ever find the Star Wars stuff... I MUST KNOW!
@ LT - yes, that should help with the capacity issues
that X-men print is perfect. damn.
Couldn't agree more Chrcowan. *sighs* Couldn't agree more....
On another topic. Have you guys seen Olly's awesome parody print based on a movie in the late 50s. Very much like Locke's Secret. Quite brilliant really. http://www.inprnt.com/media/prints/1622/full.jpg
Attorney Greg, just saying . . . when Twitter times you out . . . best to have a plan lol
just ribbing - i realize it is in the individuals best interest - good luck
Wow, tx for posting that SB link Andalone, it's amazing. I like how Tan combines the classic Diz SB look with his own hand -- I think that Eyvind Earle might like it too.
TeamJack, after the hiatus fun is over, we theorize our heads off in a very friendly way at The Lost Community Blog during the season. We've already begun to hash out some ideas there now.
phew - got sent home from work because of the snow and made it before the print went on sale
however, now i don't have the fast work servers, so might be a negative!!!
Love the Eric Tan stuff - after the Scott Campbell showdowns, I bought a print of his called ninjas all over the place
can't wait for it arrive!!
That's a hilarious print J, let us know how it looks in person.
Lol. Looks like something you would find in Where's Waldo.
@J I love Scott's stuff. I have some of the showdowns
OK... 2+ hours of sleep after Olly's OK. Let's do this... if I stayed up until 7:30AM for this print to miss it I will be one sad guy..
@Josh - I know the feeling.
I wonder what Olly is up to...
I am sooo jealous
I was going to get one but they didn't have any Lost one that i wanted
i am considering buying one of the print sets of the film showdowns, purely for the Princess Bride one!
@Jason, my guess is packing
Lost ones left at Gallery 1988 i mean! not that he didn't do any I wanted - they were all fab!
@J the showdowns I have are prints, I didn't get any of the lost related ones but I think i have the first 2 sets his did from movies
@ Steve - and or playing video games, haha.
@john-paul is it bad that we are talking on here AND on AIM at the same time?
@steve - only about as nerdy as the fact that we stayed up all night for this print.
Right, only my lunch break now for half an hour. I'm ready olly, release the print to the dogs!!!
I am so hoping to grab this one as well: this was the first poster I went 'Oh wow, I really want tha--sold out?! NOOOOOO!!!' to.
$215 for what was $60 if you were lucky? Hmmm, I think this print was the second favorite in the poll, right? Only 40 available too? I want the hatch!
that's nteresting. I honestly think the price will make it prohibitive to a lot of folks. Those that really want it will get it. I've flipped back to sitting this one out - there are four others I like better. I'll try for my top three.
@ Ben
*GASPS* 5TH ON YOUR LIST?? What were your four faves?
The price may detract a few, but for most this is the last chance to snag it as this one was sold out long before ebay flippers became aware of DCaaPB.
I might give it a go for kicks. It is a highly sought after LOST print.
*really wishes Olly could tell me if I have time to go to the bathroom*
@ Amy
I had the same thought.
@amy lynn I risked it a second ago and ran to the bathroom real quick. i was worried
I'm thinking the same thing! I have to transfer desks in about 30 mins but am afraid to get up!
I don't have access to Twitter at work and I really want to get this one to go along with my Ben Linus. Anyone know if the link will by on Olly's website?
*whew* I went anyway.
Jacob's Cabin / Walt's Kidnapping (can't pick between them), The Hatch and The Crash all rank a little higher than this. I love the poster, don't get me wrong, and would have bitten someone's hand off at $50 or maybe $100. But when I like the others better, it seems silly to burn that much on my fifth pick. Especially with others wanting it more. I'd LOVE it on a T-Shirt though (hint hint, Olly. XL please...)
maybe he's putting it up at 4:42 (both are from the numbers) UK time which would be in like 2 minutes
@ Amy
Lucky you, I'm still waiting. I know when I get up, it's going to drop.
or not
Right, I'm out. Been standing outside waiting but now my lunch has finished. Crap!!!
Ahhh.. Those are pretty good prints though Olly ranks at 2 for me, right behind The Crash.
LOST, The Crash, The Hatch, The Polar Bear, Jacob's Cabin and then Locke's Secret. Still, Locke's Secret is a strong print.
On sale!
ahh i paid, hopefully i got one!
It's up!
Here's the link! http://www.ollymoss.com/4815162342.html
Gone in seconds!!!
Sold out
I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haha...nice url Olly. :)
i think i got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG, I think I got one, but sent it to the wrong address. OMG OMG OMG
That was fast, didn't get one, dang it.
We'll see if I am lucky.
Paid one :)
how do you know if it sold out?
Wow, that was fast
Nooooooooooooooooooo!!! I got to the final button and when I submitted it said sold out! *cries* Up all night and nada. I am really bummed out.
I think I got one! Oh man. Crossing my fingers for the next few hours I think.
Yay, got one!
NOOOOOO! Had Paypal problems..
Hope I actually got it.
I tried...sold out! The random poster giveaway is a nice touch. I love the Last Crusade one!
@Olly... are you shipping these? If I got one, is there any way I can give you my correct address?
Oh my, I'm shaking like a leaf...this is the third time my payment has gone through for a lost poster, so hopefully it's not the third time I receive a refund!
Wow, that was fast
Think i got one too... crossing fingers
So hopefully the ones who have paid it HAVE ONE!!!
@ Olly
any idea if oversell is possible? Paid and got confirm, but you know...still want to confirm.
Anybody willing to sell at cost-ish/trade?
Cosmically Yours
Yeah I hope everything goes through. Got the paypal receipt confirming it already. Does anyone know what the other thing was? I didnt have time to look!
got to the last page and then got the sold out screen... Anyone want to trade one for Rousseau or Smokey?
I think that was the most exciting poster sale EVER! I just got up, sipping my coffee and catching up and ended up at the SOLD OUT IN SECONDS! So awesome that Olly was so involved with everyone here.
BTW: Anne, your Gallery1988 photos were excellent...brought back so many memories. I hope you don't mind, but I "stole" 2 of them (my quilt and Damon signing my quilt and put them on FB...with your credit). Thank you.
When did everyone get their paypal reciept? Mine came at Jan. 6, 2010 08:50:02 PST
trying to see how quickly it sold out.
Amy Lynn -- Olly is shipping them out himself -- so just email him and let him know. You can use his email, or the one you paypalled to.
@jdcurtis 08:49:58
Mine was: Jan. 6, 2010 08:49:52 PST
Thank you Olly! The page and the random gifts are wonderful! Hopefully there is one for everyone that got a payment through, they sold out in less than 10 seconds for sure so hopefully that doesn't create problems. Now I need some sleep!
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