Saturday, January 30, 2010
A full set 152
We have been sent the photograph below from an anonymous contributor who has a full set of posters. Not only a full set but it appears from the signatures and numbering that these are the mythical (well not anymore) artist proof copies.

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look at that "I stole the first post spot!!"
Hi Rev, you'll have to go back in time and erase that first comment.
Wow...someone has *connections*. How else would one acquire a set like this?
My full set is bigger. ROFL
(but this begs the question for the identity or occupation for someone with a 20/300 sig full set!)
Jensen? Greg Nations?
more info please!
The person that sent them in made me promise I wouldn't say who they were and gave no real info on how they were obtained anyway.
Zort, I'm looking for a wheel to turn...
@Rev - everything's bigger in Texas! ;)
What a set - hot damn!! Wish we could get Jack Bauer to triangulate where it is and do some secret mission to grab them!
Hahahaha... That's awesome. Wonder how they got them.
So it's Erica Olsen then?
j/k no idea who, but very cool.
*harrumph* ...probably someone with 4 toes.
(Glad that you confirmed you have 5 toes, Rev, in the other blog/post.)
Someone with a Canon 350D, for sure ;))
That's an awesome set. But I prefer Milo's ;-)
I imagine, as they're all 20/30, that whoever this is was simply handed the full set. That must have been a good day.
Yeah, I cant imagine that person has two keyboards with ruined f5 keys...
Thorsten, are you reading the EXIF data. It's a compulsion isnt it!
Being handed a full set of 20/300's is one thing, but I rather stick with Dan Eldon…
But isn't it more meaningful when you have to spend hours in front of a computer with your heart pounding ,pushing a button? :o
No, really- it is nice from a collector point of view to have them all, but I always just wanted the ones I like on the wall- so if I just could get the Polar Bear, that's all I need. The Polar Bear and Jacob's Cabin, and that's all I need ....
JT, it is that very thought process that ended me up with this
I bought my toddler a thermos yesterday.
Right Milo… I dragged the image into PS and pressed command-option-shift-I, hoping that I could pinpoint the Islands location in some hidden GPS coordinates ;))
I'm with you Just Thinking! It's a lovely collection, but the fun and meaning and memories are in acquiring the prints one near-death experience at a time.
Didn't someone here once have a Polar Bear for sale ;-)
Now all we need is a list of 350D owners and we'll be half way there!
Does Exif data hold a serial number, anyone got access to the Cannon database ?
which to be more jealous of:
the collection
Zort for knowing someone with the money, power, connections, and/or influence to achieve the AP20 set!
(from here on out, this set shall be known as the AP20 BTW)
OK I guess the set wins for my jealousy!
By the way we did get sent this as well -
Namaste Lost ARGS,
We just want you to know about an initiative, if you don’t know about it yet, that has risen because of the coming final season of the show. :’(
Following the example of “The Lord of the Rings” fans, that succeed to get the names of maaaaaaaaany fans around the world on the DVD credits as an extra, we hope to repeat that hit in Lost (with the release of the DVD/BluRay edition of the 6th season).
In other words, we ask for the inclusion of the fan’s names that have dwelt in the Internet communities for the last amazing six years and that have been part of the Lost phenomenon. It’s clear that Lost wouldn’t have been the same without the community ;)
There’s a group in Facebook and a Twitter account to support and follow this initiative.
Thank you, Namaste and good luck. :)
Link to the FB group
You got it Rev-I have a feeling your list may keep going for a long time- but that's OK. I can tell you are having fun along the way.
And I agree, while it would be very nice to have, that set is just about print collecting, what makes this all about LOST is the awesome experience. And much as though I'm thrilled with the prints I have, seeing AliceL's face light up this morning when she opened a gift package sent from one of our great Lostie friends overseas is worth more than any number of AP's.
The artist that did the "Progress" print I posted about some time back, has another for sale. It is titled "Charlie's Shoe Poster".
Someone else who appreciates Dan Eldon. I know his mom and his sister Amy.
And, Oh WOW! about the posters.
Thanks Zort!
I cant believe that I am just hearing about the group now, and they already have over 2000 members.
& Thorsten,
I fully think that Damon, Carlton, and a Polar Bear participation should be marketable experience on a job resume
Oh, Sam, that is amazing.
@ Thorsten
His mom let me sit in her room, alone and go through 3 of his journals. I got to see them first hand - needless to say there were many tears shed.
I know it's hard to tell by the name but I'm female not male, doesn't matte, I think anyone would cry that knew his story.
For anyone who is interested http://www.daneldon.org/about/index.html
I was just reading that Sam, heartbreaking.
And I am also still shaken by the gender bending mind twist you just subjected me to. Crap, now I have to re-voice all your posts.
@ ReverendMilo
We kind of met at the Gallery1988 line. Somewhere there's a picture, I was talking with Joey and other people, who I don't remember their names (sorry) I have longer blonde hair than yours.
The Dan Eldon story is heartbreaking. Great guy. You're right Sam, a story like that touches the heart whatever the gender. Still though you've thrown me a bit of a wobbler there too with that revelation!
@ Chris L
I've been posting for over 5 years at The Fuselage, hard to miss me and there may be a handful of people that know that. Seaque is one.
Holy Crap!
Admittedly, I have a big problem with names and faces (recently I confused my stepsister for who I thought might be my cousins new GF). But I do think I remember the hair!
I'd love to see the pic!
Anyway, didn't mean to hijack the conversation.
Back on track.
WOW! a whole set of posters. Were they sent flat? They don't looks all curled up from being in a tube.
Who would have the power and was there at the beginning and have artist proofs? Samantha Thomas?
Zort, I know you can't answer.
Wasn't she the first one to bring coffee to the people waiting on line at the Gallery ?
LostARGs does not stop to amaze me.
In a really good way.
Cool set of posters! Are the AP's worth any more or less than say, 1/1?
Sam G, my sharing of the LOST experience was strictly real world until meeting this fantastic group of people so i wouldn't have 'bumped' into you elsewhere. Well, glad I did here.
Right, going bowling. No Lisa, not lawn bowling but good old 10 pin! Back in time for our HI friends to be starting their big day.
Now that we are almost done with DCAAPB, this is what I will collect next…
Hey folks, here's a pic I did of our favorite lottery winner just for fun this week. Can't wait for Tuesday!
Lemme know what ya think!
I'm sure I'm not the only one that blew up my office building and house because of those shoes...
@geekboypress... definitely cool. If I were you, though, I'd sell through Cafe Press rather than Etsy. Disney seems to be cracking down on fan made stuff that's not sanctioned, and CP is the only way to do it.
I think Geekboy's work is still within the bounds of fair use, the problem with the last esty sale was primarily about the fact that Disney held rights on that contracted 1/1 and she was reproducing it without their consent even though she was the creator
dont leave me hanging on the pic! I spent so much time doing video, I ended up with very few pics of myself. my FB profile is in need...
I have no idea what time it is HST, but apparently the fans are sitting down for the big show:
@geekyboypress... did you sell all of them or you took it down?
Amy Lynn
HST is 5 hours earlier than EST. That would make it 8:00 am there.
It's back up. I list one at a time
New Pledge - cannot tweet until Tuesday
my next tweet is tweet #815
Looking at the collection, anyone else notice that they are not quite in order. The Hatch is out of place.
Milo, you definitely must not press the button until Tuesday...it's destiny :)
the first four minutes of the premiere are leaked online. couldn't resist, had to watch. if you don't have the strength, just throw 'lost' into google news and you'll get a link
You guys seem to dig it! Thanks!
@geekyboypress... i'm debating whether to buy it or not! are we gonna see more art from you?
You know it! Got lots more ideas in my geeky brain...
haha i'm gonna have to hold off then... maybe for the frank lapidus one? :]
@ChrisL and anyone else who might know...
I decided to take 6 of my prints out to the framers to get professionally done today. The framer I had in mind (who I imagined to be more along the lines of Bob the Framer) was closed. But being out armed with prints I threw caution to the wind and headed over to the Fast-Frames-R-Us-a-Rama shop. Was going okay, picked a frame and double mount for the first print...nice. But the next print had some superficial marks that I was hoping they could sort. Mentioned Bob the Framers miracle cure for your print Chris (I thought I remembered reading it was applied heat which sorted that out). The answer left me open jawed...'well the drymount process applies heat and would flatten out this kind of thing. We drymount everything!'
'Noooooo!!!! I explained I don't want anything drymounted...for one thing it really devalues the print.' He tells me that if I don't get it drymounted then the print will warp in the frame and that there was no other option to stop this happening. He went on to tell me that he's had his Vettriano (worth £800) drymounted.
I had to get out of there...the guy's insane right? Surely there is a way to frame prints without warping the print over time without resorting to drymounting?
Frank's great, but I got quite a few ahead of him...
RE: Competition 10 Winner [Post 68]
YES! Thanks Milo!
wow, sounds like the International Society of Drymounters almost got you there!
(No beer yet, btw)
do we get a hint of who is next?
Milo, Thorsten, if I'm reading the photo right, that's a set of 20/30 AP, not 20/300.
My guesses? Doc Jensen of EW or (maybe) JOpinionated.
Cosmically Yours
Do I win a prize if I guessed right?
Hey all.
I've lurked here since the start of the DCaaPB series, but had to tread lightly since I wasn't caught up on lost. I just finished S5 for the first time last night. Well now I can't wait for Tuesday
TW - I stood there arguing with him for 20 mins about it. The guy just couldn't see the problem 'well if you're not planning on selling it why worry about devaluing it!'. My argument was that knowingly devaluing anything you owned regardless of your intentions to sell or not to sell was nuts...that was after he told me about his Vettriano...really fustrating!
Rubbish on the beer news! I don't know why I thought it would be 3 days...oh wait, maybe because that's how long they told me it would take...
Ya never know when inspiration's gonna strike, but probably our favorite bald knife enthusiast!
@TKI The picture was taken at 30.01.2010 12:58… so I guess by somebody who is not on Hawaii right now…
Ha! I was going to ask when the pic was sent in. I had a feeling it was someone who isn't in HI. I believe I see a shipping tube in that pic...didn't notice that before.
if the bald man with a knife is in the picture i think its a definite buy!
@ Chris L - I have met so many amazing people online, many of them LOST fans, I've only met a few in person. Several of the girls I talk with daily, about LOST, are coming to LOST Weekend. I've met each of them separately but we've never been together at one time. Plus, I get to show them around LA.
@Reverend Milo I think you took the picture. Joey facebooked me, I'll see if I can find it.
Then again, the large, stick carrying priest could be next...
Yes, go for Eko, GBP!
Holy freaking cow!
i would ask for Ben, but lauren gregg already did such a great piece, it'd be hard to top it
Am I wrong or is Danger's Cabin missing from that AP photo?
Dun dun dun!
Heh! Any other requests?
I thought that, too. And I have all the data, thanks to Lightroom, so Thorsten's 100% correct. No idea who, but I'm guessing probably Jensen.
Well that would make complete sense Ben...I think you've got it :)
Okay, everybody with a Canon EOS 350D raise your hand! (The camera is called Digital Rebel XT in the US, and Kiss Digital N in Japan. No kidding.)
Sorry to go OT. But just wanted to post here that I can't believe I got the Tawaret. I am speechless. I have never won anything in my life. I have been away for several days and am so far behind in comments that I finally gave up trying to catch up! Wow. Really??? Or am I going to wake up and find out I just dreamed this? LOL.
Yeah, congrats again, Eugene!
Yeah, congrats Eugene. It's real, dude. You're one lucky guy today. :)
I'm rushing out to play the numbers in the Mega Lotto!
That's an amzing collection of prints. But I agree that it can't beat getting the ones we F5'd like lab rats to get.
Sunset 6:20pm
You did it Eugene! Jeep Jeep
Carlton just twittered that they expect 15,000 people tonight and he's worried it might rain.
well done Eugene - you da man!
Go Eugene!
Just back home and about to start sifting through 100+ tweet updates. Back in a mo.
Congrats, Eugene.
@chrisl - Thanks for the pic links over at TLC. Enjoyed that.
I'm feeling a little better about NOT being in Hawaii. It is very cold here.
Sounds like an aewsome time. I'm also going through all the tweets. Jeff Fahey rocks.
here, here ! congrats Eugene ! I have to say, nice set but then not really the same as some you scored yourself the normal- right way. I mean people with connections can get what they want but does it feel the same or mean the same ? Nope, not in my book.
@The Kharma Initiative - I noticed that too. It appears there is only 15
I doubt rain would upset our Losties. They are pretty hardcore.
Agreed Amy, I doubt anyone will be running for cover. There are plenty of beach umbrellas anyhow! The beach seems to be filling up nicely.
I really want those Locke and Hurley figures from the G1988 show. I can't afford $815. Someone give them to me.
Ben, comixguru purchased Locke, and EllenB purchased Hurley. All gone.
OK, let me be more precise. EllenB and Comixguru, GIVE THEM TO ME. *voodoo eyes*
The voodoo, who-do-what-you-don't-dare-do people.
Sorry Ben...The Prodigy have a gig one street away from me and I've been dying to write that all night ;)
Maven, LT, MEL, and CG plu others pay tribute to
That's great Eugene! Love it how Comixguru's shorts and Mel's shirt bookend the team together :)
Okay, in the Olly Tribute Photo, I get that the 4 on the left are spelling out "Olly", but are the others supposed to be spelling out something, too?
Pre-show via Ustream with comixguru
Only in to room for split second. The beach is crowded already. I will send up a quick feed of the gang on the mats and then move to the red carpet. It is our understanding the LOST VIP, actors, etc. will start arriving at 5 p.m. The first show of the night will be Modern Family followed by LOST. So I am not sure if stage presentations will be before or after Modern Family.
Comments should be allowed while I am LIVE. I will try and read as I send.
Eugene, it is not a dream! :))
For those of us NOT on the island, tonight is the Miss America pageant. Doesn't get much better than that!
Well AmyLynn, with that ironing and washing dishes...what more could a gall dream of ;)
@futureself, I'm actually scrubbing the sink and organizing the cabinets. :)
I'm sure the mice and pumpkin will be along any minute :)
Who is Illy Moss?
That's Olly's Parisian poodle.
I'm a bit suspicious of this.
For a start, AP runs are no more or less better than the full run. In fact, there is a stronger argument that the full runs are the real deal and worth more.
AP collections are uncommon, but equally, undesired. But to get No20 on an AP run on EVERY print seems odd. Also, every artist usually does there own run. They don't all do 30, and they don't all give someone number 20.
Could be true..but the odds????
Just wanted to pop in to say ALOHA!!!
Thinking of you all everybody! Wish you were all here in Hawaii :)
My internet access has been spotty and the iphone battery is crap.
love you all!
ioioos, I tend to agree, but I don't know a ton about the art world. My hunch is that there's a bit of Photoshopping going on.
@Ben i feel your voodoo eyes... but alas- i am immune to their effect :)
BAH none of Lotto's videos will load for me! :( The first ones worked fine, too. Anyone else having trouble?
Any luck finding a live feed, Anne?
I watched Aloha Bruce for a while, but the bird's eye view is mixed blessing; switche dto Honolulu Advertiser, and the darn thing BROKE/stopped the second ANYTHING WAS GOING OT HAPPEN T_T
lol...I ended up at Honolulu Advertiser. It died on me too. On refreshes, I keep getting the same screen...the lady with extremely damaged hair. I'm hoping they are just relocating camera and will be back soon. ?!!
I'm getting intermittent audio/video now.
Honolulu ad works now, but they are really incredibly incompetent!
Okay actually does anyone know if this is Jo's camera or someone else? lol. Jo's interviews are great, cam keeps zooming on random things though o_O
Anne, sorry, can't help you here. I went *dark*, nobody could guarantee the interviews wouldn't be spoiler free.
IDK, Anne.
Oh! Jorge, Terry and H.I. Cusick. I wish I could hear them...background noise/crowd overwhelms. Ah-h-h...Terry's a good guy.
Well I only ended up watching LT's videos. Maybe I can catch the interviews later...after the premiere. Ah...wish we all could have gone.
Finally got decent coverage watching several streams at the same time ;) Though there was a lot of drop-out, no audio "oh hey a bus", etc. lol. Is it helpful to anyone if I post who was there (saw Darlton's intro on stage)? Interesting, sounded like Terry O'Quinn got the record for loudness/length of cheers on introduction, probably followed by Michael Emerson. . .
Well, better than nothing to hear bits of interviews and a fair part of the intro :)
Not sticking around for those filming ep - if nothing else, not how I want to see it. Like having someone re-enact it with sock puppets (quality-wise). Though my mother says "well if the actors came to your house w/sock puppets" . . .
/pointless wish I was on the beach. Made mistake of going out today, right side REALLY sore :( Back to S5 rewatch, almost done, will be ready for Tues :)
does it make it more special having all the numbers? hmm
("Her First Words"?! *seizes*)
i'd like to join the LOST FB thing, how can we help contribute ^^?
only thing is my Facebook... is kinda a pseudonym.... of sorts...
so it's not actually my name
Interesting... wonder if there was drama in Hawaii, they seemed to have started the premiere an hour or two early, possibly because the episode is already on the internet.
Been back from Dallas Comic-Con for a few hours now...was quite an experience (was my first comic-con) but was disappointingly lacking in LOST-ness... However, I was lucky enough to find this!
Watching LT's earlier video and...I can hear the ocean.
Amy Lynn, the whole 1st hour??
Unsure.... there are people on Twitter who are NOT in Hawaii claiming that they've seen the episode.
Jealous of those in Hawaii..but I'm mostly avoiding LOST sites right now to remain spoiler free!
Here is some interesting news for the 6th season DVDs though:
Sunset in Hawaii was 6:20. They started a few minutes late but I think a press screeners might have been sent out to some of the reporters that didn't make it to Hawaii.
About the 20/30… not photoshopped.
Things are ending around here, aren't they?
The season has officially begun, the ARG is done.
I had fun.
Be glad it's not a pun.
No, there are still 3 releases!
Methane Studios!
Eric Tan!
Go ARGers :D
TKI, I hope you'll be going over to The Lost Community. Lots of us will be over there I'm sure. While the ARG may be almost over, the S6 fun is just about to kick off! I'm sure they'll still be some ARG talk too.
I just came up with a new policy for season six…
I will skip the darn “Previously…“ intros, because they spoil the episodes big time for me.
So there was an AP run of 30 for all posters? If I have a non-numbered AP of Ben... exactly how many AP prints are out there?
@Anne - I'm so sorry to hear about the accident. Hope your polar bear can lick your wounds for you to make it all better... :-) Hope you feel better soon.
I have been fighting the urge to watch the first 5 minutes that are floating around the Net. It's tough as hell... but I want to see ALL of the premiere in High Def, and with no interruptions! We'll see if I can persevere all the way until Tuesday. LOL
In re-watching Season 5 today, my wife and I both noticed something... that I don't remember seeing anyone write about, but we both think that it is something of significance.
They show the night scene at the Marina where Jack is trying to convince everyone to go back... in a few of the episodes. But we noticed that in at least two of the episodes... the dialog has changed. Specifically... when Sayid is walking away, and Ben calls him back.
In one of the earlier episodes, Sayid turns around and speaking to Ben and Jack, says something along the lines of "If I see either one of you again, it will be unpleasant for all of us!". When they showed the scene in a later episode, when Sayid turns around... he seems to be speaking ONLY to Ben, and says something like, "If I see you again, it will be unpleasant for both of us!".
As soon as we heard the second version, my wife and I both turned to each other, because we both noticed the difference in dialog. We pretty much agreed... that on a show with so many fans going over every little detail... there is NO WAY that it was an accident or continuity issue. It was intentional!
So of course that begs the question of... why?! Thinking about it logically... the only reason that we could think that Sayid would only be addressing Ben in the second version of the scene... is because he was either unaware that Jack was working with Ben... or Jack really wasn't working with Ben.
Did anyone else notice this???
I'll give you all time to cogitate on that one for a while, as I'm off to bed. I want some freakin answers when I get up! ;-)
Good night... and aloha to those still partying in Hawaii!
I took a part of these 4 minutes and overlayed it with the content from the previous timeline…
Pat, there was mention of this change in dialogue in a thread a couple of weeks ago. I don't think there was any specific conclusion but MEL suggested I think that the memory of what was said was perhaps different depending on whose point of view we were seeing the scene from. It's hard to believe it was a continuity problem and not deliberate. It was also pointed out that this was not the first time we'd seen this happen.
@Thorsten. Couldn't agree more on the "previously" intros, especially as we always watch the last episode again immediately before watching a new one.
@Thorsten, I saw something like that on YT. Very interesting.
Well, you know Chris, it just totally gives away what will happen… Always preferred the way The Sopranos and other shows handled it, without that pre-title spoilery ;))
For anyone that missed it: Lotto did some great streaming from the crowd and from the red carpet, including close up and personals with many of our favourite characters.
Lotto's feeds
If you start viewing from the bottom of the page and then go to page 2 and then page 1 you get a feel for the timeline as events unfolded. There are no spoilers.
The feeds from Lotto are great.
It's just like nearly being there :-)
Nearly Zort.... But not quite! Great that the stars took time to sign stuff and say hi though.
I've posted the picture of the Olly tribute on the main page.
People should note that this artist proof set is number 20/30! Not 300.
I got my Ben poster from Todd Slater and it's an AP but not out of 30. It just has AP instead of numbers
to the tune of "One Day More" from Les Miserables (sound file here:- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuffHRacZMQ)
One day more
Another flight, another destiny
Another shot at at spinal surgery
If Kate cannot recall my name
I know I'll never be the same
One day more!
I did not know the man I'd been
I didn't even speak too clearly
One day more.
If fate is kind to Sun and Jin
We hope that Ben will pay severely
One more day to choose a man
Will we lose the thirty years?
One more day of Jack and Sawyer
Namaste and all that bunk
I will choose one if I can
Hey, I used to be a monk
But I can't make up my mind.
One more day inside a toe
Will the numbers go away?
Do you think that I'm a pirate?
Shall my Libby come to life?
I was born so long ago
Richard offered me a knife.
Who the hell's the guy in black?
The wait is done, the night is here
One day more!
One day more till resolution
Widmore's daughter has to pay
Changed the rules and killed my Alex
He will face the judgment day
Here we go again
Never learn a thing
Doesn't matter when
with all the tears they bring
First they're in a cage
then they're on the beach
All of us are waiting
for the doc's next speech
Others (2 Groups)
1: One day to the final season
2: Pray to God you get a line
1: Every man will have his day
2: Even those in Expose
1: There's an answer and a reason
2: There's a million questions left
Did you hear the statue fall?
What a-bout me? What a-bout me?
One day more!
That fucking Freighter was the start
One more of day him and him
How can I get to where you're living?
DARLTON (overlapping)
We will answer all your questions
We will make you all confused
Eighteen hours of mere perfection
Or you'll all feel really used.
One day more!
I cannot stand to be apart
What a life I might have known!
Our daughter won't be so forgiving
BEN (overlapping)
One day more till resolution
Widmore's daughter has to pay
Changed the rules and killed my Alex
ROSE AND BERNARD (overlapping)
Here we go again
Never learn a thing
Doesn't matter when
with all the tears they bring
Tomorrow night is LA X
I'm hoping that I have some sex
Tomorrow we'll discover
What our crazy writers have in store!
One more night
One more day
One day more!
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