Sunday, January 31, 2010

Lifes a Beach in Hawaii 76

A great picture from some of our most regular LOSTARGers in Hawaii, paying tribute to Olly Moss.

(The picture was taken from Maven's Twitter feed)

Olly replied a little later with -

If you want to see some of the action from the premier last night then have a look at Lottery Ticket's UStream videos


Attorney Greg said...

I shouldn't be first - soneone else do it.

Attorney Greg said...

wait . . . whoops

ChrisL said...

That's OK AG. We're happy with 3rd.

ChrisL said...

Zort, any chance of posting lotto's Ustream link on the main page?

Anonymous said...

This is great!

Zort70 said...

Chris - done, I was thinking about it and you gave the shove I needed.

ChrisL said...

Very cool of Olly to notice and respond.

ChrisL said...

Cheers Zort.

Attorney Greg said...

Nice pic by the way. (Should I stop looking for clues to Season 6 in the positioning of their arms?)

Zort70 said...

Attorney Greg - that would be so like Darlton to recruit our losties to give out subtle clues.

Drama said...

I see O-L-L-Y, then three ARGers doing weird stuff. Someone translate for me. Or is MEL just holding them all captive? it's difficult to tell.

Zort70 said...

I think Maven is an exclamation mark. The hat being the dot at the bottom.

Attorney Greg said...

Hat . . . ahh . . . I thought it looked like a rock . . . though I was thrown off by the color . . .

Lisa-Maladylis said...

very cute. I need to be drinking some chicken soup so I can be at my best Tuesday. Both Joey and I are sick-Blah. Hey, where is Martyn ?

ChrisL said...

Martyn was off with gf I think. He's going on the LOST tour today lucky guy. Maven too.

Lisa-Maladylis said...

Oh that's good. Gosh I wish it was that warm here today to be walking on the beach. Guess I will play with my new tools and stay warm. It looks like they had almost a whole cast on the beach for the LOST fun.

Tess315 said...

Talk about temptation. I could have watched the premier along with all our Hawaii friends but resisted.
There was a guy live streaming it from his hotel window. It's on his ustream page still and he posted on his blog page.

I did watch the red carpet stuff. Seen the limos pull up and the csat being in interviewed on the red carpet. Watched the promo before the main event then closed the window. I am glad to see that Flash Forward is coming back. I wasn't to sure about that.

BarbaraJay said...

Just finished watching Lottery Ticket's live feed from the premier. It was almost like being there in a psychedelic sort of way.

Welcome, gt!

Congratulations, Eugene!

Amy Lynn said...

I'm staying away from all Ustream, spoiler or not, until Tuesday. Mostly because I'm busy!

Cute picture, but I have no idea what they're trying to spell. Olly God?

thorsten said...

TOQ and ME… BFF!

ChrisL said...

That is a great photo.

ReverendMilo said...

It's a great pic! But it seems to be lacking one key thing, me!

god I'm jealous!

lora said...

Well, last night I couldn't resist. (Don't worry; I won't post any spoilers) I watched Aloha Bruce's live feed from his hotel balcony of the screen when they showed the first hour of the premiere. The picture was pretty good, but the sound was kind of muffled and whenever any loud traffic went by, it was impossible to hear. There were even sirens at one point that Bruce said were from ambulances pulling up to the beach. People in the chat said that someone must have had a heart attack from all the excitement!

Even though I was already totally spoiled, I was still surprised and delighted with the episode. It ended at almost 1am my time, and I couldn't sleep until 3am because I was so excited. Can't wait for Tuesday!!

Now out to shovel the 12" of snow that fell Friday night...

Sam G said...

:) Morning all. Wonder if the Hawaii peeps slept at all? It's pretty hard when the adrenaline is pumping.

Drama said...

no way am I spoiling ANYTHING. Way I figure it, tuesday "evening" for you guys happens after I go to bed, so I only need avoid wed-fri eve, until it airs here.

So yeah, avoid LostARGS, facebook, news updates... should be a piece of cake. :(

Unknown said...

@Ben --

I take it you don't want to watch it on or anything like that?

I could see why you wouldn't want to though - that's just not the same.

ChrisL said...

drsluggo, we won't be able to watch the feed in the UK unfortunately.

Sam G said...

I've done the craving spoilers - think it was season 2 and 3, I can manage to hunt them down and post them and not read them.

I want to be totally surprised like the first season.

RobPerrin said...

@lora, I'm in the same boat. I won't spoil, but will say that IMHO it is probably the best premiere since season 2.

Drama said...

no, outside the USA, the ABC site helpfully tells you to get bent when you try to watch on it.

No, I watched seasons 3-5 through other means, but I now have a big-ass TV, and HD, so I am happy to wait three days to watch it. Obviously on an hour delay - I'm not sitting through commercials.

Unknown said...

@ Ben --

Yeah.. you can't top HD by watching a crappy streaming video feed earlier. :)

Amy Lynn said...

@RobPerrin, S2's premiere is my least favorite, so let's hope it's better than that ;)

thorsten said...

As ususal, Milo has to be in every picture!

Crushproof said...

Hey All!
What a night!!! The episode was awesome! Can't wait til everyone is all caught up, so that we can theorize etc! Spent the evening with Erika Olsen, Jo Garfein (Jopinionated) ObFusc8, Sandro! Special thanks to all Ran into Ryan O. Maven, and various others! A good time was had by all!
Posted by Unlocke (STV) Hippy Campus (LP)

Just Thinking said...

Welcome Crush- you've got more names than Ben- lol. Hope you have good trip home.

Unknown said...

BTW - just now saw a commercial on Comedy Central with new footage.

C-R-A-Z-Y... totally throws my thinking from the 'opening scene' off...

ReverendMilo said...

You just cracked my ass up Thorsten!

I find it hard to believe I wasnt staring at Kate though, juliet must have been flashing me at the time.

Just Thinking said...

Thanks for the heads up DS- I think it's no TV at all for a couple of days. Guess that's what DVRs are for.

Unknown said...


It doesn't give anything specific away but it does give some 'locations' away. So if you're going 100% spoiler free avoid ABC/Comedy Central/ESPN/whatever else Disney owns.

It also completely blows my mind in one very small frame flash...

Eugene said...

Hi Crush. I followed the tweets and Aloha Bruce's stream as long as I could and then finally stopped myself.

Looks like such a great time. Tuesday is almost here!

Hey Barbara Jay! Thanks. I still can't believe I actually won something.

gt said...

@JT - same here. I'll just let the DVR takeover until Tuesday.

Unknown said...

@Eugene: I keep forgetting to congratulate you :P CONGRATS

Oh dear, there are new promos out? This close to the premiere, I think I'd rather just wait. For a show I'm this invested in I hardly need help with the "build" to the season.

Now to try and find some time to watch Lotto's feeds that weren't working/kept hanging yesterday.

Weinbeeezy said...

Not sure if i can ask this: but do you guys think the four minutes ABC sent out is not the real begining, and just there to trick us?

Amy Lynn said...

Weinbeeezy, I'm pretty sure it's the correct clip, but anyone who has watched the whole ep via that guy's hotel feed or who was in Hawaii could tell you for sure.

Unknown said...

@ WB -
there's no way ABC would do a contest like that with a fake scene. I just don't think that would get the type of press you'd want...

Just my opinion, of course. :)

Weinbeeezy said...

i was just thinking how big of a curveball that would be.. since they knew it would get leaked and all

Amy Lynn said...

They knew the whole episode was going to be leaked. Do you think they faked the whole thing, and will be showing a completely different episode Tuesday night?

ChrisL said...

WB, I seem to remember ABC advertised the competition as that the message in a bottle would contain an exclusive clip. I don't think they said anything about it being the beginning. And I think the new footage was only 2 mins of the 4 with 2 mins from the end of The Incident.

ChrisL said...

Amy, now THAT would be a surprise. Of course we'd all want to see the fake ep then too!

Amy Lynn said...

@ChrisL, all four minutes was un aired footage. For what it's worth.

Unknown said...

@ Amy Lynn,

The first 2 minutes of the 'bottle' clip was the end of the last season. And I thought they advertised it as the first scene of the season in the contest for some reason.

Amy Lynn said...

@drsluggo, I'm pretty sure that's not true. The perspective that we see it from is very different.

ChrisL said...

Amy, that must have been me assuming then. I just noticed that same bad continuity on the mouth blood and assumed it was the same footage. I'll need to see it again now.

Amy Lynn said...

I'll have to check, too, then.

Weinbeeezy said...

if i remember correctly they advertised it as the first four minutes from the new season... but the first two minutes is the scene from the end of last season

ChrisL said...

Side by side they appear the same until the white out.

Official new clips starting to appear everywhere, be careful Amy.

thorsten said...

Yeah, I saw one wrong screenshot and know the content of the guitar case…

Drama said...

aaaaaaaaaaaand it's booked. I'm going to HAWAII! April 5th - 14th. I'm guessing, with six weeks to go on the season, they might be doing some finishing touches around then? either way, beyond excited.

RobPerrin said...

For those interested, I have some shots of Daniel Danger's "...please don't worry. when i wake up i'll be something new." up now at my blog.

Daniel Danger framed

ChrisL said...

Nice Rob, that's one of the few prints that prompted me to go with a brushed silver frame. There is something about that print that lifts with the silver.

@Ben. Congrats. Jealous but pleased for you!

@Thorsten, me too. Bummer. Still, meaningless without context so...

Amy Lynn said...

@ChrisL, thanks for the warning. Those are not truly official, of course. What interests me most is why someone would fly all the way to Hawaii to sit in a hotel or on the beach and record a show. Ruins all the fun. Then again, crowds are my worst nightmare when watching LOST...

Sam G said...

Couldn't go to Sunset on the Beach because I'm going to Hawaii Feb 18. My roommate is getting married, couldn't get her to change the date. How selfish, right?

Nice framing on the DD print.

gt said...

nice frame job on the Danger

Drama said...

nice choice of black matte on the DD print... as you know, me likey. The hawaii trip has run me dry for prints though... I am going to have to dig deep for a Jacobs Cabin, and may have to pass on the crash, depending on price...

Unknown said...

Anybody trying to avoid seeing the new spot - don't watch Discovery, either.

Apparently mating Bactrian camels are NOT a LOST-free topic! ;) lol!

I do believe I'll have to go watch that again . . . for such a short spot, I already have a flurry of conclusions. Will be interesting to see if I'm even remotely right! XD;

Eugene said...

@rob perrin...Nice job on the DD. I really like that one. He has a way with trees.

Thanks for the warnings about the new spots. I am not aqs paranoid about it as I was a few weeks ago. It's so close now.

Eugene said...

Daniel Danger posted this about 30 minutes ago.

…sorry for the delay on that jungle-y poster, ive been dealing with some health issues and have had my mind on other things and/or been sleeping. yes i know ive been sick for weeks, you can thank my lungs.

futureself said...

I'm glad DD has not dropped yet. The feeding frenzy was such that the Danger would have turned carnivorous...I hope he feels better soon though!

andalone said...

@comixguru brought her Dharma jumpsuit on the LOST Location tour. She is awesome!

kiwilostie said...

Nerderific is tweeting pics as they do the LOST tour - pretty cool! Had to laugh - Othersville is right by a road! haha Its all in the camera angles!

andalone said...

kiwilostie - that surprised me too! The Barracks look so remotely located on LOST.

kiwilostie said...

@andalone - exactly!
Looks like a fun tour.

Unknown said...

The Barracks are so amazing to see just because of how small they are and that its just off a road!

Of course when I got to see them the fences weren't up and the cabins did not have any extensions on them because they weren't filming. That makes me jealous :)

The Kharma Initiative said...

RobPerrin, great write-up on "please don't worry..."! How'd you take such good photos that showed off the depth and detail of that print?

ChrisL said...

Amy, the clips I saw were definitely not from the beach. They were max quality and still giving little away. I assumed they were official as they appeared to follow a new S6 promo. Where could they have come from then I wonder?

Zort70 said...

Good morning all, we have a new artist interview from Nate Duval.