Kevin Tong will open the Hatch and sell 45 copies via his online store for $200 each, plus shipping. Today, at noon PST… which is Greenwich Mean Time minus 8 hours. Kevin placed everything you need to know in his Newsletter.
I strongly suggest that once you have the item in your cart that you check out and make the purchase immediately. I am not sure if adding it to your cart will hold it, but purchasing it is a surefire way to secure your copy of “The Hatch”.
I have had some inquiries about the shipping cost. If you do not select the proper cost for where you live ($210 USA, $215 everywhere else), I WILL cancel the order and return the item to the inventory. I will not adjust or take later payments. PLEASE do not try to order more than one poster, the order will be canceled. If you successfully ordered a poster and do not get a refund email in two hours, then you are good to go, just sit back and relax. Before emailing me with questions, please refer to this blog post as I will issue updates.
1. Make sure you have the right time zone figured out.
2. Make sure the credit card or bank account associated with your paypal is good (right info and sufficient balance). The best way is to have the amount needed in your paypal account, so the purchase will go over smoothly.
3. Make sure the address associated with your paypal account is current.
4. Make sure you add colt83 at gmail to your contact list. That way, the shipping confirmation email will not get spammed.
UPDATE: I have set the print at $215 and will offer $5 refunds to US customers who buy it. Please check my blog (tragicsunshine.com/newsletter) for the final updates. I will be AFK for a while as I am driving Olly Moss to his first day of work in the United States. You read that correctly.
Plus, they made a little video together…
Kevin stopped by in the comments again and posted another update: Please check your email (the one associated with your paypal account/transaction). If you do not see a refund email, THEN YOU ARE SAFE! Several refunds had to be made because despite setting the inventory, paypal let a few slip by before capping it off. Which orders got refunds was determined by who came after the first 45 orders. I am really sorry for those of you who got refunds or didn’t make it in time. I will be adding more updates tonight, so please check back in here.
1 – 200 of 406 Newer› Newest»I wish this were at a better time for me. Oh well. My wallet will be pleased to have a break.
Amy, Are you suggesting you're NOT going for this?
@ChrisL, no... it's just as well. I have a very dark apartment, and this would look pretty awful in it. As it is, I already have five. More than enough.
Is the hatch @ $210 overpriced? I wish it where in the $150 range. Since I've had no luck with the other second chance offers, I'm going to try like heck to get the infamous hatch.
Define overpriced? I'm guessing this will sell quicker than Ben Linus did.
Overpriced in the sense that it should be in the $150-$175 range as other prints were. I hope the last 10 are not going to go for $300.
10kb/sec internet. I wonder if I can make this...
$210 is not overpriced. This is a top tier print.
Either way, if you're not in the US you have no chance. The time it takes to use the dropdown menu to change destination country will kill it for us. Very, very annoyed.
I thought the top tiered prints were Locke's Secret, The Crash and LOST.
@JGZ, again, it depends on your own opinion. I would put LOST near the bottom.
I think you are right. The only way I got Locke's secret was because I'm in England, the server access was optimum and I could leave the default UK shipping option. Looking at the times of the people that got refunds, it looks like I got in with a second to spare.
If memory is correct, this was the first print to sell out within minutes (8 I believe) I definitely consider it a top poster
there are no real "tiers" other than perceived value. Some, by better named artists such as Stout, Danger and Moss should have higher value, but it will depend on the image as well.
For those in this for profit, or worried that they might be spending too much, the bottom line is that current market value for 3/4 of these prints is too high, and they will settle (after going up and down as the season progresses) over the year. By december you should be able to pick up the hatch at least $50 cheaper than it's being sold for. But then, you'd have a year of looking at it for that price.
Other prints will plummet. I can't see any going for more than they currently are.
I've learned that this isn't a "final" market. Prints are always being sold and traded. So if you miss your favourite, and want it enough, there will always be second chances.
So pays your money and takes your choice!
Thanks Chris. 10kb/sec + I live in Australia... I have no chance... Anyone willing to help me?
Hmm.. I think LOST was a very well drawn picture. The colours however, that's another thing.
I REALLY don't like the Stout. It's mostly just his style, but the colours on it are extra-ugly. After getting all excited for three or four days of potential drop times, it was a real "....oh." moment when I saw it.
@Ben, yup, me too. When everyone went into G1988 and we saw the Stout for the first time, I was like, this can't be it... it's too um, obvious. There's no subtlety to it, it's not very well drawn, and the colors, yes, terrible.
As much as I like Stout's "Lost", my first reaction to his style is to look for the little numbers and paint by them to complete the image. :)
I'd consider "The Hatch" top tier since it's extremely tough to find, the same way "The Crash" and "LS" are. Again, this is subjective.
I added a last minute update that I need your help to weigh in one, regarding the Hatch. Please go my tragicsunshine.com/newsletter to post a comment if you have a preference.
Here goes:
UPDATE:After some consideration and comments/emails sent to me, I do realize that with every second making or breaking a sale, having a drop down menu can be a downer. Sorry this is so late in the game. I can consider just making everything $215, regardless of where you are. All you do is click BUY. Please post if the comments if you are for or against this, obviously before 12 pm PST. Just trying to be as helpful as I can be.
Cheers Kevin
I love the way these artists are thinking about the customers so much.
They must fear the wrath of scorned losties! :)
Kevin, its for the greater good! Do it!
It would be less of a disadvantage to people who live overseas if there wasn't a drop-down menu.
Superstar Kevin. Very cool. Thank you.
I actually have the Hatch, and remember stepping away from the computer to decide if I wanted it! Imagine that. It really does shine-has a great energy.
I would offer to try and get it for someone, but I have been way too slow for any of the challenging posters, and have to be at work too.
But good luck guys- especially you who want to put this on your wall. I still think that is really the only good reason to buy one- unless it's to give to someone else who would love it as well.
maaaaan.... I'm so tempted to try for this today.
Although, I already have The Hatch, making it an even playing field for everyone interested in getting this print is very thoughtful.
WOOHOO! Yay, Chrisl! Thanks Kevin!
That is awesome Kevin is trying to make everything simple. Jason, if you have to select either one and there is no default, then no one is at an advantage...I think that is what Kevin was doing. You had to select one. I have enough prints but if someone needs a poster buddy, I will try.
I guess you are right Chaseter.
Hmm... I'm on holidays now and its 2.32am. Should I sleep and risk it or stay up for another 4.5 hours?
My vote would be for a single charge and no dropdown please..
@Chaseter... I could use a poster buddy.
Let me know if you're willing to give it a shot?
thanks!! :)
Same with me. Just outta curiosity, how many of you are from outside the US?
I have one, but I'm in the PST time zone, so would be willing to be a Poster Buddy if someone needs one....?
drsluggo, I will try for you. I am at work so I am not at home sitting in my custom f5 chair with my leather f5'ing gloves. I will try my best and if I get one,we can trade info.
Richrootes, I need a poster buddy cause I have seriously slow internet (10kb/sec). Would you be willing to help?
Chaseter - thanks!
I am hoping I am fast enough here, but you know it only takes one mistake and I've done that a few times now!!
Jason, if it's any measure, the results of the favourite poster poll on the december 24 post suggested that we have friends here from 26 countries however around 70% of those friends are in the US.
Oh yeh... Forgot about that. Thanks ChrisL :)
Keep the drop-down menu. I don't want to pay extra for shipping. Sorry, gang, that's just how I feel.
Dragon Management, I'll send you the extra $5 if you're successful :-)
Is there a reason why we dont use chat anymore, before a print release?
Since I already have this awesome print...good luck to all trying for it!
And thanks to Kevin for being to in tune with the fans and trying to be as fair as possible!
Hi Jason
Sure - I'll do my best for you.
E-mail me at richrootes at gmail
forgot to email to this one. Hope everyone that wants it, gets it.
Good luck with the poster everyone! 80% sure I'm not going to go for this one.
@ AmyL & Ben: I agree about the LOST print. I was expecting something amazing. Not really a fan of the finished product. I don't think it is on par with any of the other posters. Oh well.
Good luck to everyone trying for the Hatch today. I already have it.
Kevin, It's very gracious of you to try and help out the overseas buyers. It seems fair to me since speed is of the essence. Five extra dollars isn't that much when you're buying a 200.00 print. JMO.
Maden over at EB (Thanks Maden) just spotted this on Tyler Stout's site:
question: anyone have a online store with inventory recommendation? i currently use big cartel , because it tracks inventory. but it is not perfect for my needs. i have heard good things about zen-cart.com , and will be setting up one of those this week to try out.
basically i need something that keeps track of inventory, doesn't oversell, and is reliable.
Sry if this has already been answered, but kevin's store is a bit quirky. Is there a specific url for the poster release. or will it just be randomly inserted in the store?
I can't afford this one, fair enough price for a great image but just haven't got that much to spend on a print.
If anyone needs a poster buddy: I've had dreadful luck but I'm willing to take another spin with my fully-tricked out browser.
@ChrisL: Hah, I don't envy him doing THAT homework :3 Definitely some are better than others but there's no way to make it bump-free, I bet . . .
Actually a company I buy LE items from was always having the entire system crash when they did an item release - so they finally wound up going to a lottery system. Fairer or not, I'm not sure but it was less stressful!
Sounds as though there are a lot of buddies on offer. Does anyone actually want this print at this price just out of interest?
I have set the print at $215 and will offer $5 refunds to US customers who buy it. Please check my blog (tragicsunshine.com/newsletter) for the final updates. I will be AFK for a while as I am driving Olly Moss to his first day of work in the United States. You read that correctly.
from tragicsunshine.com
The poster will appear on the far left of the side scrolling store. There is no link other than the one mentioned below. Don’t bother with back end stuff (cheaters!), the code will not exist until the moment of the sale.
The thought of Kevin Tong and Olly Moss in the same car is the cutest thing ever.
I wouldn't say the price is cheap but I really really want this one.
@Eugene...awesome. That's what I thought. wanted to make sure.
This is the print I want most (and I'm 13/16). I've had pretty good luck so far, but considering I haven't had a chance to buy this print even on ebay, I could use the help!!
There's a video with Olly and Kevin on the site.
So do you think the poster will appear here: http://www.tragicsunshine.com/store.htm
or here:
http://www.tragicsunshine.com/storevarious.htm ?
The second one.
What type of conversation will they have?...."I still think my print was better than your print...and here, you forgot your lunch box.
This one is truly worth $200, personally tier 1 but realisticly it is a tier 2. My favourite print of the series, so thanks Kevin for making a print that made me drool when I first saw it on the dcaapb website. Amazing!
Really wish I could be a poster buddy but the customs charge that's bound to come with it really isn't worth it. Will probably cost me £200 in total, so I'm staying clear of it.
Good luck to all who get it, you will not regret it. I've got it as my iPhone wallpaper while it's down the framers cus I miss it so much. It's like a child to me.
Excuse me while I shed a tear on this rush hour filled train.
@Martyn... I have the Hatch as my Gelaskin. It's fantastic.
I think Kevin came up with a perfectly fair thing by making less drop downs and refunding US customers! I gather the poster artist community is a close-knit one (like the Lost Community), and helping each other out is what they do....if anyone needs a ride in LA...I'm there! :)
So where is Olly going to work? And why is he deserting the motherland!?
Does anyone else have trouble loading images in Kevin's store?
Kevin is an excellent artist and won my respect as an up-standing businessman.
Good luck to everyone.
My strange poster collection would be called "There's No Place Like Home". I have "The Hatch" and "The Barracks". To complete my collection, at some point I'd love to add "Jacob's Cabin". There's also "The 4-toed Statue" but not necessary.
It's ok for me now charter, but on friday, the transmission prints weren't fully loading.
@Anne: I could use a poster buddy. My work computer is having network issues right now!
can't wait!
@Patrick: sure thing. Will do my best. Don't have any other plans at @2PM (CST) ;)
That Olly and Kevin video is fantastic. Good luck Olly.
Kevin, thank you so much for giving us all a fair chance, Sam G is right, that's good business.
Regarding the Stout LOST print: I love it. Though a major reason for the love may be because it was the only print I was able to get out of the 7 I tried for. ;)
Just looking at the he-man gallery photos. Amazing stuff, really wish I liked He-Man to warrant buying one!
I wonder if there are any Dragonball Z art prints out there? Nah, that's taking me geekiness TOO far!
Good morning and afternoon to all those joining the fun today!
Anyone willing to try for The Hatch just to trade it? The universe must maintain a balance. If you manage to get The Hatch today (or already have one), would you be interested in my Rousseau's Transmission or Walt's Kidnapping for it?
Or I could pay you your cost today for it.
@patmc, sounds like some really great framing ideas. I'm hoping to get one or two of mine framed soon (not brave enough to do it myself).
Maybe, after the craziness of the Noon buy dies down, I wonder, if Kevin might give us a little more information on the process of making this print? Yesterday we were talking about how many colors and screens were involved. Did we ever come up with any real answers?
great video of the guys. Love the posters !
@Martyn - the Skeletor/Costanza print is hilarious. Also really liked Skeletor getting a root canal and Skeletor barging in on He-Man in the bathroom.
Wife just sent me a picture of my tubed "Hurley's curse" GOD i cant open it up tell I get off work...I
so is the hatch up on his site yet? and where is it located? I checking now and cant find it!
Too early - still another hour.
I can't wait Its my first poster too! So excited but have to wait 5 more hours to see it...
@Anne: thanks, you rock!! Email yingko 9 at gmail.com
Just wanted to remind everyone that ROB JONES'S SWAN STATION is up for a really good price right now on eBay:
[YES, this is my auction.]
My favourite prints have to be Cosmo Skeletor, Battle Cat Statant, Trimming The Bowl Cut, Skeletor Gets A Root Canal, Prince Adam Is A Jerkand And The Feud Begins.
Seems like I like the same as you. Oh so tempted by Prince Adam Is A Jerk, but I don't know who the hell Prince Adam is!
throwfar, congrats on your first.
That Is a good price Dragon Management.
@Patrick: sending you an email now :)
@Martyn: Prince Adam = He-Man XD
I only watched some of He-Man back in the day; I wasn't actually *supposed* to watch cartoons. Man did I lust after those She-Ra figures though, my cousin had the castle and everything and didn't even care! Wonder if she kept them - they'd be worth a pretty penny now! Enough to buy some LOST art for sure!
Who will try for the Hatch? :)
Prince Adam is the "normal" alter ego of He-Man!
Ahhhh. You see, I'm an 88 man, so missed pretty much everything from the 80's. Except Bananaman and Superted, my childhood heroes!
Lol - childhood memories - I wasn't really into He-Man but was super-obsessed with Thundercats!
what page in the online store should we be refreshing exactly??
The poster will appear on the far left of the side scrolling store. There is no link other than the one mentioned below. The code will not exist until the moment of the sale.
Apparently I was super obsessed with Thundercats too, furtureself, but for the life of me, I have no recollection of even watching the darn thing!
Thorsten- Thank you :-)
Good luck everyone!
I hope I make it this time, got to my comp too late the first time it went on sale.
Hey ARGers!
So nice of Kevin Tong to stop and try to make today's drop fair for all. Kevin driving Olly to work, nice. The little video of them was fun.
Martyn -- Prince Adam=He-Man and Cringer=Battlecat.
futureself -- Thundercats hoooooooooooooo!
Do you know, in the two months I've been here, I don't think I've ever seen Ellen say anything other than "email..." Nice. I hope whoever she is emailing is enjoying her communiques.
@ Arnold -
Since you're planning on flipping this, I hope you don't get it. Just my opinion, of course...
Good luck deleted.
lol @Ben
@Arnold, hope your computer crashes!
Feel like trying now, just to stop morons like him succeeding!
Anyone who announces they are going to flip is just asking for Kevin to cancel their order.
Thanks to people like Arnold, I've missed out on so many prints I wanted.
I want to keep mine for sure. I have 4 more to go for the collection! (Five if you don't count the poster version of LOST...lol)
Nice Joey. Besides ReverendMilo, has anyone here got the full set?
Has JFuller mentioned if he/she/they are selling their prints yet?
I wish. 13/16
not sure what the status is on it, but tomrex had the set (the $40000 ebay auction)
I think Ellen B. also has a full set. I'm 14/16 but don't think I will go for the Stout one either.
Wow. What are you going for Chrcowan?
I need hatch, polar bear and barracks (last two wasn't going to get...but you know...this close...)
Arnold, we are mad with ALL OF YOU!
TomRex didn't buy to sell intentionally for profit like you are Arnold ;)
Maybe there is NO time to do it but --
This is definitely not the time to get into a flame war. :P
Chrcowan, nice work on the 13.
Arnold. Please refrain from name calling. Thanks
@ Arnold...
I hope Tomrex doesnt get another one either. Anyone buying to resell immediately don't deserve to get one IMO.
That might be the market, but to come on here and brag that you're buying one to sell to someone who misses out... that's low.
get your f5's ready....
Ahh... Cool. I'm still deciding if I like the Polat Bear or not. I think its well done but it doesn't really have enough Lost references in it.
Chrcowan, which are you missing?
Interesting to see that Walt's Kidnapping went for so little on Ebay earlier. Swan Station outsold it today.
I'm so glad people know me.
I pulled my set because I don't think I'll have to sell it. Know what you are talking about before you put your foot in your mouth.
Ben, Ellen is simply keeping an eye on us all ;-)
Great day today! Thank you RamHatter xxx Seriously, it's what I always wanted.
I'm opening up my very long awaited DD tube right now :D
TomRex, that is truly EXCELLENT news.
great to hear tomrex!
Indeed, congrats TomRex!
has he posted it up yet I still cant find the print. is it under store?
has he posted it up yet I still cant find the print. is it under store?
Kevin said it won't be posted until it's on sale...
Ok...Under store right?
Wow is his site slow! I think it's going to be another ugly one for everyone... (sigh)
13/16 but somehow doubt i will ever get more than 14/16.
Just waiting for some black velvet action arriving soon...
Man that site is sloooooow.
Thank goodness, I thought it was only me..
Missed it...
that was quick sold out
Yay. Got one :) My favorite of all :D I'm stoked
Purchased, but I get the feeling lotsa refunds will take place, keeping my fingers crossed!!
Think I have one.
damnit! i couldnt get to it
That. Was. CRAZY! First time I saw it SOLD OUT as soon as I clicked "Buy Now" after my password.
purchased at 12:00:24 PST
Dammit.. Missed it.
Here was my reciept time: Jan. 11, 2010 12:00:25 PST
What is everyone elses?
mtutick, congrats. No refunds I hope
I got one baby...Please no refund
Wahoo! Nice one TomRex, So glad you don't have to give up that amazing set.
Which Walt's Kidnapping on eBay are you referring to?
No one likes a flipper on this forum, so for the sake of harmony, go over to Expresso Beans and chat with some like minded people. That way, everyone has an enjoyable night. Just know that no-one on here is going to e-mail you, nothing personal mind.
@Everyone Else, just ignore Arnold, you're bigger than him!
oh well - 2 hours of waiting for an email begins...
geez that went fast. oh well
12:00:25 here
No good :(
damn. didnt even have a chance :(
Sold out instantly.
Sorry poster buddy. I clicked checkout on the final page and it said session timed out. Sorry:(
12:00:27 PST
Alas. My favorite is gone.
Don't worry everyone!
You still have time to get a REALLY GOOD DEAL on the SWAN by JONES!
(my auction)
Yes!!! I got one!
12:00:23 PST for me. Congrats to everyone that got one! :)
I hope I don't get a refund
that was painful.
It wouldnt let me pay with a CC - it was forcing me to use a bank account.
i got in immediately too.. i am so bummed. :(
Anyone get one that wants to trade?
Chaseter -- any luck?
12:00:32 PST
alas.....13/16 I shall remain.
Did anyone else get told they couldnt use a mastercarD? I cant believe PayPal did that!
Wow, forgot about the sale, that was nuts!
Congrats everyone who got one, commiseration's to those who missed out.
So glad I had the day off when it originally went on sale!
Tom..that is great news that you don't have to sell it. It sucks that you would have to sell an amazing set and I hope all your problems are fixed but you did win one of those prints from the SaL fund and that would be a little unfair to do that to those the lost. But, you are keeping it so it all works out for the best. Congrats to those that got Hatch.
I got one at 10:00:37.
Last in line...or refund mine!?
I've gotten rejected for these 2nd lots so many times its not funny anymore. Oh well.
Wow I actually feel WORSE about not getting a print when I'm doing it for someone else :(
Apologies to Jason - I tried and failed.
Just out of interest, do you most you guys that are successful use Macs?
Missed it... I don't know why I keep subjecting myself to this.
I will always have my memories of the SF in-store at Super7 (and the giveaways from there), and Love Triangle... I should just be happy with those!!
Hope everyone here who really wanted one gets one.
And I think it was very cool of Kevin to interact with folks on this site and to change the setup based on the feedback he got.
One good thing about this whole thing is that I now know about some of the coolest printmakers that are working today.
I don't know what I did wrong, but I never even saw the print show up in the store!
Anyone else have this problem!?!
Just a personal guess, but by the way the browser ran and the reports on here, I have a strong feeling that there will be MINIMUM refunds. Todd Slater taught the other artists a lesson.
Perhaps it is wishful thinking on my part (even though I didn't get one), I certainly hope this is the case for Kevin Tong (make his life easier) and to all those that managed to purchase one (no refund ramblings or further worries!)
One can only imagine the insanity that will be Daniel Danger and Eric Tan...
@ Anne
Me too....
So, we all now wait for the Tan and Stout silliness then?
12:00:25. A little worried. haha
@Anne, but the fact you tried for me is good kharma regardless. Thanks for trying, I owe you one!
I'm giving you another great news: I refreshed, clicked buy now, found sold out.
Hope that everyone who loves it got one. Bye :)
Thank for trying RichRootes :) Appreciate it!
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