Well I'm almost a little tearful that the 10th and last competition is here. As you can see from the picture to the left, this prize is a Tawaret Statue model from the Gallery 1988 art show. (Note - does not include a miniature Zort !)
This is another prize donated to us by Gallery 1988 in recognition of the LOSTARGs site and community as being one of the best places on the web to discuss LOST art.
This draw will again be free to enter but as with the other competitions, apart from number 9, there will only be one entry per person allowed.
Like prize 8 this one will be a little different.
1. What is the title of the LOSTARGs blog post ?
(You will only be able to find this once you have found clue 2. We need the exact title, so if you think you have it and it does not match a blog post title, you don't have it)
2. What is the location of the second clue ?
(Hint - the 2nd clue cannot be found on LOSTARGs.com)
Clue 1

(If we don't get at least 20 correct entries by Midday (EST) on Tuesday we will make things a little easier)Submit your answers by clicking here and entering the information into the entry form. This same form will be used for each prize. Make sure you choose
PRIZE 10 from the selection drop down.
Entries for this prize must be submitted by 28th January 2010

This draw is again free for all to enter, but if you can spare some money then either the logo to the right of the main blog can be used to donate to the Red Cross or as with previous draws UNICEF is charity that does good work in over 150 contries. The link takes you to a site to donate specifically to the Haiti Earthquake Appeal.
Click here or the logo if you wish to donate.
Click Here to view the Terms and Conditions on the first prize draw post
1 – 200 of 495 Newer› Newest»Ille qui nos omnes servabit
Loving this one Zort. Very cool prize too even without tiny you.
Chris, I was thinking about that last night and wondering if I could print me out onto cardboard, cut me out and send in the package !
I was trying to look nonchalant in the picture, but the more I look at it the more it looks like I need the bathroom.
Too funny!
the competition doesn't make sense... my brain hurts!
This is quite hard compared to the others. I dont even know where to start from.
Just think about what each picture may represent.
Doesn't this take you back a few weeks when we had clues to solve for each poster :-)
Hahaha... As a matter of fact, it sorta does.
Yeah, but with those clues, people had solved it before my head began to hurt. I've only been looking for 5 minutes!
Morning all!
With a family effort we believe we have it!
tough one!...email...;D
Oh wow, and this is the one that I really want ! Ok, off to solve I hope.
www.captainscrewdriverredshoes.com? I don't get what's actually being asked of me by the question. I'm looking for a specific blog post that's been on Lost Args for question 1... and for question 2, am I right that we have to work out where that picture of a pilot is from? as in, the whole internet?
Clue 1 leads to clue 2, clue 2 leads to the answer.
Chris has the correct answer.
i'll try this tomorrow.
I can't understand HOW clue 1 leads to clue 2, as "You will only be able to find this once you have found clue 2. We need the exact title, so if you think you have it and it does not match a blog post title, you don't have it".
Davide. Cool Blog. We missed your birthday :-(
Belated Happy Birthday!
I can make something out of most clues, except for the heels with the parental advisory. I'm also having trouble linking the second and third clue.
Not giving up though!
Can't wait to try on my Shih-tzu shirt, especially because I'm a vet (well almost) :D
Good luck everybody! Chilian
Thanks a lot :D i just had had too much to do :D
Too bad that even on my bday there is no LOST luck for me :D
Ha, nice one, Zort. Think, I've got it now.
nope. I'm stumped. I don't even know where to start. HEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP
I think I figured it out
Wow! Amazing prize for final competition. But I am sad that it is all coming to an end.
And yet I am also very excited as 4 of my prints are coming back from the framer today - 3 of the DCaaPB prints, and my signed Jack Bender "The Hatch Painting". I received it 2 years ago, and am thrilled to finally have it framed.
I also have installed the Skate Deck from guest artist at DamonCarltonandMe.com in a corner of my LOST room. It looks great! I think I will probably order a different mount though. I think this one infringes too much on skate deck. I moved the cast-signed season 5 poster from its previous location to make a gallery wall for the posters arriving today.
andalone, would love to see pics of the framed Hatch Painting. I've been considering buying a print... Sounds like an exciting day for you!
Wow, now that's a LOST shrine!
Martyn, I devoted an entire room of my house to display my LOST collection. There is picture of another corner in my twitpics.
I figure one of the advantages of owning a home is being able to create an environment that makes me happy. The rest of the house is "normal", but I spend most of my time in the LOST room.
Holy moly andalone. Nice work. Where did you get the awesome oceanic 815 plane??
:) Morning.
Way too early to think like this.
Jason- I purchased it from this seller. They occasionally run ebay auctions, and I paid around $75 for it. My base is plain though, not fancy like the one on their site.
Going back for a minute to the previous post...
@PatMC: those Pre skins are hot! My Pre would love to have a Rousseau's Transmission.
@ioioos: what's the story on the Moss Indy? He made them and they didn't clear Lucasfilm? Are they even on the market? Congrats in getting it, that's a new "grail piece" for me now (pardon the pun).
I caved and spent some coin on a Locke's Secret on ebay. It's from the DCaAPB numbers and it's signed on front. Now, I only need a Crash for the sweet sixteen.
Patrick, congrats on your LS. Shame you had to ebay it but good that it's in safe hands.
All the Olly movie prints can be seen here. They are excellent. That Deer Hunter MUST be mine.
..What the hell is Zort talking about?
@KI..more details on frame in previous ,,blogger posting thing.
Needs more coffee
I read somewhere that a large number of Olly's movie prints were damaged in transit which is why they haven't made it officially to market. Don't know if there were licensing issues too...
ahh i think i solved it!
@ChrisL: thanks on the LS. The only consolation I had on going this route is that it went cheaper than all the rest. I just got it yesterday and spent about half an hour just looking at it. You just can't make out the detail until you see it in person. Thanks for the info and the link, hadn't seen the Batman before - very sharp!
my favourite of those Olly Moss prints is the Die Hard one.
As for this puzzle... an hour now, and I still can't work it out. I have one of the pics sorted - I know what it is, but the rest, no clue...
andalone, I would love to LIVE in that room!!!
Amy Lynn, come on down! There is a sofa-sleeper in the room, fitted with Dharma station sheets. (I went crazy with iron on transfers.)
Morning all...waking up to a real brainteaser! Good luck to all working on this puzzler!
Awesome room, Andalone! I just have a little corner of my quilting room to display Lost things (next to my Lost Quilt which will be traveling with me to Hawaii shortly)!
That's enough packing today. Although forgot some obvious stuff, so will make a note to pack them.
Right, focus all energy on this little quiz then. Obviously solvable!
OMG!!!!! I just picked up prints!
"The Hatch Painting" looks amazing!
The frame is done with a cross-plane effect to the wood. I am thrilled! Here is is Mr. Bender's work. I'll posts more pics when I get everything on the wall.
Wow, the Hatch looks awesome. Good work, andalone (and Jack Bender!)
I could kick myself for not having it framed before now!
T-Shirts with free UK-delivery…
Thorsten, I saw those a few weeks ago, and then did the calculation on just how much money 18 pounds is.
Yup, no Teefury $9 T shirts in the UK I'm afraid Amy. That Black Rock is a nice shirt though.
My thoughts exactly Chris
Not sure if this was posted already -- Erika Olson & JOpinionated have organized an Oahu meet-up Friday: Oahu Meet-up details
I'm making a medical excuse on being unable to figure this one out so far :P I have ideas but can't put them together properly. Ugh.
@andalone: Hardcore. Very hardcore. :)
@maven: this is one art quilt that will be improved by getting some sand on it ;)
@Thorsten: yeah I totally want one of those :( I've paid that much for t-shirts before, but only a few times.
Maybe one of our very talented artists could create some Cafepress designs.
WOW. Amazing prize. I haven't entered any of the other contests except the Haiti donation one, but I am going to have to at least try for this one! Confused as heck right now but perhaps if I let the clues sink in a bit more... Hmmm.
Pretty cool, again:
Perdidos [6ª Temporada] Anuncio2 Cuatro
Cheers for the link Rob!
Okay . . . LOST is a US show. Why does every other country get a WAY COOLER promo? XD rofl. The ABC promos are sort of like "the show. stuff happened. it's ending. WATCH."
Here Amy, made you a shirt ;))
@thorsten, that looks awesome. I need it in a baby-tee though.
I really, really would love to have the statute. But right now I'm in the "brain hurts" category with Ben. I'll keep looking and hope something clicks.
Thanks for all these contests - it has helped me get through the last weeks before LOST returns.
@Nora, and everyone else whose brain hurts at the contest (this is me, too), there are lots of statues that you can get on Ebay for not a lot of money.
I have come out of lurking to try and win this one! Awesome prize! I donated else where for Haiti and already have Locke but it was awesome for everyone to give!
ChrisL & others that have solved the last puzzle... sweet. I'm at a point where the clues seem to have more meanings than one so I'm stuck (and not on a tropical island).
Andalone - you've made me want to pick up "The Hatch Painting". Looks awesome framed!
Thorsten - seems you've got yourself a nice side business if you want... photos, posters, & now t-shirts!
Vincent - good to see you.
JPL and those stuck. It's logical. It really is one of those that clicks. Get the last bit of the clue sorted and work back.
andalone. I agree with JPL, that print looks awesome framed up. I'm ordering one.
Nice T Thorsten!
Thanks folks, but we know that John Locke is owned by Disney, and we all know who owns Disney, right?
Oh dear. AliceL has started on the first of her 1000 piece LOST jigsaw puzzles delivered by Santa. Desperately trying not to get involved as I need to sleep tonight!
Decided to stop lurking to thank Andalone for pictures of the LOST shrine, especially You All, Everybody by Jim MacLeod. It's amazing and mine is on its way! :D
Welcome rtfarr1! Picked up Jim's print as well. You'll be very happy when it arrives.
ChrisL - flunked the class on logic... was to busy hunting down the clues during original poster hunt. ;)
rtfarr1, Howdy. I'm with you. Mint In Box is the only way to go!
Well, I think I figured these clues out. At least I got to a web page based on my interpretation of the clues and the page seemed in keeping with the whole style of this arg.
Well, I haven't a clue with these clues at all. Just going to give up and go play on my PS3 instead.
Will come back tomorrow though in the hope I see it more clearly, really want the statue.
What is your PSN name on PS3
I have been lazy trying to figure out all the reveals during DCaaPB, and I didn't even attempt Prize 8. But... for the sake of the statue... Thanks for making this one vague! I finally figured out the first lead. Awesome, guy.
There are few things that drive me more batty than unsolved puzzles. It's a miracle I've survived 5 seasons of LOST with my sanity (mostly) intact! I figured out the anagram, but darned if I can get anything else that unites the clues!
Man this is totally keeping me from working . . . *tears self away* May be PS3 bound too, Braid is on sale this week.
Good luck everyone!
Not a clue. I presume it's dieweener, that's my name for everything other than on here.
I've had three answers for the anagram, not one of them made sense. Well done to you.
And everyone who has figured the whole thing out, well done you, you obviously had your weetabix this morning!
Weetabix and Vegemite!
Vegemite? Bleh!
And... Prize 10 answer submitted! Everything ChrisL has encouraged and suggested tips for is correct. Very logical, indeed.
Still... Wish I could e-mail ChrisL to confirm my own answer I just submitted! Best of luck to each and every one of you.
XXX, too late if you've submitted already! I'm sure you've done just fine.
@Martyn: it fits as an anagram, but doesn't make much sense with the rest of the clues! So I may be totally wrong somehow. *headdesk*
I did however just find out that there's a band called Monster Eats the Pilot. lol. They seem pretty decent.
Crap, I think I switched my answers. Put the answer for #1 in spot 2 and vice versa.
i am so ridiculously stumped! Bums me out because i REALLY would love to have that statue. Hopefully i'll have an epiphany. I really want to know what that album cover is
Well, I didn't want to feel like a "cheat" for submitting my answer to you and finding out if it was right or wrong. maybe a pride thing. But, now that we've both officially submitted and I can't change my answer, is it cool if I e-mail you what I submitted?
What is your e-mail?
chris dot leaning (at) gmail. (keep it to yourself though).
Just submitted my answer! Gotta start from the bottom and work backwards i guess. I hope i'm right!
I am really stumped on this one! :(
Zort has put me into a severe depression that probably won't lift until February 2nd. lol
I stink a puzzle solving and I know there are at least 20 people here better at it than me. This is the one thing that I would really like a chance at winning. Oh well. :)
Good luck everyone.
Posting this here and asking permission before I do this -
I'm considering parting with two of my LOST posters - would anyone be offended if I posted the information on how I am going to do it here?
@milkcan, not offensive, unless you're obnoxious about it.
I can only speak for myself and... I don't mind.
i think its fine, milkcan! Some people keep posting about it every ten minutes and it gets annoying, but otherwise its fine!
Yeah, I'm only going to post once, and - truth be told - the post is getting to be A LONG POST. I'm not simply going to sell/trade. There may be some work involved, but I want for those who want to get a LOST print have a fair chance of getting something, regardless of whether they are quick or have money to dump on eBay. Will post later.
Sounds like it might be fun Milkcan. Looking forward to it now :-)
sounds intriguing, Milkcan!
Yes. What Chris said!
You know what they say about great minds TW.
well, I'm stumped and off to bed. I hope tomorrow brings a breakthrough. I have a sort of link between clues 2 & 3, but the rest doesn't make a lick of sense.
screaming has started. I just can't find the heels on the flowers. I seem to remember it but with my bad memory, it escapes me. I'm soooooo confused ! Yet I'm usually so good at these !
I'm glad at least some people are enjoying the clues.
To people that are confused don't over think it, it really is quite simple when you know :-)
Hey zort, did you get my corrected answer? Is it kosher that I submitted a second answer (with the instructions to ignore the first entry)?
And am I right?
Night all.
By george! I've just cracked the anagram!
Well, lets put it with the rest of the clues to figure it out!
I can’t believe I’m opening this can of worms, but here we go…
First off, my apologies for taking this off-topic away from the Prize 10 discussion. Second, please don’t get upset at this post – this is about trading/sales of poster(s). If you don’t want to read something about trading/sales, please skip reading this post now, but maybe you would want to at least read it to see if anyone you know may benefit from it. Lastly, THIS WILL BE THE ONLY TIME I POST THIS, so if you know of anyone who may want to take part in this, be sure to let them know.
To preface – I’ve been involved with DCAAPB.com since the first print, and I have been blessed and honor to get the first eleven prints up to Walt’s Kidnapping. During that time, I have developed a passion for screen-printing along with framing. I have purchased many prints outside this LOST series, and I’ve been framing most….except for a few, which leads me into the heart of this post.
Out of the first eleven LOST prints that I have, six of those have been framed and are proudly shown at my house. Three are currently in the process of being framed to be given to some of my close friends/family – these are people I watch and discuss LOST with, and will be given to them when we watch the season finale of LOST together as a surprise. BUT – that doesn’t account for two of these posters….
I’m looking to part with these two LOST posters. They are not my style and really wouldn’t fit in my house if I were to put them up. Now, I know I can post sales/trades at DarkUFO or post a link to an eBay auction, but I don’t want to do that. I want to MAKE SURE that these prints get to people who really want them, would put them up on their wall and would appreciate them on a daily basis. So, to ensure that someone who really wants the prints will get them, I’m coming here first and I have some guidelines.
If you are interested in possibly getting one of these two LOST prints, please e-mail me at milkcanrocks@gmail.com . In the subject line, please put your ‘handle’ that you post with at LOSTARG’s and the ONE print that you would want of those eleven, and in the body of the e-mail tell me THE ONE (only one, I don’t want a list of posters) print that you would want out of the first eleven and – more specifically – why, along with what you feel would be a fair trade or fair monetary compensation. Multiple e-mails from the same address or handle will be ignored.
Now – here is the catch. I haven’t mentioned which prints they are, and I’m not going to. If it’s one of the prints I’m keeping or giving away to friends/family – sorry, not going to part with them. BUT, if it’s not one of those, then we’ll talk – tell me why you want it, and name your price or what you think is fair for trade. Other posters will be ‘smiled’ upon but I prefer non-LOST posters and would like some monetary compesation as well unless the posters are fantastic. I’m not doing this for money reasons – so, even if you have ‘little’ and are ‘dying’ for one, give it a shot and write an e-mail. But please don’t give me a list of all the posters (just one), and I would prefer some trade involving other posters, money or both. Cookies are frowned upon, unless they are amazing cookies. JUST ONE REQUEST PER PERSON.
Again, want to make sure that these two posters get the right home – I’ll take ‘submissions’ until Tuesday night at 9 p.m. PST so everyone can get a shot. One arrived with a soft crease from Gallery 1988, but it can be easily framed/matted out. But other than that, they have been storing flat and safe and are in perfect condition.
I think that as this could be quite tricky I will adopt the same policy as the 8th prize, that you can have one resubmission, but the second one will be chosen no matter which one is right.
As to whether it is right or not I can't confirm or deny, but I can say the first entry was definitely wrong.
@Milkcan, it's an interesting proposition, but I kind of feel like it's obvious that you're talking about Love Triangle and the Van.
It does sound like a complex way of doig things, but I'm sure you have a reson.
Good night all, back first thing tomorrow.
I think i've got all the posters I want from the first 11. Only one I would try for is Smoke Monster but i'm fine without it.
But tbh, the ones you're offering are probably the "lesser" ones, a.k.a. Dharma Van (Awesome) Love Triangle (Beautiful), The Statue(Intriguing) so I suppose not that bad!
Just started flattening Love triangle and i can't take my eyes off of it. Still wouldn't of paid for it but it truly is a "homely" print, if you ignore the underboob of kate on the monitor.
It's always interesting to see the number of submitted entries versus the number correct/eligible. Although I haven't won anything yet, it is kind of fun to calculate the percentages and odds of how close I may have been to winning an item.
Whee! I think I have it- oh Zort - if you haven't gone to bed yet and you tell me? It would make my day.
I mean can you :)
@ AmyLynn,
More than anyone here, I've consistantly have been professing my love for The Love Triangle - that is NOT going. The reason why I'm keeping the print 'anonymous' is because I want people who seriously want the prints to get it. I can easily go on eBay and put it up, but then people who may not have much money are automatically out. I want it to go to someone who will enjoy them more that to make me a quick buck.
@ AmyLynn,
More than anyone here, I've consistantly have been professing my love for The Love Triangle - that is NOT going. The reason why I'm keeping the print 'anonymous' is because I want people who seriously want the prints to get it. I can easily go on eBay and put it up, but then people who may not have much money are automatically out. I want it to go to someone who will enjoy them more that to make me a quick buck.
Corner #3 of the LOST room is complete:
Andalone...that looks amazing!
And I seriously ♡ your dress frame :)
thanks futureself - I really love it too. I used to have my Dharma jumpsuit on it, but hated covering it up.
Hey, does anyone know of a site with cheep jumpsuits. I would like to buy one or a few to put my season 5 patches on.
*I mean cheap
A dress frame that beautiful can't be covered up ;)
Oh!! I want the statue so bad!! I'm not clicking with the clues so far. Working on the anagram. Maybe some sleep will help.
@milkcanrocks you got an email from me! i hope its the one print from the begining that i want, that you dont want! great oppoturnity for us!
@theotherben - group at the office bought from this site for Halloween. Amazing quality & cheap!!!!
Final results:
Sweet, I might order one.
Hope it gets here by Feb 2!
Zort- I read you post above about 2 submissions- so never mind- I'll just wait to find out if it's right. I would say two things I learned. Either I can't use anagram generators or they don't work very well- better to do it yourself. And you can find a site that looks for the images themselves rather than written descriptions of images if you google for it enough.
I still don't get how to answer these questions. I did the anagram and I found out what "Clue4.jpg" was but now I don't know what to do with it or what to do with the others
any help?
Alright...finally solved the first part (question #2). Now I just need to get the blog post. Good work Zort.
@JT - the image search helped me a lot. I was already on the right track, and that finalized it for me.
And with that..submitted my answer, hope it's right. That Tawaret would go great with my McFarlane and Kubrick figures :)
Great quiz - certainly befits the prize.
Nice one Zort. The thing that confused me was when you said (Hint - the 2nd clue cannot be found on LOSTARGs.com) I had no idea wat the heck the 2nd clue actually was.
@andalone: where did you get the Dharma wall medallions?
Just finished "There's No Place Like Home" in my rewatch... had been wondering earlier, how did the polar bear get to Tunisia? Apparently it was thrown off the island when it was previously moved, right? So I got to thinking: maybe it's not a frozen donkey wheel, it's a *frozen polar bear wheel*. Don't want to get booted but need to move the island? Have the bear do it! Though it seems like the old "fish biscuit on a stick" trick wouldn't work, not sure how they motivated it...
/moronic theory
You can see why I haven't solved the puzzle yet. :X
LOVED this puzzle! Just got the answer, took me all day too. Couldn't do it without my wife's help, she's pretty awesome (and pretty pretty too). Thanks for the fun times with all these contests!
@just thinking - wow! I didn't know there was a site that looks for images themselves! That's a great help - well somewhat - the puzzle still isn't crystal clear - but I am encouraged to continue trying to solve it. Thanks!
Andalone - At 75 bucks, not a bad price. Aww.. It's over 200 bucks on that site now.
@andalone please share where that medallion is from! it looks awesome
Hey guys, did you know NIKE released 2 shoes on their SB (skateboarding) Line attributed to lost?
The first is a nike dunk with the colorway of oceanic airlines - with an interesting map printed on the insoles. http://n-sb.org/index.php/2010/01/19/nike-sb-lost-dunk-high-oceanic-airlines/
The second is a Blazer modeled after the dharma uniform, Beige, And on the heel tab it says "Shoe" instead of nike! http://hypebeast.com/2010/01/lost-dharma-initiative-x-nike-sb-blazer-hi/
@avondale- That's just how I felt - encouraged. Keep going- you'll do it!
Yeh, greg. Someone posted about the Oceanic shoes a while ago and I just saw the Dharma one a few h ours ago. I totally love the Dharma shoes though to be honest, I think the Oceanic ones are pretty ugly.
@jason i wish someone would have posted those sooner, it appears theyre sold out. i would have gotten those. shucks
... I thought someone DID post them this month. Oh well.
Man, I want those dharma shoes badly.
Same martyn.
Wow.. Converse used to have a Lost inspired shoe as well. creepyla.com/blog/2009/09/12/get-bustin-with-these-custom-ghostbusters-or-dharma-initiative-converse/
So far, I'm not getting this one.
UnseenPresence, I would start with the anagram and work backwards.
Those Dharma Nikes are on my wants list.
Morning folks.
I want that Shoes in 11!
That anagram is DIFFICULT.
Haha, I totally can't figure this out and must be to bed as it's almost 3AM!
Anne & weinbeeezy - I purchased the Dharma medallion from a propmaker in TN.
I made my own Dharma shoes some time ago. I posted photos at STV around the time of the original Smokey release. Here they are again. I hope I will be able to wear them again soon.....
Hint: Dont use an anagram solver. It comes a hell simpler when you figure it out on your own.
Just need to figure the rest out. I think I'm doing it wrong treating it like a pictoword. All I keep getting is pilot drink-red.
Going to start from scratch.
Part two of the entertaining and extremely insightful but spoilerfree D&C interview with Maureen Ryan in the Chicago Tribune…
"what each picture may represent"...
WTF. Being italian is a great handicap on this one. :D
i MAY have found an anagram.. 3 words?
(if someone wants to hint me, you find my email by clicking my name)
Good morning and afternoon.
Thank you thorsten, enjoyable morning read with coffee.
I've taken Martyn up on his suggestion to go to the island and have tickets in hands. Will be joining maven, MEL, and comixguru on the beach for Premier. Requests have been made to send up LIVE (no spoilers) UStream feed. So look for edited video on Friday and LIVE feed Saturday just prior to showtime just to give you feel for the scene.
LT - that is AWESOME news! So pleased you'll be there and can't wait for the footage.
bangs head to desk head to desk still working on this flibbertigibbet puzzle. Who came up with this one ??? I bow to you now while banging my head to desk.
Morning all :-))
Lisa and Davide, grab some Espresso and hang in there, folks!
Awesome Lotto, have a Big Kahuna Burger for me on that beach!
I was able to figure this out after a few hours of work and with my awesome wife's help. I have to laugh at myself and some of the funny/weird mental paths I traveled before I arrived at (what I believe is) the correct one. I was just thinking about it in the wrong way. VERY good job on the puzzle. ChrisL was right - once you "get it", it clicks pretty fast.
I can see "show", "red", "dress", "throws", "wrist", "worst", "fresh", "sword"... WTF
Good morning all.
Everyone says start at the bottom and work your way up. Well that's what I did before anyone said it. Still doesn't help. I found an anagram without a generator. It doesn't really make since so maybe it's wrong.
The cd cover (if that's even what it is) I have no idea what to do with. I've used picsearch and google imaages even itunes and bmg.
I'm old. I don't listen to rap or hip hop (again if that's what it is) or anything with explict language. You have to at least know what you're looking for before you can do a search for it.
I can not look at something and see the obvious. I don't know why I just can't.
I needed someone (and I'm sorry I can't remember who it was) to beautifully describe andrew's orgiginal Farady drawing before I seen anything in it. I didn't see Faraday's silhouette or Eloise or the middle card. No offence andrew once I knew what I was looking at I like it.
So it's higly unlikely I'll figure this out.
Good luck to everyone who does.
Lol, glad you've taken me up on my offer LotteryTicket, see you Friday!
Lisa, will be heading down the post office in a bit to send you red dwarf. Probably missed the post by now but at least it'll be on it's way early tomorrow morning. :)
Even with the anagram solved, I still can't quite put it with the pictures and can't figure out the meaning of the anagram. Going to devote my lunch break to staring at it now. I will have that statue!!!
thanks Martyn ! yeah the anagram was the easy part for me. I figured that out in a minute but the rest, well I know what they all are but not how to put them together. Oh well. I'll keep wasting my day figuring it out lol Tawaret would look sooo nice on my desk !
Bet you could put it in the little dent you've no doubt put in to your desk from smacking your head off of it repeatedly, lol. No one would ever know!
I love this site. :D
lol @Martyn, yeah but I got to figure out the clues first for that to happen.
Wow, I actually figured this one out! I feel like I'm on top of the world!!! LOL
I sent you an email!!! Thanks for this opportunity! Hopefully you are getting rid of the one I've always wanted!
Come sit by me so I can borrow some of your enlightenment via osmosis :)
yeah, I'm still a big fat blank here. Someone help me out. The anagram is driving me nuts. I might have clues 2 & 3 solved, but without the rest, it's probably a big reach. Email me help!
You're in good company...I don't see how anybody has figured this one out...
Sayid's Girl- you don't need to know anything about music to find the cd cover. I've never seen that album cover before or heard the cd, but I was able to find it in under 5 mins of searching. Maybe go about searching in a different way and you'll get it!
I've solved the anagram (unless there's more than one way to solve it). I've identified the CD cover.
I know what each of the photos refer to. But I still can't figure out how it leads to Clue 2. Just baffled.
Morning all: Once I personally made the decision not to hurt my brain and work on this puzzle...I've been enjoying watching your struggles! And I'm sure I would have gotten nowhere fast!
I'm so excited to see LT again! This is really getting closer to actually happening!
@Andalone: Hope you will be wearing those awesome Dharma shoes soon!
Just stood in a massive queue at the post office to send lisas DVD and spent my time looking at these clues and googling away. My brain hurts now.
FYI: There will be a new post over at The Lost Community for the encore of "The Incident" this coming Tuesday. Please come on over there is you'd like to talk about the episode while it's airing (east coasters get to do this). Has anyone heard of this rerun will have those pop-ups?
lol yeah my brain hurts as well but thank you for standing there for me Martyn !! ♥ ♥
Maven, that is almost frightening that the Season is nearly here.
I'm glad we're down to single digit days. Can't wait until 11pm next Tuesday when the threads here begin to explode!
Thanks Jeffrey
But I'm not sure I can think of a differnt way of searching for it. I've searched descrptively and by genre. By music sites. I also searched for over 2 hours this way.
But thanks for your misplaced confidence. :)
@sayid's girl - try - googlelabs - you can search for an image using the picture instead of words.
I solved the anagram, then it sort of snowballed. I think I have it, but it's a little ambiguous. If I have it right, then don't look for literal solutions to the clue.. it's a little more thematic than that.
But I could be totally wrong.
@sayid's girl - disregard my previous suggestion - use this one:
You'll have to upload the photo to your computer first though.
...I've found clue 2 :)
Someone is selling a really not good looking inverted color t-shirt of LS.
I am officially in awe of Bob the Framer. He called this afternoon to say he'd worked on the damaged Statue and if I wanted to call in he'd put that one and my original side by side and I could try and spot which was which. I couldn't. The guy is a genius. I am soo relieved. And impressed. He said that it was possible to remove the creases because of the high quality of the board it was screen printed on. Result.
So - he's framing the one that was once damaged and the original is no rolled and ready to go to the one in need. Oh, and Bob the Framer also rolled it for me while I watched. This guy has rolled prints before. I've never seen such meticulous attention to detail and such care taken. All round a good experience. Happy.
Ugh so close but so far. At least i'm not the only one. How many people have figured this out so far?
Haha, not me. I found the name for the 3rd image, but I have a million different combos for the anagram and cant see how any relate to these images. I think I need to take a break and refresh.
Maybe I'm all wet- but if you've got this one doesn't it seem pretty definite? Also- no uncommon words in the anagram.
And it was quick to use an image engine that searches with pictures instead of words- guess there is more than one of them.
Great news Chris (I can see a new CBeebies pitch here though) :D
I may be overthinking it - but even with a solved anagram and the the images, I have no clue as to how to find the 2nd clue. Feeling really, really dumb. I wonder if there's more than one answer to the anagram.
futureself. In this particular case, "Can he fix it, YES HE CAN!"
ALL the images and the anagram are part of Clue #1 - correct? Then all them together leads us to clue #2 - right?
Alright I finally made a connection. Now I think I have the anagram and an idea of what I'm supposed to do with the images. Now I just need to put them together....
@ Maven
ABC doesn't say anything about it being the enhanced version.
Congrats chris on having bob the framer sort out the parcelforces destruction. My WK is in Birmingham depot waiting for customs charges to be paid. Ugh, I'm not driving out to them again, will just pay on the web. Dread to think what it looks like after your story though.
No problem at all, it's red dwarf. Worth it.
Although, Mr Flibbles wasn't very happy :s
LT- so glad you are getting to go to Hawaii. You know that Unlocke is there? Did you folks meet in Chicago? He was looking for other Losties he knew.
So Chris, have you had both The Statue and The Swan from the extra prints sales arrive? I'm still waiting on both...
futureself, The Statue only. Still awaiting The Swan, although I did have shipping confermation to my Paypal email so I expect it any day.
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