![]() The bookmark is signed by Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse at the Gallery 1988 show. |
1. Who is the first series regular to speak a line in the LOST pilot ?
2. Where was the fair held at which Sam Toomey guessed the correct number of beans ?
3. On the computer in the flame station what does Dr. Candle say to enter for sonar access ?
4. What book is Jacob reading when Locke falls out of the window behind him ?
5. How much money did Bernard donate to Isaac the faith healer ?
6. Which episode does Carlton Cuse first appear as an Executive Producer ?
7. How many days were the survivors from the tail section living separated from the rest of the survivors ?
8. What was Charlie’s nickname for the baby before Claire named him Aaron ?
9. How many days was the Swan Station DHARMA crew expected to man the station until replacements came ?
10. What does Hurley's father give a young Hurley just before he leaves for Las Vegas ?
Thanks to Marilyn, who gets a special mention for the most number of questions submitted, Roger and Eugene for the questions.
Submit your answers by clicking here and entering the information into the entry form. This same form will be used for each prize. Make sure you choose PRIZE 7 from the selection drop down.
Entries for this prize must be submitted by 16th January 2010

Click Here to view the Terms and Conditions on the first prize draw post
1 – 200 of 517 Newer› Newest»Nice prize, just wish I read books now.
lol Martyn. nice prize for sure !
Great questions. Well done Marilyn Congrats on your special achievement), Roger and Eugene.
Good questions, awesome prize,
I think every post I make from now on will just be the word "email", so everyone knows I only want to talk to one person.
Happy hump day all. Def cold in these parts lisa!
I know someone probably explained it months ago, but what does the 'email' designation signify?
Time for coffee!
Lol, Spiderman never did have a bat signal did he?
If the email button isn't pushed every 108 mins though, god help us all :)
Email means that she subscribed to comments and has nothing to say better than that.
Kelly, Ellen chooses not to directly participate with posts however has an interest in what we have to say. You can choose to have all comments delivered via email if you so wish.
Hi Ellen!
ChrisL - so if you type email in the comments you get the comments emailed to you?
I'm confused?
Wait...for the first time I've just seen the email follow up comments box under comments...okay get it now :D
The penny's dropping in slow mo today :S
futureself, I've never chosen the option but in the section where you type in your comment there is an "Email follow-up comments to" check box. I believe you simply check that box. Never trird it as the last thing I need is 500 emails on a drop day!
*tried it*
OK FS, you see it now :-)
that's what I did is check the box. The only trouble with it is you get ALL the posts in your inbox and if someone posts a spoiler or some xxx porn, I get that too. Like when we had that one poster drop. I will never get that video vision out of my mind lol I also get the comments that people delete later since once they come to my mail, they are there for good unless I delete them.
Awesome prize I´d love to get but... way too many questions I don´t know the answer of :(
May I suggest to drop down the number of questions for the next one? I mean, the prize is awesome and I love it but 10 questions (and no easy ones, at least for non die-hard fans) for a signed bookmark seems a bit too much. Again, I love the prize, don´t get me wrong, specially since I love reading and Juliet is one of my fav characters, but when I started reading the questions I gave up trying to get the prize.
But I suppose it´s just me and questions aren´t that difficult, but I have never re-watched any seasons so I´d need to spend a lot of time googleing the answers, :(
Nah, just had to complain because I want to win this cool prize but don´t have the time to look for all the answers,so all I can do is to bitch around lol ;)
Good luck to those entering!
And thank you for all the prizes you are giving away, you rock guys :)
I'm not sure posting "email... xxoo" means that though, does it? I'd never check that box... I think my PC would melt down! no, I was being a bit snarky, as Ellen never contributes to the group, but is obviously talking to someone. Anyway, ignore me, I'm a grumpus.
Thank you for explaining that, Chris!
Hi Ellen from me, too!
@Ben, no, I don't believe that's the deal. I think the "email" notification is simply a request for the comments by email.
Someone please clarify if that's not the case.
@Trevelyan, I for one love the extended questions. They give me an excuse to re-watch and research and discuss. These questions are not easy but with a prize like this they shouldn't be!
I also think Zort is trying to ensure as many peoples questions can be included as possible which is very cool.
Morning Thorsten!
Strike that. Afternoon Thorsten!
actually to get the posts in your email box, you have to check the email box below the comment box. But as the comment box can not be left empty, I suppose they write email in it so there is something there and they can show they are getting the emails in their box Other than that, I'm not sure. I don't know why someone would read all the emails without ever commenting. It's very odd to me.
Yes, Chris, you were right.
You post something and then you activate the
Email follow-up comments to desmond@hume.co.uk button.
So you get all future posts in this thread delivered to your inbox. But you have to repeat that with every new thread.
Lisa, there are probably 20 lurkers to every poster here. We NEVER know who they are. With Ellen and a couple of others at least they let us know that they're involved. Ellen is a big LOST fan.
Some people perhaps don't have a lot to say. That's OK though. All welcome hey? :-)
yes, you are right Chris, many lurkers that I always forget are here. I meant it with no snarkiness implied, I always just found it odd. I mean how can you email and read everything with out commenting ? I surely can't lol
BTW I do love the way you all have nifty words you use over the pond, so much more descriptive than used here. Our favorite is Piss off and used daily in my house lol
I think that should have been P**s off Lisa lol!
Drymount off?
Nice one TW.
lolol Chris, didn't know it was in the swear category. yes I meant P***s off lol what about Bugger, is that a swear too ?? lolol
Exactly Chris.
I was a lurker from when I found out about the poster project back at the original release of "The hatch". But i didn't type my first post until the new year.
It wasn't that I was stalking from the wings, I just didn't have the time to contribute.
Good afternoon by the way.
Hey ioioos, It's to our benefit that you came out of the shadows!
@Lisa, yep, that should be b****r!
PLEASE can someone guide me for the previous competition answer (see last comp post) im losing the plot over question 5. I just need a little push ;-).
What combination is "important".
(Goes bak to wiki for the 700th time)
lolol your kidding right Chris ? well, I'm glad you came out hiding ioioos, you have been nice to get to know. Oh and btw, Josh Holloway is on Ellen show this morning at 9EST
I was dropping off to sleep last night, and the lost posters sprung into my head (yep, sad I know) and it go me thinking.
I wonder whether the revelations in Season 6 will elevate one of the lesser loved posters to the must have print?
For instance, if it was discovered to be all in Hurleys mind, would The Numbers race up the chart?
What if the Statue is integral to the whole show plot?
What if the Swan was key to everything, or Ben is the ultimate good guy?
I'm sure it would bring a much greater meaning to the print.
It would be interesting to take a poll in 6 months time to see if the favorite print list has changed.
Good morning all, I've updated the previous post to say the information about the number of posters is completely unofficial, it was just a guess from Tim based on what is common in the poster printing world.
I always have comments delivered to my e-mail. Very lazy.
Not entering the contest, but cool prize. I already have a bookmark.
But is it signed Amy ?
Yes Ellen has followed by email for a long time. She's a regular at TLC. There's a few people there that follow by email. You have to make a post in each new post to activate it. So when there's a new post she comes in and says email :)to activate it. Which is how the NEW POST got started at least at TLC Melissa the admin. there would use it so the people there would know there was a new post to activate. And for dummies like me who only keep the comments window open. But it still doesn't help me. I beyond that. lol
I didn't know the deleted one's came to your email box too. But it makes sense. So everybody be nice there's people out there that know when you change your mind about something. :)
Oh and Hi Ellen!
I'll be passing on this since I already have one. Salvoh at STV sent me one.
@Zort, no... but I already have a signed mug, thanks to Alice and the G1988 gang, and so much other cool stuff.
yep, they all come to my email unless I miss the post and sign in late. You only get the emails after you sign up for the follow-up comments. Same with google reader which alot of people don't realize. When Zort writes a post, posts it and then changes his mind, I still get it. So watch out what you write lol I'll be watching you (said in my best Tom Hanks voice as Woody) lol
Ok, I'm off to go and get some crafting done on some orders I have and going to wait for Ellen to come on TV to watch Josh Holloway at 9 I'll be in and out for a while.
I actually like these questions better than the last group. I would only have to look up the first one. Screaming doesn't count does it. ;)
Morning Zort. Safe journey home.
I like these questions too. Sayids girl, I'm counting screaming. But I'd need to know definition of series regular.
There is a pathetic amount of snow where I am but getting in to the town centre was the biggest traffic jam I've ever seen on that road. Luckily, carried on round the roundabout and went to a different train station. But trains cancelled, schools closed and the snow barely goes over my foot. This country!
If I signed up to emails, my phone would never stop buzzing and I'd HAVE to go check it, so I'd never get any work done.
Out of interest, kiwilostie it has nothing to do with it, how many people have got THEIR complete set, aka, all the ones they wanted?
Martyn, I am now just one away from that set. And the artist's copies of it have still to drop.
Would it be a certain blue poster at all?
Martyn, I am one off the set I want.
Martyn... could be!
I'm close to complete my "personal full" set of 4 posters.
Smokey: HAVE IT.
Walt: HAVE IT.
LOST: HAVE IT, i hope before the end of the week, air mail sucks :D
Ben Linus: Will wait until the price lowers down a bit, but.. i can live without. :)
Hummed like Prayers in Secret...: waiting for someone to offer it to me for 50$. :p won't buy it with "WHY" words printed on. THANKS Just Thinking for the pic: amazing. :)
Ah, obviously i'll try for the Crash, if the release is not the day of my next (real) University exam.. :p
(or on my birthday, the 22th!)
Anyway, this is my Walt.
It's amazing.
(it's a couple of MB, so just wait :D)
All these photos of wk makes me so happy I got it for a reasonable price and it's on it's way to me now. So so happy. Nice pictures amy Lynn and imannie.
@Martyn, the first time you see it in the dark, you will be thrilled even more.
ioioos -if it was discovered to be all in Hurleys mind, I imagine there would be a sudden crash on the value of all the prints...I would certainly be pretty hacked off!
Martyn, we have a crossed line! I meant nowt about complete sets.
If you cross beams 'The Numbers' might appear!
Hey all, just getting to work after what the "email" thing means.
Thanks for the explanation Lisa, ChrisL etc. Was just curious.
Anyone ever try a coffee IV trip ;)
:) Morning
Morning, Sam!
If anyone is looking for a place to help out the victims of the Haiti quake, Compassion International (https://www.compassion.com/contribution/giving/disasterrelief.htm) has set up a Disaster Relief fund that will go directly to the victims, many children.
Thanks for the link Amy Lynn - what a horrible tragedy. Every little bit will help for sure.
Careful futureself, lest I smite thee with my crossed beam! Hey, that sounds like a DD print title!
Hi Sam.
morning all :) thank you Amy Lynn
I have posted comment at the LU link in the Lostargs header. If you LU, BL and WAVE, please read.
I would comment to Daniel Danger for "Smite thee with my crossed beam . . ." but feared TW for "Smite three with my admin powers . . ."
Hi all! Yes- New England cold still in place- gas fire click- on! First thing my husband says- Sawyer is on Ellen- I am taping it for you. (Grand fellow).
IimAnnie- glad the pic was OK- ahh- so you want an edition of the poster without the WHY. Any of those for sale around?
My poster wants- Have- Statue, Transmission, Van, & Hatch. Want- Polar Bear and J's Cabin.
Don't really "need" anything though. I'm having such a good time with you'all and LU and LP and Feb 2nd start! I may have to hide under a rock a bit more though to dodge the spoilers- and the "theories" based on stuff filtering through rather than speculation. LP is getting tricky.
Nothing to do with full sets either, just didn't want you to try and find some meaning to it. But yes, it seems you know what I'm up to in some part.
Any chance I can change my user name to Alan Smitethee (just for this terrible post though)?
But there is nothing to fear Lotto,
as Han used to say: Hey, it's me!
@Martyn hi, apparently you've asked a question that I missed, can you repost. Are you the cause of "characters I like?" But OK if too late to 'play'
kiwilostie You are 100% Pure LOST fan!
Hi, Ellen xxoo
I'd like to hear your character list Lotto :)
Me too LT, Never too late to play that particular game!
No lottery ticket, still curious to know everyones dave characters.
@Martyn, thank you, will comply (and Dave is a fave! :))
futureself, you cant hide behind aliases, my beams are all seeing! Smithee might have fooled me tho. ;) Martyn, sorry bout that, am I that transparent?! LT yes, q was whos ur fav character. Ok, nite shift almost done. My soh goes warp wobbly after 26hrs up! Sorry all! :)
That is an incredible WK you have. I really like the color of the frame you chose. Did you frame it yourself? Very nice job. I do believe that the WK print is really flying under the radar as one of the more popular prints. I have a new found appreciation for WK now. I also think I want one now as that was a very memorable moment in LOST . Is WK suppose to drop next week?
I usually follow the comments here because I can't contribute much. I want to, but I can't for two reasons:
my financial situation is very limited at this time so I was unable to purchase any of the wonderful artwork
my internet connection is limited for the same reason...
I will, however speak to anyone who wishes to hear from me!
(Hi Chris, Thorsten!)
Hi Ellen, cheers for stopping by!
I'm a little behind on comments...:D
Hi Sayid'sgirl! LTNS!
Hi Ellen!
Hope you'll be able to discuss at TLC.
I understand limited finances. I bought 2 print when I really shouldn't have. :)
wow, you guys are active this morning/afternoon for the folks in Europe!
I just watched the pilot last night for Prize 6, so I guess it's off to see it again for Prize 7!! I love it, it's really exciting to see how each one of our beloved characters meets, especially now that we now so much about them, or do we?? If it's all a dream that would be the worst ending if you ask me!!
Hi Ellen - I'm sorry we made you feel the need to explain but pleased to be enlightened to the 'email' mystery I've wondered but never bothered to ask about...
...but I still secretly like to think you are down a hatch pressing the button every 108 mins! Remember not to use the computer for any other purpose....doh! Too late >.<
Nice to 'meet' you though :)
I watched parts of the pilot episode last night and noticed for the first time how much TOQ was there, yet the focus wasn't on him at all, he could have been an extra.
It's a great pleasure to have a few words from you Ellen. I do hope you weren't made to feel uncomfortable by the posts earlier, it was just a few people not really understanding the whole email thing!
Morning everyone on a rainy morning in Los Angeles.
Hi to Ellen, who has been with TLC for a long time...so happy you still manage to stay in touch with us and hope things get better for you in the New Year.
Zort: You made it home okay?
@ioioos: Welcome to your active participation now! Interesting idea that the particular WCM chosen for the 16 posters might relate to what will happen and be important in S6.
Zort is on the way, Maven, but the main route to Orlando was closed because the road had collapsed…
yeah, I get it now Ellen! let's put it down to a killer chest infection that left me with two hours sleep thanks to coughing last night. FUN.
Anyway... I'm pissed off again, because I KNOW I didn't answer at least one of the competition questions in the Numbers / Swan print competition, and I really wanted to win!
Ben, why don't we run against each other around the block when your cold is better, will rise your mood!
Is anyone else planning on question bombing the Washington post quasi-chat with EW Jensen later?
My list of faves list might speak more to the success of actors or non-actors to convey successfully the objectives of writers, directors and producers. IMHO no character stands alone, but as one. So, big or small moment on the screen, these 'characters' rewarded me a superior LOST moment, in no particular order:
The Island
The Whispers
fLocke (not Locke)
Smokey Monster
You are right, Lotto, Dave was incredible.
(I am sure he was Esau, too)
That's a cool list Lotto.
Yes, lotter ticket, dave is fave. Stupid iPhone spell check.
Good to see I've not missed much, except delightful chatter which I'll fully catch up on when I get home tonight.
"If it's all a dream that would be the worst ending if you ask me!!" vabauer
Dreaming and sleeping are necessary for functions for us to remain 'sane' and the deprivation of causes mental lapses. We see DI's use of Room 23, Jack's inability to make decisions, sweat lodge results . . . a long list of examples to be sure. I would have no problem with LOST being a single character internal dialogue. I understand your concern about writing an end based on the simple act of waking. But that is the message, IMHO, that we wake, or awaken each day to the possibilities, changing our path, creating our future.
But waking from a dream will forever be considered a cheap trick as a result of Bobby Ewing!
Right Chris… and there was already a Family Guy ep that ended with Bobby and Pam!
@Martyn - re: your question about our complete sets... thanks to the help of a couple of fellow LostARGies here, I am tantalizingly close to a true, complete set. I now have (or will have, when they ship) all posters except for LOST, and (sigh) the "white whale" that is "The Crash".
I actually was lucky enough to get the litho print of LOST at the Gallery1988 event, so I could probably be OK with having that in a frame rather than the print... but would get it if I could find one. I would sure love to be able to get a "Crash" when Eric finally releases his... but I think the traffic to his site that day will probably take out entire sections of the Internet... LOL. I'll be a bit depressed if "The Crash" ends up being the only one I'm missing after all the craziness is over...
Patmc, you WILL have a full set... I'm willing it to happen for you!
I'm in two minds to try for the crash, already agreed to help of someone with DD print when it goes up. I see no reason for getting the crash other than to sell for a ridiculous price, but I don't have it in me to do that. But if come sale time and if I have the resources available, I'll try for the crash for you.
Oh man, trying to get off caffeine is not going well - not sure I should trust myself to post here, lol. Have to redo my limes&lemons partially because I forgot to put in my tag. :P
To second LT, great writing and acting aside, Giachinno's cinematic music really makes the series. Noticing more in rewatch. And of course, HI is less of a setting and more of a character; talk about a poster child for filming there, they couldn't have asked for more.
I will be trying for the Crash, though I'm sure it will be another failure lol. But if not, it will be for ARGers. Since I know a ton of people are looking. So if I get the lightning in a bottle . . .
@futureself did you make an Alan Smithee reference? XD
Pretty sure there was something else - well off to buy banana fabric. :P
I'll be trying for the Crash, too. Got super lucky with Locke's Secret, so we'll see.
@ChrisL & @Martyn - you two are both AWESOME! :-)
I just got tickets to the new John Lithgow play for 1/31, so now I have something else that week to look forward to. :)
Off to the WaPo chat thingie.
Hi Maven, Ben & futureself! Thanks for the kind words...no problems here :D
I'll be lurking around and probably pushing any buttons to keep us all safe if I can! Take care, ya'll!
on nobodys list have i seen Lapidus! def one of the best characters
I agree that Lapidus is awesome, we just haven't gotten to know him yet.
@Weinbeezy - He was on my list! His "We're not going to Guam... are we?" lines was one of my favorites from the whole show! And he's a hell of a pilot... to land that huge plane on a dirt runway like that... :-)
Lapidus RULES
@Patmc LOL well all this time i assumed smokey helped him land, but i guess we can give him the credit
Ah...I wasn't going to post this because it's frankly a bit rubbish...but seeing as there's so much Lapidus love, here's my Back to the Future parody idea in pencil, badly drawn and poorly shot....
by Alan Smitethee ;)
Lapidus is on my list.
Ugh, this chat is deadly slow, and also, Jensen is coming off really badly. A Libby hater? Seriously? Does he WATCH Lost?
Amy Lynn, link please
Totally off topic, but this has cheered me immensly today:
Frank was on my list too. Sayid is always at the top of my list. Then I have a list 6 raves I rotate. At the moment I'd say Frank is at the top. Agree love the Guam line, Patmc.
futureself, nothing rubbish there, that's great!
I've just done a housewide survey... Lapidus is officially on our list too.
Wasn't somebody on here teasing us last week about some LOST related news that they couldn't share until this week? I'm thinking it was ben, but I could be wrong. Maybe I got confused with Kevin Tongs announcement about an upcoming surprise for us hatch fans?
I wanted to mention about my Olly Moss shirt - it wasn't numbered - where the number is written is blank - do I get to choose my number (or were there actually more made than 815, kind of like there were 332 prints made) hmmmmm
@Trial Attorneys: did you check both sides? The tag is double-sided but the # is only on one. Just in case ;) Thought the same thing when I looked at mine.
Asked a question in the WP chat but probably won't get answered lol.
Anne, keep trying. I've had six questions answered so far.
Have you really? lol. Not sure it was a very good question anyway XD
Yeah, I keep changing my name.
@amy lynn
the cup you have is from me :]
Personal favorite:
Neil "Frogurt" - Perhaps we'll see him again in an alternate reality. Alas, poor Frogurt!
THANK YOU for the cup. I love it more than I love half naked Sawyer.
Hey Ellen - awesome to hear from you and I think it is great you follow along too! I don't post every day either, but read along for sure since it is usually entertaining/informative. I was just curious pre-coffee what it meant and I truly hope you don't think there was anything negative intended by my question. Sorry to drag you out!
Is it 5pm yet? (and I don't mean for the UKers :))
Teresa is me up there. I posted from my iphone and it posted my name.
the dvd easter egg from season five with frogurt- classic haha
Oh and that should say faves not raves. lol That will teach me to post while I'm waiting for my daughter to get out of school.
it was me that had a special secret. And I can't reveal it yet, but it IS cool. I was advised by the source to keep it quiet until they said go. And that would be "sometime this week". So that's all I can say. But it's awesome, trust.
@Dan - Saw your additional pic of the Hatch. Makes sense now - no stereoscopic hallucinations. I think you need more light for such a masterpiece. Personally, I'm still waiting on Locke's Secret to make the final move on framing everything.
Hi Kelly! It's all good, luv! :D
It's a pleasure. Plus, if by some divine miracle we both get the Crash, it's not like I can't get rid of it. Hell, may even trade it for Locke's Secret or a couple of other print's I wouldn't mind owning. Or just selling it on here to a lucky person. At cost of course, i'm not a rip off merchant.
If you consider your drawing crap, then I just may as well give up on my drawings. Mine are truly shocking compared to your one. Feel slightly depressed now too. Can't even look at my animations the same way anymore either. I need to get a drink!
Is there anyone with Stout's LOST who would like to trade for my Hatch?
Martyn - I'm sure your animations are great - my drawing delivers what it intends to, it's just it's not the version in my head (a problem I tend to find with all my artistic endeavors). I'd love to see you work :)
MurghBatwar - email me at buddycuffs@gmail.com please
Check your mail fella!
Not really a huge fan of sharing my animation but it'll give you an idea of how poor my drawing skills are. I blame my mom. She told me not to do Art at GCSE. Probably the one thing i'd change if I could go back in time.
Martyn - can you give me the link, or email it to me via my blog account? I'm operating off a dongle still which limits what I can look at...the bt connection has now been put into my new place but for some reason the button which switches my broadband is yet to be pushed (I've been assured this will be done by the end of the day tomorrow). I didn't do standard grade art (scottish GCSE equivalent) either. For some strange reason decided to do both French and German instead...and no, I really can't speak either very well. I did pick Art up again in my Highers (A level) and would have gone on to do CSYS (Sixth year) but was told my school didn't have the staff available to provide this :(
Yeah, here's the link for you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDQYkVIkDOE
I chose to do German at GCSE, got a B. Did it at A Level, failed it miserably. Was a fun time though, went on an Exchange program to a school in Schwalbach, just outside of Frankfurt. Didn't really know people on my course but came out of it knowing quite a lot of people, English and German. But the closest I came to art again was doing Classical Civilisation, studying the ancient greek pots. Now that I can remember. German, erm, nicht so viel.
@trial attorneys, thanks very much for sharing the photo of your original art last night. You must be thrilled to finally have it in your possession! Just seeing that you bought and received it is as exciting (almost) for me as it must be for you.
The two Locke shirts we have from the Gallery both have the same number on them. I asked the gallery to find out if that was somehow intentional but was told it was a mistake made by whomever numbered them. Trial, looks like you have another error 'variant'! :) So who knows how many were really made?
Any other purchasers, please link to any photos you are willing to share!
Since we're sharing art now I think I'll repost the poster I made yesterday! Thinking about making a Lapidus/Miles/Charlotte version
Liked it last night Andrew... like it tonight! NIce work.
Hello, everyone. I'm the "other" Ellen who changed my name to Ellen B in order not to be confused with the "real" Ellen. I've been away from here for a while, installing a new computer (yay) and reading Vozzek's excellent new book about LOST! :)
Martyn, well lack of broadband is rubbish and it looks like I'll have to check out your link tomorrow as apparently my dongle has a 'Content Lock system' that 'protects under 18s from accessing inappropriate content'. Don't know what you picture is of but I'm sure it's not that inappropriate :S I did the French exchange and as a result did much better grade-wise than German (all 1's ~ that's A's in GSCE ~ why they make the grading/education system in our two countries so different is beyond me!). Je ne sais pas!
Ellen B!! Was wondering where you were just a half hour ago!
Did you get your wonderful delivery from G1988? Have you been reading about those of us receiving ours. Some great delight.
Yes, ChrisL, I received all my goodies from Gallery 1988. I've decided to put my Hurley statue on my desk to watch over me while I work on my doctorate. :)
Check out Martyn's animation video link above. It's weird and odd but funny!
Cosmically Yours
And yes, ChrisL, I have finally caught up reading all the Lost Args comments! I have them delivered via Google Reader. :)
I've lurked for a long time (and continue to do so) as I like to read the conversation but usually don't feel I have much to contribute. A bit OT, but has anyone received their Locke's Secret from Olly yet? I'm not worried or anything, just curious if anyone knows if they have been sent out yet. :)
OK, I'd been promising to do this for a while, so as it's art share night, here's 4 of my 5 Daniel Danger prints, all framed up. The final one is in a temp frame until I get more money, and doesn't look to sexy, so no pics for you!
My house looks like a scary stalker gallery right now.
Hi Limbofunk, good to hear from you. there have been a few stepped out of the shadows lately and it's always such a great thing. I don't think anyone expects contribution as such, but it'd be good to know you're around occasionally.
I don't know of anyone who's received Locke yet. Are you in the UK?
Andrew's Faraday poster is totally awesome!
I love everything about it...the three black windows making up the cross...Faradays tombstone.
The three cards from the memory test with Charlotte with Eloise silhouette being the one he fails to recall...his downfall of course.
The born '78, died '77 is seriously brilliant!.
Eloise's silhouette is fabulous..the unknown card...the one that Daniel can't quite remember...and she appears upright no matter which way you turn.
And Faraday himself, the beard/hair and skinny tie silhouette instantly recognisable, yet he is a grey, almost negative image of himself- he's already marked, turned inside out. He's not really there. And on his shirt pocket, his heart is entrapped in a vertigo of 1-12 (time) repeating and closing in on itself.
And I can't even tell you how much I love Eloise the rat...genius :D
Some info on framing, since many folks are thinking about that now:
I'm planning on buying a case of TruVue Museum glass wholesale to cut down on the costs of framing my prints. Museum glass is amazing stuff, anti-UV and it's so anti-reflective that you don't even know there's any glass on the print, no fogginess either, and it makes the colors really vibrant. It makes lighting *much* easier too.
Problem is it's expensive, but I found someone local willing to sell me by the case which cuts down the per piece cost.
I'm buying a case of 7 lites (sheets) of 24"x30" Museum glass. That will allow a 3" mat on all sides of an 18"x24" print, which seems just about the right size to me.
I'm sure I could eventually use all seven lites, but if there is anyone in Middle TN (or if you'll be in Middle TN in the next few weeks/months) interested in sharing the case and cost with me, please contact me. At the wholesale cost, each lite will be under $50 w/tax, which is like half the cost anywhere else for individual sheets that size.
Andalone, capcom? I know you're both in TN (opposite ends of the state though). I'm putting this here since I know there's a lot more lurkers than posters so there may be other Tennesseans/Kentuckians here. You can respond via comments but I'm sure everyone would appreciate if you just sent an email to the.kharma.initiative at the standard gmail.com
Cosmically Yours
P.S. For anyone interested in more info on Museum glass, the framing counter at your local Hobby Lobby, Michael's, JoAnne etc. will have a small but amazing display of what it can do for the appearance of your artwork.
Futureself, I agree completely about Andrew's Faraday poster. It's fantastic! And I want it!
The limes are sorted, but my lemons are coming out lemons :| Want to get this stuff knocked out so I can work on Lost related plush! Have to get back to the grindstone so must be quick.
Didn't get either of my questions answered in Washington Post chat. Possibly not snarky enough. lol.
@Ben: how do we know you're not like Island Ben and just leading us on in order to manipulate us as part of some grand scheme? ;)
Keep posting any fanart, guys, love seeing it :)
@ Ben
The DD's look very handsome the way you framed them.
@ Andrew - still LOVE the Faraday print - would totally buy it.
Cheers KI, appreciate it.
Ben - l love you're framed DD's. They look great!
@Anne, after great reluctance, I have let Thorsten in on the general idea. He knows and can vouch. It also helps that I'm not a gigantic douche. So just trust me - whatever happens, happens! (and I'll tell you as soon as it does)
@Futureself, yeah the framer I found knows his onions. He recommended black mounts, which look great, and found frames to complement the image. The jabberwocks frame is actually really dark green - makes the colours pop nicely.
@Ben - Very nice job on the DDs. I still need to frame my DD -- very odd size so looks like I'll have to go full custom.
@rob... I NEED Jacob's Cabin. So bad. I'd be prepared to trade a print for it and all...
Ben, everytime I use your links, it says that the image has been moved or deleted. Only could see the tenenbaums print.
fix your internets, Martin! they all work. Promise.
@Andrew - You should email Tim Doyle at Nakatomi Inc. I know he has his own screen printing shop now, and he's a Lost art fan... maybe he could create a LostARGs edition of 108 prints for you to sell through his web site (www.nakatomiinc.com). He is a TOTALLY cool person... so it couldn't hurt to email or call him. His contact info is on the LostARGs main page, in the picture of the letter he sent me.
...And you can put me down for number 108/108 if it all works out. :-)
LOVE the Danger framing. Getting really into his stuff now and currently negotiating a Jaberwock sale...
yeah Andrew... we'll all take a copy. So out of an edition of 108, you'll need to sell, ooh, about -2,312.
Ben, internet fixed. :)
Ben, your prints look amazing. Very well done!
Ben, very VERY good job. They look stunning. I imagine you get some comments from visitors. I would guess 99.9% of the population have never seen anything like those.
Great Ben, was mainly looking to see what you did with your Jabberwock print. Got to take it to the framers, probably next month as this month is allocated to The Hatch, and wasn't exactly sure what to do with it, seeing as it was printed on white paper. Was easier with Jacob's Cabin as that's on black paper. Anyway, was worried the white would detract from the creepyness of the print and didn't want to cover the quote or signature. But yours has convinced me the creepyness is still possible.
The Kharma Initiative, Interesting post about the museum glass. I should really think about doing some myself. Sadly I am far too far away to invest with you though.
Long day tomorrow so will say goodnight now.
Enjoy the rest of your day folks!
Has anyone else seen this art? (Scroll down the page). Am I way behind on this?
@Ben I would love a Jacob's Cabin too. As consolation for my F5 fail I purchased "...please don't worry, when i wake up i'll be something new". Actually, I love that Jabberwock print as well, and tried for that first but it sold out fast.
I'm not a big fan of the white mat, to be honest, but I do love how your Jabberwock and that last print are done. A+
@Ben - Also, if you don't mind my asking, what is the width of your mat and frame on "i didnt hear you arrive, i didnt hear you go". I think those widths are about what I'd like on mine.
I'm from NY. :)
Hey ARGers!
Just getting caught up on the days comments.
Ben -- your Dangers are stunning. Your framer did a wonderful job. (Love DD btw, so I guess I am biased.) I was at work the day DD put up those prints, so missed on the Jabberwock,...please don't worry, and others.
It's great seeing all of the fan art, it really is amazing. I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to ask Tim Doyle/Nakatomi, but I think you'd have to be very careful with copyright restrictions.
@ Ben: BIG WOW to your DD framed. WOW WOW. Amazing.
@ Andrew: Love the Faraday print. Great job :)
I seen that blog a couple of months ago when I was still going over to STV. He posted the link over there.
And, thanks fot the kind words about my framing of WK i posted earlier :)
I found that frame for 20€ and i just said "Mine". :)
Thank you for letting me see Andrews art through you eyes. I havea a hard time seeing subtlties.
Sayid'sgirl - It also occurred to me after posting that that the red swirl of numbers over his heart was symbolic of the gunshot wound that killed him and the three black rectangles (depicting his tombstone/cross) can also be seen as his broken dead body.
I have to give a hint to all of those who possess Locke's Secret and aren't "rich" (The Crash too).
Guys, i know that poster is VERY LOST.
But, there are people willing to spend more than FIFTEEN HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS for it.
I could do 10 DAYS IN AMERICA, flight included, with that amount of money.
Think about it. :)
Also (and easier to see if you grab the image aand view it in a smaller preview window) the entire image, overlooking the smaller details, looks a bit like an abstract African death mask.
But I also think it's reminiscent of the Easter Island Statues, which were torn down by the Islanders years later after their thriving and advanced social order broke declined into a bloody civil war and possible cannibalism, which ties nicely back our earlier discussions on Faraday, the Ouroboros, and the paradox of the self-consuming serpent...and the hints of statues being destroyed following regime changes.
Or am I looking too deeply into this?
ImAnnie -- there are many who own Locke's Secret who are not rich but would not sell it just for the money.
I can understand fans/ARGers posting sales and trades but can we please refrain from spurring on flipping?
futureself -- In the LOSTverse there is no such thing as looking too deeply, keep it coming.
Hi guys,
Don't want to be a bother, but I just thought I'd put up a post letting you know that I'm selling my copy of The Four Toed Statue print (#122/300) on Ebay.It's in perfect condition. It's a one day sale that just started, and the reserve price is $200 USD ($240 Buy it Now).
The item number is :300386723566
leave me an email at tmarasco125@gmail.com if you have any questions, or if you think there is a better place to post this. I know some people missed out on the last copies Jason Munn sold last week, and I just can't hold onto this one anymore with the financial crisis. Thanks!
@ImAnnie - It's never been about the money or collector's "value" of the LOST posters for me. I would have been quite happy with lithographic posters that would have very little appreciation in value. It's always been about being able to see all that LOST related art decorating my walls. To always have that connection to the show that I love so dearly.
Of course I can understand it from the point of view of those out to make money... but as the artwork means more to me than the money... it is a point of view that I don't share. I'm not saying their point of view is wrong... it's just not for me.
My $0.02 for what it's worth...
Also, in lue of other postings about flipping and such, I promise I'm not trying to do that. I've been a big fan of this site and it's community, but haven't been able to keep up now that work and class have started again. It is a bummer to let my print go, but I hope someone who really wanted it can now have a chance to get it
"Also, in lue of other postings about flipping and such, I promise I'm not trying to do that." HAHAHA. of course that's what you're trying to do. you came on and posted an ebay listing that is 4X the original price and 2X the artist's price. If that's not trying to flip a poster... well then I don't know what is.
(premessa: i'm italian)
I don't know why you call it "flipping".
If i had the Crash, i would LOVE it.
My room (as you could see from my WK pic) has blue walls, so the Crash would be PERFECT for it.
But i'm a 22yearold boy, who pays more than 1000€/year to study Engineering (biomedical), who does not work.
I'd love to keep it, i love lost and it's part of my life.
But i'm realistic, i'd probably sell it.
While i have Smokey, Walt and LOST i can keep them, since i love them and their value if i sell them doesn't make me scream "douchbag" for keeping them.
But with the crash i may act differently.
LOSTposters' market value is about 150-200$ for last tier prints, so i think that it's not "flipping".. It's selling them at market's price.
Imagine this: you have the crash. you need money and you have to sell it.
Would you sell it for 200$ because it will go to a lostie, or would you sell it on Ebay for 1500$?
(PS: it's 1.42AM so that is not my best English)
Goodnight everybody, we'll catch you tomorrow.
Yes Annie, what you do with the prints is your own choice, but I don't think you encouraging others to flip it on the basis that it could buy you DVD's and holidays. Now perhaps if it was going to feed your family or secure the roof over you head for a time okay. But again, encouraging others to do it here seems frivolous...unless of course you are going in a round-about way to change the general consensus of appreciation of these prints in order to justify your own sales to yourself and your peers.
Night Annie...
I didn't understand your last period, but i'll try tomorrow :D
Bye! :)
I'm tired too...night all! Leave the light on for Zort's return :)
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