You are all amazing, our progress with the appeal and competition we have so far been pledged this staggering amount of money -
A couple of questions have been asked a few times in the comments and via email so here are the answers :
- You don't have to enter multiple times, a single donation of $20 will be counted the same as 4 donations of $5 (plus a single donation is less work for us).

Here is a brief description: Save the Children has worked in Haiti for 25 years with 100 staff on the ground providing food, water, shelter and child-friendly spaces. Because Save the Children's offices did not suffer the structural damage of other non-governmental organizations, other aid workers have taken refuge in the agency's compound, where operations are being run out of offices and tents
- 100% of the proceeds are being donated. We are not keeping any of the money for ourselves. We are also working with Paypal to eliminate any Paypal fees as well.
There is still time to enter until the end of Friday (01/22/10) - Click Here to see the competition details
1 – 200 of 300 Newer› Newest»That is outstanding!
Thats great news.
Will the winner get Olly's extra thick tube(ooeerr!)
I am proud of us for contributing that much already. Woo hoo! I think it's pretty awesome that our love, no make that obsession (lol) for Lost is being put to good use! :D I say Go Team! No matter what Team you support. Though Team Jack is the team made of pure awesome... well, and tears of course. Ha, ha ;) *hugs to all who've contributed*
That is absolutely fantastic! Thank you everyone, for your giving spirit! I saw on the news that some people in Haiti were charging their fellow displaced citizens $7 to fill their water jugs! Let's hope that at least some of the money gets to Haiti in the form of clean, free drinking water...
Off to bed... talk to you later. have a great day you all everybody!
Sleep well Pat.
This is the best news I've heard all day. I hope we earn this much in the next raffle/comp.
LostARGs is totally awesome!....(sniff!)
This is incredible - well done!
wow, amazing and now that my bills finally went through, I can send mine in. Good morning all.
Hi Ellen. ;-)
That's great news. Not on my odds of winning anything, mind you. But still - excellent work by regulars and lurkers alike. Hooray.
You win some you lose some. So The Hatch came in duty free but The Swan is sat at a Parcelforce depot and a bill just dropped through the mailbox for £14.62 import tax. That's not too bad, the killer is that parcelforce are charging £13.50 for handling the import! Total, £28.12 ($45.73). Nice. Worst thing is, it's going back to the States to another Lostie in need!
Martyn, how did you get on?
wow Chris, that's a hefty price ! I guess I never realized how costly it was to get something shipped there.
Lisa, that's not even the shipping charge. That's the UK government taking their cut and the shipper taking the opportunity to add a fee on for dealing with the import. oof. $45 that could have gone to Haiti.
Chris, all my regular Tubes from Tyson were caught by customs. I had to go there all the time, open the Tubes in front of the same agents again and again and explain the whole DCAAPB deal over and over to them. They suspected me to be a secret art dealer in the end.
Blimey TW. At least I don't have to explain myself to anyone but the postman!
Well, germans. Still not done with talking about Wembley, after all.
:-) @TW
ChrisL...did you get insurance on your Swan? Do you think that's what caused parcelforce to mug you (that is what they're doing after all)?
I initially had it but after hearing about this sort of thing contacted RJ and asked him to cancel the insurance...just hoping this solves the issue.
The donation total is amazing and very generous of the Argers! WOW!
Oh my! Thorsten, I did not realize that customs strip-searched poster tubes. It all sounds very intimidating.
ChrisL, I also did not realize how costly the duties were. I will cease to complain about my mail carrier.
haha, believe me, andalone, it was.
great... I have three seperate tubes all winging their way to me. This could get costly.
Honestly, do all the duties and tariffs pay for some sort of security? Or is it just a source of revenue for the government and/or shipping companies, a sanctioned "racket"?
I would be very intimidated and nervous at a customs inspection, and probably admit to zip code infractions or something.
Will catch up properly a little bit later.
Good Morning?Afternoon/Evening All!!!
Big thank you to Anne, your parcel just arrived, less than a week puts my other parcels to shame!
And a bigger thank you to Amy Lynn, because I just received the DI Kit and was blown away by the fact you bought the Blu-ray version. So mega thanks for that kind generosity, my dad still can't get his head around why someone would do that but he just doesn't get this site.
I <3 LostARGs
Actually, I'm wondering now whether it's The Statue that the duty is on. The letter didn't mention the sender... There was insurance on that one for sure. Swan only shipped a couple of days ago so perhaps it's too soon for it to be that. In which case that's even worse as The Statue was half the price of The Swan!
Good luck FS and Ben.
Martyn, how cool is the DI Kit?! Amy is a star.
I waiting for the Statue too Chris :S
Well done everyone! Yet another selfless act to make us proud to be this online community.
The trip is coming to an end…
Sweet Brazilian Promos…
The DI Kit is awesome!!! Not a lucky recipient of the Sub patch but really, who wants a sub patch?
Thanks Amy, will love it forever!
With my LU t-shirt, courtesy of the lovely Anne, I got my letter from Parcelforce, £14.78 for V.A.T. and then the beyond stupid Parcelforce Clearance Fee of £13.50, making a grand total of ridiculousness £28.28. REally, does it cost £13.50 for you to make me to come all the way to you to pay a VAT charge when you aren't even doing anything? ARGGGHHH!
Off to go pick it up now and give them dirty looks throughout the entire process. It really is a Lottery seeing as Anne's and Amy's came through without any charges at all.
Joke of a postal system!
it actually is a lottery. I've had friends on the east coast for the last 8 years, and we send each other stuff from time to time, along with shopping from US companies. I'd say I get charged extra for about 60% of the goods, with no ryme or reason as to what gets picked up, and what doesn't. Usually, the longer wait for something means customs have their grubby hands on it, and you'll be getting a bill. I have two postersandtoys tubes, and a mondotees tube coming my way... I hope they are all marked "gift"!
Oh yeah, and congrats to everyone who contributed to this donation.
Zort, will there be a huge novelty cheque saying from LostARGs?
Martyn...I think the great British Institutes are all at it though..not just parcelforce.
I arranged for my phone/broadline to be transferred to my new home well before Christmas. I was told no-one was available to connect my line up until the 13th. And I am still waiting for broadband to be connected...they're telling me it will be tomorrow. And the cost of all this to me? A whopping £122.50! Just remember if you're frowning you can't be happy :)
Well, what do you expect?
Everyone here deserves a serious pat on the back. This is a really amazing amount of money that has been raised. Good work guys!
LMAO @Thorsten
I always thought that face looked a little bit devious!
Wow, that is an awesome amount of money!
@Martyn... glad you like the DI Kit! It's spectacular!
ooooh, Thorsten's website is pretty. What do you shoot with? I'm semi-pro (starting to get paid) for my assignments these days... email me?
Cool to see everybody pitched in. Good work guys (and gals).
Good morn!
German customs, uggghhh, been there too many times.
Thorsten, I just did a tracking on the tube I sent you, looks like it cleared customs in Germany just the other day. Any sign of it?
Not yet, Milo… will keep you posted!
snailmail->customs->snailmail does make international shipping ever so frustrating. And then they go and charge you taxes on top.
SciFiScience, where is my f-ing teleporter?
Milo, I walked into that customs office and asked the two guys behind the counter Have you ever heard about Lost?
LOL, thorsten! I said thte same thing when the pack and mail I used said "what the hell is the deal with you and all these tubes you keep mailing?"
I think they are planning to start watching now, told them how to catch up with netflix. Sweet old couple specializing in mail and stuffed animals, I do wonder if they are gonna dig it.
So the one guy replied Yes, one episode, but it was too complicated for my taste. Now pull a number and wait…
Hey All
Great news on the donations!
Lord knows, we wouldn't want to wish 'complicated' tv on anyone would we.
At least not Public Servants, Chris!
We should make more shows like big brother and Americas next top model to balance out shows like lost where you need to think a little.
I tracked down another Kevin Tong print I wanted and it just arrived!
Go Team Venture!
(its still in it's mylar bag in this pic, so sorry about the reflections from the bag)
@Rev, that's a sweet print. I've been contemplating his Houdini print, but I really don't even have wall space for the prints I have.
@ChrisL: the statue you mention, is that the Taweret replica that's up on ebay right now:
@AmyLynn: do you have a link to the Houdini piece, I'd love to see it.
Yay on all the donations, a very cool thing!
Yay! Us.
All the way to the right.
So, with $2210 raised, how does that break down into number of contest entrants? Or has that not been tallied yet?
$2210? Come on ARG posters and lurkers, we can do so much better than that! So many of us had no problem throwing down $50 for a poster, some of us on a weekly basis. I've read about expensive trips, expensive 1988 gallery purchases, people paying hundreds of dollars for the artist releases of these prints and then there are the ebay auctions... Please think of others for a moment, those who have lost everything, and need whatever help they can get. If you haven't donated yet, or if you have more you can spare, you can truly help those suffering. please help!
Morning all...expecting another big rain storm today!
Awesome donation total! I'm sure people are also donating on other sites and to other relief organizations...I know we've given to the Red Cross, too.
And this site continues to amaze me regarding the generosity of others! :)
@ChrisL the eagle has landed. Check your email. :)
Patrick, no I was speaking of The Statue print.
Just picked up Eric Tan's The Warriors from the framer. It is outstanding. I know I keep saying it but I WILL do pics soon.
I actually wonder where sailv17 from Simi Valley got the Tawerets from, this is the second one he sells…
I'm sure he snagged it from someone and made a mold of it. I thought of the same thing but I'm sure he will get shut down by disney. I decided to make my own, besides I want one done in silver for a necklace so I'm going to make one for my jewelry.
seems he's making them. . . :O :( or :) hard to know how to feel about this. . .
Well, the first one went for 56 bucks, now he got greedy…
First one went for $100.
This is at least 4th Taweret from seller. Initial sale was auction with $56 winning bid. Then there were 2 different sales @$100 buy it now, one on Tues., one on Wed.
Higher price listing showed up today.
Ahh, okay, thanks andalone and Lotto!
@Thorsten, the customs stories, and parcelforce picture made my (early) day. And I understand JoeD's frustration, but over $2000 grand raised, that's really nothing to be upset about. This site has done so much good, it can't be put in words. Good job Zort, Maven, Thorsten, the rest of the mods, and everyone reading this!
Yeah $2000 grand is a lot of money... I ment either $2000 or 2 grand, I said it was early....
Colbert is auctioning off his table:
Hi Adam, thanks!
I normally don't watch Colbert, because I don't get his humor, but what a nice guy!
I love the Colbert Report. I think its really good.
Love Triangle on sale now
Love Triangle just went on sale at
Only a few left
Hurry, 3 in stock!
The last one…
Going... going...
ZOMG, they are already popping up on Ebay. Someone just listed 5x/300.
Thankyou TW. A perfect countdown. My guess is The Crash won't take that long.
Typical I drive home and someone starts selling posters !
How much was it out of interest? I'm liking looking at my prints thinking I have a mega expensive collection. At the moment i'm at $925, just need DD and The Love Triangle left.
Just finished making the worst showreel on the planet because I forgot to do it and the University want it now so it's hurried and hasn't much in it. Oh well, at least i've added fades and titles to it!
How much was it? I must have missed the post here by 10 seconds earlier!
100 + s/h
Ah well I'm jsut going to have to console myself with the fact that there are two parcels waiting for me to open that look very LOST shaped.
$100 + shipping
@Zort, LOL @Lost-shaped. :P
I guess I should have bought one for someone here. I asked my bf if I should and he said well.... nahh, they all have one. lol dang bf's I knew I should have.
Zort - I got one just now, consider it yours. When it arrives, I'll mail it. Also, this is a gift from all who contributed.
Leia Bell sold the rest of her prints today... Through her emails... Anyone get one?
I suspect all parcels that turn up at Zort Mansions are LOST shaped. Except those that are fireplace shaped ;-)
Anyone get an extra print?
Trial Attorneys that is a very nice thing to do but don't worry about sending me a Love Triangle, I already have one.
The parcels that arrived contain in the first a prize for the competition and in the other, which is from Lottery Ticket an Olly Moss t-shirt along with some personalised LOSTARGs stationary.
Chris, it is looking more and more like a LOST gift shop here every day.
Soon though most will be winging there way on to prize winners.
If anyone got an extra I would love to snag this. Was in a meeting and missed it. This is the only one my wife likes lol!
If anyone is looking to snag WALT'S KIDNAPPING, I'm selling my extra copy for a reasonable price. Please to enjoy:
But throwfar... can you afford just one more? :-)
@Dragon Management, why don't you just offer it here rather than putting it on Ebay?
Not a problem Zort. Well, if anyone wants the Love Triangle - shoot me an email.
Zort, I can imagine it! Must be a great pleasure to know you're going to be bring smiles to so many people though.
To give to my wife in hopes of allowing me to hang my others; in a heart beat!
There's 5 more up there right now...
@amy lynn
Because a lot of people frequent eBay that don't come to this site and much less frequent the 103rd or 104th comment in a thread.
Additionally, it provides me a forum for feedback for sellers and buyers. I collect more than just LOST prints, and I need that feedback to generate trust for a transaction, especially if I must use another forum besides eBay for the transaction. Basically, it keeps parties honest, on the up and up.
Trial attorneys,
E-mail sent
Interesting...still 4 Love Triangles for sale at Etsy...
I got one on the rebound sales - thanks for the heads up!
2 left
going, going,...
Last one... This one is selling slowly. Not as many flippers.
It's gone!
7 left...
This is a cool way for the artist to release these. I don't think as many people check Etsy...
Someone shot me an email wanting it but ended up getting it still through etsy - let me know if you want it, I'm just selling it for what I just spent on it.
I finally got a print! Whoopee :)
I'd get this one, but actually managed to score one of Stout's Monster Squad Alamo prints from yesterday...and that is gonna look GREAT on the wall next to my Universal Monsters collection!!
Kinda wired. main page shows the print sold out but next page still has 3 left...Is wondering if this is a site error?????
For anyone that cares I finally did some photo's. A bit rushed but enjoy all the same...
Leia's been quite clever with this... dropping them a few at a time. Nice and steady.
Wow- can't look away for a minute here- 3 left now.
The Competition 8 prize winers and solution details have just been posted.
Nice pictures Chris
Chris-nice frame work on your prints!
Zort. Having now read the answers to the dreaded 8, I am supremely impressed by the effort that went into that. Did you do that all yourself? That was frustrating but tremendous fun. Many congrats to EmmaJ and Lawncare. 15 eligible entries!
You were right about the blue with Walt's Kidnapping, that mount looks brilliant. I hope a) my framer has it and b) it goes with the frame I want.
Nice puzzle. I got confused with monstrous location and thought you meant rusty's, as that's where the smoke monster was revealed. Glad I got the TWM right though.
Congrats lawncare and emmaj
Congrats to EmmaJ and Lawncare, that was a hard (but fun) puzzle!
Yes I'm afraid that one was all my own work.
I realised I could have made it easier on a couple of the clues, but it waws fun watching people think.
Very nice, scored The Love Triangle. I hope Tan and Danger are taking notes on how Bell did her second chance offering. Only the thing is, shipping changed from $6 to $9 for me, so my total was $109. At least the total didn't change from $109 to $209 or $309.
One on 15 was mine.
I'll never win anything.
@ImAnnie.. I hear ya, I figured it out too. But winning would have been icing on the cake, I had a lot of fun just solving it.
24 meets Lost… in real time.
The contests aren't over yet!
I took a quick photo of my arrivals today to mark the end of a good day.
I saw that clip on you tube. Whoever did it, did a fantastic job. 24 is another favorite show or mine and it was cool how they combined all the various scenes together to make it look 24 style. Damon Lindelof twitted "Wow. and the link" That's how I found out about it.
Ben saw the light…
I'm watching 24/7 by coincidence right now, JGZ
Hello my fellow Lost-Argers :)
Just wanted to pop in to say hello. Miss y'all. Work is keeping me very busy. Really glad to see the donations coming in- and I hope that they continue to do so!
Just so all of you know...I love you!
Lost 24 is amazing. It must have been one hell of a job to time that. Great editing.
Lol - is that other photo a Ben waxwork?
Amazing news too! Got home this evening to find that my broadband is now on :D I feel like Locke when he discovered he could move his foot!
we love you too Ellen ((((hugs)))
Hi Ellen!
We love you too Ellen!
welcome back to broadband! which photo are you referring to?
Ellen, I guess you know we're pleased you're around! Hope you're having a good day.
this is the 'original' synchronizing from 2008, by NDHatch, but he had to remove the sound, not sure if this is same guy who produced the link above.
Martyn - Thorsten's post 'Ben saw the Light'
In the CafePress Lost TV store, there are Team Kate t-shirts. Who the hell is on Team Kate, praytell?
I am :D
Love you choice of frames. The van is very unique.
Ellen, good to see you here. Best.....:) xxoo
One of my friends from work who got me into LOST just thanked me for the 24/LOST clip because he's never seen any of the first season.
*head explodes*
Well Im 4 for 16 now and all 4 are artist releases so thats neat.
1) Dharma Van , The Numbers, The Hatch, and Love triangle.
Done for a couple of months while I recoup my rapidly decreasing bank account!!! I still need frames OMG..
Good job, throwfar!
throwfar. So you say. Let's see what happens when the next one drops ;-)
Amy, that's a great story.
@ChrisL, I'm freaking out. How can you be a LOST fan and not have seen Walkabout? Or seen any episode where Kate was interesting?
Hi, Ellen! :)
Congrats to the winners of Prize 8!
Hi Ellen
We love you too. <3
Amy it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. It's made me feel a bit dizzy actually. Have to lie down....
Ah yes futureself, very creepy!
Thorsten, took ages to load but by gawd that was good. I couldn't get my head around the fact they were happening at the very same time, it was strange.
Hey everyone- I was thinking of asking someone to make a color copy of "Locke's Secret" for me at Kinkos or something- I love the poster and dont mind if its not signed/numbered.
Do any of you know if a full size copy of that poster would come out good quality? I'm pretty sure it doesn't have reflective elements or anything.
Also, is it legal to copy these posters?
Almost had a panic then. Just looked at the blu-rays from Amy and they dais region A but for some unknown reason, they still work on my PS3.
Might try UP again to see if that works...
Season 5 started on German TV tonight!
The dub voices are hilarious ;))
Prize 8 - I cannot believe I had all the letters (but the I from the monstrous location) and even had "human" written on a scrap piece of paper and STILL did not figure it out.
On a related note: the words in the transmission are not Shannon's, they are Rouseau's - they are coming from the receiver. Her actual last word in French was from the french song she sings when helping Sayid decipher the map. As fate would have it, it also started with an M so no harm no foul.
WAS...liegt im Schatten der Statue....hmmmm?
I'm sure the voices in my head are better though :S
two things:
People have been emailing EBeans folks asking to buy high quality scans for window posters, banners, blah blah blah. They want to make reproductions, so please don't.
Secondly, we dropped the ball - The spare Love Triangles went on sale today, and are already sold out:
Sorry to those that wanted them, stock was apparently limited. They were going for $100 + shipping.
Hurley just said: Eigentlich ist es Ketchup…
See above been- some folks here caught it. How would you normally find out?
Das ist fantastisch dude!
Very nice framing ChrisL! Love the Twin Peaks, the DD, the Rousseau Gallery1988 original, and the Warriors especially.
Or Ben...
actually Ben, everyone here got the notice as the Love triangle went on sale. Who ever was here when they dropped, got one. She posted them in bunches and the last one stayed up for sale for quite a while.
Of course it's not legal to reproduce someone else's work. In fact, most places like Kinkos etc won't even consider it. It's really no different than photocopying a book, or copying a CD.
whoops, my bad. 14 hour day means I wasn't into reading all the posts... ignore me!
Just received my WK in the mail today from a fellow LOSTie (at cost, I might add). Haven't opened it yet - waiting until my wife gets home!
As for the Haiti fund, I think it's great that folks are contributing but don't be too hard on those that aren't dropping big bucks here. I know a lot of people, including some here, who gave early and very generously directly to charities.
Cheers Midday. That Warriors is knock-out. I'm loving it.
Dennis, thanks for posting that. Hopefully it'll stop people asking. Gets a bit draining.
I relented and got that Stout for $54.99. I kept staring at your photo and relented. I'm sure I won't feel so guilty once it arrives.
@ Chris L
Really nice framing. I have The Barracks and was wondering about framing. I have to see what it looks like with a white frame.
@Martyn-which Stout did you get?
Congrats Sandman!
Walt's Kidnapping is a beauty of a print, kinf of this strange blend of photo realism and surealism that really grew on me.
Off topic here but I had to tell someone. I opened our fish for dinner that my son has been waiting for all week and as I slapped it on the pan, there was a worm moving on one of the pieces. I almost threw up on the fish lol No fish for dinner here that's for sure unless there is something else in the freezer. total Yuck !!!!! horrible ! biscuits are a safer bet, provided you can figure out how to get one...
@ ChrisL - Eric's warriors print is really really nice. Tyler's Warriors print just arrived for me this week - if I was a die hard fan of the actual movie I'd consider hanging both side by side. Might send out the wrong message to guests though ;)
@ Martyn - Congrats! Thats a decent price on the Stout FotC. Sorry I led ya into temptation on that one - mwah hahaha. ;) The buyers remorse will fade when you see it in person. Sweet!
One of the unsigned Flight of the Conchords, a plane crashed into the ground. I'm told it's a parody of a Beastie Boys album but I wouldn't know.
I've seen that one-AWESOME! You will love when you see it in person! I just bought one of the red Monster Squad posters by Stout yesterday...I can't wait. I've seen people saying they didn't like his LOST poster image, but I'll bet at 24 x 36 it is a HECK of a lot more impressive...
Martyn, awesome get!
here is an image of the Stout Flight of the conchords
and here is the album cover for Beastie Boys Licensed to Ill
I should have entered the 8th prize drawing. "Humanity" was my guess (even though I couldn't come up with the correct letters.
I thought the two letters on the blade of grass were "A" or "T".
For monstrous location - I somehow thought that one referred to the poster with the monster and I was looking at "Rusty's Pet Store".
Oh well... it was fun anyway!
Midday, Tyler's Warriors is great too, I was spoilt for choice but Eric's style just pips it for me... I figured getting hold of The Crash was unlikely and I loved the movie so I figured it's as good a Tan to hang as any! I did order Tyler's Fear of a Red Planet from Mitch when we were all going crazy over there after Smokey and that just arrived today so I'll have that up soon. Lots of large prints up now so I'm going to be on the look out for some smaller pieces I think.
That's the one Rev! Really looking forward to it, looks amazing on screen so it's going to be 10x that when it arrives.
I had the same thoughts about the Monster clue. I couldn't get all of my letters to work out either, but I had enough and understood the TLE reference to figure out humanity. Congrats to the winner.
whats the latest on danger (and tan) - anything new to report?
i got £ for 1 of them - i want dangers the most...
wanted WK, but didnt get paid until today (and Im devastated even more coz I had one of the e-mails but didnt get it until i read abut on here - I would have sold some stuff had I known I HAD A CHANCE!... :(
MOST WANTED: Locke, cabin, WK, hatch... (one day, they will be mine...OH yes....they WILL be mine..)
I may have a spare Walt's Kidnapping. If you e-mail me, mgraham.0605328atgooglemaildotcom and I'll get back to you tomorrow letting you know more information about it to see if you're interested.
Off to sleep, smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for brekfast!
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