![]() Mitch Putnam from OMG Posters, as well as a few people in the comments have let us know about the extra copies of Walt's Kidnapping being on sale tomorrow (Jan 19th) 2pm CST (8pm GMT). You will have to visit postersandtoys.com to purchase. |

![]() Mitch Putnam from OMG Posters, as well as a few people in the comments have let us know about the extra copies of Walt's Kidnapping being on sale tomorrow (Jan 19th) 2pm CST (8pm GMT). You will have to visit postersandtoys.com to purchase. |
1 – 200 of 456 Newer› Newest»My F5 finger has the week off ;P
Anyone know the cost of these prints?
They sold Smokey gor $300, so I would say around that range.
Walt will be sub-200 based on earlier comments by OMG Mitch.
No one knows on the Stout though..
I don't think WK will be under 200. he said it was going to be less than Smokey, which was, depending on when you bought it, 200 or 300.
@ Amy Lynn,
He said it would be under the Smokey one after he lowered everyone to $200 though.
Sent in my answer for prize 8. After this new clue from Zort, I don't feel so stupid anymore since I had NO experience with where it lead me. Wondering if it was right... Good Luck All!!
Oh Walt's Kidnapping, why are you still stuck in US postal system? You should be in England by now in a useless postal system instead!
from Tyler Stout's homepage:
"writing this at 11:25 AM
sale isn't for AT LEAST another 1.5 hours, and site is slowing wayyyy down. so, site could crash, if people keep hitting F5 constantly. i've emailed my hosting people. we shall see."
That sounds positive.
As for the prizes, curious who won #6. I missed entering #7 and #8 seems impossible. Glad I'm not the only one that had/has trouble with that one.
Glad to see the donations keep coming in.
To those going for Stout - Good luck.
The winner of number 6 wil be announced later today. I'll wait until after the Stout has gone on sale.
Curious to know how many are going after Stout today... the site is slowing down, don't know how that's gonna work out in the end
I'm gonna play the game. Check the price, answer the question, email off. I can then say yes or no with a few minutes to think about it.
Does anyone need me to try for the Stout on their behalf?
Eesh, the site is already so slow! lol! Don't have high hopes but am trying to be a proper poster buddy this time so maybe I'll get lucky.
No Stout for me.
yeah, Stout's site just crashed for me. Too many flippers using autorefresh. Thanks guyz!
I've decided Stout is not for me, as it'll be expensive and I already have two of his other posters which I prefer to LOST.
So if anyone wants me to try for them let me know.
It's raining... Damn you flippers! :D
Flipper, you say? Wow-even DOLPHINS are collecting these LOST prints these days!
that has to be the lamest joke I've ever seen on LostARGS. And I saw ReverendMilo's fake website :(
I think that the price will be lower than we expect :)
Let's hope.
I would appreciate a poster buddy on this one! my email is buddycuffs at gmail
Why are Stout's dates on his posts reading 1/12/09?
I'm going to try for it, so I can be a poster buddy for someone. I got the print a couple weeks ago. I'll let you know how it goes!
@ Patrick,
If you manage to grab one I'd love to grab it if I fail... I missed the original on-sale on the last screen!
I think I prefer his Flight of the Conchords one to LOST now. I think there are plenty of people offering to be poster buddies that i'm going to stay out of this one.
Good Luck to all who want it!
Woah, Tyler's site is CRAWLING. Yikes.
I wish they would have had the Crash be #16. Following the video feed into G1988 and seeing the Crash would have been spectacular.
I think that's a sensible move Martyn. I'm a little surprised at the lack of buzz around this one today.
Do you you mean the flight of the Conchords Beastie Boys aeroplane one?
I have that on my wall, and I don't think LOST would budge it.
Besides, his non film ones are 18x24, so they fit the standard frames!
I agree - it's odd. I don't like it, so may not try for it. Depends on the price, I suppose.
Beastie Boys aeroplane? The one with the giraffe sticking out the window?
I meant the one that looks almost similar to LOST on Stout's main page. Currently flicking through the FOTC website and they seem to still have the posters for sale in their inventory, a lot cheaper than on eBay too, $30. Very tempted for the DD one, then again, anything DD i'm tempted by.
Tylers page is already undloadable for me.
The Horror!
unloadable from Italy too..
I'm fine, I think. Just browsing through his other posters. He did an awesome robocop one. Will refresh the whole thing to see the lag issue.
Tyler has done several Flight of the Conchords posters. The 'crashed airplane' one is amazing , and is on my wall. He's also done a few that are closer to being portaits, as with 'LOST.' He's always been extremely fair when it comes to pricing.
His posters are so rewarding in person - unbelievable amount detail and thought he puts into them.
What about you, Chris? Marytn? Ben?
I've got it to load text only-which should be fine when the question is posted...
Ok, I see it now. That's pretty laggy! It's the definition of lag!
The site isn't loading for me either.
I'm going to stay away now to try and ease the load.
Max, how do you set it to do that?
It's like being on the event horizon of a black hole, from my vantage point ;))
Tyler, your page is broken.
Just send us the question via your mailing list!
Nope. Not happening for me either TW. Refreshing's only fun when it works.
Wait, guys is anyone actually trying for this? If you don't want to buy the poster, maybe don't go to Tyler's page, so those who do want it can get in.
Okay, returning to Doctor Who ;))
Was looking at that one before I stupidly tried to refresh. As it's still loading, was I right in seeing the plane being made up of a train and a plane?
im trying... i hope that he drops it early because a crashed site just seems to make everyone more tense...
Ohh, back in.
No question yet.
If anyone reloads it and sees the update, post it on here!
I reloaded. Black Hole again.
I could use a poster buddy for Stout PLEASE! jwyckoff1atgmaildotcom thanks jeff
Will do Andrew!
Martyn - Yes, that's right! It's a locomotive with a jet engine tied to the back of if with soem rope. With robot-headed Brett and Jemaine staring at it from the side. It's a hilarious image - an amazing drawing too.
This could be a LONG 3 hour window...
I cant get in anymore
I doubt this sale is going through, it's too slow, he probably won't even be able to post the e-mail and question! maybe just a quick "sale is postponed, please leave the server breathe" note
@XXX, it's only a 2 hour window.
Yeah, I can't get in at all anymore. :\
Still timing out...
Yep sounds like everyone's losing the connection. I can totally understand, it's very hard to get a server that can handle this kind of craziness.
Poor Tyler, sounds like he tried really hard to come up with a good solution, too.
@Amy Lynn
Oh, dang. Me and my elementary math. Guess I got a case of the Mondays!
I liked Ollys way of distribution. I still didnt get one of those...
Strange. Its refreshing ok for me every time (but slowly).
At the moment, i'm deeply pondering the DD one, it's all set up and all I need to do is click confirm. I like it because it's the exterior of their building which I saw when I was in NY two years ago. I may leave it though, as i've spent enough money on posters, but i'm getting a little bored of the Scuba Girl I bought from Methane Studios. Maybe because it doesn't mean anything to me like my Lost ones or my Raconteurs one.
Maybe he just took his site down until the time to sell???
We're not going to Guam, are we?
lol thorsten
Maybe someone set off a bomb - it DID go to a white screen.
Don't know TW but we ain't going to tstout.com!
I'm afraid not, Jeff.
Just too busy.
One thing to mention. The FOTC poster and not the signed numbered versions I believe.
martyn... where is the DD? That's my most hoped for poster...
thorsten, one of my top 3 quotes/moments from the show!!! Just rewatched the episode last week, Jeff Fahey is awesome as Frank every time
I'm really looking forward to the whole question, email sale, it's a great idea, feel bad the site is not able to control the madness
haha, thanks vabauer!
Ist says server= for me ;))
Aww, it was totally working for a few refreshes there XD lol.
Don't understand people being down on the "freighter folk" or their arc - there is some really stellar acting there.
yep, it's timing out all the time now for me, disabled images and all, but I think it's just too much traffic, it literally is like a DDoS attack, could even be blocked by the ISP if they don't know about it!!
Probably not actually, you're right. It just says limited quantities screenprint, nothing about signed or numbered. Not that it matters to me I guess but still. Anyway, I declined, need to save my money and pay off my holiday. It'll probably still be there later when I come back to buy it.
Ben, http://flightoftheconchords.kungfustore.com/category/174-posters/product/1488-phoenix-danger-09-poster-foc49
It's beautiful!
Is anybody following Tyler on Twitter?
Faraday is arguably my favourite character after Locke. Miles may well be in my top five, too.
In other news, not only is stout's site fragged, but ExpressoBeans Lost thread is seriously lagged. Loads of lurkers want this one. Makes sense... the casual fans who came late, heard this was the big last reveal and want a piece...
Got the site text, but no graphics.
Anne, I agree, I'm a huge fan of Zoe Bell, a small but tragic role as she jumps off the freighter tied in chains...
oh, Martyn I thought you meant Jacob's Cabin. :(
oh man, Sam G just threw me off there with the "email" command!!!
I thought the sale had gone to email or the address revealed...
I'm still getting the stout page. The new link is not up yet. You can relax! Breathe... in.....out.....in
Okay, Tyler just emailed me. He said that the sale will go up today after his site comes back up online.
whenever that may be…
@Anne - I recently designed a few posters related to the Freighties. If you're interested, I may be getting them printed.
Here they are:
Miles (Lights On)
Miles (Lights Off - Glow in the dark)
I wanted this, but I really don't have the money to spend on it...such a bummer too; I really fell in love with his style through this poster.
@vabauer: Yeah, i think a lot of people don't appreciate how hard it is to be an incidental character/small part - you don't have a lot of time to get a handle on it and make an impact. If someone can convince you in that short time, then that's seriously good acting.
Tyler said:
usually its not this bad but i guess theres a lot of people hitting f5
Andrew...as you know I'm in for Faraday :)
Ben, if it were for $30, i'm pretty sure i wouldn't be the only one talking about it on here, lol.
@Thorsten - If he's going to sell it when the site "comes back up"... this may be an all day event. People will keep hammering the site if they know he's still going to do it today. (sigh) Why am I only missing the 2 most popular posters?
That Guam line gets me every time...
Martyn, I have the Danger FotC poster too, and it's really cool. Different from say, '...Jabberwock,' but cool. And at $30 , a really inexpensive Danger. Personally I love FotC. This summer , the FotC tour posters were the 'series' I collected before the DCaaPB LOST series. They snagged some amazing (and familiar) artists roster, such as: Stout, Danger , Ryan , Jones. And some other big names too. Got some great posters out of it!
@Patmc.... LOST is maybe the 5th most popular poster, if that.
Hey, did somebody just mentioned a certain Polar Bear?
@Andrew: yeah wanted to comment to you about those earlier but didn't have time. Nice work. Few suggestions: might want to make the gray in BG on Faraday a bit lighter, makes it more obvious it's his face at the top. Opposite on Charlotte, try doing a layer opacity or something on the BG so she pops more (might not work, just a thought). I think I liked the previous version of Miles better lol, here you're getting conflicting feedback XD; Just thought the shadow should be lowered on right or left on his shirt.
got in twice now. still nothing.
alteridiom..you still banging that drum?
Sweet. It looks like his provider or someone just boosted his server capacity. I'm getting through easy now...
I'm browsing with LYNX!! Hadn't used that since 1995
I did it just for you guys.
That happeneed to me for a little while, but then it went right back to the LAG
hmm im still not getting through very easily...
i still cant get in...
hmm... looks like there is an improvement, maybe some people are giving up?
Why did you have to say that? Now I want to buy it again! Tehy're going on tour in the UK at some point this year, for which i'll be making damn sure I go to. Hopefully, there will be just as amazing posters available for those shows. Somehow, Birmingham won't attract the most well know artists though!
@mtutick - :-( Yup... just bogged back down for me now too. That was weird though... Maybe he just unplugged it for a second to clear the server... LOL
tyler should just come on here to announce it, that makes much more sense :]
Just checking comments. Wow this must be crazy slow! Time dilation anyone?!
Good luck to all trying for this one.
Thorsten, I didn't think Stout twittered? Did you just email him that comment?
No, Ob, he emailed me first…
I still can't get in. Dren.
WOW got in. No news still. :p
I get in once every 5-10 minutes. Just got in, and still no info
This feels like banging on a fission device with a rock…
Did love triangle get released yet? Also, polar bear?
Nothing yet
I'm watching that very scene right now TW ;)
He should just e-mail the mailing list with the info ... no wait, not everyone would get it at the same time, hmmmm
polar bear won't be released. it's going to jay's subscribers.
love triangle will be up at the end of the month.
Neal, Jay has no copies of the Polar Bear to sell. They all go to the sub homders. Leia end of the month sometime.
thorsten, made me laugh again!!
and made me remember:
two weeks people, two weeks til Feb 2!!!
Love triangle should be on sale late january, apparently.
Still looking for someone to maybe help me on the Stout buy. thanks jeff jwyckoff1atgmaildotcom
alteridiom has a polar bear for you
I've been getting in all the way through in about 1 in 3 attempts.
Still hasn't updated.
I just got a poster dropped off at my door. For a minute I thought it was a Tyler print...washed up on my shore before I had even ordered it......
It's really weird. His ping times are actually pretty good (about 40ms). All his problems must be occurring on the server itself.
@XXX, please don't give bad info. Neither of those prints have been released.
The really hilarious thing is . . . this isn't even DD or the Crash. (I'd say they're slightly above Stout in terms of popularity.)
*Sub holders
@Anne - I agree with you on the background stuff but there's a reason I have it the way I do. I'm trying to keep the amount of different colors/shades to a minimum because the more you use, the more ink is required, and that means more $$. I'm not sure how blending works, but that may be a solution so I might look into it.
The thing about Miles is I really liked the older version too, but I think the new version is better just because I was able to incorporate a few more references and make the Lights On version make more sense. :P
I haven't been entering Stout's site much... So much lag.
Thanks kids.
They have not been PUBLICLY released. Some were offered the Bell already. I know this personally ;)
@Neal, ignore the EB folks. Love Triangle was not released or offered to anyone.
How'd you have a poster delivered to your door? Thought all mail was off today?
Fedex is still shipping though.
I had a poster delivered today.
Martin Ansin from Montevideo.
i got my statue today but im in canada
@Amy Lynn. You're very, very wrong.
Ahhhh...makes sense.
I'm in the UK, postis fine. But it was actually my neighbour dropping round a print for me that arrived while I was out today.
Stout may well have taken the site down until he's ready to put the page up. That would explain the fast connect / no data return issue...
So how are we doing on the Haiti Relief donations, anyway? Has the total increased any more yet? Let's go, $1000!
ritedere, what are you talking about?
I got Dan McCarthy's Ice Age delivered today...really beautiful!
Though Leia Bell is planning to release Love Triangle on her site later this month, she did offer some to those who expressed interest in it weeks ago (I was one of them)
@ritedere, LOL.
Okay, thanks.
I don't think the site was taken down, I get a response and a connection, just the content isn't getting here
Its been up the entire time, just seems difficult to get onto for some.
Got through... still nothing...
I don't suppose @ritedere has a picture of the signature and number on that Love Triangle...?
ritedere, Eric Tan called me to ask if i wanted a couple of the Crash before it all got messy.
Chris, you promised no to tell!
I am on the phone with Tyler Stout right now. He says to tell you guys to calm down, he already sold all the LOST prints to alteridom.
if you don't know what you're talking about, don't talk.
(i'm not speaking to ritedere)
ooops... sorry Thor, it slipped out what with all the info sharing that's going on.
@ChrisL - the fact that Eric just GAVE them to you because you asked so nicely was even more amazing...
...well in that case, we should all have PLENTY of chances to buy them right here!
LOL Amy!
I e-mailed all the artists of the prints that I needed prior to the on-sales. Many just let me know the onsales would be happening and to follow their blogs, etc. However, there were a handful who were very helpful in obtaining their prints prior to official on-sales. (Munn, Bell, Taylor). Jones was also selling some Swans prior to it being announced officially. I'm sure you're being sarcastic about Tan ChrisL, but I couldnt find an e-mail address for him when I looked, so just followed his blog instead.
Also, Carlton Cuse is coming over for dinner to show me the pilot and let me read the finale.
+1 jacob's cabin while all this mess was going on, thank you twitter!!
He's always had a soft spot for you though Amy.
Amy, don't you dare post any spoilers here!!! just let us know if it's all a dream Vincent is having back in Sydney or not
I'm going to tweet the finale. Line by line.
@Amy Lynn - Amazing! Of course, Damon came over a few weeks ago to show me the pilot... I just didn't want to sound like I was bragging or anything...
BTW, if you guys like 24, I recommend the new season, saw the premiere last night and it looks like a winner, it continues today, another 2 hours
Okay, everybody, back to business!
F5ing is a serious game. There are two sides…
va bauer....we need a 24 poster series
vabauer- Jack Sack!
Amy- better start on that soon then lol
I have gotten into the site 4 times since 1 lol
Vabauer - It's not Vincent's dream... it's all Libby's dream, while getting electroshock therapy at the Santa Rosa funny farm...
Can't wait to watch it Vabauer. 24 is probably my 2nd favourite show. No need to tell which is my 1st.
i hope i know the answer to his lost-related question...yikes!
@Jason: Jersey Shore?
Because it's impossible for an artist to sell their art to a fan/collector privately?
Just got through again... still nothing.
Patmc, I concur, that's another possibility, and the numbers would then be the different settings at which the machine is set, the funkier parts of the show happen when the machine is set at 42
Yes... It's Jersey Shore........
@ Martyn lol , sorry! It is a really nice poster, but you got some other DD prints recently, I'm sure you'll live without it. One of my biggest regrets this past year was missing out seeing them live. You can be sure I wont let that happen again!
I think ritedere isn't even a person. It's a robot.
This forum is brutal with the sarcasm today!
@Amy Lynn. Does not compute
Nevermind then, I agree. I hate robots, well, except for bad robots.
I went away to put a log on the fire and the comments exploded.
XXX, just trying to lighten the load!
Ha! I never said I wasn't snickering and occasionally laughing along the way. Downloading the LOST series finale on BitTorrent now.
@ zort - like the swan station. I do hope everyone kept their underwear in check.
The trying times of the bored F5 gang....
Zort, you went away to put a log on the fire when you could have been looking at tstout.com not loading!?
bad robots are cool, maybe we'll see one in S6, maybe THAT's the secret all along!! The island is controlled by the computer from Terminator that used the island's power to go back in time since the 1980s
ritedere is correct in his method. I got some of mine the same way, including one he didn't list.
Info up:
Q: How many Dharma stations are there?
email: thisisafakebecauseImbored@gmail.com
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