Monday, February 22, 2010

In Your Own Words 116

So we now have a fantastic amount of donations sent in, but it still isn't the complete amount that was sent in before. I have sent emails to the people that we can't identify from the original answer sheet and there is a small window of opportunity to still re-donate if you want to.

If we don't receive the re-donations then we will reduce your entry to a single free entry as per the original rules. Remember to check your email account spam filter just in case the email message did not get through.

You can still go to Partners In Health donation page for LOSTARGs and donate the amount you had originally said you were going to donate or add anything extra to the charity if you can spare some extra cash for this great 4 star rated charity.

The draw will take place on Wednesday this week, but while you wait for the winners to be announced have a look at some of the comments and facts we received when people submitted their entries for the competitions :-

"I suggested to Kevin Tong to check out DCAAPB, but he was already in it."

"Met awesome people - that is the most interesting part of my experience."

"Apparently I was the only one to vote for my favourite poster from Belgium...or was it from the Netherlands? I don't know anymore, I live in the Netherlands and study in Belgium. Either way, I was the only one."

"The Polar bear understands Yiddish."

"I'm just still in awe at how a show and an Underground Art Project can bring strangers from all over the world together. Politicians and world leaders should take note."

"I've learned a little bit more about different cultures in different countries because of meeting some of the wonderful people at the LostARGs community! I've been able to add new British words to my vocabulary... like "gutted" (learned when I, like so many others, clicked on the last link, only to find out a poster was sold out). :-)"

"It was my destiny to snag "The Hatch". Been away from computers when DCAAPB started & held off on Posters 3 & 4. #5 "The Hatch" coincidentally showed up when I went to Lost ARG site. The colors spoke to me & I ordered it since it was near my birthday. Was unable to order any other prints, altho I tried like the Ben (devil)!!! Love LostARG & its population of amazing sleuths, artists, poets & philanthropists!"

"Hmmmm... I jumped on board at the beginning, but only was able to get the 4 toed statue poster until I was able to get to the art show opening to get the 16th poster. I also plan to get the numbers tattooed on my toes."

"I had never visited before I started looking for answers to the puzzles in this ARG, I have to say it was awesome to spend some time talking to fellow Lost fans about the show a bit, hope to meet some of them in person someday! Thanks for this contest Zort, it's a great extra way to keep us on our toes until February 2, just one month away now!!"

"I learned about the power of the LOST community, the necessity of the F5 button, and the need to improve the speed of my internet connection."

"As a LONG time Lost ARG follower, (Since TLE Clues :) ) I thought that this "Arg" was great. Sure it wasn't full of mysteries or wild goose chases or binary code, but it was most certainly fun. I think the DCAAPB mission was right on target, giving back to the fans. We stayed up late and got up early for moments of our favorite show in art form. (Which was perfect cause i wanted art for my room). Now i have 4 beautiful prints, and a community of losties that i wouldn't trade for the world."

"I love following all the action of the poster reveals and the sense of community that they fostered. I never commented, but read almost every single word."

"I went to the NYC Spin reveal 15 minutes after it started. Everything was done at that time already and I did not get a ping pong ball or a poster, but Judah Freidlander from 30 Rock was there randomly!"

"I was at the Glasgow reveal!! I knew about DCAAPB before via the Jay and Jack podcast and watching the comic con Lost Panel but had no idea that living in Scotland that I would actually get involved. Have loved every minute since and have received lots of cool stuff from all the great Lost fans in exchange for the swag I picked up at Forbidden Planet. "

"Got fake snow from Lisa because I told her I wanted snow as I never get any decent snow."

"I actually walked out of my graduate class halfway through a lecture so I could run home and bid on one of the posters! I didn't get it though :( and I got a good talking to the next class!"

"At the 1988 event , Kevin Tong assured me that I was not alone in my perceptions of LOST."

"I made several new friends through this experience, and to me it is more valuable than anything else. Thank you, Zort, for making this possible for the fans. :)"

"My interesting fact is that these questions were HARD!"

"Well it's pretty much consumed my life :)"

"DCAAPB has turned me on to the world of screen print posters and I made my first non-dcaapb related print purchase in December when I bought Mike Klay's "Dusk Hollow" print."

"Was extremely late to a delayed thanksgiving dinner all because of the Polar bear print!"

"I can't remember anything that gives me as much of an adrenaline rush as trying to get DCAAPB posters!"

"It's been an absolute pleasure to be involved through my father. It's been fantastic hearing his stories about everyone. The level of commitment and passion by people like you, Zort has had a profound rekindling effect on my relationship with my father, which is very much appreciated. All best and can't wait to share season 6 with you guys!"

"I was wearing my Dharma jumpsuit (motor pool blue) at the G88 opening and realized there was something red on my hand, and dark and wet on the jumpsuit chest. I was pretty horrified for a split second before I figured out that it wasn't blood - I'd just leaned over my fries. So . . . actually, it IS ketchup."

"i "attended" every URL launch live online ... and bought no posters. i'm a 17 year old student with no money :p"

"It's a tough sell to get your girlfriend to go along with the fact that you're using all of the wall space in the living room for Lost prints! (Wait til I break out the action figures for our premiere party!)"

"I found out about LostArgs when I met a bunch of awesome members at the Lost Gallery 1988 event. Love the cool giveaways you guys have been running. I'm really impressed by all the generosity I see on here. Here's hoping we raise a lot of money in this giveaway. Kudos to the organizers. :) "

"Also, as for a fun fact, I have met great people through this ARG and now have people all over the world to email about questions. Just recently, Amy Lynn was able to point me in the direction of a bakery in NYC that would deliver cupcakes to my brother as a get well present!"

"I learned about dry mounting and how it's bad for your health!"

"Interesting fact: Everyone already knows all my interesting facts about this whole series. So I'll just plead once more for the Olly Moss poster. Seriously, there's a space already made for it, and the frame's already planned and...and...sigh."

"I have been so blessed in meeting so many great people thru this ARG. The generosity and kindness of this community makes me very proud to be a part of it! :)"

"Met some wonderful people and made the months go by in a flash. Thanks!"

"Quote from Zort (August 17, 2009 6:05 AM):

"I hope there is more, not just the posters, although if it is just the posters then I hope they find innovative ways to launch them."

I felt the same way when it started. But then I met everyone here... and shared in the excitement of solving the clues... and attending the events... and getting to know people from all over the world, all sharing a common interest. I now consider many of the people here to be friends... even though I've never met most of them (something I hope to be able to correct in the future :-) ). I truly hope that you ended getting as much out of this entire experience as I, and so many others did.

I hope to see you and everyone lurking about in the forums as we all get to experience the final season together!

All the best to you my friend,

-Pat McKinley (Patmc)

P.S. Great puzzle on this last one! My wife and I had a great time solving it! :-)"


Tess315 said...
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Tess315 said...

Good Morning
Nice testimonials on the front page zort.

DvdBos said...

Just to make sure.
Is the "receipt" the confirmation email they sent you?
I found no "code" on it.
I fear that my donation didn't go well.

ChrisL said...

Morning SG. Lovely quotes there Zort... Agree wholeheartedly with the sentiments. Very excited about the draw finally taking place, there'll be a few very happy people on Wednesday is my guess :-)

Zort70 said...

Davide, you are 100% in the draw.

Tess315 said...

Hi ChrisL.

DvdBos said...

Thanks for the confirmation ;)

Well, let's wait for wednesday :p

Amy Lynn said...


Zort, I resent you the info to the admins address.

Just Thinking said...

Glad to hear Mrs.Z sounds OK Zort.

As to the effects of DCAAPB- all consuming, yes- and not just for me but it leaked out to the family and coworkers too. My son went to Johnny Cupcakes, my sister bought me a T in LA, my Hatch and Van are hanging at work where I pull things up on the non work computer to show colleagues, just got my husband a Polar Beer glass. And here to the internet I check in every day now to follow the latest Lost folks news and have also jumped over to TLC for theory time.

So I echo the big thanks to Zort and all of you-boy, I didn't know what I was getting into a few months ago when I came online to find out the title of a book in a episode!

Tess315 said...

The whole Lost experience has been pretty wild for me. I can't believe it's almost over.

I didn't even know what a blog was until TLE happened. Following ITE and TLC clues it was amazing. My then 9 year old daughter helped me put together the Sri Lanka video. She loved the music at the beginning. Stayed up until 4am listening to DJ Dan. Then I delurked and became an member of TLC greatest group of people I (n)ever met.

My daughter and grown son both helped me with the puzzles in Find 815 and DWY. I didn't think I'd ever get that boat through the reef. lol

Then there was DCAAPB not technically an ARG but just as fun. My daughter would get up and want to see the latest clue or the next print. My sister even got up early to try for WK for me. She doesn't even blog and only theorizes with me. But she knows all of you and the group at TLC because I'm always talking about you.

My husband even tried to help me figure out zorts clues in finding the Cindy Lauper cd. He doesn't even watch Lost.

Having a Lost friend I didn't even know send me a bookmark with Sayid (and Juliet) on it.

So the experience has been amazing and I have enjoyed knowing all of you.

Drama said...

I'd like to add that thanks to LostARGS, as of today I am the proud owner of an Olly Moss T Shirt. Which I will fully be wearing to Hawaii at the start of April...

Drama said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drama said...

also, worst knock off item EVER:

Locke's secret is that this shirt SUCKS

Martyn said...

How I deeply regret saying "I never get any snow" now!


I can't believe someone actually bought one of them!!!

LostARGs has been a major part of my life for the past 6 months and always the first place I check in. When I first came here, I read, never commented but then I started commenting and now I just can't shut up. If it wasn't for tis forum, the idea of going to Hawaii would of never popped in to my head and I would never of met amazing people there.

And the generosity on this forum makes me (and i'm sure others) wish that every human being was like anyone on this website. I know i've been generous with a few small things but some people are REALLY generous! (You know who you are ;) )

So a huge thank you to every single one of you i've got to know, got to meet and will meet in the future!

ChrisL said...

Someone should tell that ebay T Shirt guy what HE can't do.

Unknown said...

hey zort, can u confirm lifes2sh0rt@hotmail is in the drawing? I just got my friend to donate $100! ;]

Martyn said...

Ok, I count 7 business days. Time to e-mail Lost University?

Zort70 said...

Jimmy, you are now.

Patmc said...

I think someone should have Olly tell that knock-off T-Shirt guy what he CAN'T do... (grrr)

@ChrisL - awesome collage from AliceL! Makes me wonder why I haven't done something like that yet... LOL

I really enjoyed reading through the collection of comments on the front page. It's really great to see how much it meant to so many people. It definitely takes me back to some of the earlier reveals too... including the Glasgow release, which required me to wake up in the middle of the night to try for the poster! LOL

BTW... I still haven't received my email from Lost University about being one of the first 108 graduates yet. The original email via Lost U, was sent on Feb. 9th... so with the President's Day holiday, Friday would have been the 7th business day specified in the email. I also checked Lost University (via the BluRays) last night, and there are no further emails there either. I even used the email address from there (, and sent an email asking if they had sent them yet. I got back an automated reply a few minutes later... so that was pretty much a waste of time.

Has anyone else heard anything new from Lost University?

Drama said...

I already emailed Olly about it. It's sort of flattering, in a way. And before anyone says, no, the one I got is a genuine item!

beesknees7 said...

@ben I said it in the last post and I'll say it again: as much I want a Locke's Secret shirt, I'm definitely not settling for something that fugly. Maybe one will pop up on ebay eventually.

@patmc Nothing new here re: Lost U yet. Am still waiting impatiently. :)

Martyn said...

I don't think anyone would think you were saying your own t-shirt that you were proud to declare was the sucky version you mentioned later, lol.

How'd you get it then? eBay or a kind commenter?

Martyn said...


Just checked the LU forums and no-one there is saying they've got their e-mail yet either. Looks like we are in for a bit of a wait.

I think they may be counting 7 business days from graduation day, which makes today the 6th so maybe it'll show up between now and tomorrow.

That or i'm making any excuses as to why it hasn't shown up yet.

Tess315 said...

Geez TLE clues not TLC clues. I always get that wrong. :)

Ray said...

I haven't gotten my 108 email either - maybe they're just backed up from producing the actual show!

I also want to thank everyone for making this site a great experience (even though it hasn't been that long for me!). It's too bad because I got in this very late in the game - I used to be very busy with work and didn't have any free time for the ARG, and then got let go in a massive layoff right around the time #16 dropped (which is when I was able to start following). It's been great following the artist releases and hearing everyone's stories. Although I only ended up with one of the prints, (Olly's), it was my favorite one and probably wouldn't have ended up with it unless I had started following this site. Thanks again for everything!

maven said...

What a wonderful experience Lost has been for me....meeting people from all over the world (in person and on-line)....seeing such generosity and a kindred spirit amongst us all....actually using my brain cells....learning so much about the computer (how to do links, how to blog, how to post pics and videos)....getting so involved in "social networks". All of this is from finally getting up the nerve to post a comment during the beginning of TLE and getting swept away with the excitement! Thanks to you all for making this show an experience I will never forget!

Unknown said...

anyone know if Eric Tan has started to send out his Crash copies? anyone get it yet? I can't wait for mine!

Ellen said...


Drama said...

I got it thanks to a kind LostARGS commenter, who will remain nameless. I mentioned I wanted one, I got an email, I paid face value for it, and that's an excellent thing of them to do. Another hooray for LostARGS!

Martyn said...


MJCarp said...

on sale now

ticket to D & C in NYC 5/20

MJCarp said...

. . . and they're gone.

Patmc said...

Wow! The event is only 3 days before the finale! I'm sure they'll have lots to talk about! That would have been fun. Of course there is the issue of the airfare and hotel, and time off work... it's probably just as well. :-)

Guess I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed that they'll do something in L.A. around that same time...

ChrisL said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

First, no 108 email for me yet, either.

Second, anyone ever find a YouTube/whatever of the videos for those who were not 108 and/or on the Dean's List (as I have seen that version might be different as well). If so, I'd love to see them.

Third, looking forward to the drawing. I suspect if people read these comments consistently, you might well be able to spot which one mine was. God knows I've pleaded enough times, so far to no avail. :) Here's hoping the universe will spin me up finally come Wednesday. *absolutely everything crossed*

Finally, I do think the people who have followed this board are pretty swell folk. The amount of generosity I've seen has been exceptional. I also think we're all far too obsessed (note how MANY of the 108 graduates are on this board!!) but at least it's for a show that's pushed so hard to be something bigger than normal TV.

Justin said...

Hey everyone! I was interviewed by a website about my art prints. The interview was posted today and is here. I was contacted by a couple other sites for interviews as well so hopefully those will be posted soon too. In case anyone hasn't seen it, my latest poster is at

@Ben - that Locke's Secret rip-off shirt is ridiculous. My favorite part is that he couldn't decide how to layout the type on the back, so he just put them all up. Lol.

MJCarp said...

UP Ouch, please untwist enough for comfort . . .

MEL elaborated a bit on my LOST shoe moment on the beach, so I might suggest similar for you. Let it go. Be open for other possible outcomes. Worked for me, beautifully. OK, maybe it was not an Olly shoe, or any shoe that millions of others want, but the principle is the same on a much, much, much, much small scale.

Like LOST this too will end. I say that I'm prepared for whatever happens, or I'm better for the journey, but in all honestly, I'm just plain sad to see the final NEW POST coming. Looks like Wednesday's the day. What an exceptional group! We can never truly be separated, right? I only have to look at a print, a silly picture by the ocean, put on my Maaaaalt tee, hum a little tune, play ping-pong, go to a bookstore, drink a cup of coffee, refresh a page, tweet and it all comes round again.

I'm no fool,

Weinbeeezy said...

Finally Re-Donated right now, only took me a week! good thing denniz and zort extended the deadline! thanks guys!

John-Paul said...

@ Justin - hey man, I ordered that print from you. its awesome. I ordered quite some time ago, any idea when you'll be mailing those out?

John LaHair said...

Some really fun insight reading the comments on the home page.

@LT - so true!!! There may be a "LAST POST" coming, but you nailed it because every time I look at one of my prints, I will have only the best of memories of getting to know an incredible bunch of folks who share a passion for art, life, and LOST.

And as a tease for something I hope comes to fruition in the very near future from some amigos,take a look at this.

Anonymous said...

Hi all,

Sorry if I'm being dumb, but just to check. I've made my repayments. Does that mean all is ok because I have NOT received an email from ARGS to confirm?


Zort70 said...

ioioos, we didn't send out confirmations, only email if you had not redonated.

You are included in the draw, I'll try and send out a confirmation email later today.

Martyn said...


Oh Hell Yeah!!!

Anonymous said...


Ta.Thanks for getting it all sorted!

Unknown said...

Just got a notification from paypal that my Tan poster has shipped!

andalone said...

Nate Duval just tweeted that he will be releasing his last few copies of The Barracks at random times today.

andalone said...

It is listed at $150.00, and is still showing as available

Drama said...

Nate is a legend, but I don't enjoy that print as much as others. I'm STILL holding out for the Danger.

In other news, both my Lauren Greggs went off for framing, as did my Waaaaaaaalt's Kidnapping. EXPENSIVE.

Martyn said...


Took my Walt's Kidnapping to be framed yesterday aswell, and currently deciding on taking Smoke Break or Jabberwock to get framed once I get paid. Sadly, I fear with Jabberwock, i'm going to get the S/N covered as the white paper detracts from the eeryness for me. :(

Drama said...

trust me, the thin white with the sig is fine with a black matte against it. I'm sure I posted pics of mine. It's lush. Black matte, and a dark greeny/black wood frame.

Justin said...

@John-Paul - Hey, sorry about the delay, I've just moved and have been bust unpacking at the new place- that's why it's taking a bit longer than the first poster to get them mailed out. On the order page (knowing that I was going to be moving) I mentioned to please allow for 4 to 6 weeks delivery - and the poster was released 3 weeks ago from today. I should be able to get them mailed out in the next few days though.

Sam G said...


Martyn said...


Yeah, now that you mention it, I did see yours with the thin white line showing. Hmmm, looking at Jacob's Cabin, the white core of the matte frames it nicely but does need more to separate it from the actual matte. I think you're right, and if I go for the same frame as JC, it'll probably come out looking better than JC.

I bet all these framers are loving this, not the sort of business where you get regular customers.

Drama said...

I hate that you have Jacob's Cabin. GIVE IT TO ME *hynotist eyes*

Drama said...

or hypnotist, even. Got me so mad I can't even spell.

XXXHardcore said...

At this point, I just hope Daniel Danger is actually alive...

Martyn said...

Lol, erm, no?

I love Jacob's Cabin too much to part. It was a crazy purchase day and happened to be the one my gf was around for. It scared her a little bit.

Plus, i'm pretty sure it's drymounted which evryone hates so that'll keep you away from my precious!!!

I'm envious you have please don't worry AND jabberwock. I only had time for one of them! Your family are fast!

I'm sure DD is waiting for the hype to die down a little so that his site doesn't crash like so many others have.

Drama said...

I have five dangers... although I am selling one right now...

Martyn said...

which one, out of interest?

Unknown said...

where can i see a pic of jabberwok?

Drama said...

"I could never fight your battles"... it's still for sale on tinymediaempire, but this is a super low number, and I need the cash, so have put it up optimistically!

Drama said...

Hast thou drymounted the Jabberwock, my son?

Martyn said...

Very nice ben! Think i'm going to go with what you've got there. The white sort of draws your eyes in to the picture. And it's just reminded me how beautiful of a picture it is.

Damn it ben, you've made me take it down to get framed tomorrow after work!

Drama said...

I does my bestest. Now, about that Jacob's Cabin...

Martyn said...

Nah, that's already framed. No need to get it double framed!

andalone said...

John Locke Bobblehead available for preorder. I think I will wait until it is actually in stock. The trio I preordered at the end of October from EE hasn't even been delivered yet, while those who ordered from have has theirs for awhile. I think they will be here tomorrow....FINALLY.

Sam G said...

From yesterday


Beginning today, will offer last week's episode of "Lost" ("The Substitute") with special Expert Commentary from the well-known blogger Jon Lachonis. As DocArzt, Lachonis has been one of the most visible pundits in the "Lost" fan-verse. In addition to his regular "Lost" blogs at, he also serves as an entertainment writer for several online outlets.

At, "Lost" fans can also find expert commentaries for previous episodes from the series' propmaster, Rob Kyker, and from actor Daniel Roebuck, who plays Dr. Leslie Arzt.'s new Expert Commentary feature allows viewers of the site's Full Episode Player an opportunity to experience insights from the stars of ABC's series and specials, as well as producers, writers, directors, production and costume designers, music supervisors and network executives, among others.

This season, offers highly-interactive, community-driven features including user-created Top 5 lists, which allow fans to arrange, rank and share their personalized lists of show-related favorites; and Episode Commentary where fans can not only access commentaries created by series' insiders, but also create and share their own commentaries for each episode. Additionally, the site will soon unveil a Fan Art Wall, an interactive area for fans to upload, view and rate "Lost"-themed art created by fellow fans, and also give fans the opportunity to participate in the Ultimate "Lost" Fan Promo Contest, providing users a "mash-up" tool to create and share their own "Lost" promos with a winning promo to be featured on-air.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

todays episode was pretty good! my favorite one of the season so far besides the premiere!

Unknown said...

Much love to Zort, Dennis, and all who have participated here in big or small ways. (There are no small parts! heh) I wish I had come sooner, but very much appreciate the time I have had here and will miss it a great deal.

Even if I come out of it without any prints, lol! I know they've (nearly) all gone to "loving homes". And I've still got a Stout poster, a Moss shirt, GelaSkin and a lot of good memories, which should NEVER be underestimated. :)

And there's still Danger, which I would happily get my claws into! I don't think I'll have the combination of luck and funds; or (at least not by polar bears alone, hah).

@Martyn btw, did not intend shipping mention in Etsy listing as a dig. Totally the fault of the USPS/my idiocy. Stupid large oceans lol.

XXXHardcore said...

3:16 AM on Wednesday... Potential contest result day! Best of luck to all that decided to make such generous donations!

ChrisL said...

Yes indeed, good luck everyone. LOST day for me today too. Very excited now after reading Jeffrey's post above!

Martyn said...


Didn't view it as a dig so all is fine. Just found it funny that how you mentioned after finding out about it, lol. As for the danger, I'll try for it if it goes up before I leave next Friday, as I know a few people who want it, including you. You're pretty much top of the list for helping me out with the LU tee.
And of course, I think bens after a JC but not entirely sure.

ChrisL said...

Oh Boy, Parcelforce strikes again. A £28 duty and charges bill for a package of the new Rittenhouse LOST trading cards. Ridiculous.

Ray said...

Any news on the 108 diploma emails? Still haven't gotten one myself...

Drama said...

Now that I have stopped getting prints in the mail, I can say that thanks to generosity of senders, and the odd polite request email, I've had seven tubes in the last four weeks, and none of them have been grabbed by customs. Yay.

Amy Lynn said...

I miss getting tubes.

Martyn said...

I'm waiting on one tube. It still gives me thrills tbh. I have about 6 posters siting in tubes waiting to be framed. My framers were closed today so Jabberwock goes back in to the pile.

I'm currently in the process of getting my money back from customs and royal mail for the Smoke Break poster they charged me for.

And to add insult to injury, my video of lost cut out a minute before the end. Great! Best find a new copy to watch!

Unknown said...

@ Marytn --

The last minute wasn't important... Jacob just told Hurley what the island is. ;)

Patmc said...

I got a note from the US Post Office, that they had tried to deliver my Stout LOST print yesterday. It's even worse, because I don't get off work in time to get to the post office during the week. So now I have the little note, taunting me, that I won't be able to see my Stout print until the weekend! It's like holding an ice cream cone... that you can't lick.

Does anyone have any idea if Eric Tan has started shipping his last copies yet? It somehow seems appropriate, that the one that I fought so hard to find... would be the very last one to arrive at my home, to complete my collection.

I will also be faced with a bit of a dilema though, as my portfolio where I've been keeping all of my prints, isn't big enough for the oversized LOST print. I definitely want to flatten it, but I'm not sure where I can do it, and still keep it safe. Maybe I'll go get a couple pieces of foamcore on Saturday... keep it sandwiched between them.

@ChrisL - Our postal service is usually just known for bad service... but Parcelforce sounds like they are run by the mafia! Just arbitrarily picking people to extort... Sheesh!

@Martyn - That's horrible! As per usual on LOST... there is something pretty big right before the cut to black and the LOST logo appears at the end! Definitely seek it out!

Also... STILL no email about my Lost University 108 Diploma... (sigh)

Patmc said...

LOL! Figures... no sooner do I ask about the shipping for The Crash... then I get an email from the person I bought it from. He said that he got a notification from PayPal that it has shipped to him. So with any luck, it will be a few days to him... then a few more to me! I am dying to see it!

benbes said...

I hope it did work for you.
hampton bay lighting

Martyn said...


Congrats, the complete set is almost complete. My personal set is complete, sort of (minus Locke's Secret but can live with the Canvas I have of it), and it feels satisfying. The last one is currently being framed and should be ready next week so I can hang it up and look proudly at my accomplishment.

Sadly it's not going on the same wall as my other posters so it won't look as stunning as Lottery Ticket's. I could move a thing or two around thinking about it.

Anyway, yeah, currently got a HD .mkv downloading so I can enjoy the last minute in high quality to make up for it.

Amy Lynn said...

I'm thinking about making a canvas of The Crash.

Drama said...

I'm still waiting for friday... no spoils!

Feeling ill - stomach bug of some sort. Just slept for two hours and it's done nothing :(

I spoke to Daniel Danger this morning - he's still really sick, has some sort of cough / lung thing, but is still drawing breath. He thanks everyone for their patience, but that's about it.

Martyn said...

Depending on the quality of The Hatch that I got made for my gf, I may use the same company to do abetter Locke's Secret for me. Mine's hand made and is too small for my liking.

The Crash would look awesome on canvas i'd imagine.

Martyn said...


You really want the Jacob's Cabin, huh? Is it not cheap on eBay or easily available to trade?

It's getting harder to find these posters now that they are landing in their final destinations and no flippers about. How we hated them!

Ray said...

Glad to hear Danger is still alive, hopefully his lung thing clears up - those bugs are no joke. Maybe by the time his print drops most people will have lost interest and it will be easier to obtain!

Also, how do you make a canvas of these prints? Do you just bring the image to a company and they print it out for you?

Martyn said...

There's that or there is a make your own canvas option out there, I think it's called photofuse. That's what I used for my Locke's Secret one.

But with companies, especially in America, copyright issues will hinder your chances of getting it down. In the UK, well, I don't think they care that much. I know that with Zort's poster, it was seen as a copyright breach when trying to get it printed in the US but over here, I got mine done, no questions asked.

I suppose it's all down to getting the right company, bit like with the gelaskins issue we had way back.

Amy Lynn said...

@Martyn, I never had a problem with Gelaskins. I used the Hatch and Crash.

Martyn said...

I couldn't get a Hurley copy of the Gelaskin that was given out at super7, they cancelled it for copyright issues.

Just Thinking said...

You know- DD has every right to keep his posters in his attic for 20 years if he wants! lol- hope he doesn't though.

Attorney Greg said...

The suspense . . .

Patmc said...

I got my "Swan" themed skin for my phone at Zagg (under their ZaggSkins section):

They have an online tool that lets you upload an image, zoom or crop it, and give you a real-time preview of what it will look like on your phone. I think mine (The Swan), and my wife's (The Hatch) turned out fantastic!

It's all automated, so I don't know if people even actually look at it. Probably just a cursory glance to make sure it's nothing recognizably infringing or obscene...

Patmc said...

Oh yeah! I have a brand new LOST theory, that uses some of the information involved in last night's episode, "Lighthouse". I've run it past quite a few people today, and everyone seems to think that it holds water. I don't want to be a "spoiler", so I won't post it here until after it airs in the UK... (I wouldn't do that to my friends over there! :-)

If anyone wants to hear it before then, just let me know, and I can send you an email.

Amy Lynn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Martyn said...

I look forward to your theory but as i'm still waiting on that final minute, i'm not taking any chances!

Patmc said...

@Amy Lynn - email sent... :-)

DvdBos said...

Suspence is growing.. :p i'm sorry that we couldn't arrive to the original amount of money.. But i think that it's still a great result.. :)

Martyn said...


Ok, watched the final minute, albeit with lip sync issues. Lay it on me if you still have my e-mail address.

Amy Lynn said...

I really like Patmc's theory. Very smart, definitely onto something.

Patmc said...

@Martyn - I finally found your email address... email sent! :-)

Zort70 said...

Trying not to read anything about the new episode, but I'm just finalising the draw details, more info soon.

Martyn said...


lol, could of just asked for it again, wouldn't of minded. And it's a very good theory, I like it and will be intrigued to see if it does pan out like that.

Patmc said...

Thanks to a suggestion by @Lottery Ticket... I have posted my theory on a web site. So if you want to see it, check it out at:

Let me know what you think...!

ChrisL said...

Patmc, your lovely wife had already mailed me your whacked out theory earlier so we've been mulling it over here for a few hours now... even If it doesn't bear fruit then you still get the award for sharp theory of the season so far!

ChrisL said...

I wonder what DD does keep in his attic...

MJCarp said...

Hey, thanks Patmc. I replied in Dummy fashion (meaning I haven't got a clue).

The Dharma Dummies is a podcast hosted by Clay and Chris. They have a thread board and a chat room. It's a small, proud group of dummies. You can also find them on the FB, Twitter @dharmadummies and they LOVE call-ins and bumpers for the show. It think Claire called in last year, very funny stuff. Tell 'm Lottery Ticket sent ya.

Now that I've posted this I'm sure NEW POST will magically appear as usually. Good luck to all. We've made a difference in the lives of others.

Amy Lynn said...

What new post? I don't see it.

MJCarp said...

FlotteryTicket :-)

Martyn said...

right, off to sleep, talk to you all in the AM.

DvdBos said...

I'm still awake only because of the results :D

Just Thinking said...

Patmc- I want to read your theory- but I have to sprinkle you with Jacob dust and torture you with questions first. In short- on the scale of "only watch the show and post on ARGS" to "grab every bit of info and read everyone's theories" where would you say your information comes from? Are you "infected"?

MJCarp said...

JT do you speak Japanese?

Patmc said...

@Just Thinking - I haven't been a part of any Temple "dirty water" hot tub parties... so I think I should be OK. Though there is always the distinct possibility that I will end up one of the irrelevant characters who are almost certainly going to be purged when Flocke shows up.

I develop my theories from hanging with our LOST group, where we bounce ideas of each other, like Hurley plays ping pong. I knew as soon as I saw that new number (though my wife and I both grabbed immediately for the remote, when we saw the thing at the lighthouse... to watch it frame by frame), that it was very significant. I looked at it again this morning when I got up... and it just smacked me upside the head as "duh!" obvious.

And no... I do NOT want to take that big pill you were about to offer me...!

Zort70 said...

Right the draw is done, the winners are announced.