After initially wanting to base my questioning style on the Frost / Nixon interviews I decided to just relax and ask the questions I, and I hope many of you, wanted to know the answers to. Apologies for the poor sound on most of my questions, the string on the tin can between UK and USA was not quite tight enough, but the answers really speak for themselves.
Listen now:
Alternatively click here to go to the TalkShoe web site to listen or download.
So excited to listen to this.... :)
I can't wait ....going to listen
Doesn't seem to be working quite yet!
Yes, it is being a bit sluggish, I only just made it live so Talkshow may take a few moments to get it active.
Ah ha, as I typed it started playing, try again now it should be ok.
Waiting in nervous anticipation of some feedback.
ok, going to listen now thanks Zort !
This is great Zort... an awesome treat.
Really looking forward to listening to this!
Wow! Really excited to hear this. Thank you, Zort!
Can't believe some of the stuff he's revealing here!
So that's the printing quantity clarified. Loving this.
Yes, I was so pleased that the quantity question was answered so clearly.
It looks like Patmc's copy is one of the overrun copies.
By the way I think he was going for a walk around LA when doing the interview !
I had to cut out a couple of parts where people were asking him quesations from a car on the street and he asked me to hold on.
Great questions asked Zort, well done! Thanks for doing the interview Jenson, I'm glad Glasgow went without a hitch ;) Thanks again Zort
This is some awesome news Zort!
I can't wait to sit down and have a listen.
Thanks for all your hardwork on the podcast and website.
Hi Jensen, hi!
Just a quick note to say, a massive thank you from this burly englishman.
what do you think he means by "don't fully give up"??????
Zort, your accent is super.
Can't wait to listen! Thank you Zort!
Oh, and just a reminder to everyone who took part in Lost University... the graduation ceremony is only 5 days away! That's going to be 9pm PST for me on February 11th (as the countdown timer appears to be using EST here in the US). I've still got my fingers crossed that I might be one of the first 108 to complete my courses... :-)
That was so fantastic. Thanks Zort. And confirmation that the Lostargs poster IS hanging in the LOST office. Too Cool :-)
Gonna give this a listen tonight. Thanks Zort!
Thanks for this! Can someone give me a hint, please. Maybe this is "ancient history" on here, but what were the 2 clues in the Tyler Stout poster that Jensen referred to?
what were the two hints in Tyler's print?
Hurleys Ankh?
I'm excited at the slight possibility that people like myself who didn't get any of the original 16 posters may have a chance at future prints. I hope a second poster campaign happens. I'd love more reveal events but regardless even just the chance to buy more Lost related prints would be cool. I love the fact that the artists are themselves fans. It just adds so much to the quality of the prints not to mention the experience. All this is in relation to the original viral campaign of course, but I also include awesome contributions from people like Justin, etc. as well. It just feels like such a connected community with these official and unofficial releases. I love it. :)
can't wait to give this a listen
Spoiler alert--- Did anyone else's heart sink to the floor when he said there would not be a second series?
But then, don't ever fully give up...
Just so awesome Zort- he's really right about the "experience" aspect of the project. You did a great job with the questions.
He also emphasizes how the people involved were all Lost fans. I started to get that idea when I emailed him a thank you after the show and he emailed me back that he enjoyed doing the project because he was a fan.
Has to end with a mystery- the "don't fully give up" Maybe they'll be more to come with the final season?????
Very interesting about the full AP sets. And he was there at the sites in the shadows!
Anyhow- thanks for that Zort-really enjoyed it!
I think the other hint is the little plane in the clouds going intact over the island.
Very nice interview. Thanks so much to Jensen and Zort. My heart did sink a bit at the thought that there won't be another set to cover the end of the series. But I am so pleased to have the ones that I do.
Cheers, Jensen. It's been a blast and something very rare and special.
"Don't fully give up".
Love that he has our poster up in his house :)
Oh, it sounded like it was a very specific two hints which sounded like they were in the premiere, but maybe I was reading too much into it (or wanting to!)
We know one is Hurley's ankh because Damon and Carlton said so at G88. I'm pretty sure the other is the plane as it points to the non AR flash sideways where the plane doesn't crash.
That was a great interview and yes, my heart sank at the mention of no extra series of posters. Obviously, it probably wouldn't be so amazing like this one and they wouldn't have an end party again but still, just allow artists to do their thing, ABC and we'd be happy with that.
@Team Jack
I wish Eleanor was here to take care of me but as it is, I have to wait until next weekend and by then, i'll probably feel a lot better.
Yeah, I got that sinking feeling when he said no second series. I SO want a Black Rock poster in this same genre of screen print art. Thought for sure we'd get one. Although, my hopes got a boost with his ending comment, "don't give up".
Good interview...interesting background information.
...hi all just a quick note regarding the clues in Tyler's poster, following through with this thread of conversation: I've had the pleasure of speaking with him in detail about a number of things recently, and couldn't resist asking him about the clues in his print, of course.
Both of the aforementioned are correct as clues- the ankh in Hurley's torch, and the intact Flight 815.
Further, those weren't the only elements requested of him to be included :) , although the others don't necessarily constitute clues.
He did debunk the (admittedly cool) theory that the eye colours of some of the characters are a clue to something....
More poster fun for me- got the lowest number I'm ever likely to today- #2 on Smoke Break. At first when I saw the background showing through Smokey I thought it was a "banding" kind of thing, then said "duh" of course- he's Smoke!
Martyn, hope a good night's rest puts you to rights.
going to have to listen to this when I return home this evening -can't wait. Advance kudos , Zort!
This is a great interview! Thanks for this, Zort :D
Wonderful interview! It was great to hear Jensen's perspective on everything. Thank you so much Zort!
And, my Smoke Break #19/100 arrived today too!
Sounds like everybody is getting their Smoke Break...hopefully mine will get here soon too. Also waiting on You All, Everybody...For anybody else that bought one, how long did it take to arrive?
Hey Zort, thanks again for all your hard work! You have made this whole experience something to remember and this interview was a nice cap to all the craziness. You got Jensen to clear up quite a bit. I feel privileged to be part of an amazing group of people who make me proud to be such a huge Lost geek!
Just framed all of my posters today! Including my Smoke Break #7/100! Happy with the posters that i got from the project and a little saddened there will not be a second series! well good thing we have other artist putting Lost artwork up weekly!
I find it really fascinating that Jensen was in New York - it must have been Spin, because I think we would have seen him at Crumbs :)
Cannot stop laughing. From the EW Darlton article:
A question was brought up by Damon regarding the spring's potency, then he says "How has the spring affected Sayid's potency? That's the real question."
Carlton: "He took a million doses of Cialis. That's what happened."
Damon: "He can now make women pregnant just by looking at them. That's episode 4."
HAWTNESS. Sign me up. *dies laughing*
The way I see it you can get pregnant now by just watching the show!
Not if you wrap it in clingfilm before turning it on.
As you know Zort, I wrap myself always before watching a new ep… like the girls in the Beatles concerts!
this thread is getting weird. I want my Smoke Break! especially since I've been told there's a cool extra with it... photos when I get it!
*is still trying to get the image of Thorsten wrapping himself in clingfilm pre each ep out of his head*
I'm sorry you had to see me like that, Chris…
About the cart system, I gotta disagree with Jensen. Put a 2 minute time limit on a cart, like how Ticketmaster does it. I tried for 6 of the posters on the DCAAPB site and couldn't get through for a single one. I understand where he's coming from saying we'd be more upset if once it's in your cart it's in. But if there's a 2 minute time limit on checking out and posters get rereleased after 2 minutes, I'd be happy to sit there and F5 for an extra 2 minutes (especially considering I was F5ing for about 6 hours for the Stout).
Rant over. I did get my Smoke Break, I got #10. But Ben, I'm a little confused--- what's the cool extra with it? Did I miss something?
Well, I can't wait for Smoke Break to arrive, even more so that Damon bought the original. Thanks Ben for giving us the heads up on it.
As for the basket thing, I thought the fact it isn't yours until to complete the transaction was part of the fun. The two minute thing would of been a bit of a mess I reckon and would of meant the first 190 odd had it, with no chance of you typing it in faster and getting the poster you want. Was all part of a race, even if it meant you pulled it out from someone else.
I like that once its in the cart its yours just because it doesn't punish people that take a little longer to type in their name/address/whatever.
That said - you limit it to 2 minutes and the site gets bogged down from everyone trying and you might lose it just because its impossible to check out. That would be even worse than have it pulled out from under you during checkout i think.
If there is a second series (which now seems unlikely), I hope they try to make some adjustments although truthfully I dont think they could make one that would work for everyone anyway.
Didn't every one copy and paste their CC number to save time though? That shaved a few seconds off, as well as saving my login details for every site off of the leaked list. Only tested it for the polar bear and the login button took forever to show up so...
I think the shopping cart could be refined.
Really great interview.
The only thing I really disagreed with Jensen ons is that we'd be disappointed if they did a second poster series... now, would it absolutely require them to up their game? Yes. But it'd be super fun.
I understand where he's coming from though Amy, another series would only serve to minimize the extraordinary journey that this has been. Having said that, I'm all for anything that keeps this particular collection of souls together for as long as possible!
Found it hilarious that they began to include deliberate spelling errors in the letters as clues and then, when a genuine error was made, realized they'd blown that. It's OK Jensen, we didn't spend any time working on those spelling errors!!!
@ChrisL, yeah, totally. It's awesome that we picked up on the E/5 thing, although they ended up giving stuff to the first 10 people in line, not five.
I spent so much time on my little scrabble tiles, trying to make sense of the "letter" clues. Ha! I feel vindicated that none of it made sense.
Lauren promised me a little extra for badgering her constantly to do the run, and for getting it out to Lost fans that would buy it. Even though she took it down in 24 hours, she still sold most of the run, which was thanks to you guys, and the guys at expressobeans. As I'm in the UK, it will no doubt arrive this week, which is beyond busy (I'm directing Alice In Wonderland for school, it's on thu & fri) and hopefully brighten my week.
I think the event is better as a one off. It filled the season gap and left us with something really good to remember.
It was also brilliantly timed. I think a post season 6 run won't have the same impact.
I got my print from Lauren, 5/100. It's quite sweet, glad I was able to grab it!
Thanks for the great interview, also.
Very cool interview, Zort! I'm glad you got the exclusive! I'll be sure to link your interview on my new little blog a bit later today as it relates perfectly to the experience design topic. :)
I did disagree a little bit with what Jensen said about the url reveals, but it may be that he never realized this issue... Because DCAAPB always gave a very clear and final clue to the reveal time and location, all anyone - fan or not - had to do was just sit back and wait for the final clue, then tune in to the twitter feeds from those attending at the right time to know the url. Whereas, if the final clue to the time and location was a little bit more puzzling (and perhaps required some Lost knowledge to decipher), it might have made more of a difference in weeding out non-fans as things could have been a bit more clandestine. Ultimately, the other clues were made irrelevant by the fact that the final clue was always handed on a silver platter well in advance of the reveal, and all one had to do was tune in here or on twitter to find out the url. So, for future viral campaigns like this, it might be nice to have a final clue that still needs some solving by those in the know...
But overall, a very fun and memorable campaign, and I've had an absolute blast. Thanks to Jensen, to Zort, and to all!
And congrats to Thorsten and team for having your poster in two great spots! Still kicking myself for not submitting my photo of me with the guy in the jumpsuit at Crumbs! I could be in Darlton's office now! shoot... ;)
(aka DeAnne)
Don't worry DeAnne, nothing is irreversible!
While perusing a forum about the Glastonbury Music Festival, I discovered that some one had started a rumour saying that Driveshaft will be playing.
If anyone wants to read it, it can be found here: http://www.efestivals.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=138442
I thought it was hilarious.
Hello everyone! I finally listened to the interview with Tyson Givens, and it really is excellent. Great job, Zort. I've been rather overwhelmed with all the new LOST-related content on the Web since the season 6 premiere (was that less than a week ago?) and finding it very difficult to keep up with everything I want to read, listen to, etc. Somehow, this interview made it to the top of my list of things to do, and I'm glad it did. I have talked with Jensen (about orders) and he is very congenial and obviously open to discussion. What I didn't know was that he basically ran the whole poster "show." And I'm so glad he talked so forthrightly about the issues relating to the number of posters, how the process worked, and some of the misguided fan reactions to it all. Thanks, Zort, for doing this interview and for making it available to us all.
Now, back to dealing with the aftermath of 30 inches of snow!
Nice to see you Ellen B!
Spoken like a true Lostie, Thorsten. ;)
How much did Lauren sell the print for on Etsy? Just curious...
Thought it was hilarious that Damon mentioned it on the Kimmel show!
The truth is out there and Zort found it. Great interview... an exclusive for the fans... very sweet! Sums up what LOST ARG's (the community) has been about and nice to see there's still a few surprises involved even though the last poster dropped in December.
Only question that will continue to haunt me is if DCAAPB changed their colors back in October as a nod to Halloween or if it was tied into the Super-7 reveal. Guess there are some things that are destined not to be known. :)
Like a few of you, I'm cool that there will not be a 2nd run. Sequels tend not to live up to the original. Tyson & his crew pulled off something that will not be forgotten.
Thorsten wrapped in plastic. Shades of Laura Palmer?!?!?
Awesome shot of Comixguru in this video, along with maven as well I believe.
It's a video of the tour they did in Hawaii with Ryan Ozawa from the The Transmission:
Still haven't made it through interview, what? lol. Lousy Lost luck lately. But I did just see Francois Chau (Dr. Chang) in a Super Bowl ad for . . . beer?, they must think he looks convincing in a lab coat! Typecasting ahoy!
Interesting video, Congested... I can't believe they just drove past all the best places without stopping though. I would have been like, "Screw the buffet lunch, I want a picture in front of where Locke fell, etc"
Yeah Amy. I agree. I really would have wanted to stop there too. I'm guessing its a lot like taking a tour in a city you've never been to. You skim through many places and then choose which ones you can go back to and spend more time. Or at least that's what some people do.
Still, the shot of Comixguru is epic. I cracked up when I saw that!
Great interview - enjoyed it. Perhaps his statement about not expecting another poster series but don't "fully give up" is a veiled indication that perhaps a limited one or two print event maybe forthcoming. Wishful thinking? Perhaps.
There's also a superbowl beer commercial involving a plane crash on a beach with survivors.
:) Doh. e-mail
Like Jensen put it..to be part of something so weird that turned out to be so beautiful...yes.
Thanks for the opportunity Zort. Even in rough seas your steady as she goes, was of great stewardship-ness. I have come to appreciating it.
A lot of folks went out on the limb for all of this to have happened. Taking a chance was validated. Beauty.
Great interview with Jensen, Zort. very well conducted. Nice to hear all the details and thought that went into the entire thing from start to finish. Who would've thought "Tyson" was such a talker?
Strongly disagree with him though about two things:
- once an item is in your cart it should stay there. Put a 5 minute transaction-completion time on it.
- a second series most definitely is what I want. Doesnt have to take the same shape or form. could be 4 or 8 posters. maybe the format for selling them could be overhauled. I dont care. I'd like to see more posters.
Nice video of the tour too, Congested. Enjoyed that. I hope the producers don't go too crazy and strike every set, once the show wraps. It'd be nice to see some of them someday.
The artist that did the painting "Progress" & "Charlie's Shoe" has a new print, a Locke/MIB composite: Locke in Black - really cool
I like how Jensen addressed the art collectors vs. "Lost" fans. Then there are people on both sides, of course. Poster collectors know the game. I'm sure more "Lost" fans know something about how it works now if things are taken too personally.
Great interview with Jensen.
Good to hear about there not being another series. This one was too nuts and the system needs to be reworked, especially if the first 20 people are always the same purchasers, as Jensen mentioned.
That video was brilliant. Hard to believe it was this time last week. And I agree, the scene with comix was hilarious!
@Amy Lynn...
A lot of people felt that way on the bus and were repeatedly shouting stop at the driver. We drove past st Andrews priory, which was Oxford and ekos church, with no mention and pennys boat, the searcher. Luckily, as I was at the back, managed to get a photo of the searcher. Just. And some of us went back after the tour to st Andrews and other parts where we only had a split second. That was the best part of the weekend personally.
Right, now how do I download a YouTube video?
I dont think there's gonna be another poster series. I think Jensen was trying not to be pessimistic for those who still want prints. He could have meant "use ebay cause the some of the posters are floating around there" or even that some of us here desire to sell our prints.
Opps Tan. No tan release info up!
For a split second i thought you meant there WAS new info up... :)
hello wonderful LostARGs folks :)
Thank you for this podcast, Zort! I wonder if anyone else got an interview with Tyson. This one was great!
That was exactly what I was going for, JPL!
Although... If I had to choose... it would be Laura. No offense meant TW!
Very nice podcast. Well done.
@Martyn - to save YouTube videos... try this link:
I'd recommend saving it in MP4 format, as it is very portable. :-)
With two buses of 50+ people each and 60+ locations, you couldn't simply stop whenever. Our bus paused more and Ryan pointed tons of things out so feel bad for you Martyn for missing some stuff that we got. :-/ That being said, I personally went back to whatever locations I wanted a pic at, including Penny's boat, etc. I was part of the group that Martyn went with to check out more locations in the city. I also did a hummer tour and rented a car. The tour bus totally helped me recognize sites later while roaming thru the city. Ryan did a fantastic job pointing stuff out! :)
Oh wow Pat, I wish I had known about that program a long time ago. When my son died 3 years ago, his friends put up videos of him on Youtube. I didn't know how to save them and now the music is gone. I will have to try that. Thanks !
Thanks Patmc, worked a treat.
@Team Jack...
As I said, being at the back of the bus had it's advantages and i just caught a picture of it and the name and we went back to St Andrews Priory so no biggie really. I thought Kahana and Searcher looked pretty much the same but it may just be this headache playing tricks on my mind.
Excellent interview Zort! I love that Jensen is only giving this one interview. Thanks so much for all you do (and I agree with Amy Lynn - you have a lovely accent)!!
Excellent podcast.
Fun to listen :)
Anyway, a little bit of spam for me.
If you like this tee, vote it!
Only if you like it :D
Thanks :p
Hi all,
Zort fantastic interview "will have to [listen] to that again" as Locke would say. Love that he didn't know we were live streaming. lol. And, seriously cryptic "don't fully give up" message. What!?
Attaching photo of Wall 1 of my prints. These prints use Swiss Clips, mat and glass, hung on gallery rail as that is the only way to get them all together. LT's Wall 1
Wall 2 is work in progress. It contains framed LS, JC, LOST and the two posters, Lostargs and Zort's Clues! Wall 3 is the Van which is over the mantle and absolutely my favorite!
Lighting issues are still being worked out.
I will have at least six months in this room for all things LOST. It's powerful, fun, and uplifting.
I've used those frames before but never thought of using them that big. What a wonderful idea.
I really like your wall LT. The same black bordered frames tie it all together,even though all the posters are different.
LT, that looks absolutely fantastic! Excellent job
Sam G, JT and Andrew, thanks. Swiss clips are normally for smaller projects, but found one source for larger Blick Swiss Clip Kit however, if you go this route, you cannot use the hanging bracket provided because of weight. We simple added length of wire on the back attached to side strings (if you need photo let me know). Very simple.
Oh, 108! so I have to make one another comment . . .
The Bear is looking at me!
Finally got to listen to Jensen's interview by Zort! Fabulous to get so much info and behind the scenes info. Thank, Zort! Awesome job, and thanks to Jensen for so fully explaining things.
MASSIVE Wall o' Lost. I'm loving it, LT!
LT, did you do the matting yourself?
Whoa...that's classic, LT. Great display of art. Geez...my Lost-wall pales in comparison. Envious in a good way. :)
Thanks guys. I am totally loving my Massive Wall O' LOST. I had all mats (solid black thru out) and glass cut (polished edges) by frame shop (my landscape client and now super LOST fans). I'm just not that handy. But easily done, no doubt. I will see if I can find link to rail system, super simple to install and paint. The mats are generally 3" top/sides and 4" bottom, however, they do vary (1/8" here and there) depending on how much of the print border needed to be exposed to capture number/signature.
If anyone is thinking that this would work for them but needs detailed photos, happy to post.
http://www.abcmedianet.com/assets/pr/html/020810_04.html - ABC is talking about fan art again.
"Additionally, the site will soon unveil a Fan Art Wall, an interactive area for fans to upload, view and rate "Lost"-themed art created by fellow fans, and also give fans the opportunity to participate in the Ultimate "Lost" Fan Promo Contest, providing users a "mash-up" tool to create and share their own "Lost" promos with a winning promo to be featured on-air."
The Truth Is Out There
(and notice the cigarette brand)
"Only YOU Can Protect The Island!"
New teefury LOST shirt.
I still haven't had time to listen to Zort's podcast :( Though I think I am lucky enough to have heard a lot of this back story. DCaaPB was unique and brought so many LOST fans together in different ways, including the artists and of course Tyson himself -- creating a community that extends beyond so many boundaries. A 2nd series simply could not re-create the ride DCaaPB became. There are still ABC's allotment of the 16 prints and I wonder if a few of these, alone or in sets could be released at any point. And I would hope that we could see a few of the original commissions for the G1988 show turned into prints (with the Mouse's OK).
Martyn -- wow, food poisoning or gastroenteritis, whichever, sucks. Then a headache, huh? I hope you get better, but if that headache doesn't go away, you might want to go see your GP. And may El quickly return to your side.
Sam G -- thanks for the update on the ABC press release. It said something about an Episode Commentary "where fans can not only access commentaries created by series' insiders, but also create and share their own commentaries for each episode." That doesn't exist yet but would be fun. Their press release about the Sunset on the Beach premier said something about an auction, but there was no such auction either. :(
And TKI -- after you told me about that scene I rewatched and saw that. (I was waiting for something and watched on my iPhone, so it was about all I could do to keep from screaming.) Yes -- the truth IS out there! And of course Morleys -- CSM would approve...you can almost smell the cigarette smoke...cough...cough...cough.
LT -- Nice wall o'LOST. We will all need a LOST wall or shrine to sit in as the beginning of the end becomes just the end.
I ended up ordering another LOST water bottle to replace the one that apparently was sucked into the wormhole that exists at the OHare security check since I've heard nothing back from TSA (not that I really expected to.) The LOST Razzle Dazzle Supras with Adam Horowitz/Eddy Kitsis signed Expose script arrived -- will post pics hopefully tomorrow.
Today's teefury is the Smokey the bear/Only you can save the Island.
Lol... I dont get about the cigerette brand and I also don't like the Teefury shirt. I mean I love Lost but that shirt is too straightforward. I doubt there will ever be a Tshirt as good as the Polar Beer one again.
My first reaction to LT's wall was just WOW. My jaw hit the floor. It looks truly amazing!
Had to buy today's teefury even though I promised I wouldn't buy anymore. I thought that one was so funny when it was on the sidebar for WWJLD?
Thanks obfus, I just need sleep really to recover from last week and whatever the hell it is i've got. Won't be seeing that anytime soon though sadly.
And must see those shoes, sometimes being outside of the US sucks and we can't get our hands on this sort of things so I'm living vicariously through you and others.
Although I did smuggle a couple of bottles of Mountain Dew back from Hawaii. Shhhh!
A very nice wall of LOST, I'm so behind in framing !
Me too Zort. I'm going to start getting quotes for a frame for The Hatch tomorrow.
LT -Massive Wall-O-LOST is amazing, impressive and uber-cool!
After seeing today's teefury shirt, I am holding on to hope that they will also produce the Desmond and Taweret shirts that were in the sidebar with Smoke Bear when WWJLD was released.
@LT - Love the whole presentation of your LOST art wall. And glad to hear you got the Stout. Still trying to decide if I want to consolidate all of mine together or spread them out. I have a few specific places that some of the prints would look great but then what to do with the orphans? Will post pics when decided.
The wall looks fantastic. I was also amused by the choice of spacing. Like the Leia Bell(the widest) being placed below the Dan McCarthy (the thinest). The Swan and Polar Bear look particularly good.
I won't get away with a lost wall. My wife already thinks that 4 lost prints is overkill, so a wall is never going to fly.
@ ObFuSc8
From what I know about the auction, it is happening at the end of the series. They had things on display at Comic Con. I don't know how they are going to do it but many of props will be auctioned off - Profiles in History
Wow, some very cool things will find their way to loving, LOST Fans, instead of being trashed or stuck in some warehouse somewhere.
I wonder? Iconic TV shows have made their way to the Smithsonian Institute, LOST should have its place in TV history there.
Very nice wall display LT.
GBP, that link doesn't seem to take me to an image?
I'm still debating the Smokey the Polar Bear t-shirt. Does anyone have the sideart saved from the WWJLD shirt? I remember liking all of those...
Let's try this again!
Here's another print for another Lost day! Lemme know what ya think.
GBP, this is turning into a very cool little series of prints. Nice one.
I agree. @GBP: very nice on the Benry print! :)
Also, Smoke Break arrived today :D #26
Thanks for he kind words! I wasn't plannin' on Ben, but he just kinda came out. He's very devious like that.
I'm hopin' to do one a week as the final season unfolds. Just my small contribution to the awesome that is Lost!
I have a screencap of the Taweret t-shirt. It's the only one I saved.
Hey! Happy Lost Day!
(that was quick)
@seaque That was my favorite too, thanks!
ultrasurf is awesome!!! Going to enjoy watching LOST in perfect quality now thanks to it! Thanks!
Happy Lost Day to all!
Absolutely fabulous display, LT!
Also loved seeing the Lost Tour video. It was a very long day and a lot of mileage was covered. Team Jack was right in saying there was no way to stop everywhere with 100 people! The highlights were definitely the elevators at the Convention Center (Sydney Aiport) and walking through New Otherton!
Happy LOST day you all everybody!
Martyn - so it means you can now stream LOST the next day? Sweet. Great ap.
Smokey shirt - is it still as good a shirt, knowing that its MIB, and all hes 'protecting' is for his own agenda? They should have released it before the premiere!
From the TeeFury comments - "Why did the smoke monster cross the road - To get to the other Sayid" Ah yes, very droll!!! haha.
Ahn yong ha sae yo and Happy LOST day ARGpeeps!
Jason -- Morleys were the brand of cigarettes the Cigarette Smoking Man (CSM) smoked in The X Files.
Martyn -- Glad you're at least on you're way to recovering. I ended up googling a phone # for Factory 413 in LA, called them and was lucky to get a pair on the phone.
Mountain Dew is my friend. ;)
Ryan Ozawa did an amazing job with the LOST tour. You could spend the good part of a week visiting filming sites if you stopped everywhere. We had 2 full buses and like TeamJack, maven, martyn and others have said, they really fit in as many places as they could. One of the best parts of the weekend was spent with Martyn, Eleanor, TeamJack, Adam, and Patty and her family walking around Honolulu visiting some of the sites at which the bus hadn't stopped.
Happy Lost Day!! Man am I excited for another episode! :D Thanks for the heads up on the teefury site. The shirt RAWKS! Am kicking myself that I didn't subscribe to the mailing list when I found out about it at the gallery1988 event. Apparently they had two awesome Star Wars shirts in December and I missed them. Gah. One was a very cute Christmas Hoth theme and the other was Leia as Rosey the Riveter! GAH! So sad I missed that. I already have a Wonder Woman version of it. Seems only fitting to have a version with my other childhood hero. sigh. Maybe I can track one down on ebay.
@ ObFuSc8 - I sent you a message...could you get back to me when you get a sec, please?
Happy LOST day all!
@OB well said. Btw what are the tickets you are referring to? Something happening in LA? Or something that already took place?
@Martyn No Mountain Dew in the UK? Really? Totally didn't remember that from my visit, then again I haven't had the stuff since I was a kid. Way too sweet for my taste now. Should we ship you a case for Christmas? lol Wonder how much the shipping would be... Hmmmm.... Another case of the shipping being way more than the item as we talked about before regarding ebay stuff. What's the cheapest method for heavy items to the UK?
Methane Studios is having another LOST lottery tonight for their DHARMA Van prints, but it still looks like they are going to sell for $200.
Wait just realized you meant pair as in pair of shoes not pair of tickets. How the HECK did you get your hands on one of the giveaways from the line? Are they selling extras or something?
BTW I entered a couple designs in the Cafe Press Lost contest so cross your fingers for me. I know it's not good enough to win a trip back to the island, but perhaps I'll win a gift card so I can buy more custom Lost shirts. lol Like I need them, but still...
Sorry Midday -- though I have trouble accessing those PM's at work -- some sites are easier than others. I resigned, but still have to put in the time I have left so it's quite a drag. Will check when home.
Team Jack -- Huh, what tickets?
Ah, I see you are replying faster than I'm refreshing (waitng for another doc to get off of their phone) :~/
I saw a tweet, and then Thorsten's comment here about Factory 413 in LA selling the last 17 pairs of the Razzle Dazzle LOST Supras (with signed script and Expose mug) -- they said they were selling in their LA store first and that any left would be put online. Hours had already passed by the time I could google up their phone# and when I called they said I could buy one pair. (Only 2 left by then).
No prob ObFuSc8 -- just been in suspense for a month and not sure what to believe.
On another note, how centralized and accessible were the locations on the tour? Were they a long distance from each other, or if you were to drop yourself in a certain area, could you visit a significant portion of LOST locations on foot?
How much out of curiousity?
Well I'm late to the party (Martyn's throwing up, Thorsten's wrapped in cling film, Team Jack planning smuggling Mountain Dew into the UK, and Zort's tucked up in bed)...
But what a great interview! Thank's so much for the podcast Zort! And thanks to Jenson for taking us on this fantastic journey.
It feels like the record is spinning somewhat towards an end...It's been an absolute pleasure meeting every one of you and I certainly hope to see you all in another life...or at least in another virtual space :)
Found the website info. It's the same pack of stuff they gave out in the line, including script and mug. Honestly since they sold them to anyone it makes it less desirable in my eyes. I thought they had put together the sets just for the few people in the front of the line. :-/ Definitely not as cool now that they simply sold a bunch of extras. With that and the statues being sold on ebay I definitely am no longer fussed that I didn't stay the night now. lol The poster was cool enough. And at least the ones they sold to everyone else were different from ours. That's kinda the best part imho. I like our version much better.
BTW do you own one of everything now Ob? lol You have got to be getting close to nearly one of every giveaway/reveal item! ;p
@ Team Jack
Those Tawarets on ebay are copies though. I'd camp out overnight for an original!
I thought someone on here said the copies on ebay were made from the same mold? If it looks the same, to me it wouldn't matter where it came from. My main point is that they stuff isn't really exclusive anymore. Granted it's cooler to get it handed to you from Darlton, but the fact that people can still get it that didn't go, etc. then it's just not the same to me. *shrug*
LOVE that tonight is a new LOST night... Happy LOST Day/Afternoon/Night to you all everybody!
LT - Your own gallery... LOVE what you've done with the posters.
Knowing that an original Tawaret was not to be had, I purchased one on eBay and all I can say is that I LOVE it. May not be an original, but it's absolutely amazing... quality, likeness, & value!
And since this post is all about LOVING Lost, check out these Valentines's Day Cards.
I hear you - but my understanding was that the ebay statues were copied from the Gallery1988 ones, not from the same molds. That would make them second generation copies and therefore not of the same quality or detail as the originals. It would depend on your tastes, but I wouldnt be as happy with a copy.
Good to know you like the ebay version JPL - if the quality is as good as you say, I might have to break down one of these days and go for that version.
Eric Tan has posted the details of The Crash resale. Thursday, random time, $200 plus shipping.
So now the question is... would he post it overnight? I'd guess no, but man I'd hate to be wrong... its Locke's Secret all over again!
Zort and Jensen,
Fantastic interview. Thanks for sharing the details!
Anybody want to be my Poster Buddy for Tan? :]
Anybody wanna be MY poster buddy for Tan? I have candy!
Anybody want to be my POSTER BUDDY [superhero-triumphant-sound]for Tan?
So should we start the list for Posters buddies? just make sure i'm first :]
If anyone wants to be my poster buddy, I will pay them 101USD + original price + shipping! :)
Any despite my decision to cut back on my posters I now have the urge to get the four toed statue, Jacobs Cabin and The Crash!
Where does it say it will be Thursday?
Lol at ioioos. 101 USD :P This sucks, I probably cant get it cause I'm busy in Aus.
Jokes aside, I've pretty much given up on The Crash.
Much as I would like it, I prefer the prints I already have, and in my job, I can't afford to sit in front of the PC all day, so I doubt I'll get one.
Besides, give it 12 months and there will be loads on ebay.
I am Ahab... and The Crash is my "white whale". It's literally the last one I need to complete my collection. I think there are a couple of "regulars" here that said they would help me, so I will try to be optimistic! :-)
I hate the "all day" ones though... my stomach will be in knots all day now. Makes me want to laugh, cry and throw up... all at the same time. It's just like the old days... good times! LOL
Minor earthquake near Chicago?! Hope ObFuSc8 is OK...
@Patmc... it was a 4.3. You'd have to be VERY sensitive to feel that.
And they downgraded it from 4.3 to 3.8... I didnt even wake up nor did my "earthquake-alarm" dog who also slept through it.
You All, Everybody has arrived at the post office! :D
I'm off to pick it up now :D
Earthquake woke ME up! I heard a weird noise like loud wind or a snow plow, then it felt like something hit the house and the bed shook like someone falling against it. My first thought was "earthquake", followed by "night terror" lol. Too much scientific investigation related to the paranormal in my lifetime ;) (I did a paper) Was relieved it was a quake! XD
Smoke Break came on Monday, but I bought the wrong size frame. Very pleased to have it though! :)
I'm glad someone mentioned the CafePress contest - I forgot about it! ACK. I have an idea but not sure I have the skills to execute it - would be best done with vectors which I don't know how to use.
My LOST drawing is still being worked on, btw, some issues with digital inking and colors; you don't get to see it till I'm done. ;) And polar bears are not forgotten - I have a magazine deadline to make this week!
Ugh, Lost auction . . . I really really really want a prop but have a fear of stratospheric prices. :(
Man I get all kinds of epic behind when I'm not feeling well - also forgot that I still have a spare Locke's Secret tee, size M, from the gallery. Will post the measurements in a bit. Will sell at cost via lotto, just give me your name if you're interested once I've posted the sizing. :)
BTW - I could NOT LIVE without Mountain Dew. @_@; Only way I'm (sort of) functioning currently lol!
Just another reminder to graduates of LOST University: the graduation ceremony is only about 24 hours away! Don't forget to login at LOST U, and see if you were one of the first 108 people to complete your courses! I wonder if I still have my cap and gown from my college graduation...? :-)
@Amy Lynn - the strength of an earthquake always depends on local geography and distance from the epicenter. We had a 3.5 here several years ago, that knocked pictures off walls and broke some glasses, because we were only about 10 miles from the epicenter.
@Anne - Duh! I completely forgot you were in Chi Town too! Sorry for your rude awakening... but at least it is a good conversation starter for a few days... LOL
BTW... be sure to try Mountain Dew Throwback if you haven't already. Made with sugar instead of the overly sweet corn syrup. My wife and I are hooked on it right now!
I'm just glad that we don't have to rush to the graduation ceremony at 12:01am tomorrow morning to get the diplomas!
@Patmc yes I see that post about the email now, I'm not sure I want to know! lol. Some pride in staying on the Dean's List, though. I highly doubt I made the other "list".
I have some Throwback in the fridge - haven't tried it yet, I usually drink the "colored" Dew. Overly sweet tends to be my pref so we'll see how I like it!
Realized I have an appointment tomorrow so I will be out about two hours. Will probably miss Tan drop in the meanwhile, but was only going to try to buddy anyway.
Good luck to everyone, and see (some of) you at graduation! The rest can be our +1s :)
. . . okay, I checked. Not sure whether I should admit it or not, but I did get an email, and I promptly embarrassed myself by getting weepy over it.
I guess when you've been "a student" for 10 years, three schools, and never made it to a college graduation (thanks to two very rare, relatively serious illnesses I had to fight to prove were even real) . . . graduation from SOMETHING means a lot. Having a diploma means a lot.
Guess I figured if anybody would get that, people here might. LOST started airing right when I got sick the last time, and maybe I can hope that when it ends I'll be looking at what I can call "recovered" (from illness, not Lost, lol).
It was not a good time and well, without a lot that was, LOST was my constant.
I believe very strongly in the power of the arts in people's lives so I've no hesitation to say that. I'm going to write about LU as an independent study so that it goes towards a "real" diploma.
I will cease being a sap, return you to regularly scheduled discussion and go to bed; and apologize to those who were doing LU and didn't make the 108. You still accomplished something real, lifelong learning all the way baby.
congrats Anne, I do hope you get better and fast. Those unknown illnesses are the worst. My son had one and when I tell people about it, they usually laugh since the name is the same as a motorcycle. He had Kawasaki- it kills kids by stopping their heart so I never found it funny but now I've learned to laugh too. Anyway, hope you heal fast or can find a healing pool(that won't turn you to the dark side :-)
@Anne - Of course we understand! I'm sorry to hear about the illnesses... but the island heals all. :-) I'm very glad I had the opportunity to meet you, and other fans from LostARGS at the Gallery 1988 event. I'll always associate that event with you and your polar bear. :-)
I always sound like a broken (or "skipping") record... but the people I've met here are some of the kindest, friendliest, most generous people that I've ever met... online or offline. And our shared love of LOST is what brought us here... and kept us here. How many TV shows do you know that have had that effect on so many people from all over the world?
I really hope we have some way at the "Graduation" to communicate with others at LOST University. It would be awesome to mingle with everyone there... LOL
Back to the F5'ing... Good times!
DAMN IT!!!! It's sold out!!!!!!!!
GEEZ LOUISE I'm somewhat idly hitting refresh, see the button, click, your cart is empty (twice), server crashes, SOLD OUT.
Had to have sold out in under 15 seconds.
Man, I hope those of you after it worked some kind of magic!
Well... that didn't take someone very long:
Yeah... $2000... that's gonna happen...
I didn't even get to the cart. Server crashed... I refreshed several times... and it was sold out.
I think I'm going to go cry quietly in a corner for a bit... (sigh)
...And it will continue to be my "white whale"...
@Lisa, yes I've heard of that - it's a common Japanese last name, aside from being a motorcycle, but I guess people laugh inappropriately when they're not sure how to react.
If I was the artist and could find out who that guy was, I'd cancel his @$$.
Yah really don't know how people got through the server crashing in order to buy but I guess they did.
@Patmc You could always buy one of these, it comes in white ;) *hugs*
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