As you can see from the schedule below the podcast features guest appearances from Damon Lindelof and Jorge Garcia, some of your favourite bloggers and also a few well known faces from this blog stopping by at around 2pm (ET).
Starting on March 20th - 21st
12:00pm: Opening
12:30pm: BSG Talk With Matt & Alirio
2:00pm: Patrick Labyorteaux
4:00pm: Bethany Shady From Geronimo Jack’s Beard
5:30pm: Josh from the Josh Mister Lost Podcast, and Josh from the Lost Flashback Podcast
7:00pm: Damon Lindelof
8:00 - 11pm: Media Junkyard Lost Quizoff, USA Vs. Canada Foosball Campionship.
11pm: Jo Opinionated
12am: Tad Stone
1:30am: Ryan and Jen from The Transmission
3:00am: Jimmy Aquino
4:30am-9:00am: Axel Foyle from the Lost Mythos Theory cast and Health Solo from Lost Revisited Podcasts:
[4:30am Intro - Heath and Axel talking Lost
5:00 - Jon Lachonis (DocArzt.com)
5:30 - Talking about Lost Podcasting - From The Mouths Of Podcasters & Bloggers
Jon Lachonis (DocArzt.com), Donald (Donald is Lost), Katy Gowland (What Katy Said), Jed (Losties with Jed and Cara), Matt (Keys to Lost)
6:45 - Lost Theory Roundtable
Donald (Donald is Lost), Wendy (Lost Revisited), Hurricane of Feedback Len, Dharma Dummies, Anna (Jacob's Cabin), Denise, (Jacob's Cabin)
8:15 - Chris Sparling, writer of "Buried" starring Ryan Reynolds
Alex (It Only Ends Once) and anyone else who will stick around]
9:00am: Ralph from The Dharmalars
11:00am: Curt Yanko from The Black Rock Podcast
2:00pm: Mary Jane Carpenter, Ian Knight, Dennis Acevedo, and Mrs. Mary Anne Sage
3:30pm-4:30pm: Damian Holbrook Senior writer of TV Guide
4:30-6:00pm Jorge Garcia
1 – 200 of 476 Newer› Newest»Looks like a fun 30 hours!
I'm creating a list on twitter for this monumental event.
Using the list provided so far I have included;
If I've missed anyone please let me know, thanks :)
CuInAnotherLifeBrotha - You should probably add Lottery Ticket to the list.
Morning all!
I still get the posters if you go to
Thank you Amy Lynn and LT for the Jay and Jack info-I will check them out.
Does anyone know for the Jay & Jack LA finale party how much the tickets will be and how they will be sold? I know it's the 18th- but don't see anything else.
Vote for Lost on Hulu!
Hit Lost, Vote, F5-repeat, repeat, repeat- help - it's losing to Fringe!
http://twitter.com/Colleen84 &
added, thanks Zort :)
JT and all. Tickets for the Jay & Jack Lost Finale Party in LA go on sale March 18, via Ticketmaster (last I heard). The J&J Lost Podcast early hours on Wednesday (they record right after the show) or @lostcontest on Twitter should have information. I'll try to remember to come back here and post what they say. details at www.globalcashcard.com/lost - move the little blue Dharma Van to LA Party!
They are trying to get the price south of $35 per.
There is a group forming from Lostargs and Hawaii Premier headed to LA for Finale Party. If you would like to join our group, email lotto dot ticket dot 108 @ gmail or dm twitter @Lottery_Ticket. I would love to add you to the LA LIST! 1888theomni for room reservation "The Lost Award Party"
CuInAnotherLifeBrotha I think you just wanted podcasters, so ok if you don't add me, just a listener. I'm following the list @LOST_4815162342/podcast-for-autism-speaks
which is a great group of dedicated LOST fans!
Thanks LT. Do you know if it is going to be General Admission on the seating?-No assigned seats? Trying to gauge if I could convince my "others" to wait in line with me if so.
JT - trying to get an answer on this.
A Lost haiku
Someone demands answers
Claire asks about “Eeeyron”
Jacob makes no sense
Appearance by Eloise
We see the title of a book
Unnecessary yelling
Kate runs away
Kate follows someone
Jack looks confused
http://twitter.com/mrshawaii added
I'm jealous of not being able to go to your LA finale party, I really would like to go
I've spoken to the Sky1 Lost Initiative production team (during the live chat they host while we watch it on Friday nights in the UK http://sky1.sky.com/lost-livechat ) about hosting an equivalent event in the UK. They really liked the idea and said they would work on it. Iain Lee & Geeky Tom also liked the idea and said they would come :)
If more people ask about it the more chance they will make it happen!
OK KI- you made me go read about haiku "rules" (Which apparently have a conflict as to whether they should be 5-7-5 to keep form, or something shorter to keep the idea of brevity in English. Of course it's not simple!)
Sayid's eyes are mad.
The bonsai now lies withered.
The baseball still floats.
this one is art and haiku from personal tee shirt collection Locke's Secret
Richard wants to die
Because Jacob abandoned
The fuse refuses
Like it LT!
LT and JT, my haiku are more kind of a joke (and not even the correct form) - I really 'repurposed' them from Ian Leino's free Lost bingo cards. :)
You two came up with good real ones though!
Cosmically Yours
KI-I like the funny ones a lot- don't let us tell you what you can't do!
Here's a Dr Linus one-
Ben's bed is perfect,
but empty, grace has freed him.
The lying, at last, ends?
Well- if you didn't guess- this is JT formerly known as Sam-sorry I'm borrowing a laptop!
JT - hmmm I see you as Just Thinking - Sam?
JT, thanks, I appreciate it! :)
Oooh, I like your newest one - lying, in bed. That was such a good episode.
@CU, good to see you nosing around here again. Welcome back!
Cosmically Yours
Just finished my JC mini over the weekend. I had to take liberties with this one (i.e. highlighted the cabin and full moon). Not an easy task with this print and my limited skills. I'm happy with this one...shows the depth/texture that this print has. Very nice...
It came out really nice.
Auction items should appear soon on this page http://bit.ly/awPNtv
and yes, I'm refreshing (appleR).
Happy Lost Day from Japan!
So happy and proud for Andrew. The LA Times mentioned his print, "Whatever Happened, Happened" (4th paragraph)
That is really terrific, Andrew! Lookie there...got your name in the LA Times.
Yay! for Andrew
I bet andrew runs out of posters. It says he has 38 left.
Hey, checked out the site but didn't see taweret. Is it one of the items being added later?
Congrats Andrew!
The Lindelof-signed comic I won in JOpinionated's Haiti contest arrived today. Thanks Zort and the LOST ARGs team for the work you put into contest #9. Here are a couple of pics:
Signed Comic
Ray, where are you looking? can you post link.
Here is the link:
Ray, thanks. I have spoken with Colleen and the statue and the Stout litho should be up by tomorrow.
And here is a look at Justin Sena's fantastic LOST-inspired poster The Exit:
The Exit
There are still a few copies left for sale at Jason's site.
Here's the direct link for purchasing The Exit from Justin's site:
Direct link to purchase The Exit
Hi all! Sorry I haven't been around the last couple of days. I spent the weekend running back and forth to San Diego to Ikea(about 40 miles each way) for my new bookshelves (to house all my LOST stuff) and spotlights... then more spotlights.
Sunday I got a last minute invite to see my cousin's daughter play some hockey, so couldn't miss that. The last two nights have been spent finishing the bookshelves and installing the lights inside the cubes. I've only hooked up the wiring for 3 of the 15 cubes I'll be lighting... but I gotta say, I'm VERY happy with the way it looks!
All I have left, is to hook up the remaining wiring, and hide all the wiring mess behind the shelves. Hopefully have it done in the next night or two. I'll try to post some pictures later today or tomorrow of what I've done so far. I'll post some high res pics once I get all my stuff into the shelves.
I finally ordered some of the mini-easels from Blick, to shamelessly rip off Seaque's mini art collection. I figured it will look nice in with the collection (and hopefully give me motivation to start my framing project). I couldn't find the big Logan mat cutter I wanted, so I may need to order it. I figured, for what I would pay someone else to do custom mats for all 17 (16 + Stout Litho)... it would pay for itself. And of course I'd then have it for any future framing... :-)
Gotta get some sleep. Talk to you all later... Happy Lost Day!
(and don't forget to check out TeeFury.com today, for another awesome LOST themed shirt! Dude! It's awesome!)
Cool shirt, thanks for the heads up Pat. Ordered.
Yay! for Andrew...
Happy LOST day folks.
Ah too bad. I wouldn't mind having a Hurley dude T, but I really don't like that style. Happy Lost Day all.
Patmc - Looking forward to the pics. I really need to get my stuff organized too and need some inspiration/ideas.
I liked the TeeFury Hurley T and ordered one each for myself, son, and daughter.
Someone buy this: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=42838160
If anyone wants The Barracks... the inventory shows that there is currently one left (see the link above, from Neal). I'd sure love to see an ARGer who didn't get a poster, get this one!
Jay & Jack Auction eBay link
statue and stout litho up tonight
Chicken hat from Melrose Avenue Line signed by Jorge Garcia maybe on eBay maybe live auction on Sunday, not sure
As promised, I finally put up a few pictures of my new Ikea bookshelves that I got to house my LOST collection. They're not completely done... I still need to finish up the wiring for the little halogen lights. But, man oh man, do they look nice! Much better than the cheesy old curio cabinet that I had things in before!
I'll post a few more pics, once everything is completely done, and the collection is moved into its new home... :-)
Almost forgot! As this whole blog is art-related... I figured you all might get a kick out of this! This is a link to an artist who uses acrylic paints, to paint people... so that they look like paintings! Freaky... but absolutely awesome looking!
Patmc, been followed your progress with the collection shelves. They look great! Nicely done. I can't wait to see the collection displayed!
The site you linked is amazing. I don't think I could sit still long enough to "become a painting" though.
links to Jay & Jack Autism auction. all items
Taweret Statue signed by Lindelof and Cuse
Stout LOST litho
chicken hat signed by Jorge Garcia
there are description errors, we'll get that straightened out. please share with your LOST friends.
Patmc, you did not "shamelessly rip off Seaque's mini art collection"! I shared an idea and was glad to do it. :) I look forward to seeing your display on your new shelves. It will look great, I'm sure.
The link was great. I had to forward that one to some friends.
I am the proud new owner of Nate's "The Barracks"! Even though he advertised on his Twitter that the time would be random, it has been around 11 AM every Tuesday. Needing some serious sleep with a day off, I even set my alarm for that time and... overslept. Sure enough, I check my Twitter and see the listing had been available for two hours, but checked the link and... it was still available! So, I bought it. rest assured, ARGers, it did not go into the hands of an EBayer... Not that this print had a huge demand to begin with. But, still.
Oh, and I love what you've done with your prints!
@XXX - Dude, that's fantastic! It's still a win in my book... as it's going into a fan's hands, without putting any cash into a "flippers" pockets! That was your first print, wasn't it? Congrats man... that is really awesome!
Congrats, XXX. You're going to freak when you get that mailing tube. It's a great print...it's becoming one of my favs.
Dittos seaque,
XXX, very nice print, and continues to get thumbs up from visitors here.
Adding a big double thumbs up here and congrats to XXX. super score for you and for all of us that you got that print :-)
Happy LOST day to me... just a few hours of work to get out of the way and I'll be able to watch last nights ep!
XXX congratulations. I have The Barracks and I love it.
ha ha no love for the Stout Maybe because we misspelled the name
can't be corrected, just laugh with us
In fact, misspelled twice!! Give it time though LT, I'd be searching for 'stout lost' myself.
Hi, Eleanor here, Martyn's gf. Hope I'm posting in the right place! Hi to everyone I met in Hawaii, I had such an awesome time! And hi to everyone else. I have heard many things from Martyn about LostArgs and the poster craziness so I've finally got my ass into gear and actually posted myself. Thanks to Martyn I'm now the proud owner of Walt's Sidnapping which is super pretty and will be even more so once I get it into a frame! Btw, Lotto I've sent you an email about that poster they've managed to mess up lol. Glad it managed to at least get to you though!
Hey it's ELEANOR!!! Welcome :-) It's a little quieter around here than it used to be but we're pleased you deciding to say Hi.
Hi Eleanor! Glad to hear you like your Walt print. I really like that one too. It's really fun when you forget it's got the glow-in-the-dark ink on it... and it catches your eye in a dark room. :-)
Well, I've got about half the lighting done on my new LOST shrine. I put a couple of the McFarlane figures into one of the cubes, just to see what it looked like... and they look really good! I'm really hoping that I can finish the whole thing tonight, so I can put all the furniture back where it belongs! LOL More pics when I get it all done.
@ChrisL - Enjoy "Recon"! I thought it was good... but not great. I think it might be, because last weeks was so unbelievably good (especially Michael Emmerson's amazing performance), that the next episode was bound to suffer by comparison. But I am totally excited about next week! We will FINALLY get Richard Alpert's back story! Sure to be interesting at the very least!
Hi Eleanor, welcome to Lostargs! I did receive you message, and will reply. I have to say that not huge fan of Walt's Kidnapping, but I think may be the moment capture that is disturbing. My print does not seem to want to glow after dark, whereas The Numbers lights up each evening for that little bit of extra-scarey.
Patmc, we await those photos. Any chance you will be in LA on 5/23? We are now six committed for J&J Finalé Party, plus folks in LA.
"Recon" need a re-watch. I think I will be pleasantly surprised with time to digest. Lots of after-episode thinking. The episodes are being edited in a way that feeling too jumpy, dizzy, look here, now back here (you know the commercial), slight of hand, diamonds, look away, slap . . . my thoughts are at www.dharmadummies.com message board. Sorry that I can't post at TLC, miss you guys, but just enough time now for one board and the twitter chatting.
Pat, the Leaning household LOVED Recon! (The female contingent mostly due to Sawyer minus shirt ;-) )
@ChrisL - Yeah, my wife wasn't too upset with that either. But we did have Charlotte to enjoy too... so all is well. :-)
Yep Pat... wasn't so keen on the island... in the FS, not too shabby!
Thanks for all of the "yays," guys! It really means a lot :)
Daniel Danger and Kevin Tong will both be at their booths at Flatstock SXSW in Austin, TX starting Thursday.
Kevin says on his site that he will have some copies of The Hatch for sale there.
Daniel Danger hasn't said anything specifically about Jacob's Cabin, but I suppose he could sell a few there too.
Leia Bell, Methane, Todd Slater and a few other familiar names will also be there.
Have fun to anyone that is attending!
Cosmically Yours
Hi Eleanor-glad to see you here also. Hope Martyn is having a fine time on vacation in the Japanese snow!
LT- am I getting it right that the Jay and Jack party tickets will go on sale Monday- not the 18th? Per Twitter-
Hi all, some great CafePress clothing for you to look at -
I'm going to get a hooded top I think.
Hey Zort!
When are you gonna start covering this Globalwelfareconsortium.com thing?
Crushproof, I've just seen the site has been updated.
Do you think something new is in the air related to The Lost Experience ? TRhats when this name first appeared.
If you go to http://www.globalwelfareconsortium.com/contact.php and enter some info you get a message -
Those who repent deserve redemption... Those who defy deserve damnation.
Not sure about whether this is real or not -
Disclaimer: Aralai Productions is NOT affiliated with ABC / Touchstone Television© or Walt Disney Internet Group©.
Aralai Productions is a media/marketing company that develops, implements and operates web and viral media on behalf of our customers.
The following privacy policy applies to all Aralai Productions websites, including, but not limited to: AboutReflexology.com, APFNetwork.com, Aralai.com, BeaconsfieldHighSchool.ca,
FlyOWA.com, MediaWithVision.com, OceanicWorldAir.com, OceanicWorldAirlines.com, AlliedCopenhagenMarineMerchants.com, Global-Welfare-Consortium.com, HealthwayAlliance.com,
LewisKingLaboratories.com, TheLOSTGunmen.com, TheWidmoreInstitute.com, TVThink.com & VincentMadison.com.
On the GWC (it's got an acronym already) page there are several letters in italics -
That message sounds a lot like a theme that's starting to emerge on Lost this season, doesn't it?
No luck on the anagram so far, but I did get "shephard".
Widmore is in there, but that doesn't leave letters for anything else inteligible.
They have the anagram on LP -OK to say or want to figure it out here without help?
Oh- you've got it anyway- they say widmore vs shephard
Hi, I was just doing that . . . so are we here or there?
JT, yes ticket sales moved to Monday, 10 a.m. PST.
Are you going?
Yep that sounds about right, looks a little fishy to me at the moment.
Thanks LT. I am going to try and buy tickets- then sort out if my husband and I can go and if my sister who lives in LA would like to also. We have a sick family member at the moment that we are helping- so I''m not sure what will be happening in May-not sure enough to try and book rooms.
But I hope we can go!
Any advice on trying to get tickets or using ticketmaster?
Search the phrase "Lost Video Contest Party"
Listen to Jay & Jack Lost Podcast for details. www.jay&Jack.com or via iTunes. They bumper the front and end of show with information. This week is about the 30-Hour Autism Speaks, so maybe something brief about LA.
What's the thread name on LP?
This is it Ray-GlobalWelfareConsortium.com
Thanks LT
Hmm, really wonder if this site is legit. Guess we just need to wait and see.
Their page looks pretty hokey. When ever ABC started an ARG their pages looked much better.
It's a shame that in this day and age we can't run a simple ARG without ABC disclaimers all over the place.
The damn ABC site won't let me download them! It knows I'm outside the US. :)
ioioos, you may want to look into megaupload.com send you video up, and amy can retrieve and send on.
Martyn and Hiroki Tojo will meet Friday in Tokyo! Hopefully, we'll get a photo post!
And there was me telling Eleanor that's it's a little quiet around here lately!
ioioos - or use yousendit 14 day trial to get it to amy.
That site looks fishy to me. Zort - where is the disclaimer?
I'm going to Switzerland in a couple of weeks...
Yeah so it's a vincent madison thing. He may be doing something viral, but that confirms that it is not sanctioned by ABC or Darlton. Why do people have a propensity to want to instigate hoaxes? Thanks for clearing up the mystery however!
Chris L, is that code for something? or are you going to Switzerland? I don't we have any lostargs there, so what would be the point . . . Rule #4816, travel plans must include meet-up with lostarger, photo op taken, submitted for verification and comment.
Eleanor, where are you?
ioioos post link when you have succeeded, May I ask the nature of your i's and o's? Good luck.
LT, determined to maintain position 1 I see ;-)
I am going to Switzerland (business) yes and no, we have no argers there :-( suddenly the Alps are less appealing.
I received my DL signed comic from Jo yesterday :) http://twitpic.com/197yci
@ChrisL - You could be an ARGer missionary: just bring your Season 1 DVDs to share the Word of Darlton with those heathen Swiss savages! :-)
BTW... have any of my fellow LOST University "1st 108" graduates, received their signed diploma yet? I haven't gotten mine yet. I think it's been more than 4 weeks now, so we should be getting them in the next couple weeks, right?
my final two spare Widmore Publishing comic boards (the other 10 were given away for Helping Haiti via Jo Pinionated) are being auctioned here via Jay & Jack http://tinyurl.com/ybmg4yk (Colleen is selling them both together)
Nope, no diploma yet. I'd expect it to take even longer though...I'm sure they are busy wrapping up things over there.
Just quickly stopping by. About to watch Recon thanks to andalone again who is awesome. Will catch up on everything once I know I can't be the teeniest bit spoiled.
I woke up to a happy picture! Martyn and Hiroki have met!
Yay! LOST hands across the oceans :-)
More of Martyn's Japan Pics
That picture made me so happy. It's just awesome that LostArgers get to meet this way. I am so grateful that we were all brought together through a common interest and love of LOST (and the art).
Brotha - Glad to see that the LOSTARGs crew is getting some love from Lady Luck. Good stuff.
Yeah! Martyn and Hiroki. Great photo. Safe trip home Martyn. It is amazing how we've stretched the globe for LOST. Thanks again TLC and Zort for keeping this blog open!
Just added their picture to the front page. I think it's quite a momentous occasion :-)
One of us needs a Hurley style lottery win so they can fly us all to one place for a real LOST party. How much fun would THAT be :-)
I'll get right on that. 4 8 15 16 23 and the power ball 42 Lotto
I received Dan McCarthy's "Homeward Bound" AP 16/38 it looks fantastic, even better in person.
LT, I wonder how many of us use THE numbers on our lotto tickets... I know I do. The big win would be shared only by LOST fans, what an awesome thought.
Sam G, Homeward Bound is stunning. Congrats.
I've just seen this on the Digital Spy Website -
ABC has announced plans to produce music videos featuring Lost characters.
The promos, which are to be released weekly, will include footage from the current sixth season and can be viewed via the ABC website.
Characters starring in the videos include Ben, Sawyer, Richard Alpert, Sun and Jin, Desmond, Hurley, Kate, Jack, Sayid and Locke.
The first video - which is currently in the ABC Music Lounge - features Michael Emerson's Ben and is set to 'Ben' by Michael Jackson.
Loved Martyn's picture! Hi Hiroki!
Chris L- I seriously thought after reading "The Field" from LU, that maybe Lost fans could influence a lottery by all concentrating on the numbers together for a particular draw. The book is about experiments that seem to show that we can create our own reality.
Then I thought it might be illegal!
Is it just me- or does blogger eat comments for other people lately?
Zort- do you know if there are spoilers in the videos?
Love the Japan pics, nice you got to meet Hiroki.
That's too funny the song Ben by MJ goes through my head sometimes with Ben Linus. I'm afraid to know what they'll use with Sayid. Something to do with killer I'm sure.
If you're up to date on season 6 episodes then there's no spoilers in the Ben video.
I hope everyone has seen this video of LOST actors saying "Mmmm... Cake"
No spoilers in the Ben one JT. Not that good either IMHO. Could have been MUCH better. Great idea, average result.
Thanks Jeffrey, that's great... so do all girls look that hot saying "mmmm Cake" or is it just our LOST girls?
Michael Emerson can make cake sound creepy!
He can make anything sound creepy!
Thanks guys- watched Ben. Not sure what the last bit means as to his redemption. Thought I saw one frame at the end that might be new? Ben in a red shirt?
The red shirt is where they had him locked up in the armory in the hatch. The shirt looks orange to me but my family swears I'm color blind. lol
Sayid'sgirl - my guess is Killer by Adamski and Seal. Original video clip
Hi everyone! Well, I finally completed my "LOST Shrine". I have to say... I am VERY excited on how well it turned out! The lights make the items inside look like a museum collection.
I learned a few things along the way, including how you REALLY need to look VERY closely at the directions when assembling something from Ikea... (sigh) One minor snafu, due to missing a tiny detail in one of the very first steps, caused me to have to come up with an alternate way to attach it to the wall. I live in earthquake country, so that's something that I take very seriously.
Also, if I had it to do over, I would have mounted the lights slightly closer to the front, rather than centered. I didn't realize that by putting the lights dead center in the cubes, it would cause items in front to be "backlit", so they look very dark.
If anyone has any interest in building their own "shrine"... I can give you my parts list at Ikea, and some helpful hints. Just let me know if you are interested...
Below are the links to a few pictures I took of it last night. It's still not the FINAL configuration, as I'm still moving things around while I decide what looks good together. I will also be adding some of @Seaque's mini-art posters. My little easels should be here in the next couple of days, so I should hopefully be all done sometime next week.
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Pat- that looks really great-sorry, blogger ate the rest of my post- but it was all positive-flexible, great lighting- you get the idea!
Terrific lighting, indeed. I really like how that looks, Pat. You can use some of the easels for some of the smaller pics you have there.
Yeah, earthquakes...never experienced one. Shortly after the Katrina disaster, I enrolled in CERT Community Emergency Response training (CERT) Training. This training is based on California's volunteer earthquake response teams. I'm in AZ, but I believe the training is offered in several locations, nationally. For those interested, I found the class through our local community college...it was free.
If you are still wondering about Daniel Danger, Kevin Tong, www.tragicsunshine.com, via FB/Twitter reports and posts pictures that he is, in fact, alive and well. They are at Flatstock, Austin, TX. Follow or befriend Kevin, or visit his website.
Patmac, good information about DIY projects. I think LOST related books would be fun as well. I think one in particular on the auction block in June.
Hoping to see a lot of Lostargers and TLCers in the chat room on Sunday afternoon. I think this is the link at UStream 30 Hour Podcast Autism Speaks
Pat, Awesome job. Looks fantastic, the lighting makes so much difference.
Morning All,
Not what I planned on doing, but sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures and you have to what you have to do.
Locke’s Secret for sale. See listing for reasoning.
JPL, that's too bad that you're having to part with your stuff. Good luck with the auctions.
Soooo... I've been away for a while, as I have been mega busy.
a) recon - a buildup episode, not a major "ooh!" episode. Still, I'd watch two or three seasons of a Miles and Sawyer cop show, wouldn't you?
c) Two weeks until I go to Hawaii.
d) the final eps will have finished filming by then. LAME.
that's about it. How are YOU?
Hey Ben, good to see you back. Agreed on the Miles/Sawyer spin off... The first I'd actually consider worth pursuing!
Omg i am so tired! And then I see my mug on the homepage. I genuinely believed I was hallucinating. Anyway, on the final stretch now, coach leaves heathrow in 5 heading to birmingham and then I can just collapse on my bed!
I also am all for a sawyer/miles cop show. Miles kicked ass in the sideflash.
Also amazed Eleanor got round to posting, seeing as I asked if she could three times and still thought she wouldn't.
Anyway, yeah, japan, IMHO, is a much better version of England. Very agricultural, unpredictable weather but a whole lot more peaceful and friendlier. All the children were well behaved as well which I was amazed by. Much more to say but I'm going to sleep through this journey and will probably give a brief description of my travels on Monday. That, or just email people who want to know.
Oh and the building where hiroki works is amazing! They had a sky view and I didn't want to leave, truely beautiful, stunning even. The photos I took didn't do it justice.
And lisa, I forgot but I got your message as soon as you sent it so in the end, yes, yes I did. :)
Welcome home Martyn!
LT - the LOST finale party sounds like fun. I just sent you an email asking you to add me to your list.
Hi. All.
Martyn, looking forward to comments here and, of course, your photos.
LostiePat, we've chatted and Lostargs will have another meet-up in LA! Please let me know if you will be there or available for dinner! lotto.ticket.108 g mail
The Jay & Jack Show continues as I write this. A bit of deja vu. Remembering back to the first time I joined in, seeing some familiar names in the chat room. Media Junkard, DharmaDummies, Lostargers . . . Damon Lindelof was on for about 40 minutes and gracious as usual. The Taweret statues is now over $700! the auction goes till Monday or Tuesday next week. The Lost Community and Lostarg Blog will have time tomorrow 2 ET, please join us in the chat room. Dennis, Zort, and Scoutpost to speak.
poppin' in to say i miss you guys :)
Looking forward to hearing from the LOSTARGs crew on the Jay&Jack Autism Speaks podcast an hour or so from now.
Me too Rob. Have a great time guys!
Oh, and Hi Comix!
Thanks for all the support guys while we were on the podcast. I felt stupid, but at least it helped pass the time! Don't think I could do that on a regular basis!
Well my contribution was short and not so sweet, but at least I tried !
From what I have heard it is all good so far.
you did fine. Better than I would.
Shame you had a bad connection.
Was looking forward to hearing you Zort, that was a shame but LT and Scoutpost did us proud :-)
Gallery1988 is releasing "Mystery" Olly Moss print on Tues, Mar. 23 for $35.
I know - so pumped. I hope it happens at a set time because I really can't take any more random time drops, haha
Can't wait for the Olly tubes - is it online sales or just in person at store?
Would be tempted to buy about 5/6!!!
Might have to set up a swap shop for those who get duplicates...
I emailed G1988 about the online or phone sales of the Moss. No reply yet.
Not sure if you will - they are closed tomorrow. I'm sure we will get an email when they are available and how to purchase. Just keep on your toes tuesday.
I don't know if I should camp out at the Gallery again or wait by my computer! ahhhh the suspense!
Ohhh.. This Olly Moss poster is going to be so exciting! This is a long shot but I will be out on the whole of US Tuesday, can anyone help me get two posters and I will pay for the full price for the posters + shipping. If you want a bit extra for your troubles, we can negotiate.
Email me at ajlim2005@hotmail.com
Also Pat, congrates on finishing your Lost shrine? How long did it take you to build that. Looks soooo good.
It's confirmed to be a random time through their site. Is anyone sitting by their pc for this?
Iam willing to buy you one for your troubles!
You're willing to buy me one for sitting in front of my computer all day tuesday? Deal! lol
Good Morning All!!!
I appear to have adjusted slightly to the UK timezone so I don't feel as tired as the past 2 days. I've uploaded all my photo's to my computer so now it's a case of uploading them to flickr. Just need to change the date on a few of the pictures so it's all in order.
Sorry that I missed the podcast, I was so lethargic yesterday and had things going on at home so wasn't really paying attention. Glad that it raised a lot of money though and congrats to all that took part.
Took two of my posters to be framed this morning to cheer me up about being back home. Has thou slain the jabberwock is finally getting framed, as is the awesome painting I picked up in Nikko, Japan. I'm quite honoured now, as the framer has remembered my name, which he was quite pleased with as he no longer has to refer to me as the guy who brings in the weird posters.
So yeah, photo's up on flickr by tomorrow and i'll link to it on FB as well so I don't have to upload it there too.
Oh and got WK back as well, it looks brilliant. Had to swap it's position with the Swan Station as WK is too dark, and Swan was getting lit up nicely. Swan actually suits it's new home better. That now leaves only two posters to be framed, Dharma Van and Love Triangle. Dharma is in a cheap Ikea frame at the moment so I think that'll be next and love triangle will probably remain in it's tube for a while.
Lengthy post with minimal about LOST but just happy to have energy back!
Welcome back Martyn! Glad you're recovering from your travels. I have enjoyed your Japan photos so far, so I am really looking forward to seeing the rest.
The podcast was great. And there is still time to bid on the ebay auctions:
Hi Martyn. Time to get back to the top posting position. Get to it!
Really? Yikes. I'll sit by for it while I have time. But I wish they would give us a general timeframe. What did you hear?
So where do we think this is going to appear? New Items? Prints? Featured Items? Any clues?
I'd bet either new items or featured items. I'll probably have a few different pages open to refresh if we don't get any further instructions.
OK, I'll take that as a gauntlet thrown ChrisL and Martyn! With this post I'm at the top and will attempt to remain there. The competition will be tough, but I'm confident I will prevail! Maawwwhaaaa.
I've got 88 open, still early for LA.
Two Nakatomi's in the mail yesterday, will get pics up soon. I'll be letting one go, so when you see link to pic, let me know if you're interested - I'll draw from a hat.
Thanks to everyone for supporting our total FAIL on-air during the Jay & Jack 30 Hour Autism Speaks podcast! lol Striking off "podcasting" as possible area of interest. Thanks Zort70 for make supreme effort to join us.
Total raised is over $22,000. eBay items under seller, jayandjack1 until tomorrow midnight. Thanks to all who popped over on the chat room, I tried to say hi, but multi-tasking skills were very limited, but know that it was much appreciated by Scoutpost and I. Donation information can be found at jayandjack.com.
Hi LT-
Checking with you again on the Lost Party tickets. I see on Twitter they now go on sale Wed?
I enjoyed the podcast for a bit yesterday- then had to go off for family duties. Hope your router implosion is repaired Zort- hate when that happens!
Welcome back Martyn- we missed you.
JT, yes, latest on tickets is 10 am. PST Wed.
Hey everybody. I'm excited about this Olly Moss mystery tube thing. Can't wait- hope we can buy online.
I'm telling you if Jay and Jack continue to change this ticket buying time I'm gonna miss the sale completely. I'm old and can't keep remembering all these things! Thank goodness for post it notes!
Martyn- glad you're back safe from your trip. Welcome home! So cool that you got to meet Hiroki!
This is off-topic, but who is the LOSTARGer who collects the #108s of the prints?
@Martyn and @ Ray
RE: Olly Moss prints
Mean exactly what i said/offered - send me an e-mail when you get the chance:
steve dot elliott2 at googlemail dot com
Did anyone here end up at SXSW and get to ask DDanger about Jacob's Cabin? Just curious!
I tried to find someone for Flatstock but no one raised their hand.
Nope - didn't seem as though anyone made Flatstock but I'd love to know whether DD had any for sale. Anyone fancy poppin in to EB and seeing what the story is? Not me, not going there, sorry.
MurghBatwar, do we really think we'll be able to buy more than one Olly tube? Surely they'll be limited to one per person?
Cluck Cluck
I suspect the mystery drops are going to be at the wrong time for us UKers so I'm putting it out there. I'd really like that Deer Hunter if anyone nabs it and doesn't want it. Pretty please :-)
I'll bet you're right that its no more than 1 per person (definitely 3 max). We'll see what happens! If I get in and it allows more than 1, I'm going to pick up a couple extra for LostARGers who miss out.
I am eagerly anticipating DD's next newsletter where we will hopefully have some cabin news. Keeping my fingers crossed that still some remain!
I do hope so Ray, there are a few here still wishing for a Cabin.
Don't forget to continue to vote for LOST on Hulu's Best in Show contest!!!
What were the mystery prints that Olly randomly sent out to a couple of lucky people when he sold his share of Locke's Secret? Wasn't one of the prints an Indiana Jones theme? I was thinking that these 3 new mystery prints are related.
xxx, I'm pretty sure these will be the Deer Hunter, Indiana Jones and Die Hard Movies in Red and Black prints. The original run of these were almost all damaged in transit apparently, leaving only a few which Olly included free with his LS drop. He said some time ago that these may be re-printed. I hope it's those anyway, they're awesome.
Having said that the G1988 Blog does specifically say NEW screen prints so maybe these are totally new...
So annoyed with myself! I fell asleep for the past 4 hours. I thought i'd adjusted correctly but obviously not.
I have 2 more days off before back to work so i'll be free to sit in front of the computer all day tomorrow to try and buy an olly moss for people. I'll buy it for someone who missed out though, as my walls are running out of space with 3 more posters to be framed.
Seriously considering buying a flat file now, just so I can at least look at what I spent all my money on, lol.
Oh and i'm not too sure about becoming top commenter again. The title was too tough to handle, i found myself going power crazy and shouting at people in the street because they were inferior to me and didn't know who I was!
So yeah, very tough position to be in. With great power comes great responsibility. Don't succumb to the power Lotto, break free!
Maybe you should consider directing your comments to ChrisL who undoubtedly thinks he can handle the pressure. He snuck in 5 remarks while I had my back turned.
I ask, "Is this fair?" Does one sentence, even an incomplete one count as a full comment? Where are the RULES! What are the penalties? Banishment? We were brought this this board for a purpose, for a reason, all of us.
Martyn, don't give up on your dreams. You are young and time is on your side. Just look at Just Thinking, Ray and Patmc for inspiration. It's all about balancing the relevant missives and the witty dispatch, one is light, the other lighter.
email me - address is a few comments up!
Email sent.
I do agree, rules should be set in place regarding top commenters. Otherwise, I could just post one word from a single sentence.
And I think everyone on here is a source of inspiration!
Apologies to people who have signed up to e-mail.
I hope UnseenPresence is still on here, because if I remember correctly, he has collected all of Olly Moss' prints so far! I would hate for him to miss out!
Ahh! Oh noes! Take it as you will (official or... not), but according to OMGPosters.com, the drop of the Olly mystery prints is indeed, RANDOM! Hope some people have been training their favorite F5 finger.
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