Thursday, April 22, 2010

Damon Carlton and A Polar Bear - The Art Strikes Back 295

Out of the blue we have been sent an email to tell us that the Damon Carlton and a Polar Bear website has been updated.

The new information ties in with the LOST Live promotion that has been advertised, and may mean new artwork is in the pipeline.

Stay tuned for more information when it arrives.

Update - Last night in the comments mistersh0w pointed out that the UCLA Live website shows a version of the image used on the DCAAPB website. Also people signed up to LOST updates have had an email about the event which also contains the image.


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ObFuSc8 said...

Hi ARGers!

LOL on all the comments!

Kharma, I'm drooling a bit at the DCaaPB giclee.

Really wish I could pop out to LA for LOST Live + DCaaPB Redux :( Hopefully we can still buy if not onsite...

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Team Jack said...

Sigh. Yet ANOTHER resale of the only two prints I was dying to own, up for an amount I could never afford. If I'D gotten my hands on them at the time, they would only have been ripped from my cold, dead fingers!! sigh.

@Karma... words cannot express the amount of envy I have for your pretty, pretty treasure. So cool. Lucky!

@Ob, if you for sure want it/them, I will buy it/them for you and you can pay me back whatever the actual cost is. Cause I think you're made of awesome like that. ;)

ChrisL said...


Martyn said...

Another poster seller. I do wonder if the demand for these particular two will drop in the summer. I imagine the crash will but lockes secret will stay the same for a while.


Congrats, you lucky person. A nice crown for the other posters you got!

@Team Jack...

You are made of awesome too, remember!

andalone said...

@TKI - very jealous, but happy print found its way to good home. I am open to adoption if you feel it is too big a responsibility for you. I would take very good care.... ;)

Also, very happy to report that Charlie's Gig Poster arrived yesterday and it is made of awesome! I had it framed this morning. Splendid job Larry!!

Martyn said...


Very nice print! Glad to see it was worth the wait!

ChrisL said...

Second that andalone... that looks fabulous!

andalone said...

Thanks Martyn and ChrisL!

I have to add that the non-Arg artists have all done an amazing job of capturing LOST moments not seen in the DCaaPB posters. I am as proud to display their work as I am the official DCaaPB prints.

futureself said...

Hi guys! Not checked in for a while but glad to see there's a buzz back since the DCAAPB lit up for a swan song. Bonnie, congrats on the prize win and your Charlie Gid poster looks great. KI, very must be well chuffed! Congrats to all those who scored tickets for the event too :) I'm well jealous! We'll expect full reports from you guys after the event...

Team Jack said...

@Martyn lol You know, Latha said the same thing to me! I'll repeat my reply to you: Takes one, to know one. ;) Once someone gets more details about the event (ie what is being sold online/what is event exclusive, etc.) it will be easier to figure out what we want to do. But regardless you know I'll try and snag as much Lost goodneess (especially freebies) as possible so I can *hopefully* ship a couple packages across the pond. ;) Adam was awesome enough to mail me a DVD with all our adventures on it and alas I am WAY behind in reciprocating! :-| Must remedy that soon!!

chaseter said...

@Chris...I promise that more artists are involved besides Kevin. Go to twitter for hints.


Weinbeeezy said...

@Chaseter whose twitter should we be going too??

TRoss said...

Got a ticket in row R - can't wait to see you guys again!

Martyn said...

@Team Jack...

Awesome! Still quite gutted that I didn't think through how long i'd actually be there for. Would of loved to join you and Adam, sounded great! Ah well!

Sam G said...

So did not know there was a new post

Patmc said...

Hey all! Sorry I had to miss the ticket madness, but had to work. I'm going to be in LA the next weekend for the Last LOST Hootenanny party, and my brother got us some VIP passes for the last stage of the Tour of California bike race... so I'm plenty busy enough to happily forgo the LOST event. If there is event-only goodies... I might need a "poster buddy" though... :-)

Just a heads up: I got an email from TeeFury. It looks like Ian Leino (of "Polar Beer" T-shirt fame) has another new "video game related" shirt on Tuesday. Not sure if it it LOST related or not, but they will be giving away some of the Polar Beer shirts on Tuesday/LOST Day. Just stop by on Tuesday for details.

I sure hope those who are going, will do some live-tweeting of the event... at least until you have to put your phones away. Looking forward to being one of the spectators...

Otherwise, I can't wait to see some of you at the Hootenanny on the 22nd!

Weinbeeezy said...

If anybody did not see, and is already not going to the Orpheum for Jay and Jacks finale party, Jimmy Kimmel wis having his own Lost Finale Show, with a lot of the cast, and the final episode! Good luck getting tickets !

ChrisL said...

Hey Sam! There did seem to be a distinct lack of a NEW POST! shout from Zort on this one... glad you found it though.

Sam G said...

Not his fault. I should have known with the LOST-Live happening.

IWish said...

So...we probably won't get more info until the event. Ya' think? It's going to be a long wait.

Sam G said...

Not sure Seaque. Maybe something else will come out.

Sam G said...

I managed to get 4 of the $52 tickets. Don't know very many people that got the $77 ones. Sold out in 10 minutes per Carlton

Justin said...

wow, i guess i should have been paying attention!

Congrats to those who snagged tickets! I might stop by to see if I can get any "non-ticket holders" goodies and to say hi :)

awesome to see everyone here again!

Patmc said...

Happy LOST Day everyone! It may just be a rerun, but we have to savor every bit that we can. We'll still be watching tonight's rerun, as we really loved Ab Aeterno the first time around.

Well, unfortunately, TeeFury is not a LOST themed shirt today, but it's still worth dropping by. They have three different ways to win a LOST themed "Polar Beer" T-shirt today. If you missed them the first time around... head on over to:

I have been entertaining myself on my long drive to and from work these days, by re-listening to all of the LOST audio podcasts. It is a lot of fun listening to them now, knowing what I know about the story. It absolutely proves to me that Damon, Carlton and the writers definitely had the over-arching story in mind from the beginning. If you haven't listened to them in a while, or never listened to them, you can download them here:

Ray said...

The silence is deafening. I rewatched Ab Aeterno tonight with the Lost trivia at the bottom, pretty interesting. Definitely did not catch that the Doctor in the beginning was screwing Richard over with fake medicine.

Zort70 said...

I have been suitable admonished and have sorted out the new post comment on the previous post !

I wonder if we will have any updates before the LOST Live event.

andalone said...

lol Zort!

ChrisL said...

Zort... You are THE man!

Lisa-Maladylis said...

I had to post this since I just finished them. Someone ordered these this week lol Love making them. link

Ray said...

Danger updated his site again. No mention of Jacob's Cabin, but it sounds like he's going to be selling his Fenway Prints early next week. It will be interesting to see if he throws the Cabin up for sale at the same time...

Martyn said...


lol, awesome!

Martyn said...


I love his fenway print but I just saw Tyler Stout's Iron Man print and to be honest, I really can't decide. Iron man will be a hell of a lot cheaper and I don't even like baseball. Well, I suppose it's because i've never seen it tbh.

Anyway, as for Jacob's Cabin, I personally don't think he's going to sell them online. As someone said, he sold them at flatstock, so who knows, maybe he sold them all there.

Decided, Iron Man 2 poster it is! More than makes up for the Lost posters i'm not going to be able to afford in May. If I get it of course.

Weinbeeezy said...

@Martyn the Iron Man poster looks sick! It says it's a limite release so I'm sure it's going to be crazy trying to get one next week though!

Martyn said...


Even if it wasn't a limited release, it was still going to be hard. Just gotta hope my internet doesn't crap out on me. But it will, it tends to do that lately.

Weinbeeezy said...

@martyn if I end up with more than one , I'll send one your way :]

Martyn said...


And I you! Getting my girlfriend to try as well, knowing her internet is actually decent.

Patrick said...

There's 515 of the regular Iron Man, so that may lessen the load. The problem is it's so damn awesome that many more people may be down for it. I'm going for the regular since I think the red works perfect with the costumes and scenery.

Ray said...

Woah, that Stout poster looks pretty sweet.

@Martyn, I vaguely remember hearing somebody say that Danger was going to have the prints there... but I always thought it was speculation, not confirmation. But yeah, I'm also inclined to think that chances of them going online now are slim to none.

Weinbeeezy said...

I didn't realize the iron was two different color sets, although stout always seems to do that. I'll settle for whatver one, they look so epic!

Weinbeeezy said...


The red one is definitely better than the grey one, since iron man is red, not grey !

andalone said...

LOST Memorial Wristbands are available for pre-sale tonight at 9:30 ET. They are $4.23 + shipping, and $1 of each sale goes to the Children's Defense Fund. Delivery is guaranteed by finale date.

theotherben said...

Sorry if I'm a little behind, but where are the Iron Man prints you all are talking about?

theotherben said...

And @andalone, just order 3 writstbands!

LostiePat said...

@theotherben - you can find Iron Man on Tyler Stout's website

Sam G said...

Javi has been blogging about his LOST episodes on his facebook page because of these posters

Martyn said...


Totally in agreement, the standard is far superior to the variant. According to the folks over at EB, the variant glows in the dark. Not enough to make me want it. Hopefully that big edition size, with i'd guess maximum 150 available at the actual screening, will heighten my chances of getting it. Hopefully when I see the film this weekend, I don't change my mind about it.


Thanks for the link, may buy one I think.

mtutick said...

Hey all...been awhile since I've been around.

Thanks for the heads up on the Iron Man poster...that thing is sick. I'm not sure I can fit another 24x36 in my apartment though :(

andalone said...

There is sell-out of the first wave of the LOST Memorial Wristbands. If there is enough interest, there will be another 200-300 wristbands available. Updates will be posted at:

Unknown said...

Hmm.. Do any of you guys know why I would have thought that Lost ended on the 29/05/10

Just Thinking said...

Are you in England Jason? I think Martyn said it won't be shown there on the 23rd- will be some days later.

The Kharma Initiative said...

Thanks for the kind words on my giclee, it's much appreciated. Let's see the rest of the winners' prizes!

andalone, I've been chasing after this giclee too much to give up custody now! :)

Cosmically Yours

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Nah. I'm from Australia and for some reason I thought that the US finale was going to air on the 29th. My bad

Weinbeeezy said...

Anybody buy the photos released from ABC today?

Martyn said...

Nope, not me.

Just seen the Flight of the Conchords prints for their UK tour thanks to Obfusc8.

As predicted, the show i'm actually going to is in my opinion the worst of the lot. It's done by The Small Stakes, who I think Jason Munn who did the 4 Toed Statue works or is part of.


AS you're a FOTC, if you want me to get you a copy of it, if you like it that is, let me know.

Unknown said...

Too expensive

Ray said...

Some of those Conchords posters are pretty sweet. I've seen them twice, love those guys. Dave does great standup, too

IWish said...

Re: The Lost Live prints.

It would really bug me that DCaaPB had let them (the artists) use their site to get the word out (or so it seems) and then not give us hardcore (regular joe's) fans a shot at less expensive prints. Eh, well...this is just my opinion. Of course, everyone has the right to make their own decision regarding how many or how much their willing to spend.

Weinbeeezy said...

WOW! my Lost Live ticket just came in and they're made to look like Oceanic Plane tickets !!! AMAZING

maven said...

Got my Oceanic Boarding Pass for the May 13th Lost Live Event at UCLA! It is so awesome!

Anonymous said...

@maven - that is so cool! And no cell phones? Seems like that will be kind of hard for them to enforce heh

Team Jack said...

Not really. If you've ever been to any Disney events, you learn they are hard core! I am a D23 member and went to the Expo as well as events at Disney Studios. They not only check your stuff, but they make you go through detectors or wand you. Even then, security (some in plain clothes) is everywhere!! If they see anyone with a camera or phone, they take it. Believe me, I was gutted that I have no video or photo from the movie preview event at the Expo when Johnny Depp came out in full costume and in character to announce POTC 4.

Amy Lynn said...

@Team Jack, LOL, I didn't know you were D23. I was thinking about it, but all the Dis'ers convinced me not to for now.

Team Jack said...

Yeah I hear people all the time complaining, whining, etc about the club. 9 times out of 10 they are the typical Internet morons that complain about things they know nothing about. Ie they don't even HAVE memberships!

D23 last year was the best money I have ever spent in my life. I attended the VIP free screening of UP at the El Cap. Introduced by filmmaker/cast. Free soda & UP popcorn bowl. Free balloon & pin. Went to free Disneyland Anniversary behind the scenes tour, panel with Imagineers, special section in park for us to have refreshments/watch fireworks whilst mingling with the likes of Tony Baxter! Also went to free behind the scenes archives/tour at Disney Studios. Went to Princess & Frog screening at the Studios. All sorts of props from diff films were out for us, a tour, meeting princesses, learning how to draw the characters, games, etc. Like El Cap we got the special movie popcorn bucket, directors introduced film. Also one stayed later and signed our free litho. Got a goodies bag with cd sampler from film, etc. Went to D23 Expo, members got some deals like reduced rate, etc. Saw unbelievable panels, q&as, screenings! Just a few: Mary Costa at Sleeping Beauty panel/screening, Paige O'Hara and Glen Keene at Beauty & Beast panel, entire crew at Princess & Frog panel- animators all signed after! Toy Story 1&2 3D screening, Anika singing Almost There live! Being first non Disney employees at Legends Ceremony. And yeah, the Lost stuff was sweet! The Lost U dorm room, meeting producers of DVDs like John! Getting stuff signed by Young Ben & Dr. Chang! Basically it was an amazing opportunity to go up to Disney employees from the highest level down and chat about the company! Amazing. I could go on and on! Lol
At Comic Con only members got a special litho & cards. Oh, I forgot the kit came with a litho, a pin, card, and a reproduction of something from the Walt Disney archives. There were diff ones but I got an amazing repro of an opening day at Disneyland fan with the diff lands on it. Oh and there are magazine issues with behind the scenes stuff, usually each comes with a reproduction of something. Granted I am a huge Disney fan, but I cried when I opened up the Dec issue and I had a Christmas card from Walt. A reproduction from the 30's I believe. Best money I've ever spent. Seriously! Geez, after that spiel, they outta hire me!

Amy Lynn said...

@JT, that sounds great for someone who lives in or near LA, but I imagine it might not be that great if you don't.

Team Jack said...

There have been events all over. A bunch near WDW of course, but other areas as well. For example, I know they've had events to do with the traveling Mary Poppins show. And the membership kit goodies, the magazine, repro items, pins, etc. are sent to everyone. Plus now they are finally offering discounts at the parks with your membership. True it's awesome if you live in So Cal cause most everything Disney is located here, but still... a lot of people come out here for events like Con, etc every year. They do have a cheaper option as well now, I think it's called the silver package? Just an FYI.

Amy Lynn said...

@Team Jack, thanks, maybe I'll give it a try.

MiddayShadows said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MiddayShadows said...

Hey all!

Hey Martyn! Thanks very much for the offer to snag a FOTC poster for me at your show, but I'm putting most poster purchases on hold for now while I arrange a move. I know you're not a fan of that one, but I actually really like it - and yes it is indeed by Jason (Four Toed Statue) Munn. I dig his minimalist style a lot. It's really smart witty and subtle. Similar to Olly's in some respects/sensibilities. He just released a book, a collection of his posters. Ive only flipped through it, but he has a really nice body of work.

Anyhoo, great FOTC series huh? A lot of familiar names on there: Olly and Jason Munn, Ken Taylor, Millward, Methane etc. I might have mentioned a while back that I collected *last* years FOTC series. It was great fun- kind of my DCaaPB series before DCaaPB actually happened. Great posters and many of the artists came on board for the LOST prints. No Stout or DD this year though - yet! Thanks again for the offer. Hope all is well!

Things have been busy, but I'll try to check back in soon. Always lurking though ;)

Happy L O S T week arg-ers! Exciting weeks ahead...So psyched!

Ray said...

Ah, so the tickets came on time. I was nervous they wouldn't make it, so I did will call. I wonder how early they will let people in for the DCAAPB thing/will call?

Martyn said...


No problem. I won't be getting one anyway but yeah, the entire set are fantastic. I love the Lego one and may very well try and get that one instead. I think my issue with the Birmingham one is that it is too subtle. I'd understand if the chicks were a reference to the show but they aren't, it's just a bit too random for me to like. So just makes me sad but as I said on EB, it does sum up the city of Birmingham in one fair swoop!

Scoutpost said...

Poster #1 was just revealed on DCAAPB. Go Merch just tweeted it.

Anonymous said...

Hey All!

Just got back from a volcano extended Florida vacation and it looks like its all kicking off in lost land!

It was weird watching lost live for the last four weeks on ABC, rather than downloading it at the crack of dawn. Pity one of them was the repeat week!

New posters sound exciting, but why do I get the feeling feeling it will be slim pickings outside of the event?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Oooh, it materialising now as I speak. I can't believe my timing.

Weinbeeezy said...

@ioioo... Main page on DCaaPB... It's taking place of one of the threw they had. Almost camaflouged onto the website

Anonymous said...

Nothing for sale then?

So any clues? Jack laying down in the bamboo. It it the first scene, and the last? ;)

Ray said...

Very cool. Bet we can't get them until Lost Live, though...

Ray said...

@ioioos It looks more like Jack is running?

Ray said...

No. I take that back. You're right, my bad.

Patmc said...

I wish there was a way to view that image a little larger. And yes... I think it is the first shot, of Jack waking up in the bamboo. I wonder if the last poster... is going to be the last shot of LOST...? How cool would that be? I sure hope they have more than 300 available this time around! I'll keep my fingers crossed for Litho Prints...

Sam G said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
IWish said... it just me? Does it look like they've distorted Jack's face?

IWish said...

Also, neat seeing that the orchestra has arrived. :)

MJCarp said...

"We're done. Amen"

@CarltonCuse and @DamonLindelof

@7:25 PST May 3, 2010

maven said...


Unknown said...

High guys!! Hows things? When do the new posters go on sale?

Weinbeeezy said...

Lookng at the first section now on DCaaPB that might not be the first poster at all but just the opening scene of the Orchestras number? They do use scenes from the show ... Any thoughts?

Patmc said...

Wherever you are... take a moment and raise your glasses: To Damon & Carlton, to the writers, to the cast and crew... and to the best show to ever grace your TV!

LOST is officially... done.

I'm feeling a bit melancholy... (sigh)

comixguru said...

howdy, Y'all.

I am feeling a bit melancholy as well. it must be because of Damon and Carlton's tweets.

le sigh.

Unknown said...

Hahahaha. That is so cool. Did Kevin Tong make this one?

ChrisL said...

Cheers to Darlton and everyone. Job done.

Zort70 said...

I've created a NEW POST for the new update to the DCaaPB website.

Tess315 said...

Happy Lost Day!

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