The new information ties in with the LOST Live promotion that has been advertised, and may mean new artwork is in the pipeline.
Stay tuned for more information when it arrives.
Update - Last night in the comments mistersh0w pointed out that the UCLA Live website shows a version of the image used on the DCAAPB website. Also people signed up to ABC.com LOST updates have had an email about the event which also contains the image.
1 – 200 of 295 Newer› Newest»first!!!!!
NEW POSTERS! (maybe)
Very possible theotherben.
I'm at a work conference and had to sneak out to post this so I'm not going to be around much this evening.
I'll check in when I can later.
My worst fear . . .
I hope there are more posters coming. Some of the fan made posters have been great. Can only imagine what the artists could come up with from "watercooler moments" in seasons 4-6.
Whoa! This is going to be fun. Will be interesting to see how many people come back to the forums now, get it back to it's good old chatty self.
Like old home week!. Hi TomRex, RamHatter and Martyn. Maybe the three terminals suggests 3? variants.
I'm not sure my nerves can take it, though it is nice to see everyone, still staying underground and spoiler free!
Zort70 thanks for the update. We are scattered to the winds. But good to see the word "work" in your message.
Hi, otherben. link your video for viewing pleasure while we wait!
Hi! mrtibbs. I'm thinking about joining you. I hear serious spoil leak today and I'm afraid to go anywhere now.
Whoa. FUN!
I was looking forward to discussing theories with this new season after finding this place. I got spoilt about the premier so had to avoid everywhere since. Spent all my spare time designing tee shirts instead!
Lotto, Which video?
Hey lotto!
Yeah, I think a couple new prints will be announced, maybe artists who were originally involved but dropped out for unknown reasons. Would explain why some people were asked so late non to partake. Leia Bell for instance.
But new posters, man! I just stopped buying them and they throw this doozy in my face. I better not like them. All I know is, I'm taking that day off and the next because I'll be up late watching it all. If it is a live webcast too. I hope.
This is some pretty awesome news!!! Thanks for the heads up Zort...hopefully we'll be getting at least one new piece of artwork.
And may I note before I head off to bed, this site has already come back to life. Love it!
Hey everybody! Just checking in. Saw that Jensen Karp had said "game back on" with DCAAPB. Bring.it.on!
I'll bet there are 3 new prints or variants, hence the three spaces. Looking forward to finding out what's up!
theotherben , I would suggest the 'reverse' one and the 'hit man'
That's probably a good assumption...3 frames/question marks= 3 prints. Better polish off my credit card.
But I wonder how this will differ since they will be at the event..will people there be able to buy prints or what????? Guess we'll find out soon.
It's all new and exciting again, however that may mean more sleepless nights.
Yes Lotto "work" was in that message above, I've managed to find something to keep me busy.
Here we go again!
I have a very good idea as to what these releases may be... If you go to the info page on UCLAlive.com about the event, you'll see that there is a version of the "?" prints with the LOST logo in it... I have reason to believe that the artist is Kevin Tong, who has done a very similar series of variants before:
Click here to see Kevin Tong's Ritz print variants
As you can see from that link, he made one print with the "theater" template and took "requests" from attendees on whatever movie they wanted to be represented in the screen.
I have a good feeling this is EXACTLY what he's doing with these 3 new prints and if that's the case, then perhaps he'll be taking "requests" on favorite LOST scenes!!!
Excellent. It' been suggested that Kevin may do live drawings. He has done this before at Gallery opening.
like minds, mistesh0w, kharma initiative thinks so too!
Also, not a surprise who the artist is, as it says it on the bottom right corner of the link... doh! My bad...
But still! Not a bad assumption eh?!
Oh wow, that sounds so cool. I hope that's what it is (the Kevin taking requests to make 3 new prints for us thing). Looking forward to more details from DCAAPB! Also hoping that it will use a different pay system than DCAAPB previously used, since I never was able to finish creating my profile before it crashed :/
I kept getting twitter updates about this, so I rushed home to check.
I'm excited to be back! :)
Will check back late for any news. Off to birthday celebration. Nice to have Earth Day as backdrop.
This is excellent news! Saw Jensen's tweet a while ago. I'm going to try and get tickets tomorrow...hope to be there!
@Ray - I'm going to assume that IF they decide to go the live "request" thing with these new prints, I'd think that they'd only be offered initially to those who attend, hence the "we will be accessible to non ticket holders" comment...
BUT, like with the event I linked to, they'd likely offer extras to those who aren't able to attend via online sale after the even.
Just my thoughts...
I sure hope that the "surprises" include availability of Litho prints for all 16 screen prints! It would be awesome if the producers could let any LOST fan who liked the artwork... buy inexpensive Litho prints of any and all of them!
Now... the big question: can I get the time off of work to get up to LA? Regardless... I'm completely pumped that there is yet some life left in LOSTargs! I can't wait for the 13th!
Sadly... time for bed. Hi all. Night all.
Yeah, what I bet they would do, if its a "live drawing", is have set allocations before the event starts. A certain amount for the people there, and a certain amount for people online to be printed later.
Also, maybe they will do a request thing in advance. So its not really live, but we will get to vote on what Tong draws before the event and then a certain amount are at the event for people to purchase and a certain amount set for online.
Or maybe we are just totally wrong!
@PatMC - yeah that would be totally cool, too!
I don't know if I'm excited or scared :-). Whattever happens it will give us flash back's of our own.
Now hotel biscuits are calling.
If we can choose before can we all agree on "Not Pennys boat"
Message from Mrs Zort - "How do I file for divorce citing it? ;-)"
Hey all! These are the videos Lottery Ticket was talking about! I did these for my film case. Since I'm a huge LOST fan, I decided to add a few easter eggs into each of my videos. Can you find all the LOST easter eggs?
Reverse Video:
The Case:
The posters will not be $50...they will be around $200+
@Charter - Agreed, there's no way they'll be $50 at the event, especially if they're "live drawings"...
Ugh, I really can't afford 3 new prints this time around...
Anyone notice when you click the DCaaPB link it quickly flashes a Tyson/Givens screen, then goes to the regular site. I went to "tysongivens.com" and it gave that screen, and a "contact us" underneath the name that doesn't work.
I sure hope Kevin is giving us something new that's Lost related. He's been hinting on his tweets he's been working on a lot of stuff and his deadlines we're closing in.
They will be $200+...trust me, I was told.
Really? Are you sure? Maybe they will subsidize him to keep the price lower
Ray...I promise. Not only is it common sense to sell these at $200+ because they will sell out anyways but I had some insider info.
@mistershow are you going on may 13!?
When I first read it, I thought maybe whatever happens would be online, but when I re read it, it seems like anyone can go into Royce hall, but you need a ticket to get into the amphitheater!
NamARTe ARGers!
I saw Jensen's tweet -- DCaaPB Redux! Kind of fun that "Tyson Givens" pops up while the site redirects you.
Looks like mistersh0w beat me to it, and he's right -- the art for the new DCaaPB page and the UCLAlive page are recognizable as Kevin Tong's and similar to his Alamo Ritz prints.
My guess is that there will probably be one standard print (like the Big Lebowski at the Alamo Ritz) with a couple other LOST scenes for more rare variants. And some very very lucky LOSTies will probably be able to get a custom LOST print.
At the Alamo Ritz -- Blank
Tong with some of the Alamo Ritz prints
So what's a non-west coast LOSTie to do?
ughhhhhhh I'm poooooooorrrrrrrrrrr....
Any other deets you can share? Are we non-LA losties doomed?
That show is the day after my birthday, so this will probably be my gift to myself. Assuming I can get tickets of course. Looks like my tax refund might get used on some more lost prints.
Zort's post says he got an email from Aristides Pinedo-Burns.
Aristides Pinedo-Burns is listed as a producer for some episodes of The Paper. I'm not sure why he'd have sent the email, unless it was to be less obvious than just having Jensen send it.
This almost seems too simple...
The buy tickets online link... takes you to a page that says "tickets not available". I'm guessing you'll get the same response via phone...
Tickets on sale tomorrow, 10 am PT.
It sounds like it will be amazing, but you won't need tickets to get to the DCaaPB prints, but I'll bet there'll be quite the line.
Did anyone else receive their Branden Otto diptych yet? I was lucky enough to get in on a numbered set, but unfortunately he shipped them in one of those rather flimsy USPS triangular mailing tubes and they are crushed and creased.
I'm going to have to go to the post office to try to get them to pay the $150 they were apparently insured for.
Just got an email from ABC announcing the LOST event at UCLA. None of the tickets links are live until tomorrow @ 10AM PST. Wonder how crazy it will be to get those tickets?
how very kewl !!! So glad they brought us all back together too !
@maven I just got the same thing! I'm now a little worried about how many people are going to try for them! Wamp wamp
Hi everyone! Been a few weeks since I've been able to say hello, but I've been around. Very nice to see some familiar names. Hope everyone is well and enjoying season 6...
I'll bet it will be no different than going for concert tix the day they are released. Just make sure you are ready to buy the tickets as soon as they are released, and you will be okay. I'm sure it won't matter where you sit for a show like this!
What do you guys make of the "Hole/Spin" it says at the top of the new page? Is this something leftover from the original 16 series?
The Hole/Spin is just some leftover code from http://www.gomerch.com/hole/spin/. Nothing important.
Poppin' in to say hello!
Hoping to get a ticket tomorrow to LOST LIVE!
Miss you guys! :)
@The Kharma Initiative
Ah, cool. Thanks Kharma
You're welcome, Ray. I was curious too. :)
Cosmically Yours
Hello, my old friends! My wife rolled her eyes when I showed her the news and said "Oh no, not again..." Oh YES!
Mann, this is going to be so good but I have mixed feeling about this. 80% of me is saying YES! ONE MORE POSTER! However 20% of me is saying DAMMIT! This is going to kill me if the time is unknown.
My school is the AWESOMEST of all that is awesome. Darlton says so. Times Square, you got nothin on us Bruins! Our event will rule all. That is all. ;p
How fantastic to see so many good friends back together... Good luck to those trying for tickets today.
Son of a bitch!!! What is this awesome event???
Hi Hiroki, go to this link to see the details -
Here are a couple of updates from Kevin Tong that may be relevant -
Kevin Tong Illustration If things go according to plan, I have put out so much work this week that the next few weeks will see me signing and numbering about 2,000 various prints. My arm is already sore.12 April at 15:43
Kevin Tong Illustration Arrrrghhhh, everything I do is shrouded in secrecy by the client. "Don't tell anyone" they say. I'll be showing of some great stuff really soon and it'll be worth the wait. 13 April at 21:03
Karma... Our very own andalone who has been sooo brilliant to so many people here has her reward! Check out this video.
Many congratulations Bonnie!
Haha, I like the new Lost ARGs banner Zort
Howdy! When I saw the e-mail for the event and the poster my first thought was "Is that Kevin TOng's?" and my second was "Will it be avialable to buy?".
Went to DCAAP and after a few minutes the screen flashed and went back to the original version with all the posters.
Just when I thought it was safe...
Congrats andaLone! Although, I would of thought you'd have all that stuff already, as youare THE lost fan. Seriously in envy of you, lol.
And belated happy birthday to ellen!
2000 prints? That would be sweet. And I JUST replaced my F5 key.
@Amy Lynn
I think he's also referring to his Invisible Monsters prints, but still - yeah that's a lot of prints! I wonder if they will stagger the releases or how this is going to work?
Ok guys, for those of you who are going to attempt to get tickets to the event this morning through ticketmaster, could you please spare some advice for a ticket purchase newb?
I have an account on tickemaster.com/entered all of my billing/card info so I think I'm set there! Is there anything else I should know or be prepared for when trying for tickets? Thanks! And GOOD LUCK! everyone!
I'd appreciate some tips, too! I have "My Ticketmaster" all set up. I guess I just keep refreshing at 10AM! Only trying for one ticket so I'm hoping I'll have a better chance.
Good luck Maven! I just hope I'm refreshing the right page! Hahaha
@mistershow @maven i'm there with you guys! forty minutes and counting!
I reckon and I hope that they will release them all at once. That way, everyone gets one and nobody goes home empty-handed.
Yeah, I guess we just need to wait it out. I wonder if a clue will be posted after the tickets go on sale....
Also, everyone on ticketmaster:
Don't worry about refreshing the page until just before 10am. The site won't change until exactly that time - ticketmaster is good about that.
When they say "no cell phones", does that literally means we can't bring them in at all?!
Maybe they're collecting cell phones at the door?
You can absolutely bring in your cell phone. But they will ask you to turn them off and put them away during the show, just like if you were attending a live taping of a tv show. If they catch people taking pictures they might confiscate the phones and delete the content, but don't be worried.
Thanks Ray! I can't imagine not have my iPhone on me! LOL
Hey all! 30 minutes until time to buy tickets! I had a bad dream last night that my computer was messing up Ticketmaster and I couldn't get into it to get a ticket! zoinks! I hope that doesn't happen this morning.
Ticketmaster tips- create an account ahead of time, buy tickets in 1 or 2 increments (don't buy for a group of 3 or more), take what it gives you first.
Ok that's all I've got. I'll check back in later!
Ticketmaster works much differently than any other of the services we've been dabbling with. Once it's in your cart, it's in your cart. No need to sign in before hand or even have an account.
So, it said that there were 3 tiers of pricing for tix, If I wanted to go for the middle tier ($60 I believe) will it be easy to select that pretty fast before checkout?
Yeah, it will ask you for your preference. There will be a drop down menu where you can select your preferable price tier or "Best Available". Since you are going for this as soon as tix go online, you will be okay in just selecting the middle tier right away. And Amy Lynn is right, once they are in your cart you will have a timelimit to checkout before you lose your tickets. So there is no need to rush once your tickets are on hold.
You will be asked how many tickets you want and either what price range you want or orchestra/balcony type seating...then it will bring up a seat(s) for you to either accept or reject. If you reject, you go back through the process again and it will auto select more seats for you to accept or reject. Once you accept, they go in your cart. When tickets are up for grabs like this event will be, it's best to take what it offers you first...or at least you don't want to play around too much.
Ok... So now I'm a bit worried, even though I'm going for the middle tier, should I select "Best Available" just to be safe? I don't really want to spend $80+ a ticket if I don't have to, but I also don't want nose bleed seats either...
Thanks for the info!
Does anyone need help getting tickets? I'm F5ing, and can put two tickets in my cart in any section if you tell me before hand which ones you want.
No just select your tier and take prob the first tickets offered to you. Check out the Royce Hall seating chart to get an idea...
Why am I so nervous? LOL I'm trying for the $77 tier...and I'm taking the first one!
I know, LOST has got to end, I can't take all this ticket and art buying stress anymore! lol
$77 is the top tier right? I'm thinking now it's not too much more than the middle tier... Maybe I'll just go for those to be safe.
I'm so nervous too!!! We're experts at this kinda stuff by now!
Just remember Jay and Jack sold out in 22 minutes...this will go fast too, so don't goof around!
I won't be trying for tickets :-(
Good luck though :-)
I'm just hoping because these are not free tickets like Jay & Jack, it will go a little slower! :)
Speaking of Jay & Jack, they have a new pool of tickets available, but it's some kind of Twitter essay contest. Check out their sites for details.
Woo! I drank a little too much white zin after the birthday party!
@mistersh0w, no, spend the 2 seconds to use the pulldown menu to whatever you can afford.
Me either Chris :-((( I can't go no way, no how.
I have two midprice tickets in my cart...
Description BLCTR
123 - 125
If you need these, let me know right now.
Just got two tix for the cheapest tier, Section G. Now I need to work on flights....
If anyone has 1 ticket that they would be able to sell, PLEASE let me know! I would love you so much!!!! Thanks,
Obstructed view seating?!? Is that bad? That's what it says on my receipt
Row R seat 25...whoa that was worse than Jay and Jack. My first ticket was in the balcony obstructed view...went back in and got "no seats found"...4th time was the charm. yikes.
I need 3 tickets. I don't know how that sold out so fast. Geesh.
Amy Lynn, maybe I should go for those over my OBSTRUCTED VIEW seating...
Obstructed view usually just means you miss the back corners of whatever's going on, on stage. If you're just watching a screen or whatever, it shouldn't be an issue.
Amy Lynn, I will take any ticket that I can get. Please email me, or give me your email so that I can contact you. I am so bummed out that these sold out that quick.
I'm Row G in FLEFT, seats 51-53 (whatever that means, since I bought 2 tickets). Looking at the seating chart, I have no idea where this is.
GONE. Wow...that was fast. Anyone know the capacity of the venue?
Ok, that makes me feel a bit better... It's middle tier like I wanted, but just a bit bummed about the obstructed view thing...
I guess middle tier is balcony as well eh?
ARgh, sorry caseyyyy, already gone. :(
Balcony Left B212 (middle tier price)
WOW LOST fans are crazy fast!
Oh, it's OK. If anyone else has one ticket that they could sell, please let me know. Thanks again,
Hmm... all these balcony seats. I think it's more than likely a large part of the orchestra was reserved seating only for cast/crew/family.
Maven, I got Balcony Left, Row A, middle tier!
@mistershOw I think we're near each other!
My heart is still racing...I'm too old for this!
Yeah, not sure why middle tier ended up being balcony... I wonder if there are 2 balconies perhaps? A lower and upper?
Question: Does anyone know if any airlines are having good deals on NYC to LAX flights for this time period? Just curious, because now I need to work out logistics...
Awesome Maven! I'll see you there!
@Ray, try farecast.com! I didn't know you were a NYCer too!
I think the middle and lowest tier prices are both balcony levels. Generally there is only one floor level, which would be the most expensive.
@Amy Lynn,
Yep, well technically I'm a CT'er but I'm in the city every other weekend. I'm in the Fairfield County area, so pretty close! I'll definitely check out that website, thanks!
Okay, I guess a bunch of people started orders they didn't finish. I was able to get 2 balcony seats and 1 orchestra. I'd like to upgrade the balcony seats if anyone happens to have an extra pair of orchestra available.
i'm at 152-154... balcony two it looks like.... near anyone?
I got Orchestra, barely! First I tried for two seats in Orchestra because I promised I would and I was shut out! Went back in and I had a seat on the left closer up but Ticketmaster SUCKS and made me do the stupid verify my card BS again. It freaked out in the middle of it and even with 6 minutes to spare, it wouldn't let me purchase them. Third time I went back and still got Orchestra but farther back. Eh, at least I got in. I truly believe me being a current Bruin + wearing my UCLA sweatshirt and socks gave me that extra LOST karma today! lol
By the way, LOVE the $15 in fees. Ticketmaster = greedy evil bastards. Meh.
Again, if anyone has 1 extra ticket, please email me! I will gladly make it worth your while. I really wanted to go to this, but I am at work missed the tickets when they released them. ska_punk51@hotmail.com Thanks!
@Mister Jack
Ticketmaster is ruthless with the fees. I'm seeing Conan this summer and it charged me an unreasonable amount of money in fees alone (like 40-50 dollars). Insane.
Yea Team Jack!! I'm in orchestra too...
And seriously, I gasped when I saw the end price after all the fees!
Caseyyy- someone has 1 ticket up on ebay already- not sure what section it is, but they're certainly looking for a profit
Ugh, I meant Team Jack, not Mister Jack. My head is obviously spinning after the tickets, haha
Did everyone do willcall? I did for fear that my tickets wouldnt actually arrive. Im surprised they didnt allow e-tickets.
I got one in section BLCTR, row J. Tried to go for the cheapest ticket price, but those were gone instantly.
Read this on Yelp:
"Seats to avoid: all of balcony row A (there's a metal bar at eye level), anything over seat number 225/226 A,B,C or D (you're looking sideways at the stage and may not be able to see what's happening on part of the stage), and the 50's closer to the stage (same problem as seats 225+)
Bummer... Anyone with balcony seats in rows A-D are a bit screwed... Barf.
I got 5 tickets on the floor. They are all spoke for, but man those went quick. This will be fun.
Well I FINALLY got thru to the UCLA ticket office. Went by the other day to see if I could get tickets early as a student but because they're just renting the venue they didn't show up. And yes, the nice lady at the counter tried for me. :) So I talked to another person today and found out that they charged HALF the fees Ticketscammaster did. But... there was a line and she didn't think they even released Orchestra!! The best seats were of course, being saved for people with the event. Sooooooo glad I decided to stay home and just try online. Whew.
Sounds just like old times. Congrats to those that got them.
Hi folks, I have two Balcony seats (Full View numbered below 210 so view should be fine) that I purchased for someone who won't need them. Please email me if you're interested in them: the.kharma.initiative@gmail.com
Cosmically Yours
Karma, I emailed you twice, but I haven't head back from you. Just letting you know, i =n case, for some reason, you didn't get my response. Thanks!
Congrats to those that will be there. Looking forward to your full reports!
Wow, first time i've had to catch up on posts in a long time AND i'm bottom of the top commenters leader board. Impressive!
Congrats to all who got tickets! Wish I could be there but looks like i'll be at home. Hopefully another who can stay awake the longest competition with Lisa, if you're up for it.
@Team Jack...
Yeah, i'm guessing all the UCLA stuff you wore worked in your favour. Happy you got tickets! :)
Wow, can't believe how fast those tickets went!
I would not have been able to make it to LA for the show anyway...oh well!
Would anyone going to the show be willing to see if they can snag an extra print or two for me!?! That would be much appreciated! Hit me up...
Thanks Martyn! Since I have class all day right next to Royce I believe it will be my duty as the Lamp Post Station to stream video and tweet pic updates live. So don't worry brutha, I got you covered. ;)
felt my heart beating in my throat this morning before the tickets were live. wow. hadn't felt like that in awhile!
so glad i got a seat! :)
Looking forward to hanging out with other Losties again soon.
hi all, good to see a lot of 'wins' for tickets.
By the way, my alter ego drank too much - this version of LT is sober! ha ha. don't be fooled even if she's not wear the shades. No harm, no foul. All in good fun. Right?
But how can you tell the difference? Blogger est. Dec. 2008. My name and likeness hijacked back in December. :(
I got a hold of a ticket! Thank you to everyone who helped me. I can't wait to see everyone there! I have a feeling that the print and website might be revealed at the event and then will be for purchase later on, like the original ARG. I could be wrong, though.
Yea for us that them. Think I'm ok with Balcony Left B212...almost a straight on view!
Everyone in the Balcony from A-D, just bring a pillow to sit on. :) Safety bars are really annoying, but they are there for a reason.
I honestly could care less for a $200+ out of my price range yet again print. I am soooooooooooooooo down for any awesome reveal freebies. I still get so many compliments on the Hurley iPhone skin. I remember that night I got a ton of people with the show commenting on it as I took pics. John actually made me show other people from the show. lol
Sweet! Thank you very much!
And i'm very much with you on the poster thing, if it's $200, really can't be bothered with it, even if it is amazing. Seems a little silly that they had a good thing with the price range they had to bump it up to $200, even if they will sell out. Oh well, i'm sure it'll make a cool iphone wallpaper. Maybe a gelaskin for the iphone even!
So has there been some official announcement on the $200 price point?
No official announcement about any details of any sort yet. The $200 thing is some insider info from Charter.
Hmmm... that just sounds like the bad news... Charter, if you have inside info, could you spread some of the "why they'd be worth $200"' News please... then we can get excited...
Ugh, Sky One is sticking to it's Friday night slot for the finale. Was going to watch it live and savour every ad break but I'm not sure I can avoid all forms of spoilers on facebook, here or twitter. Plus, it's 5 whole days!
I'd be interested to know what other brits are doing for the finale because i'm stuck for ideas as how to make it special.
Pretty sure charter made that number up.
Well Amy, (Hi by the way!), if he knows the scoop I'm sure he'd be happy to share more details.
Hi Chris! :-)
Martyn, here's an idea... round up your fellow awesome Brits... don't forget El ;) and charter a plane to LA! We'll find a place for you to stay and round up some Jay & Jack tickets!! Plus... there's a couple parties goin on Saturday night. ;)
oh Amy Lynn- you make me smile. :)
@comix... Michael Giacchino and I are writing a song for the event.
Lol @Amy Lynn
Lol @Team Jack. That would be THE dream scenario, believe me. The thought passes through my head everytime you guys talk about this and Jay and Jack. But Hawaii wiped me out and Japan KO'd me. But there is still a month.
Who knows, maybe it's my destiny! ;)
It IS your destiny Martyn!! Don't tell me what you can't do!! lol Seriously though, it would be so incredibly awesome if you were able to make it. :D
All Brits - there might be sales on Oceanic Airlines or Black Smoke Express that you could get!
Hmmm, I don't think I trust Black Smoke Express tbh. I heard they caused all the cancellations lately.
Oceanic don't fly out of Birmingham, so might be a tad tricky.
Thanks for the suggestions though ;)
@Team Jack...
I swear I will try my hardest and think as hard as possible to find a solution to this problem.
@Martyn... The Widmore Corporation also leases private jets!!!
lol, thanks. Will look in to it. Do they provide a limousine though to my hotel? Otherwise, just forget it!
@Martyn, I think so, but their driver only has one eye.
@Amy Lynn - i think your collaboration with MG should be accompanied by and interpretive dance with Michael Emerson and Terry O'Quinn.
Forget Michael and Terry, I say Alice and Martin get up and do a reenactment of their AWESOME Hawaii dance. I have pics and video in case you guys forgot just how you did it. ;) And yes, once school is out I will finally get it up on FB! lol
What if the posters are from season 6?
Flight booked! NY -> LA for Lost -> Chicago for friend's bachelor party. @Amy Lynn, I looked for a Widmore Airlines jet but they were all booked.
Someone please explain. I know a TON of people that went for tickets to the LOST Live event this morning; LostArgs, friends in and out of state, UCLA friends, etc.
Of all the people trying to get two tickets together, only 1 or 2 was able to get them and only after several attempts (i.e. after they were "released"). Of these, they were all balcony seats.
I myself got in immediately and went for two Orchestra and was shut out my first time. I went back in and could only get singles.
How in the hell did this asshat "power seller" ticketscammer scumbag on ebay (Ebay auctions: 360255865177, 360255864846) get not only two sets of two together in Orchestra (something I have yet to see elsewhere) BUT he got center in one set?! I thought Ticketmaster set up all those annoying settings to prevent people from scamming the system. Is there some way around it that I'm not aware of? SO annoying. Just to sell on ebay. I know "this happens all the time". But that doesn't make it right. As a person that has gotten screwed on ALL the Lost prints, etc. only to have some asshat purchase a print to put it on ebay, I just get tired of it. A true fan should get it over a scammer. I know people that couldn't get tickets because of these losers. I myself could have gotten better seats, together, not two separate ones if this crap didn't go on. It's just sooooo annoying! For those that didn't get in today, I am sending Smokey after him as we speak!! Ok, done ranting! ;p
We'll see Amy. Tong is doing 3 and there are other artists as well. Whether Tong's is a triptych or 3 seperate I don't know but it is for charity and around $200.
Well said, Team Jack! It was so frustrating not getting an Orchestra ($77 tier)even though I was on TickeMaster right when it went live! My request went in at 10:01 and nothing! I hurriedly did best available and got Balcony. Do you think most of the Orchestra was set aside for VIPs?
I know they were from a couple different sources, but I still am baffled how the heck NO ONE I know got two seats in Orchestra and def not center! I mean, my first attempt that stupid Tickmaster errored on was for center but it was one ticket, not two. Meh. At least we didn't get shut out. I had a friend at school who couldn't get through online and her friend couldn't get any in the actual box office line. That's what's such a bummer. That people who really wanted to go got shut out just so some greedy rich idiot can buy them from some greedy selfish ahole makin $300+ extra on them. Ick. Makes me ill. Reselling tickets should be illegal everywhere, period. If you can't go, you should get a full refund and then ticketmaster/etc. should resell them. Ticketmaster already scams $15 off each ticket, that should be the extent of the rip off. ;p
Hi all,
I've been busy dealing with one of life's curve balls recently, not much time for anything else. But I'm excited to hear about this DCAAPB encore; looking forward to seeing new art from KT.
When I tried for tickets for Jay and Jack I did manage to get 4 together- but way back.
I read before trying that you shouldn't f5 the ticketmaster page- but instead should synchronize your computer clock with an atomic clock just before, and then just as the time comes up do a search for the tickets. Also, I guess it was bad to try in more than one window of the same browser- or browsers that used the same cookies- something like that. I only opened one window on one computer anyway- but I suppose the scalpers could use more than one at a time.
@Team Jack
Yeah, that's pretty strange. But its very possible that most of the orchestra seats were reserved already. If you want a similar example, try getting Yankees/Red Sox Tickets if you aren't a season ticket holder. No matter how hard I try, I can never get good seats together when they're first released. Its just because the amount available to you is so limited compared to the number of people going for them. I'm sure that there were a lot of people who went for the orchestra seats first and some must have gotten lucky. But yeah, it's also possible that whoever is selling those seats has connections to abc and is looking for a profit.
I'm assuming by "other artists" you might be referring to unique pieces of lost art being sold at the show, similar to the G1988 opening? If you're right about the charity thing, I'll feel less bad about opening my wallet. How do you hear about this stuff?
Suddenly its all back on! Looks like some fun stuff coming up for the final run to the end. Dont forget to save some bucks for the auction too!
3 together in orchestra row R here. Two of us were trying for 3 seats and we both were able to secure seats in R. Checked throughout the hour to see if better seats opened up(knowing ticketmaster)and a single seat in orchestra O was available at around 10:30.
Congrats to everyone who got a ticket - wish I could be there! My only consolation is that during a recent trip to LA I got to stand in the orchestra pit where Giacchino scored several LOST episodes.
And many thanks to Lotto, who got me a ticket to the Jay & Jack event on May 23rd. It will be great to meet the other LOSTArgs who'll be there. I'm counting down the days.
Ray I meant 3 prints from Tong and other prints from other artists. The three from Tong are for charity and I think that will be what will be revealed at the concert. I don't know the total amount of prints or who all is doing one but I know a few. But again, I don't know if Tong's will be a set or different prints but I was told that the proceeds from it go to charity which is good.
So we don't really know too much other than Kevin Tong is involved... Which I guess we kind of knew by it saying Kevin Tong on DCaaPB. Surprises in store then by the sound of it.
Rob... hope you're managing to catch that curve ball... good to see you.... and LostiePat...and JT... and Kiwi... and TJ and.... everyone!
Beth and Jorge just posted that LOST has officially wrapped.
@ Amy Lynn
Where was this posted?
@NS, Facebook.
Should have posted this a long time ago when I received it from Zort, but better late than never:
The Beginning Is The End Is The Beginning - DCPB Variant
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