Wednesday, May 19, 2010

DamonCarltonandaPolarBear Confusion, Mayhem and Chaos- Just what we Love :-) 90

As happened last night was used to promote a password for the Official LOST variety show at the UCB theatre in New York and Los Angeles.

The site changed several times with the password appearing and nothing else and then the posters and back again to just the password, and in the middle of that the Daniel Danger print went on sale again for a brief moment and we have reports of people managing to purchase a copy. The image below, sent in by Limbofunk and Patmc shows the Daniel Danger print as Coming Soon not with it's normal Sold Out banner.

Things have settled down now and we have the posters and the password and show information on the same site for the moment.

No word on when the next poster wil be available yet, but stay tuned it could be a long evening / night / morning.


Amy Lynn said...

4 days till Finale day!

Scoutpost said...

everybody's too busy refreshing...

Ray said...


Ray said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zort70 said...

4 long and sad days, plus what ever time it takes to download it !

Limbofunk said...

The DD poster still has a 'Coming Soon' icon over the top when I reload the page. Same for everyone else?

Zort70 said...

However I'm going to try and enjoy every second of LOST we have left.

I've never felt so connected to a TV show and it's makers before.

Anonymous said...

I just posted this over in the other comments section but thought I'd c+p it here in case it gets missed:

I'm holding with the theory that tonight will be the last 'unknown' artist. 3 unknown artists = 1:08 PST, 1 known artist = 1:08 EST. Might not be coincidence. ;)

Joey said...

ABC totally didn't have sound last night so I had to watch a super crappy version of it on the internet :-(

Still an amazing episode though! I can't wait to see it again in HD :-)

Joey said...

Callum- Are you saying that 3 of the 4 prints coming up are known already??

Zort70 said...

It's sold out for me, can you take a screen shot LimboFunk, and send it to the admins email.

ObFuSc8 said...

Limbofunk, you might have a caching glitch. Instead of refreshing, go to and see what you get.

Tweeted link to that RIPT t this AM, but couldn't get here to post. I like the design, the color not so much though.

Patmc said...

I took a screenshot about an hour ago, when the site was all screwed up. Let me know if you still want that... or just current.

Anonymous said...

@Joey - I was meaning the artists themselves. We know there's 4 returning artists, so I'm counting them as known ones 'cause we'll recognize them (like DD and Moss etc.). Unknowns are just the new ones to DCAAPB (even though we know it's Tara who's the last new artist).

So, my money is on tonight being Tara for the Jin/Sun death scene. :)

Zort70 said...

Yes, pleas send, I'm just interested to see it.

Mark Englert said...

I wish that shirt didnt have the Dharma logo on it...

Zort70 said...

Which one Mark ?

Patmc said...

Zort: emailed picture to the Admins email address...

ChrisL said...

Oh Man... That was some episode.

Now where's my damn print?

Mark Englert said...

@Zort the one at Ript today with the MISSING DOG Vincent Poster

Limbofunk said...

Yeah, even after I close out my browser and go back in I'm still getting it

Zort70 said...

Ok, yes I see.

Unknown said...

Hey all. Back once more. :)

Two questions:

1. Do we know for certain Olly Moss is doing another one here?

2. If so, I'm calling, begging, pleading to be someone's poster buddy for the Moss print. I -still- have not managed to get a hold of the first Locke's Secret, and I would truly hate to miss his work a second time around. Anybody willing?

Anonymous said...


Good fun wasn't it? I'm looking forward to seeing the garment in use :)

Unknown said...

I love the anticipation of these print drops...

The Kharma Initiative said...

LINK: Five years of anger management, there's not a lot of tikka-tikka going on with me now.

ChrisL said...

Limbo, have you emptied your cache. It's either your own cache or your isp cache. It's not the site.

Weinbeeezy said...

@unseen presence...DIET COOOOKE

Patmc said...

Hit CTRL + F5. That should force a load of new info, rather than use your browser's cache...

Unknown said...

You know what sucks the most? How many times video gets shown in either Lost writers' offices and/or the EW Totally Lost offices--and the Locke's Secret poster is just ALWAYS present.

It haunts me. I hate it. It has become my great white whale.

Fortunately, I have...


Seriously, if there's a Moss print, I want it.

Cristina Roswell said...

Okay, ready for a new batch of F5ing madness

Limbofunk said...

There we go....though now I miss seeing it :(

Amy Lynn said...


Eugene said...

@TKI - That is great. Those 2 are great. There are 6 Totally Lost videos on the EW site. They're very funny.

Ray said...

Hopefully it happens at 1:08 PT, otherwise I have to peace.

Zort70 said...

Thanks all those that sent an image of Coming Soon, I've updated the main page.

dylansdad said...

I think it's funny how the Lost posters in those videos are just tacked up on the wall. If I had a copy of Locke's Secret, you had darn well better believe that I'd frame it.

Unknown said...

@dylansdad Yeah that completely traumatized me when I saw it! Now they seem to be up with tape or poster tac - but you can't use that safely either, after a while it leaves oil stains.

Eugene said...

Locke's Secret looks too small to be the real thing to me. But I know your pain. must have preciousssssss

Unknown said...

Layout changed what? Only 3 question marks!

ChrisL said...

Things moving around on the site

Joey said...

woah they moved it around

Tim said...

Things are happening

Ray said...

theyre messing with the site. here it comes.

Mark Englert said...

one of the frames is missing on the gallery site...

Zort70 said...

Somethings happening to the site for me.

Zort70 said...

Only 3 Quarantine slots

Ray said...

This happened yesterday, too. Right at the drop.

Lisa-Maladylis said...

I'm back and the web site is being worked on yet again

JGZ350 said...

It looks like it's going to drop. I'm only getting 3 quarantine slots as well.

Anonymous said...

Here we go then. Good luck everyone. :)

Drama said...

and here...we...GO!

MiddayShadows said...

it's gonna happen...I'll make a last minute prediction: um, say Tara McPherson today?

Good luck all!

JGZ350 said...

Is anyone feeling a Tan today?

Patmc said...

Please God... let it be Tan!

Limbofunk said...

I have to go to the bathroom...ack!

Zort70 said...

Nooo, my train arrives in 10 mins, hope it's up by then.

dylansdad said...

Jeff Soto for Jacob and the Man in Black.

Unknown said...

too scary for me

Scoutpost said...

it's up!

Limbofunk said...

Jeff Soto for Jacob and the Man In Black

Eugene said...

up now

Rorschach said...

its up

Unknown said...

Up don't know this artist really

Anonymous said...

Wow, not Tara. Jeff Soto instead.

Lisa-Maladylis said...

yeah, not buying that one. Blicky !!

Unknown said...

Uhm...whoa. That's kinda weird right there. Interesting, but not really my style. Pass.

Unknown said...

It's pretty sweet, but do I want it? And if I don't, will anyone else? Ack.

Drama said...

pass! Jeff soto for Jacob and the man in black. Nice, and a curve ball, as we thought it was McPherson. But no room on my walls for a massive skull, sorry.

Ray said...

But. What about Tara? Guess she isnt doing one after all?

capostar said...

another pass..

dylansdad said...

I'm not hanging a skull on my wall, so this is a pass. So are we not getting a Tara McPherson? Are there only two artists left from the first series? Did Tara's get dumped because she spilled the beans? So many questions...

Amy Lynn said...

Pass for me. I can't hang a skull on my wall.

Someone was wrong on the number of known/unknown artists.

mtutick said...

Pass... I bought yesterday's right away. Loved it. But this one, not so much

Patmc said...

Site is cratered... again...

Mark Englert said...

Well, now I know what the super secret print edition of 50 he's gonna sell is!

Not sure I want this, hmmm...

hobbit said...

Good thing it doesn't sound like an instant sellout. I can't even get the page to load. Connection keeps timing out. Bet the last three are hell.

ChrisL said...

So no Tara... Gutted, absolutely gutted. This one might be a pass for me. Yikes. Did I really say that?

Lisa-Maladylis said...

ok, back to making dinner and letting my son use the pc again before he goes mental on me lollol

Cristina Roswell said...

Pass :)
What means enough money for a cool "old" artist print coming in the next days.
See ya later guys, nice spending the evening with you! So much fun!

Off to have dinner!

Joey said...

I'm surprised how much I don't care for this print lol

Anonymous said...

@Amy - I don't think anyone was wrong with the amount of known/unknown, they must have dropped Tara out or she was referencing something else. It says at the bottom that it's four new artists to the series and four returning, so that's that, I guess.

Limbofunk said...


I have the exact same feelings as you

maven said...

Forget this one! It's scary! Does not speak one word of Lost to me!

Amy Lynn said...

@Callum, thanks for the clarification. Maybe they dropped her because she leaked she was involved?

hobbit said...

Finally see it. I'm all for prints not screaming LOST, but I'd prefer they don't instead scream METALFEST 2010. This one's not for me.

Tim said...

Honestly disappointing that he got the subject, "Jacob and the Man in Black" and that's what it ended up with. It's not a bad print but there was so much that could be done with those 2 that it could've been brilliant.

Anonymous said...

I don't like this one. I don't really see any symbolism and I don't fancy a giant skull on my wall.

Its lost, not Black Sabbath.

I think this one will come well and truly last the a final poll.

Zort70 said...

NEW POST for the new poster.
I've got to get off the train, now, back in a short while.

Unknown said...

Other criticisms aside (like relevance), it amuses me that so many people are squicked that it's a skull. :) But then I'm big into Halloween and have a lot of skull jewelry/etc.