The picture is from my garden this morning shortly after the episode started when the light was the brightest and warmest it's been this year, sort of fits really.
We have just received finale thoughts from Ben Morse and I thought I would share them with you all.
A TV series lives or dies by it’s final episodes. It’s the final images, rewarding ardent fans ideally, and swaying those that sat on the fence that actually, this show was special. Sunday night / Monday morning’s Lost finale was just that – an extraordinary grace note that consolidated six years of one of the most ambitious science fiction dramas ever committed to by a major network.
The genius of Lost lies in its flaws.......
Click here to read the rest of the article
It is at its base, a show about being human. About connections, emotions and memories. The argument between science and faith. Live together, die alone – because as we learned at the end, whatever happened, happened.
If that seems like Lost cliché overload, it isn’t. Because these are notions that were brought up six years ago, five years ago, last week, buried amongst dense theological abstracts, quantum physics, religious symbology and that bloody electromagnetism.
For instance – take The Cork – a literal cork? A gateway to hell? An electromagnetic conduit? Lost taught us, very gently and carefully that our obsession with these details is irrelevant. It’s just there. And it needed replacing. Hell, at that point I forgave the tunnel of love from two episodes ago (I still maintain that episode was deeply flawed, and could have been handled better).
And the oh-so-cleverly mislabelled “flash sideways” that fans named, and Cuse & Lindelof happily lifted resolved successfully, quite the achievement in itself, but that it came in the form of an emotional sucker-punch so far out of left field that by all rights you should splutter in disbelief made it all the more special. I’m not ashamed to say Jack’s resolution (and consequently, all of the castaways) was the final moment I burst into tears openly. Hurley’s destiny, Ben’s apology, all found me with something in my eye.
A large part of the credit for that must fall with a cast, who really stepped up in the dying hours of the show. Jorge Garcia, Matthew Fox, Terry O’Quinn and Michael Emmerson obvious standouts in a uniformly strong ensemble. In a season that has had its mis-steps at times (I still don’t like that The Smoke Monster didn’t have a name, and that Jacob turned out to be kind of a douche – but hey! That’s what makes them fallible and human, which is what the show is about, right? RIGHT?) the commitment by the cast to the ideals of the show, and putting their trust in Jack Bender’s assured direction created a credible, moving piece of drama.
We are still left with hundreds of questions. Lost was never going to answer them. The trick was making us not care, something it managed in spades. It still played ball with it’s fans though. The two and a half hours were filled with those little moments that die-hards have loved, obsessed over and developed with the show – references to Olly Moss’ Locke’s Secret art print as Locke dies in the shape of the corpse on Hitchcock’s Vertigo poster – “Christian Shepherd. Really?” – Christian standing in front of a Unitarian stained glass window, the extraordinary closing minute wrapping the show full circle. It seems cheap to compare Christian to a God figure, and Jack to Jesus, but with his dying for our sins, and oh-so symbolic side wound, and six years of being beaten up, there’s no confusion over what was intended here. But it’s a start point, not an ending, and not finite – there were elements of the divine in Hurley, in Locke, hell – even Ben’s Judas had his transcendental moments.
A TV series lives or dies by its final episodes. It’s the final images, rewarding ardent fans, ideally. For six years, Lost fans lived together, and it doesn’t matter if you were faith or science, Jack or Locke, Jacob or Smokey. Lost was about the experience of being human. And in tapping into that (and realising the best way to hide it from it’s audience was in plain sight) Lindelof & Cuse can sit proudly as owners of a very special piece of TV.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 580 Newer› Newest» big deal. We'd just be having this convo in an earlier time. It had to end sometime...sorry to hear it wasn't to some fans liking.
Any artists out there that can do a "walking towards the light" print with all the characters?
@Lisa, this is a forum for debate and discussion, not for those of you who, like USA Today, loved it.
A healthy 'debate', however, contains viewpoints on BOTH sides of the argument....(including those who LIKED the finale)
..Good Morning/day/evening. I enjoyed the 2 part Finale in retrospect more than when actually watching it originally. Something about being interupted by the need for a Kleenex and the roar of 2000 fans in the Orpheum every so often made for discontinuity of A State of Mind. Once I get into my " Lost zone" I like staying there during the entire episode.
LOST ha always been a " State of Mind" for me. The finale as a Unification was easily predicted . LOST as an expression of Surrealism leads one to general realizations of finality due to what one knows about Surrealism. I was very pleased in the way they executed in detail to express the general concept.
Of course, the " we are all dead then" line befuddles many. With the State of Mind perspective its easier to see the genius of it..If one gives up one way of thinking and perceiving, and the Consequences of that way of thinking and perceiving,,,for another way,,with less conflict, with less unhappiness, with less " drama"..then a Life let go of..made dead.. for the start of that other way, does imply a death. Again, by implication..the nature of these LOSTIES is answered. The subjectivity of REAL is endorsed by Choices you never knew you had. So..for those still in Not Answered Reality..Continuity Problems Reality,,I can only like LOST did, KILL YOUR JACK,,Rise Out Of Your WheelChair,,stop running away from it..The only Truth in reality is your Feeling,,your intuitive,,your Imagination. Have Faith in it. Have Faith in your Truth, Who You Are, you will be Whole rather than conflicted..Yes, you can make a future for yourself that is enlightened.
The final question of LOST is..are You ready to die?
I have a question for all tho. I;ve been asking it a lot. Which re-union of characters got to you the Best?..which " touching" moment opened up the flood gates of the tear ducts the widest?..For was a toss up between Sayid and Shannon and Sawyer and Julie. TPTB were certainly magicians thru out, but the spells cast on those two couples realization moments some how got me the best...Again,, the unashamed assault on our Feelings..bringing Us to the Honesty of our Feelings seemed obvious to me.
A Big Thank You to the Jay and Jack team for the Orpheum experience. It was GREAT.
Of me..the only way I can see to congratulating and Thanking TPTB for their Magnificent Expression of the last 6 to Achieve The State of Mind and Create a Future With It.
Every Thing With Love
It is almost impossible that anyone who was a serious fan of the intellectual parts of LOST actually liked the last 10 minutes.
@Amy Lynn
I totally disagree with that. I'm a HUGE fan of the intellectual stuff. But I'm also a fan of good stories. And that's what Lost is, a story.
Might be a story, but not good story telling. "They're all dead" is in no way a logical conclusion to the numbers, for example.
I think critical reception has been divided. Time magazine loved it. I've seen as many for as against. I'm sure being fans of the show means you are more invested, and willing to overlook some flaws. But by the same token, means you have a greater understanding and enjoyment of the outcome. I agree with Zort that good drama should produce discussion.
Where was that quote from?
What quote?
Oh, those were your words. My bad.
Kill Your all I can suggest..Inother words, stop applying Logic and Reason to a show that never was Logical and with Reason..You will be for ever Conflicted until you Kill Your Jack....If You Like being conflicted..oh well. Just be aware of the consequences.
ditto Ray Just because I have a intellectual side, doesn't mean that I can not have any other interests. I think I would count as a Huge fan. exactly right Ben, should produce discussion, not anger and generalities about peoples character. Ok, I'm off to go do something more constructive.
"In the end, what did they in fact, die for? (And by they, I mean people whose deaths were directly because of the island/Jacob/MiB - Sun/Jin/Jack/Sayid)."
To me, just as in real life not every death necessarily has a greater meaning. There are senseless deaths every day. IMHO, though; Sun died because Smokey believed he needed to kill all the candidates, Jin died because he promised (himself and her) that he would never leave Sun again. Sayid died because after talking with Desmond he decided he wanted to be someone Nadia would have been proud of, and to save his friends, Jack died because he, too wanted to save (fix?) his friends.
"@Ray, again, my main issue is not that it was done before, but that it was gimmicky. If you can walk into a room and spoil the end of LOST in one sentence (they were all dead), that's an issue."
That's an opinion, not a fact. Just because something can be succinctly explained, doesn't necessarily make it "gimmicky". Also, as others have said, there's a wide range of opinion as to what "the end" of the show was, especially considering that the sideways is seemingly a place where time has no meaning.
"Heck I'll even go as far as claiming that this ending is so generic that it would fit in just about everywhere. With minimal modifications I can imagine it can be the ending to any show. Desperate Housewives, Sex and the City, A-Team, Star Trek, Chuck, The Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, you name it. Go ahead ridicule, but you know it's true."
Another opinion, not a fact. I'm sure there are other examples, but the one that came to mind first is the Usual Suspects. *SPOILER ALERT* "It was all just a story he made up" could be the ending to just about anything (It's also just one sentence). Does that make it a bad movie or even a bad ending?
Anyway, I'm just hoping people can see the difference between saying how they feel about the finale (or the show) and saying things as though they're facts. (Quotes from newspaper articles are also opinions, BTW.)
It may be obvious that I enjoyed the show and the entire ending (and personally, I thought the flying punch was super-bad@$$) but there's a big difference between
saying "I liked the ending" and saying "That was a good ending". We all can have our own opinion. Each of our reactions is very personal. When we start trying to make some sort of absolute value judgement, we run the risk of being insuling to others who feel differently. I can completely understand that some people are going to dislike or even hate the ending. I can respect that. Just don't try to tell me that something I personally liked is bad or gimmicky or imply that I'm wrong or stupid for liking it.
I thought the " Target" commercials were hilarious. I am forever bound to shop at Target.
Listen, I am glad there are those of you who liked the "touched by an angel" ending. I'm saying from a scholastic point of view it was badly written.
i actually liked how they did the ending character-wise. it was a lovely little thing. the writers sure can flesh out characters, the actors sure can act. but to not address so much of what they brought up plotwise through the series is POOR WRITING. that's not opinion, that's fact. OK, it is opinion, but such a tenet of writing -- don't talk about stuff that's not pertinent to the story -- as to be fact. and it -- while not quite ruining it, with a couple days to digest it now -- made it disappointing to me. disappointing that they couldn't pull it off. they, this immensely talented group that is the LOST force, couldn't make it work -- so who can? maybe that's the key to my disappointment - this amazing crew is gone and as flawed as they were they're still 90 percent better than what another crew is going to produce (in other words, what am i to watch now?!?)
I disagree. It's clear you're invested in your view point, which you are entitled to. It's opinion though. As someone who works in Drama daily, I've got to say that it dodged the cheese nicely. Emotional? yes. Badly written? no.
I think it boils down to this: at the end, the show is clear that it's intent has been to be about the characters and their connections. Now you're either down with that, and re-evaluate the whole show as such, or you turn around and are angry that Walt is still lost, time slips are unaccounted for, and Egypt isn't explained. I'm happy to be in the former. I can understand the latter. I'm a fan of story. I love being involved in human drama. So I opted for the first.
@Kyle, there is a LOT of talk going around about someone other than Darlton making a LOST movie or at least series to fill in the dots. Looks like it might happen after all.
...Amy..Scholastic is okay if you are prepared to deal with the consequences of that perspective..Applying Scholastic to LOST is like putting LOST inside the box of Scholastic..LOST is all about getting OUT of the Box..including the Scholastic..I can only suggest to Kill Your Jack,,free your self from the wheelchair of Scholastic...Like the Great Easter Egg of Season 3 put it..Only Fools Are Enslaved by Time and Space..
@Ben, OK, point taken. My OPINION, from the perspective of a writer, is that the FS was badly written.
Okay Amy..then the question becomes..are you happy with Your Opinion?..Are You Pleased with where Your Perspective has brought you?..If your answer is Yes..then deal with it. If its No..then consider changes to your perspective that may bring a different opinion..You Have That Choice.
Does anyone see Christian as a personification of the Island? I do.
Sea..the character Christian as a Voice of the Island definitely works for me.
I just loved it.
mungonna -- (second attempt, first didn't publish, i don't think)
i think you're giving them too much credit, saying they meant for it (the plot) to go down the way it went down. i think they got in over their head plotwise and bailed. lucky for them, they do characters better than most, which makes many of you able to forgive them their plot failings. forgiveness is a virtue. oh but that i were more virtuous.
Kyle...In the Times interview,,Damon referred to various Plot points as " absurd" at least 3 or 4 times. I've been saying the same thing for 6 years. So..if one is still trying to make sense out of the " absurd" bring reason and logic to a presentation of Absurd..then consider your end opinion. You are Not happy,,and still dealing with the Conflict between your expectation and what was presented. Do you like your End Opinion? If not ,, then change the perspective to one that brings enlightenment..If you Do like being in disappointment..consider the consequence of that. I can only suggest to do what LOST did, Kill Your Jack. Let him go and perhaps a brighter End Opinion will be yours.
Wow, heated debate. Although, from catching up, I feel I've read the same thing over and over.
I couldn't say bad writing. Bad writing was when Hurley revealed what the whispers were. Stuck out like a sore thumb. I'll admit I didn't like the FS until, ummm, Desmonds episode. And others were hit and miss for me. But as the secondary story, it was kinda dull for me. The desmond episode needed to come a lot sooner for me. I just didn't see the point in it. I like how the FS turned out in the end, just wish they weren't a focus point of the whole season.
It did serve as a perfect clip show too, which is saying something because clip shows suck. I amnfirmly in the camp on Lisa, Zort and ChrisL. Perfectly executed and left me satisfied and hit the emotion buttons perfectly. My gf had to hold on to crying as to not embarres herself in frot on my family. But I agree with part of the quote AL posted from Lostpedia, that they eneded the show without revealing a bit of the mystery to the island. Hell, I think a lot of people would of just been happy with learning smokeys name! It would be less criticised.
But oh well, it's over, it makes me sad. Now I just need to watch some comedy or something to cheer me up and wonder who I'll meet in my flash-endway.
mel -
i read (present tense) that (not that i read [past tense] that actually, yet, but just taking your word for what he said) as him squirelling.
i'm ok with me (well, you know, beyond the usual American self-loathing stuff). i'm sure as heck not going to take the cut for someone else's failings (those being lost writers', just to be clear). you may have a point about how i choose to discuss it tho; probably shouldn't be as big a deal to me as it is.
Saw this tweeted about a while back. It's a theory that people have varying levels of capacity for accepting a lack of resolution or for accepting uncertainty. Certainly could explain why some people are okay without getting the answers and some aren't. Of course, could be bunk, too.
Kyle...Thank you for bringing the discussion to the foundation of it all.." I'm not taking the cut for some one elses failing" you put American!
I think " responsibility" has been a central theme of LOST all along. Taking " responsibility" to rise up to TPTB perspective of their Creation,,which was clearly presented in all seriousness during the first half hour of the Times interview ( imho) ,,seems the task of the Viewer,,the challenge that LOST has presented to the Viewer..or figuring out the Mystery of LOST. The Mystery was OURS, not TPTB. Afterall,,They are the Professionals , not US. To proclaim that LOST has been the Best Ever..Award Winning,,Like No Other TV Show Ever...and not rise to TPTB perspective of their creation..seems like Words said with out any follow thru. IMHO...any Failing is the Viewers,,not TPTB..imho of course.
gonna hafta read that now. but still not buying it. absurdity, to me, is the concept that a mainstream show intended all along to set plot points just to prove the absurdity of the mainstream show. nah. gotta go with the much more likely scenario, which i think i've expressed ad nauseum to this point. that's my close.
What's this?
See the current top entry.
K..the challenge was to go beyond the absurdity,,do like young MIB did in Across the Sea..see the Illusion for what it was and use it as imputus to keep seeking , across the sea. Of course,,the Consequence of calling out all the Lies of the MomNot,,fell on MIB.
One still has to deal with what was presented by TPTB. Seeing the absurdity forces one,,who at least wants to figure out the go further, beyond the Absurdity and still be within that which is presented. In the Metaphor,,the analogous,, the allegory,,is the resolution to the Mystery of LOST..but one has to Kill Their Jack,,in order to go..across the sea,,with LOST. Absurdity is just the keep exploring.
@Patrick, I think it's fan art. The subsequent link goes to Flickr.
@patrick - those are the prints from the store, I think
@ patrick--yep-it's a poster series available on here
@John W and I'm LOST, that wasn't at all the poster Patrick linked.
What do you guys think of them? I'm not really a fan. I'll just be patient for my DCAAPB prints to arrive....eventually....
Yes it is a SERIES of 8 posters. The smokey print that I linked to is not pictured on postersandprintsblog, but is part of the series created by Ty Mattson Design for
i'm LOST, no, you're wrong. He linked to the Dharma posters underneath those, hon.
that smoke monster purple monstrosity is actually part of that guy's poster series. I went over to EB and also heard that they aren't signed or numbered or anything.
wow...well you're just right about everything now aren't you, hon?
@Ray, I realize that, but when Patrick posted, the top poster was the Dharma one, which is not an ABC affiliated poster.
Ohh the dharma stations? Those looked kinda cool. I'd like them as a miniature.
I'm not sure if this has been linked to in this comments section or not, but DarkUFO has an awesome explanation of the ending of LOST from an alleged Bad Robot writer.
Check it out:
How does the showrunners "lying" about the context of the show translate into bad writing in the finale itself? I don't see the connection.
Not Sci-Fi enough for you? OK, The Matrix is a Sci-Fi movie. You leave the movie thinking, hmmm, maybe this life I live, this theatre I just left, these friends I just saw this movie with, are really all a virtual reality created by a computer to keep us in submission while it drains our lives. Wow, that's a sci-fi concept. Also a philosophical one - how do we know our reality is real? How do we know it's not just in our imagination? How do we know we're not 'dreaming' (or dreamtiming) and eventually we'll wake up. We don't.
LOST leaves us with a similar question - but it's not one I've been hearing from fans. And it's a Sci-Fi question - a classic one. What is real? How do we know we're not all dead already? And that everything we are experiencing in our lives is our 'flash-sideways'. Meaning, our reality is *not* real. There is More Than This.
Amy Lynn, you did get that the characters were not dead for just the last 10 minutes of the finale, right? They were dead during the entire flash-sideways scenes all season long. You understood that's what's going on? It wasn't a gimmick. It was woven into the structure and the narrative style of the entire season.
It's no more gimmicky than saying "hey, bearded Jack is really in a flash-FORWARD, not a flashback".
They didn't give us a cliched happy ending (the main character does die alone in a jungle in the last moment after all. Plus everyone else is dead). Or an 'emo' sad one just for the sake of having a down unhappy ending. I think that's pretty spiffy storytelling.
Cosmically Yours
Yes, I understood, and thought it was gimmicky and cliched.
I'm not sorry Blot,but I have to say..I've seen this " from some one inside Bad Robot" post elsewhere, on other boards.
That any one had to place Their Thoughts,,in the context of " Some One From Inside Bad Robot" is unfortunate due to that very ruse used so often all over the web.
For some one Inside Bad Robot..a production use so few, if any, words of Craft is a sure sign that if at all from inside Bad Robot,,he or she fulfilled the role of janitor or fart catcher at best.
That all the motifs, signatures,symbols, allegory, metaphors used thru out LOST's 6 seasons are not referenced in this Some Ones post is more Unfortunate pointing to the lack of veracity to the authors original ego boosting claim.
IMHO.. its a best, just another opinion with an adamant point of view with very little to back it up. How Unfortunate it is that its getting so much Play across the LOST Web universe.
Like young MIB..i'm calling it a lie for the reasons said above.
I'd be interested in hearing from anyone and everyone who didn't like the finale - instead of what you didn't like, what do you think should have happened, or what did you want to happen in the episode? What would have been a more satisfying resolution?
I'm really sorry you weren't entirely happy with it Amy. The more I've allowed it to drift around my mind today the more I believe it could not have been concluded in any more satisfying way, for me. I really wish you could have felt as moved by it as I am because, I don't have to think of cliches or gimmicks or bad writing. All I have to think about is Sawyer and Jack and Kate and Hurley and Sun and Jin and Desmond and Juliet and all of those people I've come to know so well over so many years. I know they're not real but I'm very happy to let them feel that way until it gently fades and I move on.
@John W, hard to say, because those ten minutes were the culmination of a very de-railing season for me. I'd start with the moment after the incident and re-write from there.
@amy lynn, so, would you have been happier with a reboot? alternate reality? or no split at all?
@John W, yes.
@amy lynn, so if I understand you correctly, it's the show's decision to choose faith over science during the final season, moreso than just the specifics of the finale, that you have issue with. I can understand how it would be hard to enjoy a finale that's based on a framework you haven't liked all year.
No, my disappointment is in a finale that didn't pay off, and had a lame, cheesy conclusion.
Also, "most" critical reviews hating it is itself dependent on your POV. Having gone around and read something like 200 reviews at this point from varying sites, I'd say the numbers are about 50-50 both ways.
Which is -exactly- what I said was going to happen back at the top of this post.
I'm sorry you hated it so much Amy Lynn. Truly.
But I -don't- think it was a gimmick. I've seen more TV and movies than most people I've ever met (I used to walk through a Blockbuster looking for something to watch that I hadn't seen and -literally- not find anything.) I don't find this ending to be any of the following:
* A Gimmick - It's a choice and consistent within itself. In fact, I think it's WAAAY less gimmick-y than the St. Elsewhere ending or the Sopranos ending.
* Obvious - Did I realize what was going to happen before it did? Yes, but not until the last episode was I certain. Speaking of which...
* Purgatory - Saying "It was purgatory, just like people said it was" is, IMO, a vastly diminutive response to something that's far more complicated than that. I get that's where you're coming from, but personally I think that's taking a very complicated and interesting idea and reducing it to its most negative option (something people do when they were really unhappy with something. Believe me, I've done the same with movies I despised). In this case, I disagree entirely.
* Insulting - Nope. See my commentary on real storytelling above.
I'm truly sorry the ending wasn't something everyone loved. But it also was never going to BE that. If the ending had spent all its time doing mystery stuff, then we'd be having debates about what a sucky answer this or that was.
This wasn't writing themselves into a corner, however. It WASN'T Purgatory, not from the context of the show. So TPTB saying it wasn't is an absolutely accurate statement.
@Amy Lynn--
First, wow are you getting nasty in your commentary as I continue to read them. For someone who wants to talk about 'scholarly' responses, hyperbole is not the way to go. "It is almost impossible for anyone..." doesn't help any argument at all.
Second, your claim that it isn't strong writing from some scholarly ideal is an entirely subjective statement. Given my educational experience and personal success in writing for television and film, I will say just the opposite. The structure was sound, the choices logical, and (for most of the series) the writing very sound, indeed.
The fact that it didn't answer the questions or end the show the way -you- wanted it is not the same as it being poor writing. Perhaps the biggest problem we are running into here is that Lost wasn't -typical- American television. It wasn't interested in making certain that every single absolute thing was spoon-fed to its audience. It worked much more like a great deal of Asian cinema and television, where mysteries don't get solved--they just are.
And that's part of what I enjoyed so much about it. It is -absolutely-, btw, a legitimate and internally consistent writing style. It's just not something Americans are terribly used to seeing.
@UP, I don't think there's anything nasty about my tone. Sorry if you do. :D
Amy, I love to debate things, always have, always will. I can get very passionate about things I believe in, so I understand how a debate can get very emotional and intense. That being said, a debate is presenting your argument for something by stating your reasons, be they opinions or facts. Anytime anyone in a debate states/insinuates that someone else is ignorant/ill-informed/less than/etc. for having a certain point of view, that just shows they don't have any substance to back up their claims. No offense, but I believe you missed the entire point of Lost. Nothing is black and white, good or evil, right or wrong. Lost is definitely shades of grey and was clearly a show that wanted people to think about things, to come up with their own beliefs/POV. If not, there would have been a spoon fed definitive statement made to the audience: THINK/FEEL/BELIEVE THIS. Thank God there wasn't. I prefer my own interpretation to the entire series, including the finale and I like the fact that it means completely different things to other people.
I will end by asking you this: do you even consider yourself a fan of the show? I may have missed them (as I don't read all posts) but I don't seem to really recall any positive posts by you on the series. Perhaps it's just this season that you find fault with? Not sure. But I seem to only remember negative, complaining posts from you. You have every right to that opinion, I just am curious how much you really like or liked the series to begin with?
@TeamJack, I'd say 75% of my posts are LOST positive.
@UP After I posted I read your post on "spoon fed" and cracked up that I wrote the same thing. ;p In this day and age I cannot stand the way a lot of the industry believes they need to baby the audience. I HATE films that show you something and then reiterate it in the SAME SCENE with dialogue. UGH! I feel like yelling at the screen "HELLOOOOO!!! I am not an idiot! Please give me some credit!" Out of curiousity, did I meet you at anything this past weekend? I am SO bad with real names, faces, and screen names. lol
Unseen..yea, considering " Open Ended" endings like Voltaire's Candide, not that Candide was the first,,but for how long the concept has been around,, I'm just well pleased how the concept was executed in Originality , within the context, of what LOST has been all along. It fit, it worked,it flowed. It was all about the " FEEL"..which has been at the center of LOST all along.
Also, "Team Jack", it's kind of insulting to ask whether or not I'm a fan because I didn't like ten minutes of one episode. On the Lostpedia forums, the "hated" to "loved" ratio is currently 793:85. Are those 793 people suddenly not fans, too?
Well..if one is driving a diesel powered Ford truck,,and pulls into a gas station that sells only regular gasoline,,and the one driver says "this sucks" can be taken as a comment of not being a fan of the regular gasoline.
Again I ask..not matter if you like the finale or didn't like it..are you happy with your opinion.? If you are not happy with YOUR opinion, then what is so bad about seeking how it is that others find a happyness with the end?..If you are Happy with being disappointed..its yours to deal with. Me?..of course during the final episodes I found instances not going the way I thought they would..but I didn't stop there.. Like Dr Jack said to, its not enough...I kept going, seeking, exploring,,until I found the path that seems all of LOST was walking on..I have come away with being well pleased by the End and am very happy for it.
I've never checked out Lostpedia forums - just used it the same way I use Wikipedia. Is that hated-to-loved ratio fans' reactions, or is that a summary of media reviews? Seems quite skewed from the results of polls on other sites I've seen. For example, of the approximately 46,000 voters on DarkUFO, 63.5% rated the finale as Awesome, 12.6% as Great, 10.2% as OK, 5.5% as Poor, and 8.2% as Awful. Quite a difference from the Lostpedia results.
@JohnW, fan reactions.
Also @JohnW, I'd rate the episode "great", too. It doesn't mean the last ten minutes aren't terrible.
@amy lynn, you mean "It doesn't mean I can't think the last ten minutes aren't terrible." right? ;) It's been fun debating - I'd better try to get some work done before the day's over.
Does anyone REALLY need the numbers explained to them? I certainly don't want to sit through a numerology lecture. I can read up on that stuff while I'm not watching TV.
I'm glad they didn't waste time explaining stiff like that... Do we want a show with lines like:
Hello, my name is John Locke. I share a name with famous Enlightenment philosopher, which might give you an insight into my character.
Slow turn to camera, followed by a big wink to audience.
SLAM to black... LOST
Nitpick: I wish we had seen Dogen interacting with Sayid in the flash-sideways, rather than just Jack, considering it was Sayid that killed Dogen. You know, like Ben apologized to Locke. I don't believe the apology was necessary to either soul, to move on. But it was a nice moment.
Cosmically Yours
Instead of getting upset "Amy" and claiming I said something I did not, perhaps you should go back and actually read my post.
And for the record, I could care less if the entire world thinks something, 10 people think it or 10 million. I don't need other people to justify my opinion nor do I feel you or anyone else needs justification for your opinions either.
I was honestly curious as to your overall opinion on things and whether you consider yourself a fan or not at this point.
Regarding my post:
NOWHERE did I ask if you were a fan based on your reaction to the finale or ten minutes of the finale.
FIRST I asked if you considered yourself a fan of the show.
SECOND I said that I don't read everything and MAY HAVE MISSED positive posts of yours but that I seemed to only remember negative ones ON THE SERIES.
**Note I said series, post(s), as in not just your comments on the finale in this thread.*
THIRD I asked if it was just this season that you found fault with since I remembered multiple negative posts about it.
LAST I started by saying "You have every right to that opinion" and I meant that. I then asked you how much you like or liked the series.
The question was stated that way for a reason. I have no idea how you've felt about the series previously versus this season and the finale. If I wasn't honestly curious about your opinion on the entire series, this season in general, and if you still consider yourself a fan, I wouldn't have asked you.
So please don't insult me by not reading my entire post and then claiming I said something I clearly did not.
If you don't want to answer me, that's fine, it's your prerogative. I honestly just wanted to know where you were coming from, as like I said, I seemed to recall a lot of complaining the past few months and was curious how much you liked the series, season, etc. and if your opinion had changed.
Well, I've been pretty silent on airing my feelings about the finale anywhere simply because I've been in turmoil. I loved the episode, truly cried my heart out, but the sideways reveal really left me feeling empty once the cloud of emotion from the reunion of characters blew away. I have been struggling and deliberating for two days on how to make this ending fit satisfactorily with me and felt left in the dark every time I heard someone say how much they found the ending to be perfect. I would say that my feelings on this have been so intense they are close to perhaps discovering a friend has died and being unable to comprehend how or why. Only tonight, after reading Mel's advice on killing my Jack and letting go do I feel better about the end. Thank you for your insight Mel :)
Cool, Mark. Just checked my order status just in case something luck. I'm getting anxious to see some of the prints I ordered. I have a feeling it will take the full 4-8 weeks at this pace.
To referenced perhaps already,,there were two endings..Both said the same. Jack Dieing on Island, the last thing he sees is the flite of the plane with,,free will, instincts,,ditzyness,,search for faith, other worldly talent, and a wise cracking pilot on board..liberated from the Island to go thru out the world,,,and Jack, again, coming to terms with " death" and being enlightened by Unification with all the Other Losties in a house of Faith.Living together was finally understood by Jack.It was exactly right and redemptive that Ben,,deceit,,acknowledged he wasn't to be included in going forward, into the future.
Time and Space united in a liberating expression.
Doc Jensen posted part 2 of his recap:,,20313460_20388269,00.html
Amy, I think you'll find it interesting because he's a little critical of the way the sideways world was used this season - however he really liked the revelation at the end. Plus he offers his own theories on different questions that have been brought up in this post the past couple of days. Check it out.
Rather odd I can now say 'perfect' and it fits...
Anybody want to know the secret of The Numbers? Why they continually reappeared and repeated?
The reason is...because they did. Because there is not here. Clearly, things do not work in the Lost Universe the way they do in ours. We don't have Black Smoke Monsters. We don't have ageless Cuban guys (except for Andy Garcia). Islands don't skip about in time here. When a plane breaks apart over the ocean, no one survives around here. In our universe, we have Daniel Danger. That's pretty much it.
The flash-sideways is a heck of a lot more like our universe and our lives than anything else on the show. It was prosaic. Mysteries were buried underwater never to be discovered. Medicine not magic fixes people. To us, the mysteries of the Island are mysterious and unexpected. To people in that universe, they are simply accepted. That's just the way things are there. How often does the average person question how magnets really work? They just do. Same thing with giraffes.
Cosmically Yours
That was to Mel's post, not Doc Jensen..who I haven;t yet read...who know' might be perfect too :)
Kharma - I have a 3 year old so questions about magnets and giraffes are quite commonplace.
future...aaah to be a 3 yr old again!! If only any of us could see the world, the universe, so afresh. All the choices , all unknown ..waiting to be explored..
Maybe,,in the end,,that is what LOST did. Like the Losties,, it returned us all to the Big Mystery of what is Life.
Wow, I just flashed to animated Lost 'The Rugrats Island' :)
@KI As to Andy Garcia being an ageless Cuban guy... lol!! Too funny! I've had a crush on him since high school. He's still lovely, but sadly, he IS aging my friend. I saw him on something not to long ago and really noticed a difference. But alas, we start to show our age eventually. Unless we die that is. Which brings me back to the LOST finale! Coincidence? Fate? lol J/K
Two quotes recur in my mind as I join in the thoughts of fellow Lostfans:
And in The End, the love you take...
-Lennon and McCartney
Why do you find it so hard to believe?
-John Locke
Cosmically Yours
P.S. Martyn, thanks for that better name - flash-endway! I'll be using that.
From the LA Times.
Well, ABC wants to clear the air: Those photographs were not part of the "Lost" story at all. The network added them to soften the transition from the moving ending of the series to the 11 p.m. news and never considered that it would confuse viewers about the actual ending of the show.
"The images shown during the end credits of the 'Lost' finale, which included shots of Oceanic 815 on a deserted beach, were not part of the final story but were a visual aid to allow the viewer to decompress before heading into the news," an ABC spokesperson wrote in an e-mail Tuesday.
That means, Losties, that we were not supposed to think that Christian Shepherd (John Terry) is a liar. What Christian told his son, when they were reunited at the church, should serve as guidance for our interpretation of the series' ending.
Nothing like a series finale to stir up opinion, debate, and different perspectives of how things should have, would have, or could have ended. :)
@BenMose - great read on the home page.
@KI - we are pretty lucky to have Daniel Danger, but in the Lost Universe... Desmond paints a pretty killer Hatch Mural.
And not sure if this has been mentioned, could the plane wreckage at the end of th show been that of Ajira 316?!?! Or is it definitely the wreckage of Oceanic 815?
Glad I picked up Tong's LOST: Jack print, has new meaning.
And purchased this yesterday:
Could this be inspiration in what Jack saw last? #ThanksToLOST, I'm now addicted to art & it doesn't have to be LOST related either. Damn you DCaaPB! :)
And finally don't forget... you can WIN Tim Doyle’s “Hurley’s Numbers” & HELP a charity that benefits children & families. No purchase necessary. Details here:
@AmyLynn - I was in the midst of posting and didn't see your post on ABC's explanation of the wreckage. Thanks... one mystery solved & my theory debunked. :)
Someone pointed out that they were all sitting in the church pews in a similar arrangement to airplane seats (instead of the more obvious and cliched walk together into the light), and that the doors opening behind them and filling the room with light mirrored the back of the plane breaking off behind them before they arrived at the Island. This mirroring device could be a subtle implication that their souls are heading back to the Island.
You know, sometimes it is interesting to try and see why one reacts to things the way they do. For instance, Shannon has always been my least favorite character - so when she reunited with Sayid that was not really so moving- they don't even seem right together to me.
So why don't I like Pretty Blondes who seem to get their way more on their looks than their brains? Hmm--could I be a wee bit jealous?
Anyway- I just think sometimes our reactions have to do with our own situations as well as what we are reacting to.
Huh? Maybe I missed something but I never took them to mean everyone died in the crash or Christian was a liar. I felt like they were a goodbye, we'd come full circle, ie the viewers and cast/crew, and it was a sad but peaceful end.
JT that's a good point. Personally I hated characters like Shannon and Ana Lucia until I saw where they were coming from. Once a character is shown as flawed and broken, then I fall in love with them. My absolute favorite characters are the tragic anti-heroes, and I'm also a sucker for the underdog. I personally loved Shannon and Sayid's reunion and I know I'm in the minority there. I didn't like Juliet until she got with Sawyer as I disliked all the Others and anyone connected with the island. I disliked both Smokey and Jacob, so much that even after all was revealed I can't break down and buy an I'm with Jacob shirt! Lol Cause I'm not. I'm with Jack. ;) Any artists out there wanna make me shirt that says that? ;p
A LOT of people thought that the wreckage meant that they had all died on 815. I listened to some podcast stuff about it - they said that aside from that shot, Richard had "watched them all die", and the Freighter crew was hired to find all the bodies buried on the island... not a great theory, but needed to be debunked
Who? What? When? Why? Where?
Will we ever know?
my 5/14 order for "i'm with jacob" and the Not Pennys Boat t-shirt says "Queued". All my other orders say pre-order. It's been queued for 10 days now! Speaking of the word Queue: I was at Walmart last week and a sign said "Queue goes this way" and this 40-50 year old women commented to the Cashier that she has never heard of the word Queue before. She pronounced it wrong and everything. She said it like "kiwi" :) How the heck can you make it to 40 and not of heard the word Queue? Some people live under a rock I tell ya!
Clay- it's more a British usage than American- I think we usually say line.
A LOT of people liked the finale. A LOT of people wish the show hadn't ended. A lot is a useless term that can mean anything. My point on all of this is who cares. Whether 1 or a million people supposedly think something it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. You shouldn't need other people to justify your opinion. I didn't doubt what I saw unfold in the finale, thus I don't get people thinking Christian was lying. That's my opinion. There are a kajillion podasts out there with a kajillion different theories, I don't think anything needs to be debunked. People can take what they want from it, again, that's the point of the finale. If Darlton felt we needed to know EVERYTHING they'd have copied the Matrix trilogy. As Joey says it's all a MOO point.
PS I've heard the word queue and have used it plenty. I think the point of your story was that the confused woman was in Walmart. Tee hee. ;)
I want more wall space! Also, I want to win the lotto so I can buy some LOST props. I can afford nothing.
Ditto. Don't think I'm even going to bother bidding. Sucks to be a poor college student.
There is an denouncement on the wreckage scene at very end...
It appears ABC Executives just couldn't stop themselves from having their input on Damon and Carlton's creation...I say..F@%k them.
I have enough reality. LOST has been the story that could transport me to another place outside of my own existence. The mysteries and mythology were just a bonus. The people and the relationships were what always mattered most to me, whether island time, flashbacks, flashforwards, or even after death.
I have loved "happily ever after" endings since I was a child. This ending was "happily ever afterlife". And I'm okay with that. I thought is was beautiful and very satisfying, and did not disappoint me on any level. I've completed my third viewing of finale and my opinion has not wavered.
I can only hope that there is a similar "sideways reality" for me someday. It would be so joyful and amazing to reconnect with the people that have meant the most to me, the ones I've loved and LOST.
pun intended ;)
That's pretty much how I feel.
It's not up to me to tell anyone how to feel. Everyone's experience in life is different. Maybe we all create our own ending - I'd have the people that meant the most around me.
Amy Lynn needs to let go. Jimmy Kimmel is a moron but he said it best, "if you were looking for answers then you didn't understand the point of this show." Lost is and always will be about discussion and debate. Sometimes you need to let go and have faith, just like in the show. We didn't get all the answers we were looking for but we got resolution for all the characters.
In all honesty I'd rather not have any answers at all than the cheap answers that they gave us through out season six. The JJ Abrams box story perfectly depicts it. JJ was given a box by his grandfather who told him not to open it. JJ to this day says that he has imagined that there are millions of things in that box, it could essentially be anything. However, once he opens the box the mystery is gone and he'll always feel let down. It's the same thing with Lost, I'd rather be able to debate and imagine than be let down by an insufficient answer.
I love JJ's Magic Box story he did for the TED convention. Damon and Carlton have said the same basic thing for a long time - the fans are smarter than they are - how many thousands of people honing theories - but people were begging for answers for things that were better left unanswered.
Damon and Carlton both knew they were never going to please everyone. As Rick Nelson said "You can't please everyone, you better please yourself"
In summary of the last 100 posts I just read: I'm not shocked Lostpedia posters hated it. If I'd invested thousands of hours cataloguing all those theories and weird bits of minutiae, I'd be pissed that they weren't all tied up. It's not really representative of the whole fanbase though is it!
Ben is absolutely right. In not answering all of the questions and tying up every loose end, Darlton have rendered Lostpedia pretty much worthless. That's bound to lead to dissatisfaction on the part of those that live there. Honestly though, they could never have satisfied the Lostpedia desire for affirmation. It was an evolving story and just like in life, we rarely get all of the answers.
In Amy Lynn's defense (not that you need defending Amy), she has stated several times that she is looking at this from a writers POV and clearly has her own thoughts on how it may have been written differently to achieve a more satisfactory end FOR HER.
I am so relieved that I have no desire to examine it. as I've said throughout S6, I've not wanted to pick it apart as I have other seasons, just to feel it and, as a consequence, I remain absolutely satisfied.
I just read that "Bad Robot Insider" and its clearly false. He states the writers had to keep Ben out of the church to keep the end of the story exactly as JJ had planned it, with just the season 1 crash cast inside, as planned since 1994.
He seems to forget that Des and Penny are in there.
@amy lynn, i think that the fact that they DIDNT tell everyone what it was about, and everyone liked it says alot, the fact that people were SO in love with it, and followed this show for so long, with so much pride, not knowing what the end is...waiting. and when you find out the end you want to jump ship...but the reality is, does that mean you enjoyed the time up until now less? no? could you watch it through again with the same point of view? maybe not, but thats not the point, the point is that regardless of what the end was or not, it was better to have the ending stay a secret, and allow people who may be close minded to such an ending not watch the AMAZING ride to that point.... and noone can deny it was a EPIC ride.
wow i seemed to have written before reading, the 100 other comments. and banter back and forth. almost seems kinda ridiculous. quite honestly, i dont see why anyone's trying to convince amy lynn that it wasn't bad, bottom line is, she didnt like it. and there were going to be those people. and as many people stated its her opinion, while most of us may not agree, i dont think its worth attacking her...
..that is unless of course amy likes the debate, then by all means. continue.
p.s: i will say however that i have plenty of friends who are filmmakers, scriptwriters, directors, and so on, in the biz. and they all liked it, and we all agreed that it was good storytelling....
i think the reality is, some people were looking for different things from teh show, and my belief is the people who REALLY understood what they were trying to say, got the ending, and liked it. and those who didnt really follow it for the message(s) / story , they were trying to portray, didn't.
I can see both sides of the coin here.
I think season 6 was by far the weakest season, and to introduce the key elements of a six season plot line all in the last period is not good writing.
We have plot holes all over the place and plot lines that started to border on plain silly.
It is frustrating that the writers said they ran out of time to answer so many questions, yet they could spend half of the last season creating an alternative reality than in effect was nothing more than a 16 episode cloak to allow them to jump the shark in at the end.
That said, I personally stopped fighting it after "Across the sea", and just went for the ride.
And I'm so glad I did. I loved the finale, and the show as a whole. The finale had me in tears, laughter and on the edge of my seat (Jack "This is Sparta" Shepherd).
To me, The finale was a fantastic episode, in a flawed season, of a brilliant show.
So for me, did it work? It must of, because I feel a big hole in my life now its over...and I know its only a TV show! I've never had that before.
Ok, maybe once before when the BBC axed Eldarado ;)
ioioos. After the loss of Eldorado I swore I would never love again... and now this... Life is too cruel.
Has anyone seen these fan made posters
I saw the comment through This DarkUFO forum post
And to make things worst, my Ben Linus print sold on ebay! I say this because its one of my faves, but Mrs ioioos thinks its too scary for the kids and suggested in true lost style I let it "move on".
I'm spend the money ordering my frames for Taras, DDs and Ollys today.
Zort, they are very cool, the guy was doing a piece of art defining each episode. How far did he get though? Haven't had time to have a proper look.
@ Chris,
Some shows just rip your heart out.
Lost, Eldorado, Gladiators, Joey.
I wonder if Damon and Carlton will do it to me again when they launch the spin off shows?
Sawyer and Miles dig up all sorts of problems in the new psychic detective drama "Dead Man Walking"
and Hurley and Ben are breaking all the rules in "Dude, wheres my island?"
ioioos... don't... please... I despair at the thought of so much more pain to come ;-)
to support @ioioos comment about the Bad Robot insider report. Libby and Bernard were also in the church - they did not show up until season 2. I really thought the end that was planned from the beginning was the final frame of Jack's eye closing. I think Matthew Fox stated that during JK after the finale.
@ChrisL, thanks for the defense. Yes, that is what I meant. From a writer's perspective, the ending was very weak.
H-m-m-m...regarding JJ's Magic Box. In a way, we still have one. By reactivating the light, Jack made it possible for the Losties to move on...evidently they wouldn't have been able to without the "light". Where they traveled to is unknown...a new mystery box to be left unopened? Or not...I can think of all kinds of cool scenarios.
I do wonder how long ago the Losties began this eternal afterlife traveling together. The ankh makes me wonder if they started traveling together back in ancient times. Or does the ankh indicate that from this death forward...they will travel together in eternity. New meeting place each many thoughts.
seaque. I do like that traveling together in eternity thought.
Me too Chris, I loved that ending. Loved how they all came back to finding there loved ones. After watching my son die 4 years ago, this is something I can only hope for and it thrilled me it ended that way.
@ChrisL he's finished the entire series. Some of the posters really are fantastic, some not so great.
Love the Dr Linus poster he did
<a href=">the whole lot can be found here</a>
It's interesting that Jin told James, "We'll see you there". How did Jin/Sun know where to go for the meet up? They didn't have Des or anyone else lead them to the church. Did I miss something...?
I loved the look on Jin's face when he saw James at the hospital.
@mrtibbs, thanks for the link, some of those are really very clever.
@Lisa, indeed, particularly poignant for someone in your position and just reading that made it more so for me.
I'm still not convinced that Sayid can be "cured" of a darkness infection after one quick chat with Desmond (only to leave him in the well!?).
Worse still, that Sayid willing crossed into the afterlife for all eternity without he beloved Nadia, who he married and cradled as she died.
Instead. He took some bird he had been banging on the island for a week.
Actually.....maybe he's got the right idea!?
John also told Jack, "We have to go." So, I guess, upon becoming aware their *connection* to each other just leads them to the right place.
I know I'm over thinking this.
ioioos, He so had the right idea... *waves at Shannon Mcfarlane figure on desk*
When MiB approached Sayid in the jungle, after the Des/Sayid scene at the well, I noticed Sayid was looking around (up in the trees). My thoughts are that Sayid was looking for a vine to pull Des out of the well, but MiB showed up and ruined that plan.
Amy Lynn said...
@Lisa, this is a forum for debate and discussion, not for those of you who, like USA Today, loved it.
Amy Lynn said...
It is almost impossible that anyone who was a serious fan of the intellectual parts of LOST actually liked the last 10 minutes.
Wow, just wow.
@charter, what's your issue, buddy?
Please. Don't even start. Please.
I just love the thought that they even had a leave the afterlife. Such as Ben's case, he chose to stay for awhile longer.
@ChrisL, I hope you didn't think I was starting something. I'm just tired of charter trolling here.
@ Amy, It's a public forum, anyone can do or say whatever they want and I withdraw my previous post as I have no rights. (though I won't delete it).
I understand the frustration. All I can say is that for me, this is my only online LOST home. I don't spread myself around various boards. I found you Amy and the other regulars on here and frankly. don't want to be anywhere else. I respect the views of all of the regulars and enjoy reading them very much.
There is a touch, if not more, of antagonism on occasion from people who don't post here regularly and, although it's grating and disappointing, it is what it is. I was offended to be told that some of the regulars here had been referred to in a disparaging way elsewhere and I don't appreciate that at all given that these are some of the finest people anyone is likely to find, virtual or in the real world.
Bad natured jibing at this point when we are all coming to terms with whatever effect the end of this extraordinary journey has had on us would, quite simply, make me unhappy. I don't want to go out like that and suspect the same can be said for most here.
No Amy, I don't think you were starting something.
Yes, I am the one starting something when this blog discussion is apparently not for people who loved the finale or for people who aren't serious fans of intellectualism if they liked the last 10 minutes.
It's fine to have an opinion, just don't push it on other people or state it as fact. Some people loved it, some people hated it, some people thought it was okay.
I for one was overly glad that the alternate reality was not an actual alternate reality. It would have been a cop-out imo for the writers to end with a reality in which the characters in it had nothing to do with the past 5 seasons. That would have nullified the entire show.
My only disappointment with the finale was the lack of Walt. I hope he is in the 20 deleted minutes.
Also, I use to post here regularly Chris so I hope you aren't referring to me. I came back to give you all heads up for the new prints and was met with an loving response.
You've both made your point. No offense to either of you, but please take this offline.
Question: does anyone know if amazon will deliver the season 6 DVD to you on the day it comes out? Or will it only ship that day? Debating on preordering or just going to the store that day.
@Ray, I think they guarantee you to receive it the day it comes out.
It's like this guy I've known for like 6 years always says-
"If we can't live together, we're gonna die alone."
This is a GREAT group of people.Kind of a shame to see this much negativity so soon after the end of the series...just my 2 cents.
Sweet, thanks!
@Charter. You knew when you quoted Amy's links that it would cause a fuss. That's fine, you are welcome to cause a fuss if that's what you want to do. However, you are a bit late with it. Amy's POV has already been discussed at some length with some strong counter opinions intelligently voiced and it seemed, to me anyway, that the discussion had progressed.
You did give us the heads up on the prints and it was appreciated. In retrospect, it helped get the ball rolling here again more quickly than would otherwise have happened and I gave you a shout out for that in a previous post.
And now I'm with Ray.
Moving on.
lol...Javi's twitter cracked me up!
Ray, I'd actually call Amazon's customer service number to be sure. Several times they have done preorders for things and not bothered to ship until the release day. In fact, they usually haven't gotten the item to me or friends/family on the day of. Perfect example is Lost Season 5 DI kit. Also, if I am remembering correctly I had several friends who bought newly released Potter books thru them backin the day and had to go to Borders to get a copy to read with me. Cause yes, we are such ubernerds we couldn't wait a day or two to read it!! Lol Also, I know I've ordered movies through them and gotten them later, think last was something Disney, maybe UP? And a TV show... Sorry, can't remember, I just know if you are seriously about day of release, they almost NEVER get it to you then. I haven't looked but if they have a deal you could do what we did with Lost DI Season 5 set... Preorder for price, buy day of at Best Buy to watch, return sealed Amazon version to Best Buy later?
And @charter, you haven't really been a regular poster here since you came on here to complain about Lottery_Ticket.
Hey all. Sorry if this is the wrong place for this, but I purchased 2 items from DCaaPB for a friend, who bought the items herself and forgot to tell me!
So if anyone is thinking of getting the Jacob poster or Olly Moss t-shirt, I'm happy to sell them for cheaper than on DCaaPB. I bought -
- 'I'm With Jacob' Print (will sell for $42.50, so save yourself $7.50!)
- 'Not Penny's Boat' by Olly Moss t-shirt, size Medium (will sell for $17.50, so save yourself another $7.50!)
My email is, please feel free to contact me. And again, sorry if this is the wrong place to mention this.
As for the finale, I really enjoyed it. If I had of known early that the alt-timeline was some form of purgatory I may have hated it, but I thought it was really well done and the last few scenes were perfect.
- One strange thing though, Sayid ending up with Shannon in the alt-timeline (and not Nadia!), anyone have any thoughts on why this was?
I also wanted Vincent to be there too, but I guess if you argue that they were all there because of unresolved issues, he probably didn't have any. :P
JPL, that Surrender print is amazing! link.
The artist Chris posted that he was watching LOST while creating that illustration. BACK IN 2008!
Had to buy one too. Available here for only $20 + shipping. There are some other good ones on their site too - some remind me of Daniel Danger prints. Thanks for the info!
And JT - Shannon sure got by on her looks for a long time, but I think she got Sayid at least partly because of her brains - while translating French.
Cosmically Yours
The Surrender print is great - wish it were a daytime scene to reflect what we saw in the finale!
Yeah I really love that print. The only thing putting me off is it's pretty narrow.
I really could have done without buying another print :-/
Too late. Love it.
I missed a lot.
Anyway, yeah, that print is awesome and amazingly coincidental. Agree with Amy Lynn, shame it isn't daytime, THEN it would of been fate.
As for the DVD release, i'm waiting on HMV or to actually list the Blu-ray on the site. I have it pre ordered with but would rather saving on the shipping cost.
Looking forward to a potential directors cut of the finale, will be very interesting!
@Martyn, maybe the plane circled around for a few hours?
Also, got some great news which makes me feel less bad for buying The Black Rock, which is always great!
Been a good day today! Oh and my DeLorean Desmond and Faraday tee came in the post today. Fantastic day even!
@Amy Lynn...
Lol, true, what with Lapidus not actually knowing the correct co-ordinates to break out the islands glass dome, a very good possibility.
Also, when Miles and Richard were in the outrigger, did anyone else think that they were the ones who shot at Juliet?
You know, if you think about it, the church scene with the light was, pretty much, left open-ended. I say this because we still don't know what the light really is...the origin. The light was their means of travel-that's why Jack had to turn it back on. Did they travel to heaven? Maybe not. To another dimension/time. Maybe. Where they traveled to may rely on a little of both science/faith. It may remain a mystery forever, but right now I can think of a several scenarios for a movie. ;)
I didn't want a movie or spin off or anything more but now... I'm already missing it so damn much I think I'd take it.
@Chris, early word from a relative who works at ABC says they are shopping for writers for a movie to "fill in the blanks"
Honestly - I wouldn't go see it. Not unless it were by darlton and had the original cast. I know lots of people would, but I think the story is done for me. Maybe I'll give in years down the road, haha.
Also, I highly encourage everyone to read the Dark Tower series by Stephen King. It's a great series and you can tell it Heavily influenced Lost. I'd love to discuss the ending of that compared to lost's with anyone offline (don't want to spoil it for others)! Rguido3 at gmail dot com. Headed to city for a networking event but I will get back to you eventually.
I loved the finale. With that said would anyone like to sell me a Black Rock print? I'll throw in 3 posters of this series. Any of em (except the Olly Moss print, didnt get that one)
email me at matthewrusselevans@gmail dot com
Really Amy? I guess they're bound to be exploring the possibilities though with such a prime property.
It's a nice thought...that Kate might have had a child by Jack - in her life after leaving the island. Movie fodder... :)
Well..this whole.."from a writers pov"..i find amazing..after all..writers wrote the end..professional writers..Damon and Carlton who wrote spectacular episodes of LOST previously..wrote the end..and I'm sure had much help and input from all the other writers of LOST Episodes since they are basically a team..
So..Amy ..its just your Opinion. Like every one elses.
Speakin of Opinions..and what follows is Just my perspective..elsewhere somebody brought up the notion of Life being Hell. I nudged the idea to...LOST being about WHEN Life becomes a Living Hell. As in..sooner or later,,each of us will find ourselves dazed and confused, sitting on a beach, surrounded by wreckage and drama, scratching our heads and asking..How did this Happen? What went wrong? What did I do to get here?..Analogous life experiences may be..a divorce,,waking up to an addiction..being accused of committing a crime..etc etc etc heck even a simple car accident can lead to a Living Hell.
So.. the ARC of LOST has been the fragmentation of a Life due to a or any cataclysmic event,,and the Path back to Unification,, a whole person or whole Life. What is real and what is Illusion,, what got you in the mess and what will get you out, what needs to die, be let go of,,what needs to be held dearly and emphasized,,what needs to change, what is bedrock foundation, etc etc etc,,have been the exploration and scrutinized for the 6 seasons of LOST,,all leading back to a Unified Whole existence.
So,, the trauma of LOST is over. May all of Us be better prepared for when our Flight comes apart.
@MEL, yes, I realize that writers wrote the episode. That doesn't mean that it was good, just because they are good writers. What they did was write a gimmicky, easy out finale that could be cut and pasted onto almost every show on television.
Amy..and what was gimmicky?,,what was " easy out" about it?...and while we are there..what would be a hard or difficult out?...
For me..the End was in the flow of all that preceded any end should be...It definitely wasn't a Deux Ex Machina ending..It was a great continuation of all that came before it.
My husband, who teaches writing for a living, called it EXACTLY that, a Deus Ex Machina ending.
When you're finale can be described in largely archetypal terms, and would fit almost any show on television, it's gimmicky. What do we have here? "Two guys, one bad, one evil, go at it for control of the world. One kills the other with help of sidekick. Then he dies. But none of it matters, since they all die in the end, and happily march off to heaven together"
Sounds fine to me :-)
Even in those extraordinarily simplified terms.
Night folks. I look forward to catching up on your comments in the morning.
Husband!! Congratulations!! I didn't know you two got married. Excellent! Good for You!
Well.. i found the two " archetypal" characters dieing from the others hand far from the ex machina..One usually prevails and in this case of Lost..neither did. So..the same show seen differently ,,subjectivity,,prevails, which has been the a central theme of LOST all along.
I found that Hurley ,,irony,,comedy, even Dark Humor,,being left in charge of the Island,,as appropo and beautiful. After all with a perspective like that,,lifes Hell moments can be dealt with, without going insane.
Die in the end?..lets see..the Ajira plane took off with Kate,,free will,,Sawyer,,instincts,,Claire,,ditzy for faith..Miles..other wordly talents..and Frank,,wise crackin humor..all on board going back to the living...and..the whole idea of being dead in the church..wasn't perceived up one way of order to start know..redemption..then I guess one is stuck in the pew of it all not mattering anyway..
Okay.. i try to shed some light on the End that I saw. Its there for whatever.
nighty night Chris, sleep well.
Why Did the Writers Give the Middle Finger to the Fans?
Why Did the Writers Give the Middle Finger to the Fans?
I feel like I should have a bell from the boxing ring. ding ding ding, the round is over. Give it a rest. Please !
What does "give it a rest" mean? Should I tell you to stop posting about something?
ATTN: Anyone on the fence about the Burwell poster
I emailed Burwell to find out if the final print had any metallics in it. It does. This thing is going to look KILLER in person.
here is his response:
"Oui. The whole thing has a sheet of metallic gold as the first color.
Sent by my iPad Mini."
i dunno, should I be weirded out that he signed it Xo? :)
So I just ordered it a second ago, and I noticed this order number is 1210 higher then my Olly Moss order. My Olly Moss order number is pretty low, Im in the first 50 orders I believe. Still, that means around 760 posters/t-shirts have been ordered since the Moss sellout. Wish we knew what the breakdown was!
I give up, have a ball Amy, I'm going to go find someone to talk to about it that won't be so negative and post such silly stuff like they gave us the finger. They sure didn't give me the finger. Have fun ! night all.
@Lisa, kay, bye hon!!
My goodness lady can handle the drama of Lost but not the drama here?..nobody dies here at least.
I don't know if this will help the discussion but I totally get where Amy Lynn is coming from. Up until last night I was furious about the ending (there was even a moment where I was ready to either destroy or sell all of my posters - and I have Tan and Moss). But I managed see the beauty of the ending - through Mel's helpful comments - and re-digest season 6 to work for me. Ultimately Amy Lynn is totally correct. The ending is old hat. It follows a very familiar narrative. It is the ultimate end to so many ancient human stories about, well, the end. And Lost has been about story. Like Haron and the Sea of Stories (the book Des was reading on the FS Oceanic flight) the world of Lost is build on stories. The stories of the characters, the intertextuality, not only of these characters stories crossing and influencing each other but with stories, films, music we all know from our own world. And that's what MIB was trying to put out. The light. The inspiration. The story. I wanted answers to all the mysteries. I wanted an alternate timeline where the characters were able to resolve their issues from their Island experiences. But what we got was actually, from the viewpoint I see it from now, very beautiful in terms of story. Because we are left wondering about so much. We have so many ideas of what happens to Hurley and Ben on the Island, the adventures of Richard Alpert in LA, and what about Frank and Miles... The story ends with death but the light they go into is our imagination and the story continues...
Mel, not yet, but we all go eventually as the superb Lost finale reminds us. ;)
Lisa, I'd recommend just ignoring flaming/baiting/insulting/fighting posts. You clearly are free to have your own opinion and post it on here and I encourage you to discuss things with the rest of us. Unfortunately there is no ignore feature per say on here (as far as I can tell, and yes, I've looked) but you can skim & just not bother reading some things. Perhaps utilizing Christian's advice and just letting it go would work for us at this point. Just a thought...
PS You're never going to get away from drama hon, especially in fan communities. I don't know of one group that doesn't have it, sad but true. It's just life, some people can create drama out of nothing and thrive on it. At some point I find myself just stepping back from it all as it gets to be too much for me to take in large doses. Just my .02.
Good post, futureself.
I think LOST will go down as a good show that couldn't decide what it was about, and in the end, decided to go for cheap emotional tricks rather than write the end of the story.
uuumm..future...if i give you my phone number...will you promise to call me the next time you have the urge to rid yourself of the Moss and what not?...;)
Amy, we get it you are upset with the ending and your opinion is that it was cheap and lazy.
That is not everyones opinion so please calm it down a bit, we know what you think now.
I am not going to change my mind over what I saw and what I have experienced over the last six years. The show has been more than just the last 10 minutes for me.
Ah Mel, it was a mere split-second of madness that certainly didn't last long enough for a phone call ;)
Wait a minute Amy...if they couldn't decide what it was about,,how could any ending suffice? Point being,,if you predicate the End,,with the belief that TPTB couldn;t make up their mind,,then no matter what they did..was destined not to work for you..cause you already made up your mind that they didn't know what they were doing..Circular thought there, okaaay..
If it appeared confused to you..that says more about your perception of it..rather than what is being presented. AND its okay to say so..Sure..alot of shows ARE confused and worthy of derision. But LOST has delivered over and over again..won awards..and been ballyhooed as the Best Ever..Like No Other Tv Show Ever..etc etc..So..perhaps, in the vein of Like No TV show has to go into unfamiliar Jack said to Helen's plea to stop..No..its not enough..One has to keep diggin. all LOST fans I am confused..but I keep diggin.. keep exploring.. keep workin it until I see how all the dots are connected. Indeed..LOST is Like No Other TV show Ever..Its All About You.
Hear hear futureself :)
You can read Lindelof’s final thoughts below:
From all of us who made the show, we really hope that you don’t feel it was a waste of your time. We hope that you spent the entire night not just thinking about the finale on a story level, but that you were emotionally affected by it.
There are two feelings that you feel when you watch the ending of a television show. The first is the feeling that you have of just understanding that the show is over and the second is what your response is to actually what’s happening on the screen.
What I liked about the Soprano’s finale was that it changed the experience because when Chase cut to black, suddenly that feeling of “the show’s over” was replaced by “is my cable out?” – he kind of changed the conversation about it.
For us, we tried to write the last two and a half hours of the show so that those two feelings would feel like they were the same thing. So, you’re feeling of saying goodbye to the show – of the show not being around anymore – was actually literally perfectly paralleling what we were showing you on the screen.
If you had an experience anything like that, then it was mission accomplished.
If you didn’t, we blew it and I apologize.
I DON'T KNOW WHAT WE'RE YELLING ABOUT!!!! - Steve Carrell from Anchorman
love you guys.
loved The End.
Well, at least Lindelof acknowledged they might have blown it. From reading the reaction of fans who "cried through the whole finale", you would think they had managed to stick the landing.
Comix :D x
hi mrtibbs! :)
Zort70 said...
I am not going to change my mind over what I saw and what I have experienced over the last six years. The show has been more than just the last 10 minutes for me.
Best post of the day. Sums it up no matter what side you are on. Bravo.
charter, why do you even post here?
Is there an initiation test or something? Do I need to send Zort my dues?
I'm saying you don't ever post anything other than little snippets to start drama. It's been like that since the "someone stole my spot in line" post months ago.
I thought we dropped this and moved on?
We had, and then you go and start drama again.
Sorry for agreeing with Zort. I apologize.
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