The image appears to be either Jack lying in the Bamboo from the pilot episode or possibly Jack running somewhere.
The information about the new image was Tweeted by @GoMerch and Scoutpost was the first to let us know in the comments.
Update - This is an attempt to enhance and resize the image and it does indeed look like Jack in the Bamboo.
Oddly enough he has an orchestra with him this time !
1 – 200 of 288 Newer› Newest»I guess this is what Jensen was alluding to when he said "never say never" in the interview you did with him Zort! Some new art.
I cant see Tong getting inside info re the final scene of LOST, for a tryptic (sp), if that is Jack lying in the bamboo - first and last scenes etc, especialy as these will be seen a week or so prior to the finale.
Hi, yes I'm reasonably sure we won't see a spoiler, or if there is something from the Finale we won't know what it is until after it airs.
Oh boy, the games have begun! :D
I sure hope this is something we can all either buy or download at the end. I would hate to see us all battling it out for the last posters.
Cool, first poster. Interesting choice. I presume all three posters are moments from Lost Live that they reckon are going to be the highlight of the show. Show maybe there will be one of D&C standing on the stage for instance.
Also, raising my glass to Patmc's toast to Damon and Carlton! Gone but never forgotten! Not with these posters are DVD collection and toys and bobbleheads and...
Is that a circle on the new pic, marking the ground over Jacks shoulder....right where it looks like Ben's telescopic baton is lying in the actual opening scene?
I love this poster however I hope the orchestra isn't in the picture. Any guesses on what the next picture might be?
These images may not be posters in their own right of course.
There maybe something else that will be shown at LOST Live.
My guess for the next one is something with Locke as the subject.
Very sweet!
Hey guys, just curious who is actually attending Lost Live next week. We should totally try to meet up to wait in line together. I didn't have my tickets mailed and will call only opens an hour before, so I am definitely going to try and get there early so I can pick up my tix right away. Anyway, we can keep this off the message board if you'd like: rguido3 at gmail dot com. Looking forward to the event!
Im going to guess that the next picture will be the screenshot of "Jack and Locke looking down the hatch" or something to do with someone dying or the smoke monster (though smokey has been done already).
Found out that Tong's will def. be more expensive, around $200 (whether that is for one or all 3 I don't know) but it is for charity so no griping from me.
DCAAPB will also be releasing more prints after the event on their site like last time. No word on pricing or run amount but it will be pretty much like last go around (sell an allotted amount and then the artists sell their allotted amount).
But, that is only 10 days to the finale after the Lost Live event so either they will be releasing a print a day or they will release them all at once!? Also, some of the artists prints have very spoilery stuff in them so they will hold off on selling those until the finale or even after???
To me, $200 is a ridiculous price, even for charity. As we've seen with the first run of the DCAAPB prints, if you wait it out, prices will go way down in a few months.
The picture is a stylized rendering of Royce Hall. This may be a clue that there will be some sort of keywords during these scenes during the performance.
$200 is not ridiculous for charity...it's for charity. :/
They could sell Tong's for $500 and if it is awesome art, I would buy it and it would be for a good cause. I also could write it off at the end of the year!
Lets not get angry that they are selling a few prints for more than you would like to pay because the more they charge for them, the more money that charity gets.
Not angry at all. Just poor.
Amy's point is just that not all Lost fans can afford to pay such a high price for a memento. Although it is for charity, I'm just very surprised that the cost would be so high in this economy today. If you want to make a killing for charity, expand these prints to a larger edition of say, 500-600 and sell them at $50 a pop. I have to agree with her that is really is too bad, because something like this should be for all fans to have a chance to enjoy - not just ones better off in their financial status. I'm not saying its wrong, I'm just saying I would do things differently.
@Ray, exactly. Also, some of us are saving up money for the LOST props auction.
Also, if they aren't going to release tong's prints until after the event, I'll bet it will be a bit of time before they release the other artist ones. They are going to want people to stay interested after the finale, so I think that's a good way to do it - especially if they include spoilers!
Also, any clues on what artists are involved?
These are just 3 prints out of a lot more. Setting aside 3 out of say 10 more prints to give to charity shouldn't be something to complain about. If money is a problem, then you don't need to buy all the prints anyways. Because what is $150 more when you just spent 2 grand on 16 prints?
Those lost props are going to go for huge amounts of cash. I would bet that nothing goes for under a grand and I would bet that some of the more popular items like the prayer stick will go for upwards of 5k-10k.
Personally, now that the dust has settled on the first run of posters and the season 6 fever has died down, I will be far more choosy with any future Lost art.
Once it all settled down, my favourites, and the ones to remain on my wall were Swan Station and Ben Linus. I rotate these with The Hatch.
Stout, Bell, Moss, Danger, Ryan and McCarthy failed to stay the distance on my wall!
I didn't want my house to become a shrine to a TV show. (Although I do love the pics of peoples rooms full with lost!)
Any new print is going to have to give me a wow factor. I'm not going to buy just in case I miss out. Any new one will need to be good enough to oust the incumbent!
I'm really hoping for a great "We have to go back" or "not Penny's boat" print.
@Ray...I think they are releasing Tong's at the event. I know it will be there but I don't know when it will be online for those not going to be able to get it. I would guess later that night or during the event???
I'll be at LOST live with a bunch of people from the Fuselage and LOST Weekend
Hey everyone,
Not sure if this is the proper forum (haven't been around since the poster madness died down), but I just wanted to leave a message saying that having had some time to marinate on which posters I want to keep, I've decided to part with Ben Linus, Barracks, and Polar Bear, all at original cost ($61 including shipping) plus shipping to you. I prefer shipping to US addresses, but other than that no strings attached, not looking to profit just want to send them to someone who will enjoy them. Again, apologies if this is an improper forum; this will be my only post to this effect. Email me at s.sabulis@gmail.com if interested. Happy last few weeks of LOST :(
arbiter, if genuine, that offer is cool.
I agree with Amy and Ray. For charity or not, a $200 price point immediately removes many genuine LOST and art fans from the equation. Print more and reduce the price is the way to satisfy both demand from those without so much money AND the needs for charity.
Again though Charter, you've given us debatable info unfortunately when you say you don't know whether the 200 is for the triptych or per single print. Perhaps best not to share until there's something solid?
Having said that, if you are correct about another series much like the first, that's an exciting prospect... but without the clues and the hunt... it's just another load of prints for sale.
Jensen has said many times there isn't going to be a second set.
Very true Amy. A Happy LOST day to all our American friends btw!
Chris, I don't think it will be like last time. There isn't enough time between Lost Live and the finale to do another huge run but there are additional artists doing lost prints besides Tong's 3 print that will be sold on DCAAPB and thens old by each of the artists.
Around $200 was what I was told. If you don't want me to share any information because you may think it might be bogus or I don't know all the details then I will gladly stop. I will keep sharing info on L4L for those that are interested.
woot !! Happy birthday Thorsten !! Hope your day is fantastic !
I guess we're all going to find out soon, regardless! I know that I for one am going to ask lots of questions at the DCAAPB booth at the event. But Chris and Amy, I tend to think that you are probably right - Jensen said many times that there won't be another run. It appears that the Tong thing is going to be a thing to help celebrate Lost live, but will be made available to everyone online after the event.
To add to this, in case people have been checking artist's twitters out there for clues to see if there is another series - I'm skeptical because there is a Twilight Zone show coming up at G1988 that seems to have been kept pretty under wraps. However, some artists have slipped that they are participating in it (check out Nathan Stapley's site). I think some artists could be referring to that show when they talk about new prints that they've finished up. That's my conspiracy theory! But who knows, maybe there will be a new run.
Ray.... Twilight Zone?/?!?!?
I'd rather there wasn't a new run tbh. Especially if they are just releasing it with no hunt or anything. I think that's what ChrisL said I think. Maybe if they did the run to celebrate the release of the complete collection, hunt and reveals and all, then it would justify another run.
The 3 tong is doing for the show is pretty cool, as it is an event and warrants a cool poster. Another run would maybe undermine the original. I never thought i'd agree with Jensen when he said no but I do now.
Agree about the $200 price, seems a little bit silly even for charity. I for one hope TBTB lied to charters source about the price.
Oh and happy LOST day and Happy Birthday Thorsten!
Charter, You are free to share whatever you wish, far be it from me to suggest otherwise. Personally, I find it a bit spoilery and would rather see how the story unfolds but that's just me.
Martyn... That was exactly my point. I'd LOVE another lot of clues and a hunt for the answers as that's what brought the community together but that's not going to happen and anything else would devalue the original outstanding experience IMHO.
@Amy Lynn
Yep! Check out the G1988 blog from about a month ago - he teases for 5/18. But I've seen on a few artist's sites that they will be participating in a Twilight Zone show at G1988 that day. I'm sure it will be awesome!
@Ray, thanks. I need some more wall space.
Since I didn't participate in the original round of releases, is there still a way to get the DCaAPB account through gomerch.com? I'd find it kind of frustrating if they go through that "venue" for these impending releases and not allow new sign-ups.
I just dropped in to say... Thank you for all the information you've dropped so far! I am very appreciative for it, as you've proven to be very reliable in the past, so I hope you keep posting little tidbits and such on here.
Is $200 a lot? Eh. Kind of. I am relatively poor myself, but just because no LOST fan posting on here has the true luxury money to afford it (myself included), I guarantee you that there are still plenty of true LOST fans out there that are. I am excited for more prints. Period.
@Sam G - I don't get the email thing you keep mentioning :/
Ray, you can choose to have all comments emailed to you if you'd rather read them that way than on the blog itself... (tick the box below the comments box next to the sign in fields, the "Email follow-up comments to..."). That's just Sam leaving a brief comment and having follow ups emailed. Quite a few people do this and you have to do it each time there's a new post.
Actually... apologies Sam! I'm making an assumption that's what you're doing...
and here I thought he was sending secret emails or subliminal email all this time rofl
Haha, oh okay I get it now - thanks for clearing that up!
@Sam G and @Ray... i plan on getting to the event around six. it says doors open at 630 but i have no idea what time the DCaaPB event will take place so i want to have ample time to look around
we should meet up though. at will call?
Ray, I had the same :/ about it at one time!
Yeah that works for me. I'll be getting in will call line probably even earlier, so sounds good.
Happy Birthday, Thorsten!!! :)
@Ray... cool cool we'll figure out the finer details when the time arises
Happy Birthday, Thorsten!
Scoutpost and I will be at UCLA pretty early to take in the atmosphere of being with other Lost fans!
from Daniel Danger on FB
" my plan involves some long things and some lost things being available sometime tomorrow. this is the advanced heads up before the real heads up. sometime mid afternoon."
just in case anyone is interested :)
Happy LOST Day!
Thanks Roxanna! At least I get to sleep on it while I debate if I can afford this, haha
Did anyone else see the Tyson/Givens logo when you first go to the DCAAPB website before it quickly redirects? If you go to TysonGivens.com it also shows the logo, but nothing else.
Yeah, but I think someone said that was left over from the original ARG. I'm not the best source though, because I joined the game pretty late.
Also...Lost, wow. Everyone avoid the internet until you watch it.
Daniel Danger will be selling "...and thats why my hand was shaking" 18x24" for $250 on Thursday at 2pm EST! 35 copies!
via dd e-mail:
'...and thats why my hand was shaking' 18x24" six color screenprint, edition of 300. $250.
these are my copies of my official print for the television show LOST. theirs sold out in something like 10 seconds when they went on sale months back, there has been a huge demand for them, and i only have about 35 copies to sell on this day. these copies are how we got paid for this project, so the price reflects a middleground between the OG price and 'current market value', and i think is more than fair. these will go fast, and the internet traffic for these prints will crush my server im certain, so im doing these ON THEIR OWN, the next day, in a manner which will hopefully be the least headache-inducing for everyone involved. they will be pre-packed, so they will require their own shipping, insurance, delivery confirmation, etc. ONE PER PERSON, PER HOUSEHOLD, PER FAMILY, PER APARTMENT COMPLEX, PER OFFICE POOL, PER PAYPAL ACCOUNT, PER STATE OF MAINE, ETC. if you already got one through ABC, don't be a dick. i can very easily check, and most of you are well aware of my penchant for doing such things.
i have a small handful of outstanding orders that are all going out tomorrow before anything else. youll be getting individual emails, but if you get this first, thats whats going on. it was all the orders that contained prints that were stashed away elsewhere but i will be said elsewhere tomorrow!
im sure ill think of something else, but thats our plan.
once again, thanks for all the continued support. i know ive been a little off the radar lately, between being incredibly sick for entirely too long and a sea of contract work, but ive got a seemingly neverending supply of awesome news to announce in the near future, and you'll all understand when that time comes.
I wonder how he's going to be selling this? I'm going to check out the drop tomorrow so I can see what I can expect on thursday
Stout drop AND Danger drop in the next two days -____- whats a man to do!
i guess i'll be going for Iron Man, hopefully less expensive!
Wow! Lots going on here today! I too don't think I'll be ponying up the $200+ for any more LOST art. I already shot the moon with completing my "set". I think I will be content to just collect my LOST Action Figures, and LOST Bobbleheads for a while. Though I may have to take just ONE more peak at the Lost prop auction... ;-)
I will say nothing more about tonight's LOST Episode until everyone has had a chance to see it... but Oh... My... GOD! Rocked me to my core. If it's like this all the way to the finish... I think I'm in trouble...
I think we're all in for some trouble...or at least a very rocky road....
For everybody that's already seen it, definitely check out this eps EW Post.
Just outta curiousity, for those who are going to bid on the auction. How much is the absolute maximum you are going to spend? Also, how long do these auctions last?
Damon tweeted that we needed to watch Kimmel tonight... was it just to see Mickey Rourke be drunk?
The LOST Finale on May 23rd has been expanded to TWO AND A HALF HOURS!!!
I'll take every single extra second of LOST while we can still get it! Check out the news on EW.com:
@Patmc haha i have to laugh at your post because your always late on the news :] sorry!
I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack....
OK, so it's all hands to the pumps for the Danger print. FINALLY. If anyone wants to help me out here, I'd be hugely obliged. My track record for Lost poster drops is still 0, and I want this more than I want kids someday. 10pm Thursday UK time, I'll be hammering away, but I'd love a buddy...
@Weinbeezy - I'm not sure why you think I'm so late with the news of the expanded finale... it was just announced tonight on Jimmy Kimmel's show (a few hours earlier from the EW link I posted). I did not see anyone else post it yet... so I posted.
Did you perhaps think I was referring to the addition of the 30 minute Kimmel special? Because yes... that is old news. I was talking about the addition of 30 minutes to the finale itself... which would make it 9:00pm to 11:30pm now.
man-oh-man, that was some episode last might. I wont say anything more than that for now...
NO Midday... don't say ANYTHING. I still have to get to the end of the workday before I can see it! Everyone is saying it's AWESOME though... so excited.
I want Fenway uncut tonight. Good luck to you Ben for your JC... I'm afraid I'm already buddied up for someone though. 10pm UK? Are you sure about that timing? I thought it was a 2pm EST drop which would make it 7pm UK no?
whoops! my bad, it is indeed. Was getting my coasts confused. And I'm not watching this weeks ep until friday night, so SILENCE!
Hi guys. Well- there goes my fantasy of driving down to Mass. and begging DD to sell me a JC poster.
$250 is a lot- but I still really do like this one too. Like Ben-I didn't have any luck after the wars heated up in getting them-so though I will try, if there are any extra buddies out there who are regulars here-I sure would be obliged.
WB- Jorge was on Kimmel last night too- we saw Beth's rat nightmare video!
@Patmc it was announced around 3 yesterday in the afternoon and made it's way to every news source... Sorry haha I didn't mean to offend
Still debating on whether or not I want to go for the Cabin tomorrow - so pricey, especially if there are more prints coming up! I'm leaning towards passing, but I guess I'll see what mood I'm in tomorrow.
Completely failed to get Fenway - "Server Error" message. If that's what's going on with this print we have NO chance tomorrow :-(
are you sure they are gone I got the divided in a cart just now- do you want it?
Good point JT. I'm keeping trying the checkout process.
Keep trying - I was able to add it to my cart fine but then took it out. Was just prepping for tomorrow.
I'm looking for the uncut JT... still getting server error
Oh- OK- I'll let it go if no one else wants it?
I didn't have any problems with Danger's site. Didn't go all the way through PayPal process, though, obviously.
Still can't pony up $250 tomorrow.
YAY! Finally... result. Thanks for keeping me at it JT and Ray.
I withdraw my comment about no chance tomorrow... maybe... just maybe.... :-)
Yay for you Chris-I am saving for tomorrow too.
Glad you got it! It's a great print. Too bad I hate the Red Sox.
G1988 posted a picture that lists all the artists for the Twilight Zone show on their website. Looks like it got pushed back to May 20th:
Congrats on Fenway, it is beautiful and I so want it but no chance I can justify it.
Check out mondotees :(
Oh, oh Ray- I'm in Red Sox Nation!
Not rabid about it though.
I got Jabberwocky on DD's site by chance about 18 minutes after it went on sale-so it's worth it to keep trying with his it seems.
Same with me JT, in regards to Jabberwock.
Goo luck to you Ben and anyone else trying for Jacobs Cabin tomorrow. I can personally vouch for it being an awesome poster. One you can just stare at for hours looking at the intricate detail.
They aren't going to be $200.
Wow, thanks, means now I have to save money for these prints, lol.
Cheers Jensen!
Thanks for the heads up, Jensen!
@jensen I assume your talking about May 13 :)
@martyn... Those weren't Stouts prints, just mondotees. I contacted his website and they said they're having a seperate sale for their own at a later time, just make sure your on the mailing list! 630 was to early to be up for Mondotees release today
Thanks Jenson- if only we knew what "they" will be! lol
Hope we can order some online-going to the J&J party on the 23rd so couldn't be in LA on the 13th for Lost Live too. I'm correct- it's the DCAAPB prints less than $200?
Thanks, Jensen. I figured charter made that number up.
For me, it was like 2pm and I still missed it. I would of prefereed to have had two chances at Iron Man rather than one. When Tyler puts his up, it's going to get super messy, especially as he's doing a photo contest to allow people to pre-order his prints.
An e-mail is going out tonight which gives more details about the contest and when it'll go on general sale. Hoping it's tomorrow, as I have the day off :D
I love it when a plan comes together!
@Amy Lynn...
Lol, I think a few of us did but as people said he's given sound info before, wasn't sure where to stand.
@Martyn I guess it's alright because We should be saving our money for the final Lost prints!!
@Jensen... Your the man
maaaaaaan I'm nervous for tomorrow. I still have a second Walt's Kidnapping knocking around... is anyone interested in it?
It could be that the speculated price of $200 was an accurate price originally. Could be they had to rethink this price due to the lack of enthusiasm regarding purchasing more prints...at that price. You have to admit...more than a couple of people have posted that they're going to pass on additional purchases.
Jensen, thanks for the info. I'm not surprised to hear that but pleased to hear it.
Yeap Amy, made that number up. If only your sleuthing actually uncovered something. I was told that Tong's would be around $200, we will see how much they are. I know its shocking how I knew all three were Tong's or how I know they were for charity. My guessing skills are 2:3 then, that isn't bad.
You also said that there won't be any more prints than the three on DCAAPB right now from what Jensen said in December but we will see where that ego stands in a week or so.
Jensen, thanks for the info but are you referring to Tong's charity prints or for the series to be revealed later?
For the record, my ego does not care what price any prints are, or how many of them are sold.
The perfect idea then, is to increase the number of prints, and lower the price. Yes, it would probably lower the perceived value as the edition size was bigger, but they would still make the same amount of money when they sell them. And if they don't want to pull that many screen prints... then for the love of god, offer some Litho prints this time around!
I still say that they could have made all the fans happy by making the original DCAAPB art available to everyone who wanted it... and made truckloads of money while doing it. I don't understand the art world sometimes...
Amy... your ego is cute :-)
Good info Amy, thanks for the heads up!
Lets see if you are right Amy. Lets see if Tong's 3 are not around $200 and lets see if there won't be any more prints after those three, which you think is correct.
btw, I said $200 could be for each or all 3 together as a triptych. The last set were $50 each...so what is 3 X $50? I know! Ridiculous to think that 3 prints could be $200!!!
Alright guys, let's just move on - we're supposed to be excited about this! Whatever happens, happens (pun intended). Excited for the next Tong reveal in the series. I wonder if they'll wait to reveal the third one until the event?
I just got back from the framers for a non-lost related piece I got for the fam back home/mother's and father's day present. A replica of JMW Turner's Peace: Burial at Sea. Such a BA painting.
I know how you feel, breathe deeply.
I know i'm terrible at maths, but isn't 3 x 50, 150?
Partly agree and again, partly think that there shouldn't be another run, just these 3 prints. We shall see what happens.
Martyn, my comment was in general about limited editions being cheap... wouldn't all collectors like that!
I think you know my views on the LOST prints. It was a spectacular series at the right price, at the right time, followed and collected by a great bunch of people. Anything further will detract in my opinion.
and I just checked on GoogleMath. You're right about the 3 x 50.
Fantastic! I'm obviously getting better at maths!
And yeah, with you all the way, the original run was the best, I mean, it inspired me to go all the way to Hawaii for the premiere and meet up with awesome people off of here. It inspired great genorosity from everyone, to the point where poster buddys are trusting each other halfway around the world or hours away from them. So to say a second run would elicit the same type of feeling would be silly.
But darn it, don't I know that i'm going to love every poster and still try to buy it. Here, here, for cheap posters!
*might want to look in the dictionary for the term 'around'.
Stouts was $70, I am guessing Chris or Martyn happens to know the size of these 3 prints? No you don't.
Nope, not me. I don't know the size of any upcoming prints. I hope they're 3 x32 though as my local frame shop has a sale on that size of frame.
ChrisL, 3x32? I love that size.
Just got this in my email:
Lost U Diploma Mailbox ✆
show details 4:55 PM (0 minutes ago)
Greetings, LOST University Graduate:
We are happy to inform you that your diploma has shipped to the address provided. Please check our website at lostuniversity.org lostuniversity.org/> periodically for future exciting updates.
Namaste and good luck,
LOST University
Office of the Registrar
YAY Amy! So proud of all you Graduates.
Woo Hoo! I just this second got the same email! I can't wait to see it!
Now the tough decision... do I put in into the LOST Shrine... or do I hang it on the wall right next to my real diploma... Hmmm... :-)
Erm...big? I agree with Chris, It'll hopefully be a conventional UK frame size so it's not costing me a bomb to frame.
I may sound silly for asking but are you talking about Stout's Iron Man, because that was $45 and the variant $80.
@Amy Lynn...
Just received mine too. About time!!!
Mine's going to go right next to my real diploma. Oh wait, I moved my real diploma, nuts. Will move again to make space for both diplomas.
Martyn, 3x32... conventional frame size? I think it's time for bed!
I don't know where I'm going to put my diploma, but I'm thinking about a glittery gold mat!
I think you're right there. Goodnight all!
aaaah, how I've missed this. Tensions running high. I'm going to bed conflicted about the Cabin. It's a really high asking price, at the risk of maybe more prints on the way. BUT there's no guarantee they will be on the web. But then again, The cabin may well depreciate, and I could pick it up cheaper later on... decisions decisions....
Got my email too! No idea where I'm going to put it, haha
I told you to go to twitter for clues:
Tara McPherson's Twitter:
LOST fans!! Im working on a secret project, & since it aired last night I think I can tell you, it has smthing to do w the horrible deaths!
I guess those that thought there wasn't another series were...wrong!?
charter, I think you're barking up the wrong tree here, hon.
and I think you need to apologize.
Apologize for what? One artist started a rumor on Twitter. So what?
Are we all playing nicely ?
Just about to watch the episode, hope it doesn't upset me.
Don't worry Zort... we'll be here for you when you are done watching. :-)
Erm, no one denied the second run as far as I remember, so no apologies are needed from anyone.
Anyway, weinbeeezy, I'm guessing you got your email. I've now gotta get up at 4am to try and snag one of those bad boys. Hopefully I'll fail so I can save up for a nice expensive Daniel danger when he has his G1988 show on my birthday. Ooooor I'll just do both. Yeah. I'll be back at 4am.
Uh oh, looks like Tara McPherson got in trouble - her tweet about Lost has since been deleted. If it is another run, I really hope its an ARG that kicks in after Lost ends to help us deal with the withdrawal....
I wonder if one of the "secrets" at the booth at Lost Live will be a clue to kick things off.
@Martyn haha I was going to call you but unfortunately this blog doesn't have a call feauture! I'll be on here waiting! See you at 8pm my time! Haha
anyone else trying for Stout's Iron Man?
I want to... hmm...
@ Martyn
Amy Lynn said...
Jensen has said many times there isn't going to be a second set.
ChrisL said...
Very true Amy. A Happy LOST day to all our American friends btw!
So since I don't really have anyone else to tell this to that would care I'm gonna tell you guys:)
I'm working on a feature film right now and one of the actors looked really familiar to me but I couldn't pin point where I knew him from until I checked him out on imdb and looked at his pictures and said "No way... It's Alvar Hanso!"
I'm gonna try to get a picture with him and have him sign my LOST University shirt. I wonder if he knows anything that got cut ARG wise
Thanks for listening guys:)
Haha, nice. You should definitely get at least a picture with him.
@comixguru I want to but I don't know if I really like it.
Ten Minutes or so till the sale!
Birds are tweeting, i'm cold but i'm here! CMON!!!
http://www.etsy.com/shop/tstout Here it is! Iron man 2 posters!
Is anyone else's checkout process going uber slow?
Yes! Hopefully we can get one!
no luck.... another horrible poster drop... will i ever see a good one?
What? First it says whoops, can't redirect you, then there is an insufficient quantity and now it says won't ship to the UK. What is up with this site, seriously?
it wouldnt ship to US... haha thats what it said for me
yea... me too@
I'm still going. I think everyone is having an issue with it as there is still 134 in stock
any luck?
OK, what's happening now? He's taken it off the site.
It's back on
Stout posted on his site that he knows etsy has crashed, but not all of them has sold. He said once its done crashing, it will continue to sell the rest. Keep trying!
Still going strong. I just can't see why it keeps messing up at the point you click commit to buy, is all. Don't they know I want to go back to sleep?
That is bizarre. Says 48 left. You're all still good.
I know this isn't going to end well for me, tbh.
any luck weinbeeezy?
Well, Etsy was an epic fail! I'm off to bed, safe in the knowledge i'm $70 better off. Goodnight all! Well, good morning should I say.
@Martyn ... NOPE :[ EPIC FAIL
Sucks guys, sorry :(
Martyn, Weinbeeezy, So sorry to hear about that last night/this morning. Was really hoping you'd have luck on your side.
It didn't really make sense though. Etsy says he only sold 169 of both prints? Doesn't seem correct
It's takne me all night to get over the details of that new episode.
Ah, sorry you guys missed out on it. The whole experience was pretty hairy - the release thread on eb is full of frustration about it.
@Weinbeeezy...not sure how many Tyler sold, but whatever it was , he had only a certain amount of the run. Further, some of his posters were put aside for presale 'winners.'
We're right there with you, Zort. I'm still processing it...
I'm in denial that the episode ever took place tbh.
I just couldn't believe the stupidness of etsy. I had to go through that checkout at least 20 times, for every time where it sends you to paypal, to com up with a wide range of excuses as to why it won't go to paypal. From that lil kid with the yarn of wool, to it apparently selling out when it said 140 left, not shipping to UK (obviously to you it was no shipping to the US) and then finally, just a gateway error.
How people got through to get a poster, I don't know. Crazy, just crazy.
And I thought my experience at Tiny Media Empire yesterday was bad...
@Zort yeah crazy epi huh ? still alot to take in and I saw it two days ago.
@ Martyn and @ Weinbeeezy
Etsy has been having trouble this week really bad ! I have a shop and I can't get in to change things around and mess with it. it's horrible. Etsy keeps telling everyone that there is some outside source that has messed it up yet nothing has changed at all it's frustrating. usually it works so well.
That's a shame. Maybe it's a more reliable site when it's all fully functioning then. No blame goes to Tyler of course, he tried to make it fair but etsy wasn't playing ball, obviously.
Anyway, this makes up for my loss. Just picked it up and unrolled them. Rhys Cooper is amazing, hope he is involved in the next lost set. http://twitpic.com/1lh3jc
I had to watch the episode twice in a row! The plot, or potential plot holes are making my head spin!
Good luck those going for DD today. I think you'l have a very good chance because you can pick them up for that sort of price in the open market.
Martyn... Those are SWEET!
I love Tara McPherson's work. I have a couple of her Line Art prints... If she's working on a LOST thing that will be very cool.
ChrisL said
"Having said that, if you are correct about another series much like the first, that's an exciting prospect... but without the clues and the hunt... it's just another load of prints for sale".
I never suggested you were wrong about another set of prints simply that I wasn't keen on the idea.
No-one is suggesting that you're not "in the know" my friend.
Mind you... If Tara's involved I may become more keen on the idea :-)
Yeah, they are awesome. Just no idea how to go about framing them. This is definitely a future frame job, no space for all 4 but should they all have the same frame job. I'll ask my framer when I next have funds to frame posters.
Also, shot you an e-mail about tonight.
Decided that I'm passing on Danger today. I don't want to, but I'd rather spend that money splurging at Lost Live. Hopefully I can find one a little bit cheaper in the future!
Ray... I suspect you're not alone in that decision.
Hi Chris. Do you think they will be cheeky enough as to release a second edition run?
Maybe thats why DD is cashing in now.
Personally, I would like a red variant of Jacobs Cabin.....at £30!
ChrisL said
Mind you... If Tara's involved I may become more keen on the idea :-)
I bet she could do some fantastic stuff...something with Claire as the subject. Poor Claire...she's so lost.
I just got an e-mail from the Red Bull theatre regarding a benefit honoring Michael Emerson in June. Unfortunately, tickets START at $500.
The good news is, I guess that means he'll be back in New York, hopefully doing theatre.
"Curious to know from our customer base- do you all have any interest in the original artwork from some of Tim Doyle's past Nakatomi Prints? Just about everything he's done, we've got the original artwork stashed away somewhere, collecting dust. We're talking "White Dragon" The Lost/Hurley poster, "Bill Murray x6"...stuff like that. Black and white, hand drawn art. Let us know if YOU would be interested in it, and we might just open up the art for sale on the site! "
From Nakatomi, Inc., sign up for e-mails, and reply if you have any interest in release of "The Numbers"
@Amy Lynn,
Very cool. Let's all win the lotto soon so we can buy Danger prints and go to celebrity benefits.
Also very cool!
@AmyLynn Did you get the link I tweeted to you about the LOST exhibit in NYC? I hope you have a chance to attend! It looks to be awesome experience. From the press release:
"New York, NY, April 29, 2010 – Just three days before the world-wide television phenomenon LOST wraps up its final season, the Vilcek Foundation will open for public view a premiere exhibition celebrating the international creative talent, both in front of and behind the camera, that have contributed to the unbridled success of this show during its six-year run.
The exhibit, presented in collaboration with the ABC Television Network and open for two weeks only at the Vilcek Foundation Gallery in New York City, will feature images and biographical profiles of immigrant and first-generation American members of the LOST cast and crew, working across all departments of the production team, from acting and costume design, to editing and lighting."
Thanks, andalone!
Now that would be nothing more than a wind up! I think everyone is ready for some new blood art wise if it's going to be anything.
How are you dude?
@Ray... I'm with you on the Lottery win!
Graduation diploma arrived with invitation!
Good luck to everyone trying for DD print today.
@LT, that's very cool. Is the "master's program" thing a joke, or were there instructions included? 5/24 is going to be a very depressing day.
Also @ LT, did you not give them your real name, or did they just ignore it? When they asked for my address, they also asked for my real name for the diploma.
So- further studies in August LT!
Yes, I'm still going to try for DD-it may be almost market price- but I would rather he get the money than anyone else. Have been saving my pennies!
yeah, I have decided to go for it. I am nervous, and while I really want it, I also like the £170 it's going to cost (plus shipping) :(
@LT - Awesome! I can't wait to get home and check my mailbox! I can't tell from that picture... is the date 5/24... or 8/24?
Entertainment Weekly is doing a special "The End of LOST" issue this week! It includes all sorts of great stuff. You can check out the cover, and read about what is included in the issue here:
Does anyone have the URL for the Danger drop today? I was going to try to be a poster buddy... :-)
oh-oh-looks like I left a Fenway in a cart yesterday in error. I emptied it now- but I hope that didn't mess up anything for the sale yesterday. I thought I took it out then.
How does it work on DD's site when you put an item in?
AL, LT- does that say 8 or 5?
Good Luck to you Ben. Hope it is worth the wait for you.
Good luck to you too, JT. In fact, good luck to everyone who is going for it!
patmac-it's tiny media empire for DD
they are shuffling inventory around at the moment - I keep watching prints move around the screen... 20 mins to the drop. I'm sweating.
This is possibly my favourite moment of the show, and done by someone I have come to love as an artist. My house has four framed Danger prints, all of which I'm moving to one wall, as currently they're all over the place, and my house looks like an Edgar Allen Poe clubhouse. I WANT THIS PRINT.
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