Saturday, May 22, 2010

Jeff Soto Drawings and Tara McPherson Interview 45

Jeff Soto has posted some information about his poster, including some original sketch drawings on his blog at

Also LostBlog have now published an interview with Tara McPherson who created the Jin & Sun poster which is still available on


theotherben said...


Amy Lynn said...

Awesome drawing. :)

Zort70 said...

Night all, I think I can sleep easy tonight.

Ray said...

See you guys at 1:08 ET tomorrow

oh wait.....

theotherben said...

Hey, remember that the Lost University countdown ends tonight at midnight! What will happen???

Lisa-Maladylis said...

hello !! Neat drawings. why tomorrow at 1:08 Ray ??? no more posters I hope, I will be out all day doing the Dharma party ! see you Zort, thanks !!!

Zort70 said...

Thanks to you too Lisa and everyone else that has helped make the last 9 months a special time for me.

If anyone does get a video of what happens after the Lost University countdown clock finishes I'd love to put a post with the details up tomorrow morning.

Amy Lynn said...

@Zort, I will try to take some video of the UCB/LOST comedy show in NYC tonight for you.

DvdBos said...

I closed this second series with scoring the two sold out prints (and the only ones i really liked except, maybe, for the candidate cave which i won't buy 'cause of wall space)!

I'm VERY HAPPY to have shared with you all this second experience. Thank you very much.

Now i will enter in LOCKDOWN mode until the finale is aired, to avoid spoilers.

Let's hope that there will be another poster reveal sometime next week :p

Bye! And THANKS again.
See you all next week!

Lisa-Maladylis said...

hey Zort, your not closing this down after this is all done right ??? we can still come here and chatter right, monthly or weekly posts on whats going on, new show stuff, etc......

wolvesfan08 said...

I also posted in the last thread but if anyone that managed to get an extra would be kind enough to sell it to a fellow fan, I would really appreciate it. I have been following the print series for a while now and went to lunch at the wrong time today! I don't want to have to pay hundreds on eBay for this one, but it might come down to it. Thanks! My email is available on my Blogger profile

Zort70 said...

I'm sure there will be the odd post when new LOST poster info and probably the DVD releases are due to happen.

The site won't close down fully just yet.

theotherben said...

@Zort70 I'll upload a video. Can do!

Anonymous said...

We've still got artist resells, so the site has to stay open for that. And and and and... it just can't close, it's not allowed. We should kidnap Darlton and make them write more LOST for us so we can keep going here. :D

Martyn said...

Call me cynical but this poster business ain't over. 4 artists we've seen before? Unless they're counting Tong or Tara for tweeting about it.

I forgot about the DVD release. Better put £200 to oneside for that monster collection. Wonder if they will release details Monday about what's under the Dharma sheet. Would so love t to be a case shaped like the smoke monster!!!

Anonymous said...

I call it being Oceanic 815. And how do you open the 815 packaging? The cockpit and tail are on hinges, of course! ;) It would be way awesome. :D

maven said...

WOW...a lot of excitement again today. That's a fabulous poster...too bad I missed it (away from computer)! :(

Hope this site stays up for quite a while (as well as TLC). You never know what needs to be discussed!

MiddayShadows said...

Congrats Martyn and Chris, and again to all who scored today.

To those that did not, remember Olly will have limited quantities of the print available soon. Keep your eyes and ears open!

Enhanced version of the pilot airs tonight.

Sam G said...


RobPerrin said...

Back at home after 5.5 hours on the road. As expected, I missed the drop. Really nice print too. Considered stopping midway to find somewhere with WiFi, but the drive was through small town Ontario so I probably wouldn't have had much luck. Oh well, que sera sera. Glad to read that many of the regulars were able to pick one up.

Scott said...

It's the next morning, the sun is up and I still can't believe how lucky I am with the last print. Anyway I, like many others will be staying away from anything online from now until after watching the finale.

I just thought I'd stop by and say thank you for the fun and the company. I can't wait to see what we all think of the finale once it's all said and done.

xDR JON3Sx said...

my mom is making another lost cake for the finale, but i can't decide on what we should do... i ve been thinking about doing the 4 toed statue.... possibly the dharma van. and THOUGHT about the frozen donkey wheel but decided that wouldn't play well...

whats something you guys would think is cool. what is cool?

Clay said...

well, unlike most of you, Im going to spend the rest of my night reading spoiler blogs. I guess I'm the type that has to be the first to know everything... anyways I have very bad memory problems, chances are I will have forgotten what I read by tomorrow night! :) I've been watching since the pilot aired and I've seen every episode, and I still couldnt tell you many of the characters names! Let alone the actor names, haha, i know about 2 of those.

The nice thing about memory loss is I can watch the series over and over for eternity and still be surprised!

Clay said...


I would go to one of those adult cake stores and have a naked Kate made up. Or Sawyer, whatever your tastes! haha. Oh wait, your mom is making it? Might want to go in another direction...

Clay said...
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Clay said...

Guys, the Soto print contains the numbers! check it out:

IWish said...

Yep, the "42" was pretty darn clear in the sketch. That's the only one I saw. Neat.

theotherben said...

Hey, just wondering, but how do you tell how many shirts/prints are left on each dcaapb item?

Clay said...


you have to go into the javascript code and alter some stuff, apparently some of us know how to do that. im not one of those people. hopefully someone will post an update of how many of everything is left soon!

theotherben said...

@clay thanks! I'm not good at that either, but i was just wanted to know. If someone could that would be awesome!

Clay said...

someone named "dcpb" who just registered today on EB posted "Keep Your Eyes Open :wink: is not over yet"

its probably a hoax, but might want to stay in tonight just in case!

Jawapez said...

Anyone else going to the LA UCB show tonight? I'll try to update twitter - @jawapez - if anyone wants to follow.

Amy Lynn said...

On the line for the NY show now. Line is huge, also a big standby line

Walkindude125 said...

Hey Everyone,

Came to the newest print series a little late in the game, and sadly missed the Moss drop today due to my sister's birthday.

If anyone would like to trade/has one to sell, I have a mint condition BEN LINUS PRINT by Todd Slater (and it's print number 108! I'll send pictures ahead of time if you'd like the proof) to trade.

If you'd rather not trade, I'd be willing to pay $100 plus shipping for the print.

Email me at if you're interested! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

LOST UNIVERSITY Masters program coming with season 6 in August....thats what the countdown clock revealed over on LU

Rorschach said...

And LOST University is over...
Countdown timer went to hieroglyphics (some not from the Swan hatch) then the screen announced the masters program. New countdown timer for season six Blurays started at 3 months and a day.

theotherben said...

Do you all want me to post the video?
I recorded it, but it wasn't that special.

Rorschach said...

Might as well post it, maybe those hieroglyphs mean something. Can't hurt if anyone wants to see it.

andalone said...

Teefury has awesome LOST collage design for Finale Day.

theotherben said...

is the video! As time goes on, youtube will improve the quality!

theotherben said...
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Unknown said...

I'm pretty bummed that I missed the olly print, its so incredible and I have nowhere near enough money to buy it off ebay :P. The other one I would of liked also sold out crazy fast, the DD print, stupid Australia with different timezones hahahaha, although I know alot of you guys were up all night waiting so good on you.

Anyone have any idea how much DD i going to sell the last few copies of his print on his website? Like how much did the left overs from his last print sell for?

I really want one of the posters, I wasnt really following the ARG when it was one late last year which is pretty annoying. Now to decide which one to get, none of them really jump out at me which is annoying

The Kharma Initiative said...

Daniel, if I remember correctly, Daniel Danger sold his copies of Jacob's Cabin for $250, the most of any of the artist resells. And he had VERY few available.

Contact me (click on my profile name) if you need more info.

John LaHair said...

It's like Christmas morning except it should be spelled mourning. Actually very excited about tonight. Closure is good!

Sweetest way to end LOST tonight with a t-shirt @ TeeFury today: LOST COLLAGE by jimiyo

Plus.. win “Hurley’s Numbers” & help a charity - details here.

Zort70 said...

Morning all, there is a NEW POST for today.