Friday, May 14, 2010

LOST Live - Photos and Closeups 255

It has been quite a 24 hours in the LOST world with many people from all over the planet sending me information for which I'm eternally grateful.

Here we have a selection of pictures from last night, click on each picture to see a larger version.

Also if you haven't already seen it in the previous comments Tyson Givens has sent out an email telling people that they will need to re-register on the Damon Carlton and a Polar Bear site before purchasing anything.

Still no word on when that will be yet by the way.

A wristband from last night, does anyone know what this says ?
A picture of the program from last night and one of the wristbands
A lei from the VIP party
A signed program
Nestor Carbonell's seat assignment picture
A close up of the Jack poster by Kevin Tong.

All images above courtesy of Weinbeeezy
The Jacob poster from mistersh0w
misters0w's signatures.


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Unknown said...

Yeah, since the shirt I bought isn't sold out yet, I wish I could return it!

Unknown said...

(that was a joke)

ObFuSc8 said...

Olly's tshirt is on backorder. I'm going to have to ask them wtf that means if this is limited edition...

Cristina Roswell said...

It´s funny that now the "concern" is because nothing sold out yet. I keep refreshing trying to get a SOLD OUT sign, lol.
I really hope this goes the same way with the next 8 prints. I doubt it but if they release it just like these ones, at a random time, and with them being 500 instead of 200, I´d say chances are high for everybody here to get what he wants :)

Martyn said...

With nothing sold out, I may consider the driveshaft tee as it has Birmingham printed on it.

Drama said...

Martyn... I am regretting Olly's shirt, and wishing I'd got the Driveshaft one. It's awesome.

Drama said...

Also, this weeks Lost... I can see how it polarised viewers! For my money, some of it I liked, some I thought was cheesy. Why explain the boys if you give us the mystery of the mother? (other than "there's always been someone, so it doesn't matter"). The greek / Spanish into English was poorly done, and the glowing cave making a noise like a cheap bulb seemed cheap.

I've been saying for years that Lost is about the Garden of Eden, and this seems to be a bit more toward that. I like that a)Jacob is a pussy, and b) he killed his brother in a hissyfit. It means neither of them is "right". So we are back to fatalism / determinism. I HATE than Locke doesn't have a name.

Martyn said...

I got olly for my gf, which she loves. But yeah, I'm liking the driveshaft tee more and more. I do like NPB though, was tempted to get it.

Ben, how much was shipping?

Weinbeeezy said...

KEvin tong retweeted me!!!!

Capcom said...

Hi Argies! Tx Zort for keeping up with the current excitement for us again. :-x

The skull Tee is also on backorder, for me. :-(

Drama said...

postage for me was $26 for a print and a shirt. Not so bad, I think. No back order mail either. Shirt was Not Penny's Boat in L.

MiddayShadows said...

I don't think the backorder thing is a big deal at all. I think Gomerch is distributing the shirts and they are merely letting us know they will ship them when they are actually in their possession. Not an oversell, and not that they havent been printed yet.

geekboypress said...

Ok, just ordered the smoke shirt in Large. I tried soooo hard to resist, but in the end, the man in black won me over!

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness I got my email. Woo Hoo I got two totes and a smoke monster t shirt. I really wish they had at least 1 girly t shirt.

Cristina Roswell said...

Are they still making changes to the website? I could swear the background changed, but maybe it´s just that my page hadn´t loaded completely.

Cristina Roswell said...

Well not the background, I mean the places were the 8 prints are supposed to be placed.

MiddayShadows said...

Wow, just got a notification of shipment. Included a tracking # too. Impressive Gomerch, very impressive.

Martyn said...

I'm intrigued to know what posters people went for. Ben, Midday, did you got for a Tong or Jacob?

ObFuSc8 said...

Talked to peeps at GoMerch who have been very quick and helpful. The backorder emails may have been mistakes (mine was). Anyone who is curious about a backorder email can call and check.

dylansdad said...

So much for backorder--I just got a tracking number. They already shipped my order!

ObFuSc8 said...

dylansdad -- back order emails were mistakes.

Martyn -- I bought all the posters up today, but for different reasons.
-Hurley b/c the detail is striking
-Jack because it reminds me of the opening minutes of the pilot.
-Sawyer, well b/c of detail and at that point I had the other 2 of Tong's
-I'm With Jacob -- because part of me is, but also because of Mitchell's I'm With CoCo stuff which I watched evolve and when I have time will hang next to each other.

MiddayShadows said...

Hey Martyn, passed on the posters - you wont hear me say that often. I wasn't too keen on the Jacob - it's well executed, but too much of a spoof/reference of another image for my tastes. I considered Tong's Hurley poster - I thought that turned out nice out of the Lost Live three- but couldnt bring myself to go for it. Perhaps later. I'm more intrigued about the quarantined posters...

Martyn said...


I never got the coco stuff. I know i've missed something big because it's all I see lately. What exactly is it?

Out of the three, I liked Sawyer and Hurley, more Hurley because he looks like a dude in his poster! Sawyer because of the bold use of green and blue. The Jack one I can't help but see him running in some weird bamboo vortex rather than lying down.

I think Kevin did an amazing job on these posters and whether I was there or not, I think they are outstanding. I know exactly where i'm going to frame it. Which reminds me, gotta get my LU diploma framed. Professional or Ikea? Tough choices.

Goodnight all, need a lot of sleep to make up for last night!

Martyn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MiddayShadows said...

ObFs - that'd be a great pairing, both Mitchells next to each other. If I end up going for these posters, I would approach it your way, all or none.

Scoutpost said...

Oh my excitement and stress levels went back up this morning when I saw those 8 question marks.

Dang...once DCAAPB caught on, I wasn't able to get any of the later posters, I wonder if I'll be able to get any this time? Might need poster buying help....

ObFuSc8 said...

Martyn -- I'm With CoCo was an impromptu viral twitter/FB thing Mike Mitchell started when Conan got Leno-ed. Mike came up with that I'm With CoCo graphic and it spread through the interwebz in true viral style, helped us show our support for Conan and then was picked up as the "official" graphic for Conan's comedy tour (since his NBC contract prohibited him from being on TV until September).

Midday -- I would have loved it if they would have been facing opposite directions so I could hang the prints either glaring at each other or back to back. Jacobs hair and the text in that print are a unique dayglo Mounatin Dew-esque hue. Hmmm...maybe that was intended to reference the Light pond (probably not) ;)

Scott said...

Hey all,

So I got to sleep in right past the time they went up and still get everything I want. It's a new and weird experience but I think I like it. I was only going to get three shirts (Not Pennys Boat, Smokey, Driveshaft) but in the last moments I caved and got the Hurley print as well. After seeing the detail pic for it it is really nice.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe all of this stuff isn't sold out yet! Maybe we're going to have an easier time getting the posters this time around.

mtutick said...

Personally, I've been able to resist. The posters just don't do it for me. The Tong ones are great, but the Lost Live makes the image too small, and since I wasn't at Lost Live it doesn't have that sentimental value. I would love to get the Smoke Monster Tee, but I can't bring myself to spend $30 (after shipping) on a T-shirt...

Can't wait for the 8 quarantine prints though...but when will we get more information?

Capcom said...

Wait until TV Guide and all the other rags run online articles on the new merchandise set, then we'll have to fight with the dealers again. :-p

maven said...

I said "NO MORE POSTERS", but I ended up getting the Hurley one. I felt it portrayed 3 great icons of the show...the Dharma Van, the Dharma jumpsuit and, of course, a very flattering depiction of Hurley. Plus, since I went to the event, the sentimental factor was included with the Lost Live logo and the date, time and place.

Weinbeeezy said...

Maybe when these prints sell out they'll release the new set?

The Kharma Initiative said...

It looks like a lot of us are making similar choices:

Olly Moss, because it's Olly Moss and 'Not Penny's Boat'

Smoke+Locke, because of the wraparound 'surprise' design, and cause it's Locke!

Drive Shaft, because it's so striking from a distance and it's Charlie.

Come to think of it, all three of these are the most striking and identifiably Lost from a distance.

Hurley Tong print.

I see these same choices again and again.

Amy Lynn said...

I got the DriveShaft one because it's awesome, and the Ben one because it's BEN, and also very much my personality.

Unknown said...

Yay! Woke up and got a 'Not Penny's Tote'. Anyone else get that? Also, I dont understand the "Trust Me" Ben Joke.

Amy Lynn said...

@Jason, what, exactly, would you trust (non-sideways) Ben to do? Protect your daughter? Not lie? LOL

Unknown said...

@Amy - Hahahaha, I get that but were the glasses necessary?

Ben Ritter said...

I'm not 100 percent sure, but I think the Ben shirt may a reference to the cover of the Elvis Costello album "Trust." At least that's what I thought of right away. (The hair and glasses are pretty much identical.)

Unknown said...

@Ben - Seems quite possible. They frame of their glasses look very similar.

Unknown said...

Hmmm... What do you guys think will be the first item to be sold out (that is released at the moment).

@Zort - Just outt a curiosity, what happened to the Chat function?

dylansdad said...

When will the posters start to be revealed, and when can we sleep?

Jason said...

I was sooo wrong earlier... I got exactly what I wanted right when I got back from lunch (about 1 Pacific?), with no problem!

Predictably, apparently (nice catch, @The Kharma Initiative...): Smoke shirt, Drive Shaft shirt, Hurley poster... :)

Got the order detail, and the GoMerch receipt, which had no detail about the items, but it all seems to be in order... no tracking number yet, though.

This is a great addition to the very sad fact that the show is ending (which I guess it had to sometime).

Also, I'm mostly glad they dispensed with the reveals and definitely glad they increased the quantities. As fun as Super 7 in SF was, I maybe would rather have gotten the poster that day... though I did get to briefly chat with Jopinionated.

The Kharma Initiative said...

Thanks for the compliment, Jason!

My guess for the 1st sell-out of the current items - either the weird bloody polar bear skull shirt (because it's only an edition of 324 rather than 815), or maybe the Hurley print, depending on how many already sold at the show last night.

Cosmically Yours

Zort70 said...

@Jason, we took the chat page down some time ago as we didn't think it would be needed any more.

You can still get into the LOSTARGs IRC channel using an IRC client but it isn't something we can monitor at the moment so I'm not going to promote it.

The Kharma Initiative said...

My instinct tells me that the Tong prints are probably about two-thirds sold by now.

Cosmically Yours

mungonna said...

So..I have no idea whats going on..I get an invite from Ty/Giv,,and 10 minutes later I've bought 4 posters and a T shirt...whaa....

Glad to see everyone had a good time at the concert tho..


ChrisL said...


ChrisL said...

Just woken to a beautiful UK morning and caught up with the posts. Fantastic, everyone getting the items they want. It sound as though the Hurley print is popular (it's the only one I went for), my guess is that will be the first sell out.

So... a print a day until the finale?

Zort70 said...

ChrisL said... It sound as though the Hurley print is popular... my guess is that will be the first sell out

Which is ironic as in the original series the hurley print didn't seel out for ages.

Hi MEL, we have missed your words.

Zort70 said...

8 Days to the finale, I'm not sure I can cope.

I'm going to be in London from Sunday onwards so that could be fun trying to order from my phone.

Zort70 said...

Its time for a NEW POST

Drama said...

I've got buyers remorse this morning. I want the Hurley print, not the Jack print. Never mind - I'm not sure I have anywhere to hang it anyway! I bought it on impulse as I liked the design, and it was the first of the series. Having had time to consider, I like Hurley better. Oh well! I need to keep some perspective, and realise that I don't have unlimited cash to keep throwing at TV show merchandise, of which I already have quite a bit. Which reminds me, I need to take Jacobs Cabin to the framers...

The Partyman said...

It's been a week and my brain is still processing the awesomeness that was Lost Live.

It was great to meet a few of the regular LOST ARG contributers, and I apologise for any crazy lurker comments ("I have seen pictures of you on the internet!")

sarah_0901 said...
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