Friday, May 21, 2010

Tara McPherson Poster Creation Blog Post 370

Tara McPherson has created a blog post on her own website that explains a bit more about the inspiration for the poster and the creation process, as well as stating that part of the poster is printed using metalic inks which isn't clear on the DCaaPB site.

There is also this statement which reflects some of the discussions yesterday about orientation of the poster -

".....The print can also be hung any orientation which I wanted to do to add to the weightlessness of the characters. Though I did have to pick one side to sign and number them :)"


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ChrisL said...

First. Good Morning.

Zort70 said...

Good morning ChrisL

A fine and sunny morning indeed, after the fog has lifted.

ChrisL said...

ioioos. No hints that I'm aware of... very much wishful thinking. I guess the thought process is that the most successful of the previous artists would be most likely to be asked again.

I'm hoping for McCarthy for The Temple and I'll take any Tan any time.

ChrisL said...

It's a stunner Zort.

Ray said...

Email. I shouldn't be awake.

ChrisL said...

That's a cool post by Tara. I do love her illustration style. Her shapes and curves are sublime.

ChrisL said...

Go back to sleep Ray!

Weinbeeezy said...

If anyone went to the gallery tonight (LA peeps), then it should be known what the next two prints will be... :) nobody will be let down... I promise you

Ray said...

Haha see you in a few hours, guys

ChrisL said...

Weinbeeezy, that's just cruel. Tell us more!

Weinbeeezy said...

Haha I was sworn to secrecy! I just wanted to express how excited I am! No sleep for me haha

Zort70 said...

Weinbeeezy I think you have already given us a sign.

Anonymous said...


Dan MCCarthy would do a cool temple. I'd like him to do the lighthouse. It would be Lost, without looking like lost.

I'm trying to think what other "watercooler" moments could be considered for season 6.

The Temple, The lighthouse, The Sub, Picking of the Cadidate, and maybe something from the final?

ChrisL said...

Eric and Olly?

Cristina Roswell said...

Good morning you,all everybody!
Here hoping for a super cool print today! (or not, because I can only afford 1 and I guess the last one will be "the one" lol)

Any idea when today´s will be released? Are we waiting for a 1.08pm EST reveal like yesterdays? Or a late or earlier one?

Weinbeeezy said...

Btw, all the yelling at Jensen and he said that he doesn't even control the drops... Haha guess all the yelling at him was for no reason

Cristina Roswell said...

Some clues please!! :D pretty pleeeease

Anonymous said...

Tara's print keeps calling me....its saying "ioioos... what about that space on the bedroom wall they you haven't filled yet....go know you want to...."

Cristina Roswell said...

There are still about 180 something left, if you are not sure, I´d wait until the remaining 2 are released (but that´s just me as I can only buy 1. But you don´t have to worry about it selling out just yet)

ChrisL said...

ioioos... you know you want to...

Joe Stas said...

How many Desmond and Cave prints are there left please? :)

Still tempted....

John LaHair said...

Good Friday To All!

@Zort & ChrisL - the sun is out here in that Massachusetts... a fine way to end the week and prepare for a most excellent weekend of final poster drops and series finales. :)

From my post last night: Thinking that we may possibly see a combo poster from 2 of the artists we've seen reflecting the use of mirrors this season. Flash sideways on left and regular timeline on right. Only time will tell.

For those traveling to celebrate this weekend... have fun, be safe, and see if you can find Jack's father's coffin - it still appears to be missing regardless what Alt-Desmond is "claiming."

@Weinbreezy - be cryptic if you must, but please more vlues. :)

Have a great day!

Cristina Roswell said...

@Joe Stas
90 Caves
297 Desmonds

Last night

John LaHair said...

Repost due to lack of coffee & letters"C" & "V" being to close:

@Weinbreezy - be cryptic if you must, but please more clues.

Joe Stas said...

Thanks a lot. Looks like I've got a bit of time to decide anyway.

Damn band practice getting in the way tonight!!

Anonymous said...

Good point Roswell.

Which ever way the next two go, I know I will end up with a least one more print now.

At home I set myself a limit of not more than 3 prints up from lost (or any single series) so that I always have a variety. So anything new will have to bump something already up.

The two "stayers" are Swan Station and The Hatch. I love them and they suit my house decor best.

Then I'm sitting on "reserves" to rotate in a third frame. Those are Love Triangle, Lockes Secret, Polar Bear and Ben Linus With Black Rock coming, and Tara a possiblity, its getting a bit crowded!

Joe Stas said...

I'm moving to a new flat on Wednesday, with my brother, who also loves Lost. It's a blank canvas and I'm sure it'll be a ridiculous Lost-fest in there...

Lisa-Maladylis said...

Good morning all. beautiful drawings Zort, Tara is a brilliant artist !

Amy Lynn said...

Happy print day. Again. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Newsflash! Lost finale will be broadcast across Europe at 5am Monday morning, to match PST USA!

Sky have confirmed for the UK!!

Anonymous said...

Problem I have my Dharma party (just me and my mate) at 5am now???

Anonymous said...

CTKP said...

yes. yes you do.

Joe Stas said...

ioioos.. I'm jsut the same. I had an amazing Dharma party planned for Friday!! agh

Joe Stas said...

ioioos.. I'm jsut the same. I had an amazing Dharma party planned for Friday!! agh

Anonymous said...

@ioioos - didn't you read the comments on here yesterday? :P (I can't remember which article we were in though...) Andalone posted about the simulcast at about 3ish yesterday afternoon. :)

Anonymous said...

Woops! Must have missed that.

I'm not sure what to feed with East Coast at 2am, 5am on Sky, or record it and watch in Monday night....hmmmm.

Live feed is winning....

Zort70 said...

ioioos, how do you get a live feed of the East coast in the UK ?

Anonymous said...

@Zort - there are live feed links to watch it on your comp. They tend to be about 10 secs behind broadcast, tops. I can link you if you want it?

I'm gonna watch at 5 a.m. for the finale. Gotta watch it legit on a proper tv in HD. It's worth doing right for the finale. :D

Zort70 said...

Yes, I'm going to wait until 5am as well, I was just interested in how the live feed was being sent.

It probably wouldn't work on my state of the Ark broadband connection anyway.

Ray said...

Oh man. So weinbeeezy meets olly last night and finds out who made the last two prints. I think it's pretty safe to say olly is one of them.

Also, jensen isn't in charge of the drops? That was a shocker, actually. I wonder who is.

Amy Lynn said...

NY Times on LOST's finale

Anonymous said...


There are a variety of live feed sites (like These ones offer a small screen of thousands of channels from around the world.

I use a new one called Veetle. It gives full screen live feed in great quality. It claims HD, but in reality, its good standard def. As good as a standard 350mb download.

I've watched the last 10 weeks live, full screen on a 32" monitor and I've only experiences occasional lag. Didn't spoil it at all.

In fact, there is a real kick watching it live. It feels naughty!

Ray said...


Buy tara.

Amy Lynn said...

Fly safe everyone who is going to LA, and good luck staying away from spoilers!

Anonymous said...


That was an iteresting article, if not a bit bias against the show. I did love this bit....

"Among the best evidence that something new is happening with “Lost” is the fact that so many people, if their online comments are true, will be willing to change their judgment of the entire series based solely on how well the final two-and-a-half-hour episode satisfies their need for answers. Forget the first 119 hours — if you don’t tell me what happened to Walt, none of it will have mattered."

Mark Englert said...

@Amy I couldn't disagree more with NY Times... ONE good season? Really?

Amy Lynn said...

ioioos, LOL. I don't mind not knowing about WALT. It's funnier to run around screaming WAAAAAAAAAAAAALT, MY BOYYYYYYYYYYYYY!

Amy Lynn said...

@Mark Englert, I do agree with the article that S1 was the best, all around, but S4 and S5 are right up there with it, to me.

Mark Englert said...

Also, good morning all! Hoping for another easy, east coast drop.

I'm itching to watch the finale already!

Amy Lynn said...

Is there a decision for what time we can start talking about the finale on LOSTArgs?

Mark Englert said...

@Amy I feel like Season 1 of LOST did a great job at getting people hooked, an incredible job, even.

Saying that, I think the further seasons, 4 and 5 especially, are amazing for bringing dense sci-fi elements to the masses hooked by season 1.

Also, I must say, I do miss the constant washing of clothes and sunbathing in the first season :)

Mark Englert said...

The finale is simulcast worldwide! We ought to be able to talk about it at midnight on Sunday, right?

Anyone waiting to watch it just has to maintain radio silence, since it's their choice to wait.

Amy Lynn said...

Maybe Zort can open up a special READ AT YOUR OWN RISK thread?

Ray said...

I'm on board for a "read at your own risk" post after the finale.

I'm off to the gym - hoping for another 1:08 ET drop again today!

Drama said...

me too for the risk: I intend to tape the HD simulcast at 5am. I head to work at 7:30 anyway, and will be home by 3 (some perks to being a teacher) where I can kick back and watch it uninterrupted, advert free. I can easily avoid the web for the day. I think.

Lisa-Maladylis said...

I will be going to a Hotel in a large town in NH to join friends from the Fuselage so we can all watch together. we will get there at noon, do a rewatch of sorts, I'm bringing fish biscuits, Lost gifties and what ever else I can think of. Oh kleenex ! Humm, better get lots of that.

Joe Stas said...

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can you start a new spoilers thread.. at least until next Friday when Sky1 show it in the UK. I know it's on Monday morning at 5am but there's no way I can watch it til the Friday due to band commitments.. Please!

Anonymous said...


Sky one will now show it Tuesday night and then again on Friday night.

Anonymous said...



Joe Stas said...

Thank ioioos.. I really can't watch til Friday unless I can sort something out :( Busy every night this next week.. AGH! Gonna have to hide from the world the best I can.

ChrisL said...

OK. That's my meetings done for the day.

I'm ready for a print.

John-Paul said...

Has Weinbeezy posted anything that could be regarded as clues to the last two prints?

Zort70 said...

I'm leaving the office in a few minutes, always dodgy travelling at any possible version of 1:08 !

See you all later.

andalone said...

Calling all poster buddies to help cover our friends in transit to LA. Anne, Ob FuSc8 about to board. Mel in flight now. LT in LA, but driving airport route to pick up friends.

Any help appreciated. I am covering too. This is bound to be an awesome print today.

Drama said...

I have SO much on this weekend, and compounded with the fact it's the first decently hot weekend in England this year, I really don't want to be tethered to the PC. My girlfriend is moving in, I have to go buy and make some furniture, there's barbecues to be had, and all the while, I'll be sat there thinking "bet I just missed the drop".

That Times article was pretty acurate, I thought. This season HAS on balance been rushed, but it was always going to disappoint - see the last season of The Wire, Battlestar Galactica, Buffy, etc. Endings never fully work out. I don't care though, I've enjoyed the ride. And I've thought there were excellent performances in all seasons, for the record.

Amy Lynn said...

@andalone, I'm probably going to go for the print, but if it's Moss or Tan, I have to keep it.

dylansdad said...

Hey--Has anybody else noticed that if you hit F5, it refreshes your current web page? That might come in handy...

Drama said...

me too. Sad to say, I only have one card, and I don't want to be cancelled for doing multiple orders. Otherwise I'd be all over it.

ChrisL said...

As long as I'm there when it drops I'll try to cover for someone as well as my own.

thaeagle2003 said...

you cant get multiple with different transactions?

Anonymous said...

My card has been charged, so it looks like I'll get the spare DD. Anyone in the UK miss out on it?

Mark Englert said...

Crud, I'm gonna be out until an hour after the potential drop!

On my phone I can see the print, but not BUY the print, argh!

Scoutpost said...

@Weinbeezy- got your email. emailed you back....

MurghBatwar said...


i did -absolutely gutted

MurghBatwar said...

Are you selling - email me!

steve dot elliott2 @ googlemail dot com

ChrisL said...

OK... Heading home. Hope it doesn't drop. Good luck all if it does.

Mark Englert said...

I don't mind if it drops, I just hope it doesn't sell out before I can get one :)

mistersh0w said...

Morning all! DEFINITELY keeping my eyes LOCKED on the site today...

Anonymous said...


If it comes through. I got an extra in the last minute blip when it said sold out. Watch this space. I

Anonymous said...


You tease! Is Mistersh0w in the know??

Drama said...

I want to know what Weinbeeezy knows!

Mark Englert said...

Argh, I am in need of a poster buddy, this sucks!

Oh well.

DvdBos said...

I have to go out for a birthday party in an hour.
I will be in the car at the time of the reveal. I will try to bring my laptop with me so i can maybe buy.
Yesterday i brought my laptop at the soccer field to see the print drop :D

Thanks to Lisa for emailing me yesterday :)

I hope it's a 1.08pm est drop, so i can try for it before arriving at the party (while in the car).

Weinbeezy just made me nervous. I may end up with 6 total print (Smokey, Walt's Kidnapping, Stout's LOST, Danger's Black Rock and these last two :D)!

I have no wall space. Damn. :D

Weinbeeezy said...

@Ray... I met manY artist Last night :)

Cristina Roswell said...

Lol, good one Weinbeeezy ;)

Any clues on the release time?

mistersh0w said...

@Weinbeeezy - STOP IT!!

Amy Lynn said...

I am really hungry.

Weinbeeezy said...

@mistershow... I'm going to be shattered if my info is wrong... Want to go for a smoke break?

MurghBatwar said...

Do we still think its going to be a 1.08 in some time zone again?

Where are we up to?

Drama said...

someone email me and tell me what the prints are, before I eat the desk.

Unknown said...

Me too... someone drop me a hint please?

mistersh0w said...

@Weinbeeezy - you've got a heart of glass my friend... Now I gotta go rub my temple. *headache*

Weinbeeezy said...

@mistershow... I feel like I'm walking on glass in these forums, I need to go see the light...

Drama said...


Cristina Roswell said...

Okay I want to know too! lol, Flocke print by Moss? good companion for his Locke, I must say :)
Please send me an email as well if you can, would really appreciate it:
arscode at hotmail dot com

Pretty pleeeeease? I´m a good girl *Shrek´s pussy in boots eyes* Ó_Ò

mistersh0w said...

Hahaha, be patient Ben, all will be revealed soon... Maybe a bit of sun light will help?

Weinbeeezy said...

@mistershow... Wait SUN light?!? Is this an indirect clue?

maven said...

Great "clues" guys!

mistersh0w said...

@Weinbeeezy - sHURLEY you can't be accusing me of revealing any clues!!!

I'm merely stating to Ben that it would be a shame to not enjoy the light by staying in his house...

Amy Lynn said...

Whoo hoo. LOL.

mistersh0w said...

Ok I'm done.

thaeagle2003 said...

i found the best picture of locke EVER

Weinbeeezy said...

Ok enough. In 25 hours we will definitely have one poster, maybe both! Final thing I can say... These prints will not be interested to anyone but fans, which was good news to me... Purposely done so no flippers will be interested

JRNayslayer said...

I am really going to miss this.
Not just Lost, but sites like LostArgs, the conversations, the waiting, etc.

If you could save only one Lost character on the island, which one would you save? For me, it would be Ben. I know, I like'em dangerous.

Joe Stas said...

I wish I understood these clues! But alas, I am really thick..

Just Thinking said...

Hi all-

Don't badger WB you naughty children! Maybe Jensen meant he did not have control of how the site is working,so can't tell when they will drop.

In LA-very cool view from high up in the hotel of the city and a plaza below. I'm not a city girl- so I gawk.

Hope this one drops at 1:08 Eastern-I probably will be able to do that- but later will be out.

Might try for 2 orders if they aren't canceling-will let you know.

Amy Lynn said...

@Joe... the clues are pretty easy. You just need to find the LIGHT in the HOUSE in your brain.

Unknown said...

I'm sooo ready for a print that REALLY makes me scream.

Although the more I look at the Candidate Cave, the more I'm excited that it'll be in my home soon.

And since Tara built it to be 'weightless', then everyone clearly has her permission to hang it whatever direction people want.

Man, I want the last two to be HOT.

Patrick said...

If any of you Tan fans are interested, Acme Archives Direct, who has 2 of 3 Tan's Indiana Jones giclee's, is having a 30% off sale today. That makes these giclee's $105 each and they have free shipping. The promo code is ESB30 to input upon checkout (in celebration of the 30th anniversary of ESB)

Just Thinking said...

that said-oo-sounds like something good!

Joe Stas said...

haha.. thanks.. I'm really thick, so thanks for helping :)

Ray said...


Wow, missed a lot of clues. Something about lighthouses and hurleys and suns and....I didn't really follow it haha. Well we'll know what they are soon enough so I'll just go along for the ride. Hopefully its ET again today!

Amy Lynn said...

I hope it's a big print that says DAVID SHEPARD IS THE MAIN IN BLACK.

Unknown said...

Since we're on a new thread, asking the question again: what are people doing for the finale?

Also, note that simulcast is NOT worldwide: PST is not EST, and UK cast is apparently timed with PST, at least according to what ioios (sp?) was saying earlier.

Sam G said...


Just Thinking said...

If no flppers will be interested, then we all should be able to get one if we want.

Unknown said...

I really hope it drops in 10 mins. Have a lot to do today.

Ray said...

I hope the final scene of the series is Jack eating granola with his son, and per Amy Lynn's suggestion comes to the realization that he is the Man in Black. Jack then ends the show with a really bad joke about cereal.

Amy Lynn said...

@UP, watching finale with my boyfriend and cat. We refuse to watch with other people who might talk. Also, going to a party, there's no guarantee that the TV will work, or that some spoiler jerk won't let loose. LOL.

Unknown said...

@Amy Lynn: Understandable. Trying to avoid spoilers the last couple of weeks has been really hard to do. Fortunately, I have broken my friends of the concept by explaining to them repeatedly that I -can- throw them out of my home, and -will-. :)

Unknown said...

I'm confused, what makes a flipper not interested in a print? From the clues that have been listed it sounds like this will be a print that we'll all want. If we all want it isn't that what makes a flipper want it as well? I'm confused.

Just Thinking said...

UP- doing the Jay & Jack party. I probably am going to end up spoiled at some point-but that's the risk I guess. I thought it would be too much fun to miss and we had tickets to fly to LA that we hadn't used anyway.

Amy Lynn said...

Yeah, I think if the poster is by Olly Moss or Eric Tan, it's worth a TON to flippers, no matter what.

Will said...

@Evan I was wondering the same thing. If the print is done by an artist with a following, and it looks good, wont there be high demand for it almost regardless of the subject matter?

JRNayslayer said...

@UP, I'm staying in to watch the finale with my girlfriend. I've tried watching Lost with a group before, but prefer just the two of us. I'm thinking especially for this finale because there might be some tears (from me) invovled.

Unknown said...

Nah, Olly Moss is overrated. He's so on the down swing of his career. It's all just repetitive and boring. If I were a flipper I'd never get another of his prints.

Amy Lynn said...

LMAO @ UP. We should all be on such a downswing.

Unknown said...

(did it work? Did I fool them into not snagging another one if it shows?)

Weinbeeezy said...

Trust me, no flippers will want these two... Unless they have decided to start collecting artwork

Amy Lynn said...

@WB, the only way that could be is if we have two more unknown artists.

Unknown said...

Seriously Weinbreezy--were these other prints already up at the gallery or something? (If so, I KNEW I should have dropped by there last night).

Ray said...


Did you find out any skinny on why there are 5 new artists instead of 4 like they said?

Amy Lynn said...

60 seconds.

Ray said...


Drama said...

not seeing a drop... and I have this here shiny new copy of Red Dead Redemption to break in...

Unknown said...

So... PT it is, eh?

Koobeton said...

oh come on...

Weinbeeezy said...

Guess we have to wait till 1:08 pst... Darn

capostar said...

PST, me thinks

Amy Lynn said...

Sigh. Guess the 2 drops in 25 hours was already wrong.

Will said...

so pst today and est tomorrow?

Koobeton said...

i'll be in the car going to Atlantic City, thank goodness for web-enabled phones

Joe Stas said...

It'd be nice if it was up now as it would mean I could go out and enjoy my Friday night rather than sit here refreshing the dang page :S

Will said...

@Amy L pst today and est tomorrow would be 2 in 25 hours, no?

Unknown said...

The pattern has been PST, PST, EST... I hope it's PST today and tomorrow, with a final, secret EST drop on Mon!

xDR JON3Sx said...

damn it! this thing not dropping right now makes me nervous that if i wait until PST, that SOMEHOW, he ll decide to drop it between then. and it will sell out before i can get to it. i m just having bad feelings about it hahaha.

dylansdad said...

Eric Tan did some great pieces for both the He-Man and Moments in Sports shows at Gallery 1988 that didn't sell out. He's not at the Daniel Danger level yet where his fans will buy anything no matter what. Olly Moss seems to be a bit more guaranteed as his popularity is growing rapidly. But I think that either of the two will sell out another Lost print.

I just wish I could have had a McCarthy from the new series...

Unknown said...

dagnabit. I really have stuff to do today. grr.

dylansdad said...

It's so cruel for Jensen to tweet at a time like this.

Koobeton said...

@ dylansdad. completely agree I missed out on McCarthy from the first run and really regret it. I was thinking of buying his print: Guiding Light.

Ray said...

Haha @dylandsdad I was just going to say the same thing. He did it on purpose, he knows his tweets are going to our phones.

Mark Englert said...

whew! no drop yet... i can breathe easy... gotta get home!

chaseter said...

UnseenPresence said...
Nah, Olly Moss is overrated. He's so on the down swing of his career. It's all just repetitive and boring. If I were a flipper I'd never get another of his prints.

Wow...what a completely ignorant and wrong statement. I hope you were joking. Olly's career is just starting and his prints are extremely intelligent and his simplistic style is very good. You can not like his work, but to say those things...completely wrong.


Amy Lynn said...

Yeah, I have stuff to do today too. I'm going to be unhappy if this is an unknown.

Ray said...


UP was totally joking - he wants a Moss more than anything and was hoping (again, jokingly) that his post would dissuade flippers from buying a moss if it shows up in the next two days.

Joe Stas said...

I went to my framers to pick up some of my prints from the last run.. Walt, Love Triangle and Rousseau..

They all look amazing - especially the Rousseau one. I love that print so much.

capostar said...

what's funny is that when you rewind to our position a week ago, it was enough to give you a heart attack thinking about 8 POTENTIAL must-buy prints. Even after the 2 Desmonds, it was scary to think that there might be 6 amazing prints. But what happened is that we've just been pushing the "pass button" on almost all of them. Incredible.

Anonymous said...

Hey Gang,

My new interview with Jeff Soto is now live:

chaseter said...

@Ray...ok good. Olly is one of the coolest people on this planet.


Plus he will destroy you with his real sword and Link costume.

Drama said...

I love that some regular posters can never fail to disappoint, by disappointing so regularly.

RobPerrin said...

420 ... great interview with Soto, thanks.

Ray said...

Ohhh I just noticed the #ThankstoLost thing on the LostArgs site. Very cool.

Unknown said...


I love Olly Moss' work. I -have- two of his pieces (but not Locke's Secret. Why, God, WHY???) It was as Ray said, a joking statement to 'dissuade flippers' which we all know wouldn't work anyway.

No worries. :)

Zort70 said...

Well at least the awful traffic on the M6 didn't make me miss a poster reveal.

Tapping my fingers on the desk waiting.....

Anonymous said...

Ha, Charter, are you trying to go gay for Olly or something? :D Even if it wasn't a joke, people can say they don't like his stuff and this it's overrated without you jumping down their throat.

Amy Lynn said...

I'm gay for Olly Moss.

Unknown said...

I'm lesbian for Olly Moss.

Zort70 said...

Ray, I've been enjoying the #ThanksToLost tweets all day, they have been keeping me amused when doing mindless tasks at work.

Anonymous said...


Glad you like it :-)

Ray said...

Maybe theyll do CT for once. That would be nice. Two continental US timezones left.

ChrisL said...

Bi for Olly

Ray said...

I'd go dutch with Olly

Joe Stas said...

yous all wierd!

i'm LOST said...

olly rules
his evil dead poster @ alamo

MurghBatwar said...

when is EST then - in 27ish minutes?

Amy Lynn said...

@MurghBatwar, EST is long past. Chicago, CST is up next

Lisa-Maladylis said...

lol If only Olly could read this now lol Dutch with Olly sounds good

Lisa-Maladylis said...

EST time zone of 1:08 just pasted this hour, must be another time zone

chaseter said...

HAHA I am gay for Olly as well I guess. It was all a joke by UP anyways so it is all good. I don't even think anybody can actually hate Olly anyways. If they do, we may be seeing the apocalypse very soon...dun dun dunnnn.

Lisa-Maladylis said...

pasted = passed lol

Ray said...

If I had a Championship Breed horse, I'd name it Olly.


Ray said...

What are we talking about again? Oh yeah, new print today. sweet.

Lisa-Maladylis said...

I was thinking next week, I can't say..... Sorry, I need the PC because it might be this hour the poster is coming out. Sorry, I need to watch LOST on TV tonight and stay up, sorry... Sorry, LOST has a new game out called OGR and I need to put in these games for the points. Can you play them 100 times too honey so I get more points ? Look, I made it to #2 on the game lol No I need to stay up to play it more... to watch ______ show because _______ from LOST is on it.... what will I do with my time now ?????????????????????????????????????????????

Amy Lynn said...

Crud, I have to go into a meeting. I should be back by :08, but if you don't hear from me, can anyone cover me a Moss/Tan?

JRNayslayer said...

I'm wondering if they are releasing the poster based on
the time zone that Darlton is in currently. Darlton was on EST
yesterday, in NYC for the Lost Live event. They are headed back to PST for Jimmy Kimmel
today. Just a CRAZY theory.

Ray said...

@Amy Lynn

I'll try.

Amy Lynn said...

@Ray, thanks. Don't sweat it if you can't. My wallet will be pleased either way.

Anonymous said...

If Chuck Norris had a middle name it would be Olly.....

Ray said...


That would be cool, but they were in NY for a few days, so that doesn't really work. Nice try though!

Ray said...

The password to the "football" is Olly

Anonymous said...

Oh and in case people were managing to get some work done today between refreshing the site - go to google and click on the new pacman logo. Yeah, that's right, it's playable. :D

Joe Stas said...

Imagine the disappointment if tonight's print was awful... I'd cry.

Unknown said...

I suck at Pac-man.

Scoutpost said...

Oh wow, very nice article written by Jorge on his Lost experience.

Ray said...

8 minutes. Why do I feel this is a LOST cause.

dylansdad said...

I feel another 1:08 PST drop coming on.

Zort70 said...

Anyone feel like Desmond, but instead of 1:08 minutes we are pushing the button every 60 minutes ?

dylansdad said...

I don't know about anybody else, but I'm pressing the button a lot more often than every sixty minutes.

Unknown said...

I have a LOT to do today. Patience wearing thin. I hope I don't get angry.

You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.

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