Initially I was a little disappointed that the title of the poster was simply LOST, however when you start looking at the poster there is doubt as to why it was called that. For once not focusing on specific characters or events this poster gives us all of LOST. Sll the major visual elements we have had in the series centered around an eye, which for me is at the center of a shattered mirror looking back at me.
It's difficult to know where to look in this poster as there is so much to look at, every time I see a picture of it I see something different or notice a new connection with the show.
Big thanks to Comixguru for the pictures
![]() ![]() ![]() |

I'm not saying Olly reused the chir, but it looks very similar ;-)

The first image is from the new poster and the smaller image is from Locke's Secret.

Amazing in person! Sums up everything in the show! Olly's signature is just a bunch of scribble... Funny
Signing something 500 times i wouldn't take too much time either! hah hah.
PS Is every single series regular mentioned at the bottom? Nikki and Paolo too?
Sorry, one more thing. The only image I can't figure out is the eye on the star-like thing on the web (on the bottom right, below the radio tower to the left) Its the same image on the third picture on the post. Can anyone tell me what this is? I get the eye....but....
Taylor...picture the eye lying on the jungle floor--looking up through leaves of trees.
Mattson had a similar idea.
Also, my Moss print number is ridiculously low...single-digit. You don't know how excited I was to see that.
...one more. email.
Can't wait to get mine! (well, obviously I can)
Mine came in yesterday. Love it. Didn't notice until looking at Zort's pics though, that Olly spelled "Brian" in Bryan Burk wrong on this print.
OH! Thank you! Leaves, gotcha. I thought they were spider webs, hah hah.
Good point mtutick, it's quite an odd mistake given that he got it right on the first poster.
Some flipper used my pictures of the Sun and Jin print on eBay!!!
Taylor you are correct, I've just reported the listing to eBay and sent the seller a message asking them to remove the photo's.
Awesome! I didn't know you could do that. Thanks for taking care of it!
Doesn't mean they will do anything about it but I feel better for trying !
I think Olly spelled actor Jon Hamm as John Hamm on his Madmen poster too-so guess he's not a double checker on names!
Email. At Indy for a wedding, but my olly tube is at home and awaitiin
here I am, better late then never I always say. lol Though I am hardly ever late for anything ! I love mine, absolutely beautiful !
Taylor, I was the one that unlawfully used your pictures on eBay. I'm really sorry, I just didn't want to take mine out of the tube from Go Merch. I'm definitely not a flipper, I've had buyers remorse ever since buying the Sun and Jin print, and with the little money I have as a college student I've decided to sell it. I started the bidding at $20, and even offered it to people on LostARGS's for $30-$40. I'm not trying to make a profit, just cut some losses on an impulse purchase. Hope this clarifies things, I didn't mean to bother anyone.
Got mine today! looks amazing in person! The colors are really vibrant on this! LOOOOOOVE it.
Yeah, it's a great print. I'm thrilled with getting one. I think my fav "items" in the print are Sawyer's glasses and the BR with lightning. Not sure why, just are.
The black rock is one of My favorite shards as well!
Oh! OK. Good. No worries then!
Question for all of those that have been to Hawaii. Is there a Lost location tour that you recommend? I'll be going in a few weeks. Ryan (@hawaii) recommended Kos tours. I thought Hawaiianescapades.com looked good. I'll take any advice you have. Thanks!
If Ryan says Kos, go with Kos. If anyone is going to know, it'll be him.
Signing off for a week, so see you all later. Hopefully my Olly will have moved from Pre-order to anything else. Hopefully shipped!
Regarding the eye in the leaves...
I always thought it was Eko or Jin looking out at the feet of the barefoot others. Doesn't look like the bamboo forest to me.
@ benkort...
Oh wow, that possibility didn't cross my mind. I like that idea. Cool.
Congrats on the low low number! Mine wasn't nearly that low, but it was nice to at least get one in the 100s. The first thing that struck me about his print was how vibrant the colors are. I stood over my table checking it out for awhile as I was going through the images on each piece of glass. I like that idea benkort, I was thinking along the same lines. I can even see it being one of the Others themselves, looking after the castaways.
Which totally reminded me of a question about the show that I forgot I cared about the answer to. Remember when some of the others would pop out of nowhere (aka harper in the forest). What was that about? I think I remember Richard saying once "You'd never believe me" when someone was like "where the f did you come from?". Was it just that they were using underground tunnels?
Anyway, love the print and happy its up on my wall now. I'll post a couple pics of my print walls when I get the Danger Black Rock. BTW wednesday is a big day, you UKers....
@mtutick: Run, don't walk to do the Kos Hummer Tour (www.hummertourshawaii.com). It is the most amazing thing I've ever done. As a LOST fan you can't do any better. Kos has exclusive access rights to Kualoa Ranch where a majority of the show was filmed. I was on a high for days after taking it. I took the 5-hour tour between seasons 5 and 6 and it was perfect. It doesn't include some of the hot spots like crash beach, survivor camp, or dharma barracks but you can easily find those on your own. Www.lostvirtualtour.com is a great resource as well for finding places on your own. Many of them are right off the road. I mean the fuselage wreckage was right off the highway under a tarp. Very trippy. Ed the owner of Kos is awesome and our driver Scotty was one of the best LOST fans I've ever run into. Email me at jtibbet@gmail.com if you want to see some of my pictures or get the directions I used to find the crash beach, etc. I'd be stoked to help you. I'm jealous I want to go again! :)
It might be cool, once all of the posters have shipped, to do a post where everyone sends in pictures of their entire collections!
I got a really nice surprise this weekend when the neighbor who mistakenly received my Olly Moss poster in the mail actually returned it (unopened).
Oh wow, that's good Dylansdad ! Glad you got it back !!
Got mine early last week but haven't opened it yet.
Question for UK'ers?
Has anyone received their Sun and Jin or Olly Tee shirt yet?
Mine have been saying shipped for weeks, but nothing has arrived and I have received no shipping details.
I emailed gomerch and got some bulk standard reply saying non deliveries can be chased up after the 6 weeks are up.
Anyone got any service out of them?
I have received both of mine a week or so ago. Did you not get a tracking number? Once it's inside the UK it goes to Royal Mail and should be trackable (although I only found my tracking number when I got the tube through).
I'm pissed with Go Merch. I mailed them today about my Moss print STILL being in pre-order and they replies saying "sorry, we haven't got the prints yet, hence why it;s in pre-order"... er...
Thats pretty miserable for you UKers, I'm sorry to hear... Have you guys tried calling their phone number? The only one I have is their returns number: 818-882-3277 (off my receipt inside my tube). Maybe they can direct you to someone who might be able to give you a real answer?
Someone mentioned late last week that the status of their Jeff Soto print had changed and it appeared that was going to be the next print to go out. Anyone else see any movement on their Soto or any other print? I am still hoping that they will get more than one out this week, but not holding my breath. But man a Black Rock or Not Penny's Boat would look amazing on my wall soon....
@Justin As of Saturday evening, the "Not Penny's Boat" prints were still being signed by Little Friends of Printmaking. As such, it is likely to be several weeks still before we get them (this information comes from a conversation I had with Melissa at LFOP while talking about another print I recently purchased from them)
My Soto is queued and has been since mid-late last week. Can't remember when it changed.
Too bad about LFOP...I was hoping to see the NPB print soon. Guess not.
The first things on my account to change to "Shipped" were my Driveshaft and Olly Tee Shirts. I received an email about both, telling me they would be shipping from the LA warehouse. Shortly afterwards, I received an email from "Operations" with one shipping number. This was for Drive shaft (although it would have been nice if it had said this on the email).
A week later, Driveshaft arrived, shoved through the letter box in a torn packet, with no signiture collected, despite me paying $18 for shipping.
I have never received a shipping email from "Operations" again, for either the Olly Tee Shirt or Tara's Print. But both have been listed as shipped for about three weeks.
I phoned them, and the woman I got told was that they were busy sending stuff out and they refered me to the small print saying they could not chase up missing orders until 8 weeks had passed.
I emailed them to confirm they were honouring my 3 "Black Rock" orders and to tell them they that two of my items are marked as shipped but no tracking number was forthcoming. They responded back saying my Black Rock orders were ok, but they could give me no information regards my shipped goods until 8 weeks have passed.
However unlikely, I'm concerned they have gone missing and by the time 8 weeks has passed they will be out of stock to send me a replacement.
I know I'm impatient, and its only 5 weeks since I ordered, but its the lack of communication from Gomerch thats infuriating.
If they do send me everything, with out collecting signitures, then I will ask for a shipping refund, because the costs are bloody high!
Maybe they are doing an "Obama" and just getting at the British wherever they can??? ;)
It's stupid, it really is. My Sun and Jin print was listed as 'shipped' and it took me two weeks to get the shipping number through.. And the tracking information stops as soon as it leaves the USA. What a silly system... I buy a lot of things from the USA and I've never seen anything like this - it's so inconsistent too.
I also paid shipping for a tee-shirt and my lost live print seperately but they both arrived together - with the shirt shoved inside the print.
I have a few other prints on order too, so I'm not looking forward to going through the same again..
swound, yes this is a problem we have went we ship things out of the country. I have a shop and i ship daily, the tracking works great in the USA but out side of it, it depends on if that country feels like following through with it. They usually don't. It's not the US tracking that is the trouble, it's that the other countries don't bother to follow through with the tracking. They don't scan it or make sure things are signed for. Here in the US, people like me know it's not worth the extra cost because the minute the package hits the board, the tracking is useless. I just sent someone a second set of expensive earrings that were lost in the mail on the way to Europe, I have no way to know if she really got the first set or not. My loss of 50 bucks but oh well.
gosh my spelling is horrible this morning. I meant that once it hits the boarder
The thing is, it's easy to get a signed for service from Europe to USA or USA to Europe. But it seems gomerch are looking to save money and going for some cheapy "tracked" service rather than signed for. That fine except for the fact that they have charged people premium shipping costs, so I would expect signed for as a minimum.
Swound, if they shoved two of your orders togther, I would ask for a refund on one shipping cost, because they clearly charged for two and gave no option to combine.
I know the consumer laws in the US offer less protection than in Europe, but I would have throught that is this case is clearly a trade description breach?
For what it's worth, if you put the tracking number in to the parcelforce website, I tend to find that it will give you it's new UK tracking number. It's what I did when my Polar Bear went missing and I managed to track it down as lost at my local depot.
Apologies if you've already tried that though Swound!
Hi Martyn!
In my case, I can't even get the US tracking number from them, dispite the items being listed as shipped for three weeks.
Have you had any of the new stuff through ok?
Not from Go Merch, no, I had the 1st 4 posters and olly t-shirt from Team Jack. Just waiting on my Olly and Black Rock.
It was hard work to get the tracking number from them in the 1st run, don't see why though, if it'll take away a lot of e-mails they have to read, just give people the tracking number!
Soto shipped out today. It will be interesting to see this up close.
Happy Birthday to our fearless leader, Zort!
Happy birthday, ZORT!!! :)
And in other news.. my Olly Moss print has moved to 'queued'
Three weeks after my Tara print changed status to "shipped", I received an email from "operations" today with my tracking number, with an export date of the 22nd.
I looked up my tracking number to find that it says the package has time traveled back and was "received at destination airport" over a week ago. But it never made it to my house.
Gomerch won't help until 8 weeks have passed and postclubusa say you can't respond to their email.
I have never received such a bad service from a disptach operation.
Gomerch are charging $26 to ship, yet I paid half that to Leia Bell last week to receive a signed for delivered print which arrived within 5 days.
I have a good mind to write to ABC.
Happy Birthday Zort!
Zort - wishing you a VERY Happy Birthday! Raise a pint of your favorite Dharma beverage and celebrate all of your accomplishments on this special day!
ioioos.. I got the "received at destination airport" about a 7-9 days before it actually arrived at my house.. So you should get it anyday.
The funny thing about it is, all the postage labels are UK internal ones.. there was no evidence of mine even coming from the USA.. THey must detach them and put new ones on.
I wish they had a system to give you the Royal Mail tracking number once it was in their hands.
I just watched a fantastic presentation by Daniel Danger at OFFSET 2009. It is very informative and I highly recommend watching it.
I watched that. Very informative. It was interesting to learn that it was Jay Ryans work that turned him onto poster prints.
I think they are sending it in batches and redistributing when it clears customs.
Despite my tracking data telling me they attempted delivery on Saturday, I just got an email back telling me it cleared customs today.
So whatever crazy system they are using, its not working.
Happy Birthday Zort! Hioe you have a fun World Cup/Birthday Party.
That DD video is great- that must have been his trip to Ireland during the poster releases? I was in tears hearing about his friend Grace- and he lived in a lake house in NH- I know all about that. Really interesting.
Happy Birthday Zort, I hope your day is full of good surprises !!
Hwee! USA makes it to final 16 in the cup!
@Just Thinking
And they topped the group above England! Well done USA. Glad to see you through. I have you as a dark horse to reach the semi finals.
And congrats to England too. (although Scottish friends will be dismayed- lol- what to do- I like you both!)
USA! :)
Our friends at DGPH (the crew behind the DCAAPB Buenos Aires wall painting) are at it again. A little LOST inspired?
It's art for a cause. "BEARS" Poster designed by DGPH. Part of the Poster Cause Project. Limited edition 25 copies. Each only $20.
Check out the art and purchase your print today. Link: DHPH BEARS
That should be DGPH Bears.
Post #4 today...
oops didn't know there was a new post.
So I'll repeat my earlier Birthday wishes to Zort.
Happy Birthday Zort! Hope it was grand.
My Kate and Claire is still Pre order JPL. But maybe soon.
Also- did anyone else get the Go Merch email about new international shipping that will be cheaper? Suppose it's only for new orders though.
My Taylor print changed to queued today.
I'm not sure about the time difference, but I hope I'm not too late to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
I have been in contact with Post club USA about my missing deliveries.
I confirmed the shipping numbers and they confirmed that my orders from Deathwish had been safely delivered to my address in Germany.
I pointed out that the orders are from GoMerch and that I live in England.
I have a good mind to cancel all my outstanding orders.
HAHA, Deathwish and Germany
That made me laugh.
Although this isn't a joke really.
Anyway, they said 6-8 weeks for delivery - I wouldn't mind betting we're nearing that with some of the prints.
It is laughable.
I have now heard from them again. They now say my stuff was not sent to Germany, but delivered to me at the end of May!
Royal Mail confirm they a tracking service was paid for, not a signed for, and that they think they delivered it, but have no proof.
What the hell are GoMerch doing? They are charging top wack shipping costs ($18 per t-shirt, $26 for a print) refusing to combine shipping, and sending unique limited edition product with no proof of delivery???
Places like Poster & Toys and artists direct (Leia Bell, Jay Ryan, Rob Jones to name a few) charge half the cost and send it recorded signed delivery.
Royal Mail now say it is likely to be lost and that I should go back to who I bought them from to request a refund or proof of delivery.
Anyone know what the US consumer law is on something like this?
usually if you use a credit card, you can have the sale canceled if the product was never received. You should call your credit card company and see what they can do about it.
You surely have some rights here. It's disgusting... I'd contact the artist too and ask them to take it up with whoever was shipping.. It doesn't put them in good light either.
Sorry that I'm late about a few things here, been crazy busy.
1) Happy belated bday Zort!
2) You UKers with messed up orders....I would totally call up Go Merch with whatever numbers you can find, scream at them, and if its for an item still in stock demand them to send you a new one with tracking and signing. This whole situation is ridiculous, especially considering the shipping costs. It appears they got pretty lazy with this.
At least we got into the final 16 in the World Cup.. I'd be more pissed if we didn't. Glad to see the USA get through too!
Here's what the email said about new shipping rates:
Big Announcement.... we just inked a deal for super low international shipping rates! Say goodbye to shipping rates that are more than your order. We're doing all we can to bring you the best merch at the lowest rates possible.
And I'm sure you have it- but here's the contact info they put in that email:
Contact Customer Service
9019 Oso Ave Unit A
Chatsworth, CA 91311
Email: mailroom@gomerch.com
Live Help: 09:00AM- 06:00PM PST
Monday- Friday
BTW- did anyone see Olly's tweet? He's moving back to England.
@ Just
I never got the new email. I've dropped them a not to ask if the new rates apply to pre orders that have not been processed for dispatch yet. No respose yet.
Olly is coming home. Looks like he took and job for a large design company and is jacking it in. He probably realises he can make it on his own back in good old blighty!
I saw, very sad Olly is leaving. I'm sure he would much rather do his own stuff in a place that is his real home. I'm sure he's going to continue doing really well!
Olly Moss just tweeted that he's looking for a "house/flat/hovel mate" in London!
I'm pretty sure that would be a really good way to get some Olly Moss prints at excellent prices... LOL!
My Soto arrived today. it's awesome.
hidden candidate numbers in the skull... pictures to come.
Photos of my Soto...
Zort- feel free to post if you like.
You guys
My Black Rock is "Processing". I'm as shocked as you are.
It is now "queued"
Oh wow, Mine is Queued ! wow, so kewl !! Got to get that one framed and hang it in my sons room.
Black Rock now SHIPPED!
Don't you love getting an email like this:
Hey There!
Thanks for ordering from the Go Merch store. Order number 127754 has shipped from our warehouse in Los Angeles, CA.
Hello Mr. Danger!
Guess I'm in the next days shipment, but that's okay I can wait!
Danger is shipped :] which means i will be seeing it tomorrow!
anybody going to try and pick up Olly Moss' Alice in Wonderland print tomorrow?
Danger = queued.
I would love the details on the Moss/Alice print. Did Olly tweet? If so, I didn't rec'v it.
Found it! :D Nevermind.
Well- I've got Claire & Kate and Candidate Cave shipped, but not Black Rock yet. Very exciting- that may be soon too!
:sigh: I won't see the Danger until Monday. I'll be receiving two other prints...it's all good.
@seaque... Good luck!
Everything has shipped for me... except for "Not Penny's Boat". My Olly Moss print should be in my hot little hands tomorrow! Woo hoo!
Thanks for all the Birthday wishes.
It was a good day with an England victory to make it even better.
I'll create a new post or two in the next few days, but until after Saturday my time is taken up getting the garden ready and making burgers for a party.
By the way if anyone has a Locke's Secret poster they would be willing to swap for a The Crash poster, can someone let me know.
Thanks. Same to you if you're going to try for one. :D I'll need a bit of luck in getting this one, I think.
I missed out on Daniel Danger this time, but I hope you all enjoy it when it arrives. And if you don't...
I got my olly moss this week but still waiting for my order with candidate Cave and NPB on it... guess I know why now ;)
I lucked out on the olly moss... they had a cancelled order and sent me the extra (because they charged my card but I never got an oder #). And turns out I got 7/500... why do people never post their numbers? Weird :)
If any of you are interested, Alamo Drafthouse just kicked off a Star Wars series, starting with a Gonk Droid print by Jeff Soto. Get it before it's gone:
Hey all, my Danger is still on "Preorder" status... Anyone else not shipped yet?
Olly Moss and Daniel Danger were both #10....
Soto Star Wars print here - http://mondotees.com/Scrap-Yard-Power-Droid_p_129.html
@dylansdad - OMG! Thanks for that info! SOLD! There will always be a soft spot in my heart for the poor gonk droids of the Star Wars universe...
Anyone else get Alice from Olly? Looks like my order went through OK.
I got the Alice and the FOTC. I may have got an extra Alice by mistake...
I saw the SW print and went, "Oh, s###!" Just when the Lost prints were done, now there's a whole new series to go after. My credit card weeps...
Picked up an Alice print
Patrick- if you have an extra- Scoutpost on Twitter (big Lost fan) is looking for one.
I picked up a Flight of the Conchords print for a friend who is out of the country. Oddest thing. We live in different states and I was trying to put my billing address and his shipping address in there so it would go direct to him but I could use my credit card. It kept flipping the two states so that it was showing my city, his state and vice versa. So, Paypal wouldn't accept it as a valid address. So, long story short, it is coming to me and he has to pay double shipping. I guess that's what he gets for going on vacation and leaving me behind!
Patrick- I am totally interested in the extra AiW if you have one.
email me: masage at netzero dot net
contact me on Twitter: Scoutpost
My Black Rock hasn't shipped yet either. But my order status changed from PreOrder to Processing earlier today. So we'll see....
If anyone wants to send me an offer for my extra 4-Toed Statue (opened once on accident but in perfect condition) and/or my extra Ben Linus print (still never been opened) please send me an email at jhsaade at gmail.
Today was my lucky day...I got an Alice print.
Emailed you Scoutpost.
@seaque ... Ditto
Got Candidate and Kate & Claire today- first was 153/550 and second 47/500- about- I'm in a hurry, have put them away, and don't have a thing for numbers!
They are so vibrant- really alive!
Also- I ordered them together and they were in the same tube- so again- no combined orders- but combined shipping.
Poor Richard and The Black Rock have landed. Photos to follow.
Cosmically Yours
I am looking forward to seeing pics, KI. Soon? Can't wait to see them!
Oh boy, my Olly Moss Lost and Evil Dead posters arrived today! Won't be able to see them until tomorrow though....but I'm stoked!
It's all a memory: link
Cosmically Yours
You wouldn't believe how much I look forward to getting this print! Thanks for the pics, KI.
Glad to see the print isn't as dark as shown in the jpeg at the site.
...Hey what's the name of that tshirt website that sold the "Dharma Beer" t-shirts? I fergot... :\
teefury.com ?
WHEW! My DD Black Rock's status changed to "Queued" at some point this weekend!
Let's hope it ships soon...
How nice to come back and see both my Olly and my dd have changed to Queued. :D
Anybody know where posters and toys ships from? It looks like my Alice print has shipped today
Hey guys,
Got my Black Rock today, so I put up a couple of photos of my collection. I took them with my iphone, so they are pretty bad, but at least you get the idea:
Clockwise from left - Die Hard, Lockes Secret, Last Crusade, LOST, Black Rock, Jacob's Cabin
Jin and Sun, Pink Moon, Lost Live (Sawyer)
Nice arrangement Ray- looks good.
WB- my Alice shipped today too. I can't help comparing that it took about a week and cost 8$ to taking about a month and costing 30$ for 2 posters in the same tube. Go Merch needs to up it's game if it wants buyers that aren't a captive Lost audience I think.
My Black Rock is queued- hooraay! I think I might have been the last to order.
Yeah, those walls look mighty fine, Ray. Very nice.
I rec'd my Black Rock today. I was heartbroken that we didn't get a BR print in the first series. Got over it...and then...low and behold they release a second series. You-have-no-idea how thrilled I am to have this print.
Where did you get those frames and how much did they cost, if you don't mind me asking? They look pretty good. I can't figure out if I should frame and matte my new Olly print or not.
It's been a while but NEW POST
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