Dark UFO posted on the Spolier TV forums about an email that had been received. Click here to go to that forum post.

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When you do this you then have to enter the correct frequency, which is fine if you understand French numbers. Then finally you get directed to Click here to show the circuit puzzle solution and the location. When you get there there is a memory puzzle. You have to enter letter pairs and find the matching symbols. |

The video message is a little odd, i.e. it does not look like an official DHARMA message, but it does ask you to enter a 2 digit code so you can enter your email address and get updates. The video mentions the 15th of August and a period of 2 weeks after that, which would take it up to the release date of the final season and complete collection DVD / Blu Ray disc sets.

First? What's Up?
Fun...will see what happens on Aug. 15. Maybe it's tied into the release of S6?
Yep it does look like a tie in to the release of S6, but I'm not 100% sure it is real yet.
If it is fake then it is pretty sophisticated.
signed up for updates... This doesn't look real. The guy is too young/is a total nerdy fan of the show doing some possible fan fiction stuff...
I'd be surprised if it turns out to be real.
Yes, that's my problem with this, the video is just too amateur for my liking
The email for updates is sent by -
Dr. Matt Konnise - DrMattKonnise@theislandisntdonewithyouyet.com
Haha I literally LOL'd at the video... :[ too bad it's not real! Fun game though! I'll go play it again right now actually!
going to check it out when I get a chance. you know how I love me a good ARG :-)
Updated the front page with a few more screenshots.
And with that it's off to bed, good night all.
What?! Did somebody say ARG?
Even if it is fan made it's something to do. I've missed chatting with you guys.
Yep...we're all coming out of the woodwork! LOL
ok, I'm in for a minute! I'm in the process of re-locating...so for the next two weeks or so, I'll be stopping by occasionally. How's everyone? Miss you guys!
new job is probably going to keep me from participating in this, but will try to keep up with you guys!
Took the memory game and signed up for updates.
Hey ARGers!
Sneaking a comment in between shifts at work. The little game was fun. But I agree with Zort, this seems fan made. I could only do a quick whois lookup from work, but the domain is registered/hosted through Dream Host, not Disney.
I signed up for updates anyway...couldn't help myself. :)
Ah... I love seeing all the old faces again! :-) We really are suckers for any sort of LOST ARG... real or not.
The circuit puzzle looks suspiciously like some of those annoying puzzles from the LOST video game: Via Domus. Is anyone else feeling that they were just kind of copied from Via Domus?
2 more day until Comic Con! It's like Christmas for nerds (like me)! LOL! Hope to see some of you there!
It's the Mittelos Bioscience on the big chip that makes it slightly unusual.
It wouldn't be from Via Dolmus as that hadn't been revealed then, and it isn't the same puzzle that was in the Find 815 ARG.
But it is very derivative of lots of other things I've seen over the last few years.
@drMikeyStudios: @damonlindelof @carltoncuse whats up with http://www.gwp4.com/dharma/ ? #lost #arg
I just saw this tweet. The website has the first puzzle flash file.
LOL I let my daughter listen to the music they're using because I find it annoying. She told me it's the music they use in the FB game Happy Island.
what music? mine doesn't have music!
Ollys new Star Trek prints go on sale Friday!
Where did you find out? Any pics of it?
Weinbeeezy - That sounds V Cool, must be what he tweeted about - "Just finished my craziest project ever"
Very nice, I can see a very quick sell out for that one.
Trying to decide which one I would go for first, the different edition numbers are odd sizes so if I went for Uhura then there would be less chance, but it would be more collectable.
Olly Moss posted better pics on his flickr account:
Yes, odd that Wired got their picture sizes so wrong, if you click on each picture in the article the correct size is displayed.
has anyone finished the puzzle and then not received a email ? I haven't gotten one yet and I signed up yesterday.
Olly posted his Star Trek poster
Lisa, I didn't get an email after finishing and entering my own email address.
I only got one when I filled in the details of another email account.
If you see the other email it gets sent from
Dr. Matt Konnise
The original email sent to DarkUFO was from
Dr. Tomas Kinnet
They are anagrams of each other.
You can also get "Namaste" out of them, but I can't think of anything significant for the remaining letters.
Yay! I'm in! Anything to keep Lost alive a little longer...... Of course the "2 week period" after 8-15 is when a new semester starts for me so I probably won't be able to keep up if it's really involved.... Oh well.
Hey All -
Speaking of Olly... both Alice & Conchords prints at basically cost. If interested, I'll pull.
Olly Prints for sale.
Team Topo... 26 days & counting... $5,426 to go. We're going to do this!!! They're still getting my money one way or another! :)
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