This post will be updated each day with the image from the previous wave and the solution to the new wave once it is found.
Wave 15 solution found by Lottery Ticket

Click Here to go there

Wave 14 solution found by ObFuSc8

Click Here to go there

If anyone can provide a screenshot of a complete solution then please send it to us.
Wave 13 solution found by ObFuSc8

Todays solution was a short one but tricky, it is - "THATS ME HARDCORE"
Click Here to go there

Wave 12 solution found by ObFuSc8

Click Here to go there

Wave 11 solution found by Lottery Ticket

Click Here to go there
A screenshot of the solution that was sent by ObFuSc8

Wave 10 solution found by 0bFuSc8

Click Here to go there
Just in case you are struggling with the solution, here is what it looks like when solved.

Wave 9 solution given by Dr Mikey Studios

Click Here to go there
Wave 8 solution given by Dr Mikey Studios

Click Here to go there
Wave 7 solution found by 0bFuSc8
Wave 6 solution found by Zort70 !
Wave 5 solution found by George
Wave 4 solution found by Dusty and Lottery Ticket
Wave 3 solution found by Black Swan

Click Here to go there
Wave 2 solution found by Dusty
Wave 1 solution found by Maven
We can use this post to discuss all of the answers / images from the project.
I'll keep this one open all the time so that other info doesn't get mixed up with this.
I have to say Mr Mikey, you did a good job getting people interested and made a neat game.
thanks very much! now i just have to find a way to trick people into buying some ;)
lol yeah I guess thats the whole trick. I work on that all day long with my shop. lol It's hard to sell art sometimes. good luck !
I've been watching the market for Lost art sales (ie ebay). Things aren't moving anymore. I was hard pressed to find a buyer for my Stout/Lost print. The sale is still pending; has not been finalized. I think the Lost art ship has sailed, TBH.
I agree, I have been watching it too. The prices for Ollie have dropped and are not selling.
There are still a lot of Danger/BR prints that aren't moving. These are big name artists...Stout, Moss, Danger. Of course, the 2nd series was such a big run(500)it flooded the market.
I did notice that *retro* flavor art seems to be hot right now. For example, Eric Tan's/Hill Valley print from Crazy4Cult 4. Just sayin'...
yea some of the numbers they put out with the second run of dcaapb were so out of control. i think they really thought the market would eat up 800 prints at a time.
maybe its good for this to slow down, we can all go back to having lives and making original stuff again :)
I was watching unwrapped and they were showing adios truck in L.A. that serves grilled cheese with mac & cheese sauté onions. One of the customers was the lady artist that was at the Lost Gallery opening. I don't remember her name but she had pink hair piercings and a swirling around her eye (s). I thought it was pretty cool.
lol I don't know how my phone got adios out of food, but that should say food truck.
Oh gosh swirling tattoo. I should post and watch tv at the same time.
lol...that's funny, Tess. I was feeling a little left-out by not knowing who/what,exactly, adios trucking company was.
Okay, I get it now...swirly tattoo. You saved me the time of looking-up swirling in the urban dictionary. Thought it was a new fad. ;)
yeah if I don't pay attention I end up with some strange words with this phone. :)
I do most of my posting from my phone anymore. Since last summer and the art project I think I have carpel tunnel in both my hands. My arms literally ache after only a few minutes on the computer keyboard. Sometimes they'll ache just out of the blue. Using the phone doesn't bother them.
Tess- was that- hmm Misha? Who did the velvet painting of DCCAPB?
Black Swan- I read from the bottom up on threads- so your spoiler tag at the top didn't help here.
I haven't been solving- so no worries-but others might be peeved.
Black Swan - found the answer to puzzle three, I've removed the original comment as it had the phrase in it but I've put it as a link if you want to see the new painting.
Click Here to view the new painting
Yes! Thank you. I knew she had an unsual name.
Video of some of the #Lost auction props here:
Prop Video Tour
Thanks Rob, I've added the video to the main site.
Oddly I can view it on the USA today site, but not on the LOSTARGs mage when it is embedded.
LOSTARGs has turned into a wizard !
I meant to say "page"
Hi Zort, same thing happens for me here in Canada -- I can view the video directly on the USA Today site but can't view it via the LostARG embed.
It's definitely worth a click to see some of the props live -- gives a better sense of scale and ups the coolness factor vs. a static shot in the catalog (at least for me).
Back to the market on the prints, Misha's is the only one that seems to be the one that will command a high price since it's so darn limited. I've found one but the seller is taking his time and see what type of offers he gets. Good way to go, but the longer we get away from the end of the show, the less demand there will be for any of them.
Thanks for the video Rob. Kind of wish he wasn't so free with all the items though- hey- get out of that chair!
I got the test results back, I have a tumor behind my eye. I'm freaking out and my bf is in tears. So I will probably be a bit absent since they are sending me to a neurosurgeon tomorrow.
I know you don't know me, Lisa, but don't freak out too badly! On my very first visit to the GYN, it was discovered that I had an "unusual growth" in one of my ovaries. I underwent invasive surgery to look at it and they discovered that I had 2 tumors in my left ovary...and 3 tumors in my right! Fortunately, all of them were benign and I haven't shown signs of any others appearing.
So, while it's natural to be scared (as I would be), not all of the outcomes here are bad. Just keep hoping and praying for that big B word and I (and the rest of the Lost community) will hope and pray right along with you!
I am really freaking out. I thought they would say I had MS and I had to come to terms with that. This, I was not prepared for at all. He says he thinks it's not cancerous but being that it's in my head, it will be interesting to figure out what they will be doing to take care of it. All black clouds must have a silver lining Right ? life has been much too crazy for me, I could really use a break from all the drama
Lisa, I know the unknown is scary and I would be imagining the same scenarios too. But my experience has proven that the actual diagnosis is nowhere near as bad as the ones I dreamed up. Waiting and not knowing is the worst part. Once your options are clearly laid out, things can move forward and you can be treated.
I was told many years ago, at age 20, to get my affairs in order and say goodbye to friends and loved ones. And well, not a ghost typing this.
You are in my prayers. It will be okay.
Lisa. So sorry to hear your news. Sending you all good thoughts and energy.
Lisa if you need a virtual hug we are all here for you
Me too Lisa-with the "turned out better than I thought" story. They ordered an ultrasound for a lump- I was sure pancreatic cancer- which turned out to be my kidney. Then a blood test that said I had sickle cell anemia- not likely with my ethnicity!
So I decided to try not to freak about medical stuff until I knew for sure- not easy I know.
Wish you all the best and sending optimistic thoughts.
Lisa, my thoughts are with you, too. I know it's hard not to think the worse or, even worse, start looking things up on the internet, but it's best to not jump to conclusions! Please feel free to vent here...we all have one very large shoulder! :)
Have heard on the news that the floods in Pakistan are the worst they ever have recorded and that disease is breaking out. So have donated, maybe it will help a little.
I have and love the BR Zort- so let OK to let me out of the draw.
Hang in there and know we are l here for you. I've had a cancer scare and was sick with worry waiting for results to find it was benign. I hope the same for you. I'm sure your surgeon will do an excellent job.
Sorry bad typing again
we're all here for you
Spoiler - Answer to wave 4
Hi ARGers!
It's been waaaaay too long. I have been lurking here, though not that often and don't think I've posted at all in a few months. Have been keeping tabs on most people's FB/twitter feeds.
Lisa -- I am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. "Freaking-out" under these circumstances is not only understandable, but a normal response to such a startling diagnosis. It sounds like you're in good hands, they're getting your to a neurosurgeon right away. Whatever happens, in addition to your wonderful BF, you have all of us here to support you -- even if it's just someone to vent your frustrations to.
You'll remain in my thoughts.
Been away for vacation and returning to Duval's pencil drawing which is sweet as is the newest unofficial ARG.
Lisa, you are in my thoughts and prayers and as all have said... we're here for you. Consider us your extended ARG family.... dysfunctional like any family, but still family :)
thanks everyone for your support. It means more to me than you know. I'm still in shock and just kind of in tears all day but it won't get me down that easy, I'm here to stay
thank you Dr. Mikey, that was very sweet of you ! I couldn't sleep so I got up at 3 am. I went to this and thought wow, he's getting good at this, it recognizances me on my pc lol I'm trying hard to think good thoughts and keep some laughter in it all. I told my bf that they would have to figure out how to do brain surgery with cutting my hair, I just got it where I liked it
OMG! I know I'm a bit late on the issue but I'm sorry to hear about the test results. Trust me, all black clouds DO have a silver lining! I hopw that this situation can be resolved as soon as possible.
I just got an email from Tyson Givens.
Tyson/Givens and ABC is proud to announce that new VERY limited LOST inspired t-shirt will be on sale at "LOST: The Official Show Auction", taking place August 21-22 in Santa Monica, CA. This new shirt, titled "All I Got," will be limited to only 100 pieces! This shirt can only be purchased at the auction in person, and if there are any still available the following day, they will be made available online at DamonCarltonAndAPolarBear.com.
and everything on the DCAAPB site had their prices lowered.
Typical Tyson waited till I was out to lunch, new post coming up.
Ok, NEW POST is created and published.
Wave 5 solution has been found, someone sent it in via email.
I've updated the main post.
hehe, today's puzzle was always scheduled to be a goofy one, but it was scheduled for tomorrow!
don't worry, be back on track at midnight!
Rather bummed that I can't BE at The LOST Auction and this brought on insomnia. WHat better to do than go see Inception, which took my mind of things briefly.
When I couldn't sleep, tried out drMikey's latest puzzle. Solution is in the link below...
SOLUTION Wave 7 (I think)
I think were going to go see that movie this weekend. looks good and I could use a mind bender right about now.
Thanks, the main post has been updated with the info.
Inception will not disappoint, and I'd also suggest Scott Pilgrim vs The World if you haven't seen it yet.
My thoughts remain with you.
thanks so much, the damn doctor never called so were still just scared and a bit freaked out still. A good movie is in order.
It was a free ride from Dr Mikey today, so I've added the details to the main post.
Harmonic Resonance -- Wave 10 SOLVED
Yhanks, I've updated the main post with the solution details.
Wave 11 has been solved, I've updated the main post with the details.
Harmonic Resonance Project -- Wave12 Solved!
Congrats, I have updated the main post with the details of todays painting.
Harmonic Resonance Project Wave 13 SOLVED!!!
Wave 13 Solution
Phew that took me some time to solve !
A couple of times I even got a dead end as a starting position.
yea, sorry about that! i've literally been building these every day for the upcoming nite, and didnt have time to make sure you got a solveable one every time :(
glad you have stuck along for the ride though!
Harmonic Resonance Project Wave 14 SOLVED!!!
I really love this one. :)
The main post is updated, plus details of the LostBlog interview with drMikey.
Zort70, thanks again for posting link to LostBlog Art's drMikey interview.
Last wave in 2hours! Let's see . . .wonder who will solve first? !!!!! It's been a lot of fun. Thanks dr.
final solution
Updated the main post with the final painting.
I'll do one more update tomorrow to show all the paintings in the grid layout, mostly because the whole grid is a piece of art in itself.
Hello ARGers! I haven't been active with the ARGs here since DamonCarltonandaPolarBear started, but I come here just to see what's going on sometimes. Hi, Zort! You do such a good job with this blog and I'll be soon checking out the blog for 'The Event', which looks like it could be interesting.
Lisa, I'm SO sorry to hear about your diagnosis! My thoughts and prayers are with you.
@ the 'other Black Swan' I'm curious that there is another Black Swan, although I can see where that would be a common identity name.. BUT what makes me even more curious is that your blog is named after my Myspace page (Black Swan Wants You) which I started in August of 2008 along with some of us here at LostArgs for some fun when we were doing the ARG with Hans and his Dharma recruiting (and with Ajira). I hope that people here know that this other Black Swan is NOT ME and that I would never make a blog with a headline of "Because its Better on the Dark Side". Maybe I should go back to being Codysmom, LOL!
Nice work on your unofficial ARG, drMikey. I like your artwork very much.
Well, Emmy's tonight. I've got my fingers crossed!
Rose? Really? Rose over Ben or Desmond?
That makes no sense to me...
hi guys! thanks so much for everything! as i told lotto, i may have just one more trick up my sleeve in regards to this project... in a few days most likey!
taylor: my original plan, if this project was well received, was to do several other series thereafter. the tailies, the others, some big players (ben, widmore, eloise) and then of course, jacob and mib. things didnt take off as much as i had hoped, so this will be the set for now. as such, this is the original set, the original 15 main survivors. rose was included because she was indeed a main character at first, and would have paired nicely with bernard had the tailies section been done.
anyway, keep your eyes out for one final piece to this if you are interested, and thanks again for following along!
Thanks drMikey for some interesting fun while the last official LOST events were happening.
I've update the main post with the final painting and created a NEW POST, so I'll close this one for comments now.
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