Friday, August 13, 2010

Van Loads of Fun With Weinbeeezy 6

Weinbeeezy went down to see the DHARMA van yesterday which was advertising the LOST Auction that is happening in just over a weeks time.

Here are the photo's that were tweeted by @TheRealWeinbeez


Lisa-Maladylis said...

looks like fun

Just Thinking said...

Glad you had a good time WB!

One thought on the large lots in the auction- you might want to check if they are in Hawaii or CA. I asked about Dogen's furniture- and it is in Hawaii. Shipping can't be determined till it's packed up by the shipper.

Lisa-Maladylis said...

that and who gets to decide who gets what lol I can see another blog fight on here if that happens.

concernedcollector said...

the discussion on the LOST auction continues on

Know what you are bidding on... is it screen used? backup? what is it?

screen caps from the DVDs are not matching descriptions, catalog pics, etc

know what you are bidding on and see what the professionals are saying over at

Unknown said...

Wow. Apparently, the good faith deposit is removed.

Zort70 said...

NEW POST for an actual, probably unofficial, ARG