After a few email hiccups (and thanks to andalone, obFuSc8)
Weinbeezy sent us a picture of this sign that was used at the LOST Auction to protect the room where the New Man In Charge preview was being shown.
Click on the image for a larger version so you can download and print your own sign. Stick it somewhere unusual and send us a picture, we can publish the most unusual places it is seen.

There are a couple of phone numbers at the bottom of the sign, and those of you with a good memory will know that the LU number is the LOST University number for Professor Nussdorf that was given out at Comic-Con a couple of years ago.
We never did get to the bottom of whether this telephone number had any hidden meaning or surprises, so if you feel like investigating, let us know the results.
Of course, I will be printing it out to put on my office door lol Thanks Zort !
Enjoy everyone!! Glad it didn't end up on eBay!
Just ordered a 11" x 8.5" magnet version of sign for refrigerator.
Lord knows there are bizarre science experiments going on in there. ;)
I thought of doing that too Andalone. Where did you get yours ? thanks !
Lisa, Vistaprint. Cost was $4.99 (on sale) plus $6.57 for $11.56 total. *Order screen says I saved $9.99*
There is a little extra space on either side of sign, but I can cut it down with an exacto knife. It is one of those magnetic signs intended for car doors.
Lisa, Here is mock-up of order to give you idea of extra space on either side:
how much is it ? I was thinking I would do it where I get my cards. It's 7.50 for a 8 x 11 or so.
oops, I missed that second email. same place I went too Andalone.
This is freaking awesome photo!
Awesome! Thanks to Weinbeeezy for the print and thanks for the link to Vistaprint, Andalone! I just ordered mine, too.
Hey, everyone. I've been checking back here from time to time - thanks for all the auction coverage, Maven. I just ran across this new LOST poster by Joshua Budich and it looks like he has a few left for this interested. I really like it quite a bit. Here's the address:
I hope everyone is well and dealing with effects of LOST withdrawal better than I.
Sandman90! Welcome back. Been a while. Now if only MEL would show up. The best cure for the LOST blues is The Lost Args! Zort70 indicating that the end is nigh, but I don't we'll go quietly. You can also find a handful of us over at LU attempting to getting our Masters. There's a thesis requirement. :(
Joshua Budich's print is lovely. Did you purchase? If you are looking for more LOST art check out , in particular, the sidebar links. There's so much art in so many different media, it's hard to catalog it all. But it's a start.
I'll be jumping over to the Event blog Zort70 has started in a few weeks. Hope you have time to join us there.
LT, It has been awhile. As for Budich's print, I'm not pulling the trigger simply because I don't have a place to put it. I'm still trying to accommodate the DCAAPB prints that I have framed. What is Zort's "The Event" blog address? I'm holding out hope for something because Undercovers looks, well, tired. I'm hoping the Event will have some good ARGs associated with it but haven't looked yet as it is early.
Hey Sandman90
Here's he link to Zort's The Event Blog.
blog here
Thanks, Tess.
You're welcome. Undercovers does look a little unpressive for a J J Abrams show. I'm going to give it a look maybe it will surprise me. Hopefully The Event will give us something to talk about.
Hi all, drMikey has produced a great montage of all the resonant wave paintings in a very reasonably priced poster.
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