Now though we have even more news that is sure to send a tingle down the spine of the followers of the Damon Carlton and a Polar Bear campagin.
Kevin Tong has announced a game / competition / giveaway / sales drive / we aren't really sure what it is, but the potential prizes look great.
If you purchase some of the LOST Live posters that were created for the second wave of Damon Carlton action this year to advertise the LOST Live event, or the Silver variant that is now available, you will be entered into a draw for the prizes.
There are four prizes and the more people that purchase from Kevin's web site - tragicsunshine.com the more prizes are unlocked :-

- For 5 orders or more received two copies of long ago sold out "The Hatch" print (two winners)
- For 10 orders or more two custom drawings on two Alamo Drafthouse prints of winner selected favorite LOST scenes.
- If 25 orders or more are received, the entire set of the original drawings (3) for “The Hatch”. These are the pencil and inked drawings. (pictured)
Everyone who purchases by Noon PST on 11/30/2010 will be eligible for all the prizes that have been "Unlocked"
Kevin has also said that he will donate 100% of the cost of the order value from the winners plus some of his own money to the Kharma Initiatives benefit.
Read about the benefit in the previous posts, or Click Here to donate directly if you do not want to purchase any posters.
Click here to go to the Kevin Tong newsletter that describes everything in more detail.
Nice one KT!
Hi Chris,
It is quite a nice list of prizes, and another completely out of the blue, but very welcome, gesture from one of the DCaaPB artists.
done. and done. Had privilege to see those original "Hatch" drawings when last in LA. They are amazing. Good grief! Very generous Kevin. Thank you.
I can't believe that Kevin Tong got rejected by Comic-Con to have a booth there. WTF!!!
Congrats to all below. Lots of ARGers here!
From www.mibwritenow.com :
Winners for the three raffles as chosen by random.org are:
Signature Collection
1st place: theotherben
2nd place: zepeleptic
3rd place: Brighton R.
4th place: aohora
Artists' Collection
1st place: Chris L.
2nd place: Angie B.
3rd place: Aaron M.
4th place: Paul M.
Live Together Collection
1st place: ObFuSc8t
2nd place: LostGeekGlasgow
3rd place: Deneph
4th place: Patmc
5th place: Chris S.
1st place winners, check your emails to choose your prize!
Once 1st place prizes are chosen, we'll contact the 2nd place winners to make their choices, and so on. In the meantime, don't forget to enter Kevin Tong's contest for his original LOST artwork. Just eleven more orders of any size or type will unlock his SIXTH and final prize and will mean a larger donation for Jeff and Lee's family!
I hope everyone is well.
I got this e-mail from Daniel Danger and it looks like some copies of the Black Rock will be available tomorrow. Any of you still trying to get this one have at it tomorrow at tinymediaempire.com
hey all,
thursday, dec 2nd at 2pm EST, the TME store will be reopen with a good solid year long backlog of prints and posters for sale. this includes all six of the art prints from my Gallery1988LA show, LOST posters, Wolfman posters, Scott Pilgrim posters, The Decemberists, Andrew Bird, Flight of the Conchords, Pinback, WHY?, and probably a few others im forgetting about. knowing many of these will end up as gifts, and variety is important, my intention is to put up a good chunk of everything up at once so people can get what they want. however, knowing that its not plausible financially for fans to afford many things all at once during the holidays, ill be holding back some copies of everything until after the new year. thats when that $20 from grandma will come in handy.
Thanks for the notice. Crazy day as Daniel Danger and Kevin Tong releasing prints TOMORROW, Dec. 2. go to tragicsunshine.com to get instructions. Kevin's "Linch Pin Droid" is part of this drop.
Also, Kevin announced the results of his LOST Live Game. He is donating $700 to The Kharma Initiative's Wayman Flood relief/rebuilding effort. That's is truly amazing. There were 18 (I think I counted correctly) that purchased LOST Live prints. Thanks to all.
Hi LT,
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who keeps dropping by Lost Args occassionally. Good luck on getting the prints!
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