Each tube contains not 1 but 5 silk screen posters plus other assorted goodies. The best thing is that random tubes will contain bonus prints and one tube will contain original Damon Carlton and a Polar Bear, Hurley's Curse / The Numbers artwork.
Click the picture above or click here to go to the Nakatomi Inc blog which explains all and has a link to the sale site.
Let us know what you get, and if you are the lucky one and get the original artwork, we expect pictures :-)
Actually the e-mail I got said 4 hurley's would be inserted random!
On a side note: Before I put these up on ebay does anyone need the following (The Hatch, Hurley, Van, Love T, and Walt)-All artist edition. Moving and would love to sell the set togeather. I know I wont get anywhere near what was paid but a good offer could net 5 prints to a good fan!
I've just seen that all the tubes are sold out now !
Just saw that too along with the post Zort. Good thing for me I was out of "the cloud" yesterday probably- the internet sure does encourage impulse buying!
What'd you all get from Tim? Anything you're really excited about?
Wow it's been a long time since I've posted here.
Out of desperation I've listed my Lost by Stout poster on ebay. After only a few hours I have a few low ball offers.
What does everyone think it's worth?
I know that there was a website we used to track the posters that were selling but I can't find the link anywhere. Most of the offers are from people who are sellers so I'm afraid to sell too low?
Help I need advice
kmfdm11031, try www.expressobeans.com
Hey all. It's been awhile since I've posted too. I've decided to thin some of my poster collection. The first I want to part with is Daniel Danger's Black Rock. Is anybody interested? I'll sell it at my cost.
You can get a hold of me at timothymlong *AT* gmail.com.
Thanks everyone for the help. I used that site and got a fair price. Great thing is it's going to a big Lost fan so I'm happy.
I've been holding onto a spare Locke's secret T shirt. It still has it's tags and has never been worn. I can't find any of these for sale. What do you think it's worth???
What size is the T Shirt?
Sorry I didn't realize you had written back . The shirt is a size XL. I got one in my size and I got an XL that I planned to frame. Well until I realized how much it would cost. LOL.
How much do you think it's worth?
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