Yes there are still questions, but are we giving up on LOST, judging by all the tweeting going on today it seems unlikely.
One of the things you can do today is to join Jo Garfein (Jopinonated) and DocArzt in a special live chat tonight to discuss LOST and what has happened since the last episode aired.

One other thing to announce is that a little while ago the Damon Carlton and a Polar Bear Hub page disappeared from the internet, it seems that the domain ran out and has not been renewed.
So I decided to try and rescue as much of it and the other DCaaPB material as I could. Therefore it gives me great pleasure to formally announce :-
This is not the slickest website in the world, it probably won't be visited by many people, but it is there if you ever want to go back and remind yourself of some of the clues and fun we shared.
If you have any pictures or other information that might be missing from this then send us an email with the details and we can try and include it on the site.

I have a Cafepress store with the design on various items, but as this is LOSTArgs I needed to give you something extra so if you click on this image it will open a 1024 x 768 version which you can use on your desktop background or where ever else you wish to.
Till next time - Namaste
Zort70, thank you for keeping this site up and running! and now I can look upon that creepy background at DCaaPB FOREVER! Oh, THE HUB! There is a certain amount of pain and pleasure there.
I know what you mean, I get a sense of trepidation each time I look at it just in case something has changed !
LOST Anniversary Tshirt arrived and it is just fantastic! :)
Wow, awesome! Lots of cool memories.
Hi all.
Last night at 2am on the UK, "Because you left" aired.
Even a year on, I was gripped. Despite needing to be in bed, and already owning every episode.
I need to go back!
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