Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Apollo Bar and Grill for Cancer Gets LOST 1

As promised another way to help Cancer Gets LOST.

Hopefully you all recognise the Apollo Bar logo that was used during the original LOST ARG, The Lost Experience, and I know some of you still have the original bars stashed away.

Well this is my version of the logo incorporated into this t-shirt design and it will be on sale at TeeBusters.com starting on Friday 17th of August for 48 hours. All of my commission from TeeBusters for the sale will go to support the Cancer Gets Lost charity event.

Please spread the details of Cancer Gets LOST and please also tell others about the t-shirt so as many people as possible know about it on Friday.


Saturday, August 11, 2012

Cancer Gets LOST 4

Hello, it's been a while.

I thought that there wouldn't be any more action on this blog (not until a new series of LOST is created anyway) but I was wrong.

Jo Garfein and her friend Jared have created an "Initiative" called Cancer Gets LOST. It is a charity event and auction that contans all things LOST. The charity that has been chosen by Jo and Jared is the US National Brain Tumor Society

You will not want to miss this event and will definitely start to salivate at all the items available.

If you needed any more persuation to take a look at the items available Damon Lindelof kindly created a short video message about the cause.

The auction will be run on the website BiddingForGood.com

Now for the reason this is very relevant to LOSTARGS, amongst the items for auction there are several LOST poster series items, variously signed by Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, Jorge Garcia and more.

This maybe your last chance to get these posters at anywhere near their original value and some are prints that were never previously available to the public. For example there is a copy of The Swan Station by Rob Jones available which is #8/300, and a copy of Eric Tan's The Crash which is #16/300.

It isn't just the Gallery 1988 art series that is for sale there are originals by Dr Mikey Studios, signed prints by J.J. Harrison and even a Zort70 Alcatraz poster !

The amount of items is stunning for a LOST fan and my problem will be to know where my bank balance can be stretched to without completely breaking.

As a reminder just go to the Cancer Gets LOST website to see all the details and updates of the event

That isn't all that will be happening in the next few weeks, look out for another post from us on Monday to see how else you can help the cause and get something, I hope is fairly cool, in return.